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Planet PHP
An awesome animated responsive grid in a few lines of javascript and css3 goodness
Hasin Hayder
I hate PHP
@Simon_eQ LOL
Oh noes! The composer police have my Wanted poster! I guess I have to be more compliant ... but that doesn't mean I have to like it.
@rdlowrey What do you dislike about Composer?
@cspray I'm not lowrey but one thing that's dumb is there's no way to add comments to the composer.json files, which would be really useful for commenting on why 'suggests' are there.
@Danack Yea, I remember seeing that issue come up. Eh, I blame that more on JSON than Composer
hi, i have 2d array as Array(
[0] => Array
[0] => 01/7/2013
[1] => 12.00 a.m
[2] => -9999
[3] => 1.23
[4] => 6.1

[1] => Array
[0] => 01/7/2013
[1] => 12.01 a.m
[2] => 9.02
[3] => -9999
[4] => -9999
my code is foreach ($arrayLastResult as $line) {

fputcsv($stdout, $line, ',', '"');
and it give output as
01/7/2013,12.00 a.m,-9999,1.23,6.1
01/7/2013,12.01 a.m,9.02,-9999,-9999
nah - it can be worked around by just having the convention:
* user entries start with letters
* reserved entries (for _comoser) start with single underscore.
* comments start with double underscore.
All valid json.
@Danack Yea, I get what you're saying. But, I still believe that JSON needs true actual comment support that doesn't have your comments become a part of the actual structure of the JSON
how can i merge the first and 2nd column so after i export to csv it become like
01/7/2013 12.00 a.m,-9999,1.23,6.1
01/7/2013 12.01 a.m,9.02,-9999,-9999
date and time in 1 column
@cspray the exact same question i would have asked before i read your comment..
@reikyoushin Well, there are some things about Composer I'm not really a big fan of either
Can I do (int)($i / 36) or do I have to use (int)floor($i / 36)? Not sure I understand the point in the manual where it says: Never cast an unknown fraction to integer, as this can sometimes lead to unexpected results.
I'm just wondering what his reasonings are see if they're any different than mine :P
@cspray do you are suggesting to use xml instead? (it has comments)
Knowing that $i will always be an integer
@cspray what?
@cheesemacfly maybe the unexpected results mean either floor or ceil?
anyone can help on my question above?
@reikyoushin No, I don't think there's any right answer other than JSON adding support for real comments
@cspray would that mean we will have a JSON2 in the future? hehe
@zira is that in php? (merging date and time?)
@reikyoushin not sure I follow you
@reikyoushin i'm not merging date and time
i need to merge 2column into 1 column
@cheesemacfly i haven't tested it yet, just guessing what the unexpected result might come from
@reikyoushin Perhaps :P But Crockford has already state he really doesn't care about having JSON comments so I kinda doubt it makes it into the spec
@reikyoushin Mostly that I don't like how they force a certain directory structure and style onto you. I want to determine where my dependencies get placed and that's a little harder to than I would like.
because the value not always date and time for 1st and 2nd column
Does anyone here have an artistic hobby?
@zira sorry i don't get it.. maybe im too sleepy now
@reikyoushin Because the example from the doc is as follow: echo (int) ( (0.1+0.7) * 10 ); // echoes 7!
@cspray well, you need to force a standard somehow if you want 'interoperability'
@Danack hmm, photography is awesome but not sure it applies to what I'm about to ask
@reikyoushin I understand that and I get why they do it. Doesn't mean I have to like having my project structure predetermined for me.
I write (novels and such) and often I'm faced with the predicament of sitting at my desk and working on code, or writing
@cheesemacfly hmm.. well that's really weird.
I'm having trouble context switching...I tend to get in zones for weeks at a time, working on only one of them
i can't really switch between "left" and "right" brain activities
@cspray so you want a way to set your directory structure yourself, like a config of some sort?
i'm so sleepy, just waiting for my backups to finish. zZzZz..
@reikyoushin i just need to combine 1st and 2nd column value of array to one column.let say i have 5 column, then after combine 1st and 2nd column,then the result will hv 4 column with 1st column is value of 1st and 2nd column.
the easiest would be to merge them in a loop. not sure if there is an easier/more efficient way
$mydata = array(
array('data11', 'data12', 'data13'),
array('data21', 'data22', 'data23'),
array('data31', 'data32', 'data23'));

//expected output
i think this is more easiest way people can understand my needs
my code now
foreach ($mydata as $line) {

fputcsv($stdout, $line, ',', '"');
and it give output as data11,data12,data13
@cspray I don't have a problem with composer. It works well for its purpose. I just prefer manual control over my dependencies. It's the same reason why I don't ever use package managers to install PHP, for example. I build it myself. Anything that's important I want to know and understand how it works.
So I'm happy to support it when people want it, but not at the expense of changing my preferred workflow.
And for my use cases I don't need it. git clone --recursive covers all my needs without adding an extra dependency.
@rdlowrey Fair enough
Besides, I'm not writing code that people without git access will be using.
@rdlowrey I found your answer about stubbing streams for testing. stackoverflow.com/a/11704377/746010 Is there anyway to get the object created when you register the stream wrapper?
I need to be able to start with a "blank" stream for each test. Or should I just keep the properties storing the content static and manually reset them in each test?
@cspray Ugh ... I don't think so. I really dislike the stream wrapper API. It's caused me lots of headaches.
@rdlowrey I was afraid that was the answer
Best advice is just to try to do what you want and see if it works.
A lot of things I tried along those lines (with static values) just didn't work.
The stream wrappers are finicky :/
I also don't like how registering the stream wrapper does not trigger autoloading
Yeah the stream wrapper classes don't go through the normal channels which is why you get some of the unexpected behaviors.
I still confused even i already read all roun web , it is about session vs cookies , actually i always use session, but right now some website needs cookies, whats is all about? is it cookies is only about save some information about how we access website not the personal information , or maybe cookies could do something like session i used to that save information about user?
@Orangepill appreciate if you can help on my issue
Hello Guys Good Morning :)
morning btw :)
foreach ($mydata as $row){
    echo $row[0].$row[1].";".$row[2]."\n";
@zira ^^
@SabilValdano Thanks for reply. BTW i am android developer and need your help regarding database Constraints
Hmm, writing a simple string parser to replace a regular expression didn't have the performance I would have liked :(
@jack looks pretty involved...
@Jack I love it!
@Orangepill Yeah, pretty much :)
My experience is that parsing one byte at a time like that in PHP is just not remotely fast enough.
@rdlowrey Glad you liked it; it brings back good memories from my Compiler course days :)
I've been able to go much faster than a regex if the format being parsed lends itself to combinations of strtok/stristr/strpos etc. It just depends.
Yeah, PCRE is a beast hehe; if the expression is right, it performs very well.
@SabilValdano can you retype because i haven't seen your message
@chintankhetiya Hi ! database constraints in?
SQLite android
@chintankhetiya actualy i have to develop android , and use those sqlite, is there something wrong ?
@SabilValdano yeah that is use for storing and manage local data
@rdlowrey Btw, how come you're still awake? :)
@chintankhetiya owite, is there any issue with database constraints ?
@Jack ah, it's only 23:50 for me ... I'm not that old :)
@rdlowrey Lol, I didn't realize you're on the east coast :)
@Jack Some of my earliest attempts at a userland HTTP parser took the exact same format as your parser answer above. It was awesome. Except it was horrifically slow.
@SabilValdano yes,
@chintankhetiya may i know your problem? is there any SO question?
And that was only going one byte at a time on headers because entity bodies are generally associated with lengths.
@rdlowrey I wonder how much of that overhead can be reduced by going lower level.
I remember my C parsers weren't that slow.
like simple thing that if i have two table Category(parent) & Product(child). and product table contains FK of category table (category). now problem is here , if i want to delete category which is used by some product i.e > Food(category) used by Pizza(product) and if i want to delete this Food then it will allow to delete. @SabilValdano
Oh I think the C is lightning fast for the same thing.
I've been working on C each day lately for the express purpose of being able to compile the HTTP parsing tasks I'm currently doing in userland PHP.
actually it should not because that category is used by other product. and if user want to delete any how then they have to delete first product and next they can delete category.
@Jack I posted a cheat on that one :)
Holy Security Vulnerability Batman! $command = "something"; rm -Rf * :-P — ircmaxell yesterday
@chintankhetiya so if i'm not wrong read your q , so i f you delete the category, so all the value in that category is deleted also?
@rdlowrey Which is of course what PCRE does as well, once the expression is compiled :)
Makes sense.
@SabilValdano no i want to delete some specific category , and that is deleted but they it should not
And of course you have yacc to help you generate the C code =D
@SabilValdano see snap
if i will write query to delete category where category_id=1 which is Food, then it will delete
but in real case the should show a message like you can delete that category because it is used by some other tables
@Orangepill Didn't you ask the other day what I ended up doing regarding the date() speed issues?
@chintankhetiya sorry i just read your second mention, so you want to remove the content first than the category, if the category still has content , it never delete the category ?
Or was it someone else?
@rdlowrey yeah... it was me...
@SabilValdano exactly
@Jack .... I nixed my answer ... didn't see the similar one...
I ask because I've altered my approach. Because I have to calculate multiple different timeouts for things like HTTP keep-alive connections and websocket heartbeat pings at one-second granularity I'm now just updating a cached date string and unix timestamp once per second.
@Orangepill :)
The date() slowness only becomes an issue when you're invoking it 10,000 times per second. And that's what I was (somewhat inexplicably) doing originally.
I can imagine that heh
@rdlowrey seems like the sane way to do things.
@rdlowrey how are you invalidating the cache??? checking time()?
It's an event driven system so I'm able to schedule an event to update the timestamp and date string every second. When something happens (say client socket activity) to invalidate the current timeout value for a given client then the client's unique timeout entry in an array is unset and a new entry is pushed onto the end of the array with that client's ID as the key and the new timeout timestamp as the value.
PHP's ordered hash maps are extraordinarily helpful for this.
delete category where category_id=1 and not exists (select 1 from table2 t2
where t1 category_id = t2.category_id) ???
And each time the tick happens to update the cached time a foreach is used to iterate over the timeout array and take the appropriate action if any entries exist at the front of the array that should be timed out. Because the keys in the ordered array are matched to connected clients it's easy to take action for the client socket that should be disconnected.
@SabilValdano is it for single table ?
In a worst case scenario (which I've been totally unable to induce in massive load testing) you might get slight drift and allow a client to stay connected for one extra second longer than they should, but that's an acceptable failure as far as I'm concerned in exchange for the speed afforded by this approach.
@chintankhetiya but actually if parent key still has child key the statement should be error
@SabilValdano yes
you got this error ? SQL error: foreign key constraint failed right ? @chintankhetiya
i am finding easy way to check in more then one table , because category_id can be used by other table also
@SabilValdano no i am simply doing like delete category_id from category table where category_id=1
and it will delete
with out FK error
this is main problem
@Orangepill can i have code that not need to hard code write the rest of column?i mean, let say the number of the column is not same.i need to use this function for other set of array.i only need combine the first 2 column.
echo array_shift($row),implode(";", $row),"\n";
@Zira replace the echo with that.
@chintankhetiya huummm, are you create that two table by declare where's parent key and wher's the foreign key ?
yes , its same as above image which i have post here
23 mins ago, by chintan khetiya
user image
23 mins ago, by chintan khetiya
user image
every thing is okay except delete category from category table :(
@chintankhetiya ever declare on table product crreation : FOREIGN KEY(category_id) REFERENCES category(category_id)
@SabilValdano yes
@chintankhetiya hummm i tried like this : CREATE TABLE category(
category_name TEXT

CREATE Product(
product_id INTEGER,
product_name TEXT,
category_id INTEGER,
FOREIGN KEY(category_id) REFERENCES category(category_id)

sqlite> -- you try to remove the category but it should fails
sqlite> -- because the product table contains a row that refer to it.
sqlite> DELETE FROM category WHERE category= 1;
SQL error: foreign key constraint failed

sqlite> -- Delete all the records from the product table that refer to the category 1
@chintankhetiya is that what you want ? category never deleted as long there's product with the category ?
@SabilValdano yes same thing
but my query structure is same as you
@chintankhetiya but you could delete by use query : DELETE FROM category WHERE category= 1; ?
@SabilValdano yes delete from category where category_id=1
i have just fire above query and they have delete my category :(
i am checking this in SQLite browser manager in firefox
@chintankhetiya huuummm, how about use FOREIGN KEY(category_id) REFERENCES category(category_id) ON DELETE CASCADE
@SabilValdano this is my query for product table
& CREATE TABLE category(category_id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY,category_name TEXT NOT NULL UNIQUE)
and last one is for category table
@chintankhetiya nah! For an "ON DELETE CASCADE" action, this means that each row in the child table that was associated with the deleted parent row is also deleted.
@SabilValdano no i am not doing like that thing
i don't know
yeah what i have to do for that
good day having a problem with image verification won't say invalid even if the upload is invalid here's the link stackoverflow.com/questions/18246391/…
@Orangepill i wrote like this fputcsv($stdout,array_shift($line),implode(",", $line), '"'); but get error can't download the csv file
foreach ($arrayLastResult as $line) {

fputcsv($stdout,array_shift($line),implode(",", $line), '"');
@chintankhetiya sqlfiddle.com/#!7/846ef/11 i try here , but i thought sqlfiddle in trouble
@SabilValdano can you please try in SQLite Manager Here
it is easy to testing
How to work with DB in control version system?
1 hour later…
hi Joe, love pthreads :) nice work on it
@DaveChen thanks :)
hmm, would anyone know how to write a schema that allows custom namespaced attributes on any html element?
E.g. allow <a .... foo:bar="xyz"> ...
@Jack why not use data-*?
@DaveChen hmm, it doesn't get used in the actual page; it's the formal definition of the template engine i'm trying my editor to recognize :)
hi guys,any idea to combine value of first and second element of 2d array.i mean combine value of first and second column. let say $mydata = array(
array('data11', 'data12', 'data13'),
array('data21', 'data22', 'data23'),
array('data31', 'data32', 'data23'));

//expected output
data31data32,data23                                                                                   instead of                                                                                       data11,data12,data13
Two shifts and an unshift
hmmm, $new = $mydata[0][1] + $mydata[0][2] ;P maybe
@DaveChen Why the +? This ain't JavaScript :)
> append array elements from the second array to the first array while not overwriting the elements from the first array and not re-indexing, use the + array union operator
@DaveChen But are they arrays?
I don't get the expected output
it looks like implode of $mydata[0]
array_unshift($mydata[0], array_shift($mydata[0]) . array_shift($mydata[0])); hah, how's that for ugly and dangerous?
@DaveChen Found my answer here, sadly, not possible :(
so you're going to trust msdn magazine? wow times have changed
@Jack What a wonderful chain. :D
Yup, it's a thing of beauty.
@zira, that should do the stuff:
$rgData = [
  ['data11', 'data12', 'data13'],
  ['data21', 'data22', 'data23'],
  ['data31', 'data32', 'data23']
$rgResult = array_map(function($rgItem)
   return [$rgItem[0].$rgItem[1], $rgItem[2]];
}, $rgData);
actually you need it..obviously i agree with you..stackoverflow is all about to help users when they are facing problems with coding..they submit code stackoverflow gives them a solution...but it seems that you were never in a problem...the moment you ask this question,you answered it too...so kinda fishy..if you really want to spread your knowledge..why dont you open your own blog and write it there...actually you want to earn more reputation..its a good habbit..but earn it in right manner... — Ritabrata Gautam 2 mins ago
^ why not implode?
or with array_walk() for the memory sensitive.
@DaveChen and @Jack, actually the expected output is need in csv file.but i still not found the solution.so i think to combine first in second column in array before convert to csv.my code now: foreach ($mydata as $line) {

fputcsv($stdout,$line, ',', '"');
@Mr.Alien flagged; too chatty
I liked this part especially "actually you want to earn more reputation..its a good habbit..but earn it in right manner."
@DaveChen he posted this as an answer "you questioned 8 mins ago..answered 8 mins ago...is this a magic show...anyway why dont you choose your own answer as correct..but feeling sorry you can't vote your own answer up" but he deleted
@Orangepill have give solution as echo array_shift($line),implode(",", $line),"\n"; its work for display in web page not to export in csv
i tried to change the code to fputcsv($stdout,array_shift($line),$line, ',', '"');
but there hv an error, csv file cannot be downloaded
@Mr.Alien There are moments when you get stuck and when you ask a question then reread it you realize how to solve problem. This might be a case here as well.
@RitabrataGautam This FAQ style is totally valid according to the rulesJack 41 secs ago
It throws many people off actually.
@Leri didn't got you, but anyways that guy thinks its fishy cuz the q/a were posted at the same time, he is not aware to answer your own question thingy
@AlmaDoMundo but i have n number of column not just 3.i need to apply thiss function to others set of arrays
So... how to work with database in VCS?
For anyone here using PHPTAL, please help vote to include support in phpStorm :)
Do you have any cases?
@Mr.Alien Never mind, it's clearly self-answered question that is perfectly fine to me (and for community as well, I guess).
@Leri yap, but that dude is not aware of such a functionality
@zira, are you meaning something like this:
$rgResult = array_map(function($rgItem)
   return array_merge(
}, $rgData);
@Mr.Alien Perhaps they didn't realize you don't get rep for accepting own answer? lol
@Jack hehe, yes, that's why he was like "actually you want to earn more reputation..its a good habbit..but earn it in right manner." lol, people seriously go mad for rep.. repz repz ftw
please don't downvote a newbie..rather tell him about the mistake he did — Amith 1 min ago
This newbie protection makes me crazy.
@Leri but that's a good comment, I do that often
@Mr.Alien The reason of downvote always is bad content, it has nothing to do with skills.
If you get down-vote, it means, you asked bad question, that's all. Even if it is Jon Skeet, if bad question is asked or bad answer is given he'll be downvoted.
anyways back to work, cya guys later, @Leri perhaps we can tell him to make his question better, its like the down voters never take back down vote, just like closed quest are not easily reopened
@Leri btw i really agree with this at some level .. depends on post
@Leri yes he will be downvoted, but he is not a newbie, the thing is they should be taught, I have gone through these stuff, site rules are pretty suffocating to the new users..
@Mr.Alien Speaking of which, I think yesterday was either my lucky day or someone was very happy with my answers and upvoted a couple of them lol ... I hit rep cap with doing hardly anything =D
@AlmaDoMundo yes it is!can i have space between value data11 and data12?data11 data12 instead data11data12
@Jack I get almost 30-40 rep everyday on my old answers, hit the rep cap yest, last 3 days total sums up around 650/700
@zira, yes, you can. I allow :p
@Mr.Alien nice
@NullPoiиteя for what?
@NullPoiиteя morning
If only that rep would translate into money lol
then you will be money-whore ... :P
@Jack still few downvote for no good reason, I really hate that... and oh yea, 1rep = 1$, I will be facking rich ;)
@NullPoiиteя users will go rouge..
More like 1rep = 1peso haha
@Jack then someone will turn you into a bankrupt by downvoting :p
@RitabrataGautam removing those comment would be cool before they get flagged
@Jack better yet, 1 rep = 10,000VND google.ca/search?q=10000%20vnd
how about to convert rep. into bitcoins :p
@DaveChen why not 1rep == 1 trillion dollar :D
Bitcoins, that would be interesting.
I don't like bicoins
@Mr.Alien but at least they are both 'virtual' :p
Guud murnung!
@dragon112 morning
@AlmaDoMundo I think SO should open a shop where people can buy stuff using their reps haha, that will be fun..
kinda SOS, stack over shopping
^ like SO t-shirts/mugs, I'd buy that w/ rep!
@Mr.Alien yes, that's the main idea :p
@Mr.Alien soon they will be bankrupt with that idea :)
@DaveChen and even real hats
or maybe at least a discount for ppl > 10k
@NullPoiиteя we run the website, they earn from that, so actually they are just making their users happy, should be a gud business idea to boost up people, just lyk zapak redeems chips for gift items
@DaveChen yea, that's a good idea..
@AlmaDoMundo how?i tried to change to [$rgItem[0]." ".$rgItem[1]].but does not work.try change dot sign with space also not work.
So everyone is at work and I'm still slacking off at home :P
My body is at work but my mind is still at home :)
@Jack hahaha great
Today is my last day of internship, I don't want to go lol
But I have to, to finish some things ...
no am home, having holiday, independence day for india
@HamZa Btw, did you see the extension on my argument parser answer? :)
@HamZa having holiday :)
@Mr.Alien For questions close reasons should be enough to understand what s/he's done wrong unless s/he is complete idiot.
@Jack Yeah, but now you've updated it, so checking it again :P
@Jack me too,plus just get back from long holiday =)
@NullPoiиteя nice, enjoy !
@HamZa Yeah, I felt that regex could be done better and since I had already created a phpunit test suite for it, refactoring was easy :)
@DaveRandom morning
@Leri actually some people are too harsh, complete newbie doesn't know that SO don't work like other forums, post the q, get the a, and you are done.. that's the reason I hardly downvote, it kinda breaks their confidence
@DaveRandom, morning
good moaning @DaveRandom
@Mr.Alien Maybe I have different experiences but SO is quite intuitive.
@Jack I don't know, but it seems your regex fails at just one point regex101.com/r/kA7bI3
@Jack - so he should moan? .O
@AlmaDoMundo it's still morning here lol
There have anyone muslim here? Happy Eid Fitri! =)
@HamZa yep :p
@zira You're late lol Where were you that day :p
@AlmaDoMundo You have heard of 'Allo 'Allo I'm sure?
@HamZa What? Impossible! Let's see.
I am getting wierd errors from github on push, anyone else ?
@Leri to be honest, this site sucks for few things imo, am just here so that I can have a good profile and I can learn few stuff..
morning dave
@Mr.Alien well the rules are the rules and those rules may seem "strict" for newbies, but they are in fact shaping order at SO.
@HamZa today just 8 syawal.i'm at home town celebrated it. =)
@zira So that is your "holiday"
@HamZa that also leads to egoistic/attitude behavior for some, I know few names, just don't wanna point ;)
@HamZa yes. a week without work and CODE. =)
@Mr.Alien points at @Mr.Alien xD
@HamZa I've tested my code with this set of tests and it passed, so I'm not sure what breaks.
@dragon112 :)
well "shikatanai". Which means "can't be helped" in japanese.
if MOST peoples don't bother checking the rules, then don't expect sympathy from me everytime.
@dragon112 lol
@dragon112 lol
@zira impossibru !!!
@HamZa しかたない
@HamZa to be true, I never read the license agreements and faqs everytime I visit a website...
@zira Even the day of Eid I had to code and especially open StackOverflooooow !
@Mr.Alien Common sense is enough in 99% of the cases
@dragon112 am never egoistic nor am having any attitude :)
@Mr.Alien heh, I don't even know why the hell I am here. Maybe for few questions I have about application architecture.
@Mr.Alien That sounds like attitude! :p
@Mr.Alien me neither. But when someone points me that "this" is against the rule I don't go against them
@HamZa yea so he should be pointed right? thats what am sayin, we should point them out instead of downvotes, we can obv close the questions..
Pointer him! 0x143a569d
@Mr.Alien well some people just can't be helped. wait let me find something !
One user made me crazy yesterday
Just one?
@Mr.Alien When you hover mouse on DV arrow, it prompts dv reason in title. When question is put on hold reason is written with respective references what else do you expect? Some kind of dance or what?
@HamZa some users really appreciate if I help them understanding some rules, they don't repeat those things again
@Jack several
Q: Value <!DOCTYPE of type java.lang.String cannot be converted to JSONArray

Orlando Yanson Jr.Can you help me this when I run my codes "Error Parsing Data org.json.JSONException: Value can you help me with this? Im having a hard time with this codes ......................... this is my PHP code <?php mysql_connect("localhost","root",""); mysql_select_db("mydatabase"); $query = "SELEC...

^ ok guys/girls read the comments.
@Leri so many users never comment for the downvote? what's the reason here to downvote? or say here?
I'm surprised the system didn't tell you to start a chat room ;-)
@Jack I was talking about the regex code, not the parser :P
@Jack I'm lucky, otherwise I would have hacked SO and destroyed that user
@HamZa I've tested both implementations against the same test cases.
@Leri Actually I never judge others, the way I study is pretty hard unlike others who comes from science bg, also people comes from different backgrounds, it's just that people are not equally talented, some have to push their brains real heard to learn things, so I don't judge everyone equally, if 10^ rep guy shares a pic and say hey I want to make something like this, I will surely downvote his q and will close vote it..
Anyways +1 for the parser
I'm actually without PHP now :(
@Mr.Alien In the first answer you are missing title attribute which is very important for SEO, afaik. In the last I have no idea.
@dragon112 Common Sense Is Not So Common :D
But this is not a case it's still rare cases.
Also some people simply hate html/css questions. :p
@Mr.Alien hmmm you have less downvotes than me ...
@Mr.Alien but you don't upvote often either....
@Mr.Alien I know.
@Mr.Alien The latter answer might be revenge downvote from what it looks like.
Anyone with a differing opinion on meta.stackoverflow.com/a/193335/168606?
@Leri yes, bt he told the links hold content, hardly I use titles on links, because if title are converted to say customized tooltips, they might ignore using titles everywhere, and thats why I make customized tooltips using a custom attr, like data-title
^ This user is funny sometimes lol
@Jack jealousy... @HamZa I got active since last 125 days.. @Leri I don't like some lang doesn't mean I downvote the answers :)
@HamZa because you are expert!lol
@Gordon Whenever I see Gordon with a blue avatar my mouse automatically clicks on upvote
@zira lol 7K reputation doesn't mean I'm an expert :-)
@Mr.Alien Sure. But people do. Anyway this is rarely a case for new users
@HamZa almost all time ?
@HamZa that's not how it's supposed to work
hmmm ? He has some valid points, but sometimes he's rude
Actually the jokes he make, makes me laugh.
@Leri yea, that was even discussed on meta that we should be polite and gentle with new users
@Gordon I know
@HamZa change that behavior :) your votes should be based on the merit of my post. obviously, that still means you'd upvote then but you get the idea.
@Gordon I think that's pretty much exactly right
@Gordon ok, I'll undo the vote and read it later on. I've got to go now
@dragon112 the OP disagrees despite the evidence
@Jack Yea I just added this :) thanks..
I've flagged this answer as link-only answer but it's accepted now. Why is my flag still active?
I expect it to be declined, since answer can't be touched anymore. Am I missing anything?
morning all
@Gordon That's his/her right, it's a free coun... website:p
@Gordon Personally I ask myself "can I turn this answer into a question easily?"; if so -> it should be a comment :)
@dragon112 yes, you are obviously allowed to be stubborn in the face of clear evidence
@Gordon Well yes, you are allowed, it's just very counterproductive :)
@Leri your flags doesn't get accepted that right moment, it takes time, and that's still better..compared to this
That was accepted as correct here ^^^
@Jack yeah, that would work, too.
@Mr.Alien WHAT!
@dragon112 yes that answer had a green tick before I flagged for a deletion
Wow, worst accepted answer ever :p
@Gordon quite agree with you those answer should be either deleted or converted
Well they do help in some cases so it's good that they are there but they should be comments, not answers.
(one will suffice obviously)
@Mr.Alien Oh, ok. Did not know that it was possible to delete accepted answers.
tada everyone...~
@Leri I guess only mods can delete accepted answers, ask @Gordon
@NullPoiиteя since I just went through a comment marathon with that user: you dont want to reply to him ;)

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