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now go through all of these and flag them: stackoverflow.com/search?q=is%3Aanswer+body%3Arestarting
I'm back ...
@Gordon Can't you just write a browser ext which goes through some search page automagically :P
@PeeHaa I have no clue how to write browser extensions or user scripts.
@Gordon looks i will reach flag limit today :)
@PeeHaa, hello
I asked the question if my code is wrong ? IF you see something wrong than why you cant correct it ? if you cant then why you are -1 my question ? I didnt said that the documentation is crap.. i said info on internet about get method in ajax is not for begginers is crap — Yousaf Ehsan 2 mins ago
Has definition of beginner changed?
@Gordon My god there are so many of them...
A: Visual Studio 2010, can't drag database items

DoomStoneThe way i fixed it was by reinstalling windows.

epic restarting solution
@NullPoiиteя sigh
@NullPoiиteя Reinstall All The Things!
@Gordon What does the "[active]" mean under Flagged posts? Does that replace the previous nothingness? :)
@Jack yes
Q: What is "active" in flag summary?

Yotam OmerI've flagged a post about 2 days ago and on my flag summary it now has an orange "active" mark. Any insights on what this is?

"pending" would be better
active would make it seem that a mod is looking at it right there and then.
I agree, pending would be much better/clearer
@Jack agreed. suggest rewording at MSO. And regarding the initial question: chat.stackoverflow.com/… ;)
whoops hehe
And why the word "active"? Why not a word more representative of the state, like "pending"? — animuson Jul 29 at 2:54
@Gordon I have flagged an answer for "It's a link only answer." which was accepted as helpful but nothing was changed to the answer at all, Is that normal or did the mod just forget changing it?
see weather my flag rate increase or decrease i.sstatic.net/CoT7b.png
stackoverflow.com/questions/18248644/… Too Broad? OT - CodeReview? I'm not sure but it seems like it's not a great fit for SO because there isn't really an absolute answer, although it's not a bad question
@dragon112 the answer was given in 2009. Some mods agree with the flags on these but dont remove because of age. I deleted the post now though.
Ah okay so when they are old they usually don't get deleted. Gotcha.
@DaveRandom Looks like a case for uuid v5 :)
@DaveRandom Why does your cv-maybe have 2x visited?
i.e. a uuid based on another uuid namespace :)
@dragon112 not "usually". sometimes.
Ah okay
@dragon112 Because I edited it, known bug. At some point I'm sure we'll get around to implementing the huge new-feature/bugfix list that there is on the plugin
@DaveRandom Eh hmm, I think I've just confused myself lol .. back to wikipedia heh
@Jack Not really my area tbh, I've never done much with GUID/UUID apart from interface with other systems that use them, I've certainly never tried to generate them
@DaveRandom I only have experience with rfc4122 / v4
@DaveRandom I'd say the Code review SE...
no home for gym
^ guess driven development at its finest
@webarto are you a man though?
No gym for home, work out floor with 30, but is it for 20 like 30 lb when you no lift it to be for men, for 30 lbs instead? or half is 10 for 20 pounds?
@DaveRandom Hmm, it would be more interesting as a unique id reference question :)
@DaveRandom men
@webarto What I really like about that is that someone actually paid for a domain and hosting
Sounds like I would do it :D
Was it you? It was you wasn't it.
jo @Jimbo
What's up guys :)
@DaveRandom I always picture you as a Stewie from Family Guy. That accent and all.
Am I gay?
@webarto Yes, very gay. Go to Russia.
@Tredged mornin' :)
@Jimbo no home for gay
@Jimbo @Tredged morning
Morning all.
@SweetieBelle Morning :)
Q: How to make gif image from youtube video

Chinmay SahuAnybody help me i want to developing gif image from youtube url like http://yt2gif.com/ Please suggest me how to creating that in php code.

^ lolwut
^ this guy is clearly a helpvampire ><
Q: how to connect mysql database in php oops

debasish<?php class connection { function __construct() { $conn= mysql_connect("localhost", "root", "") or dir(mysql_error()); if($conn) { $db= mysql_select_db("ketan",$conn)or dir(mysql_error()); } } public function Insert_Data($query) { ...

^^ awesome title
@DaveRandom there is a missing p in oops lol
That code has a lot of oops in it as well
How do you do what? Read the manual page I just linked? — PeeHaa 6 secs ago
A: How to make gif image from youtube video

hakreIt works totally easy, lucky for you! Here is a simple step-by-step program of that: You first of all download the video from Youtube (or any other video website not to make it too specific). This can be done with a download program. Those exist, there are popular ones. Then you need a video co...

@hakre Nice +1
> IT professional with 3+ years of experience working developing systems. Now, focusing in web development using PHP.
Pffft, I can't believe that after this comment
well what some users ask. I wonder when the question "Best practices to not stop coding while going to toilet" ""Programming Question"" pops poops up.
Unable to create gif image from youtube. please give me a small example with code @Brentis56 — Chinmay Sahu Aug 10 at 9:26
@HamZa As soon as you downvote them, they keep saying they're newbies. sigh.
@Leri huh ?
@HamZa well 3+ years. I mean look at 3+ years kids and so. He looks really professional in that for his age.
How is this a useful edit? Grrr
@Jack How is it not useful?
It's not a really substantial edit.
@Jack Looks like he's just cleaned it up a bit, is all. Capital I's...
@Jack It's an improvement imho and makes it better / nicer to read
And why use MySQL instead of just mysql ?
@Jack Do you use PDO, or pdo?
@Jimbo Yes.
@Jack lol
Hmm can any of you suggestion any good online todo list for web development planning?
@I'll-Be-Back Take your pick of to do list programs
What do you use?
Jira x2
Jira x3
Jira x-1
x2 in my comment means that I use it on 2 jobs
HMm Jira , never heard it.
Wut Jira is pretty famous
Sexy pricing
If you want a simpler version use trello.com (it's free)
1–10 users $10
11–25 users $1,200
haha, nice trick Atlassian
$10 per month
steep.. just for todo list.
it's not just a todo-list
It's not just a todo list, if you want that use trello.com
it's one of most powerwul issue-tracking system at the moment
we actually combine it with stash + bambo
and it all works so well
and with confluence :-)
So it is perfect for new web development project - create a list, how long it will take, post come code for reminder, etc.
Does anybody know of some FOSS documentation platform for internal use?
no trac pls
@I'll-Be-Back do.com has a free plan I think
Most important stat ever: "AVERAGE DAILY FOOSBALL GAMES" (do.com/about)
Hmm trello.com doesnt look sutitable for web development use, that is just simple todo list.
Jira look nice
I have used it in the past, I'ts fine for smaller projects
If you go over 3 people I would advise against using trello
If you want a todo list, get something simple.
If you want a project management platform, you'll want something bigger.
^ That
@PeeHaa What does "cancel stars" do ? Remove all the stars or just the selected one ?
@SweetieBelle and then too, you can use Open Source software. You'll get less, but pay less.
@I'll-Be-Back trello has swimming lanes so you can configure workflows like kanban boards with it. that makes it perfectly suitable for webdevelopment
@HamZa Removes all the stars on the specific message
@Jasper Wont even necessarily get less
@PeeHaa thx, ya know censoring things lol
@Gordon Thats cool
Like I said, for smaller projects trello is fine.
@PeeHaa what's a documentation platform?
@SweetieBelle For things like project management software I believe you get less. Either way, your expectations ought to be lower :P
@dragon112 it's perfectly suitable for bigger projects as well
I've heard good things about Achievo
@Gordon @PeeHaa was about to ask the same. Something like Doxygen, or something else entirely?
@Jasper he might mean a wiki?
Something like a wiki yeah
@Gordon I had difficulties with larger projects, which I didn't have with smaller projects. Perhaps that's because I have used jira a lot in the past and I got used to the awesome issue tracking.
Basically some platform where people can add / manage internal documentation. Also people with no technical background should be able to use it
Use a wiki then imo.
... I would close that as not an answer it it was on main
@PeeHaa so a wiki
@PeeHaa If it was on main it'd be closed for being an opinion-driven question :P
@PeeHaa have you tried a wiki?
anything else is probably in the domain of knowledge management systems
Also no trac please. I have nightmares from that shit
@I'll-Be-Back You could use trac or redmine, actually.
@PeeHaa At my student society we had homebrew "overdrachten" system (don't know the proper English, it's the document you leave for your successors, so they know what to do), but then we switched to a mediawiki installation, and we haven't heard a single negative word about it since. It's used by atechnical users, generally consists of tens of pages per person and it really surprised me how well it fits in.
@Gordon Actually that sounds more liek waht I need
If you just want some sort of issue tracker with a wiki consider GH enterprise. or a private repo on GH. Not free then though. Or bitbucket.
I heard about trac., doesnt look nice but i will play around with it.
I think github already have issue tracker
@I'll-Be-Back Xerox have something similar, it's called Codendi and it is a bit prettier.
Been fighting with a xss/iframe/javascript issue for a while. How easy does it seem to you guys?

I need to produce a JSON object of every iFrame/Object on any given page. The JSON should contain "height, width, left, bottom, right, top, src, html". src refers to the top level source. HTML is from the outterHTML all the way to inner HTML. So essentially a stringified version of the dom element. Here is an example format.
@Fabien Make a pastebin.com from that please.
@Jasper hmmm I might give mediawiki a spin
well .. GitLab has a built-in wiki functionality
@tereško RoR :(
yeah , that's the painful part .. it requires 2GB ram to run it on a server (1 GB for RoR app + 1GB for Resque)
It does look nice though
@Gordon Any idea why this answer was deleted by a mod? It seems the right answer.
Incidentally, the author of that post also mailed into php-dev ML :)
@Jack because the answer is a verbatim copy of two other answers on SO
@DaveRandom You should turn that into a meta answer somewhere, I think it would really be liked to people and it'll make the SE staff aware of the good alternative they have
Aha, I guess that was a bit naughty.
Cheeky answers everywhere
And why the word "active"? Why not a word more representative of the state, like "pending"? — animuson Jul 29 at 2:54
@Jack it's an easy mistake to make. You figure out your answer can solve other answers, so you just copy and paste. it happens when you are new and dont know how dupes work and hurt. I usually delete and leave a comment like: dont dupe existing answers and give a link to the existing answers. In that case, it would have been stackoverflow.com/questions/4507518/…
@Jack answer > comment
@Jasper Yeah, but it's animuson .. surely he can fix that in a jiffy heh
@Jack fair enough...
@Gordon True. Unfortunately, the answer on the older question was deleted; the questions seem like dupes though.
Is it possible to merge the answers you reckon?
havent checked. probably.
@PeeHaa Well, my experiences with it are positive (can't say much more, about a comparison with alternatives for example). It's interesting since it was one of the things I worked on (investigating viability, installing mediawiki + all required functionality plugins) when I was just starting out doing the system administration a couple of years back, while now I practically run the system administration with two others.
@Gordon I've cv'ed this one as a dupe of the older one.
@Jasper Any way to integrate git?
With Trello, how do you assign which task/list you are working on?
actually, why the hell people keep on using array_unique() !?
@tereško what's wrong with it?
@Jack merged that one and the other one he provided the answer to
Much obliged :)
@tereško Are you saying it shouldn't sort the array?
@PeeHaa It wasn't in our requirements, so I wouldn't really know. On the one hand, it doesn't seem all that likely, but on the other hand they have a shit ton of extensions (there's a 500 most recently created extensions page)
@Jasper tnx lemme check
@tereško I tried the other day but couldn't "understand" what's wrong, my C-fu is null
I suppose making sure the array is created without dupes in the first place would be better.
@HamZa it sorts the array before looking for the uniques
@tereško got the point
Q: bugs in Java Eclipse

user2685512WTF! A fatal error has been detected by the Java Runtime Environment: Internal Error (javaClasses.cpp:129), pid=3496, tid=6900 fatal error: Invalid layout of preloaded class JRE version: 7.0_09-b05 Java VM: Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (23.5-b02 mixed mode windows-amd64 compressed oops)...

it's optimized for small arrays with large amount of repeating elements
@tereško You mean it's kind of "useless" to sort before filtering the duplicates?
It's O(n^2) vs O(n log n) + memory overhead
@tereško in common case it's useless since not all items can by compared by '==', or, for example, sometimes a user-defined comparison function is needed
this has nothing to do with comparing elements
and i'm not referring to sorting :p
hello i am using imap to read gmail email ... imap_open('{imap.gmail.com:993/imap/ssl}INBOX',$username,$password) ..

but getting error -- Warning: imap_open() [function.imap-open]: Couldn't open stream {imap.gmail.com:993/imap/ssl}INBOX in /home/happy/public_html/source/imap/fet_mail_from_email_add.php on line 7
can't connect: Can't connect to gmail-imap.l.google.com,993: Connection timed out

can anyone tell y m getting this error
@Akash the error message is self explaining
> can't connect: Can't connect to gmail-imap.l.google.com,993: Connection timed out
due to slow net connection or what
if only people try to understand error messages, not just read them..
@Akash how the fuck can we know that ?!
@Akash it doesn't say. it just says that.
@tereško language plz ...
I know it's frustrating ...
english .. mostly
i thought you could recognize it
@tereško he means .. hm.. some ugly words
Who has been flagging those "restarting helped" answers? If anything the questions should be deleted
@tereško Ah english is my fifth language, I have some difficulties with it sir
i used imap first time so getting problem ..
@Akash GTD is for you
Guys, do mod-rewrite Q's belong on SO, or SF?
i mean. Google. Try. Debug.
@AlmaDoMundo he knows what I meant lol
can u plz tell had to change anything in php.ini
@Jimbo depends if it needs moar regex lol
@Jimbo hard to say.
@Akash rtfm :/
may be regex question or config question
@Jimbo depending on what problem you are solving: SO or SU
@SweetieBelle what rtfm ?
.. and now there is another tiny avatar
@Akash With gmail you need novalidate-cert flag.
Try {imap.gmail.com:993/ssl/novalidate-cert} instead of what you're using.
@Akash Read The Farting Manual
@HamZa WHAT ?!? You mean i cannot just copy code from internets and expect it to work ?!?
@SweetieBelle getting same error
This is because Google sucks chode. For better results, roll your own mail server.
@Gordon Well yeah, but I see a queue full of "restarting" answers. if restarting the thing is the answer the question should be gone
@tereško depends. If I have written it you usually can ;)
@tereško No sir, I may use Ruby lol
@Gordon You're completely in the right with your answer on meta
yeah , ruby is way better for gmail
@SweetieBelle own mail server ? You may screw it up easily ...
@PeeHaa cv the question then :)
@HamZa If you can screw up postfix/dovecot or Exchange installation you've achieved the impossible.
@Jimbo thanks
@HamZa Takes max 30 mins to set up postfix & dovecot on a VPS.
@Akash The issue is probably connectivity then. Check your firewall settings.
@SweetieBelle I was more talking about getting blacklisted ...
@HamZa You'll only get blacklisted if you try to get blacklisted.
@SweetieBelle Well some people think you can send unlimited messages without any problems
@SweetieBelle firewall is off ... i checked on local machine get same error .
@PeeHaa not all of these require closing btw
@Akash Open telnet, try to telnet to imap.gmail.com port 993
@SweetieBelle can you plz tell had to change anything in php.ini
@Gordon if the accepted answer is only "restart it" they should be gone. Unless you have found a real gem which just states that?
@Akash Your host is probably blocking the port, if you can't telnet to it.
@SweetieBelle while I really really really appreciate you trying to help him instead of n00bslapping, I strongly doubt he understands what you are talking about
@SweetieBelle You're wasting your precious time
Most likely, yes.
@PeeHaa obviously. But not all of them are Accepted Answers
Do any of you use github for private projects (for company you work for)
A: Should "Restarting worked for me" be a comment?

PeeHaaI want to note that I agree with @gordon, however please people if you see a question where the accepted answer is: "restart the thing" also close and delete the question instead of just flagging the non answers.

@PeeHaa should probably be a comment ;) dv wasnt me though
ah you are probably right :P can you convert it pretty please :)
@Akash Things to check (and this is all I will say on the matter because I don't know your server config enough to do this for you without wasting time):

- Can you telnet from the machine which is running the script to `imap.google.com` on port `993`? If not, the port/IP is blocked.
- Can you connect to another IMAP server using a different port?
- Can you connect to `gmail` pop3 service?

This will help you in diagnosing & fixing your own issue. Work out whether the issue is your code or your connectivity. If it's the former, fix it; if it's the latter, buy a better server.
@PeeHaa done and comment uv'ed
@Gordon gracias :)
@PeeHaa de nada
@Akash If you can't diagnose the issue, consider hiring an expert to do it for you. This is PROBABLY a server configuration/administration issue rather than a programming issue so falls outside the remit of StackOverflow in any case.
@PeeHaa Garbage in, garbage out :)
Might as well ^^ :)

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