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Why not "Straight Pride"?
@Jimbo uuh, it's an awesome idea because the Russian government is officially homophobic
@Gordon Ohh, didn't know that. Yes, it then becomes a good idea :P
set this as image for the body:
@Gordon May want to include it for 3/4 of Africa as well
and the Middle East
I say we build a price arbitrage site where we can make a profit on buy low sale high. We scan the web on supply and demand and calculate price difference on various sites and across different areas (including delivery). Then the machine will work out a algorithm to buy and sale basically every thing that's liquid (high on demand). It is an algo trading super machine
@Gordon and how are related - 'russian government' and 'visitor from russia'? (i've never acceped any idea to separate people)
@AlmaDoMundo you'd rather have a popup asking them first whether they are homophobic? :)
@Telkitty猫咪咪 your camera sucks ;)
blame the phone ...
@Gordon - nevermind, forget it then. it's just a thing that i cant joke on
@AlmaDoMundo its not meant as a joke. I am actually serious about building it. It doesnt matter whether the visitor is or isnt homophobic in that case. His/her government and these laws need to go away.
@Gordon @AlmaDoMundo Maybe just include if they visit from a government IP from a country where homosexuality is illegal.
I do agree, but a bright rainbow background may render a site unusable for someone who has no sympathy for the actions of their government.
@SweetieBelle - may be. @Gordon - why are you blaming the whole country people in the stupidity of some idiots in the government??
It's weird to me that there are countries where gay people are able to get marry and have been able to do so for many years and there are countries where it's illegal to say you're gay...
@AlmaDoMundo He's not blaming anyone :o
@AlmaDoMundo because the people tolerate these laws
@dragon112 People want to control what other people do, this has been evident since the beginning of time. :/
@Telkitty猫咪咪 your phone sucks
@Gordon - and what should they do? Go to the street and what? End a day in jail?
@SweetieBelle I also don't understand that, I'm busy enough controlling my own life :p
@AlmaDoMundo yes
@Gordon Why Russia specifically though? They're nowhere near as barbaric on homosexuality issues as some of the middle east & Africa.
There are countries where you can be executed for being gay.
@SweetieBelle because of current events
@Gordon I think there are bigger fish to fry, like the NSA. :/
I'm adding all NSA IPs to a list and providing my site content encrypted with AES to anyone visiting from those IPs. :/
@SweetieBelle Yea but they don't care about gay people/marriage:p
@Gordon would you act such way? really? not write something via anonymous account in chat. But in real jail? I doubt, sorry.
@SweetieBelle I dont care about the NSA. The only thing I want from the NSA is to give me access to the data they collect about me. And since they already collect data about me I expect them to get rid of me having to file for a visa because they basically know all they need to know about what I am going to fill into the application.
@Gordon I want them to give me a full rundown of all data they hold about me on demand, and also to tell people before they extend the powers of their spying operation.
I'm not an American, I don't live in the US, I'm not comfortable with a government that doesn't represent me and has no legitimacy bestowed by me holding private information about me.
@SweetieBelle I want cookies and chocolate milk, but I'm not getting that either
@AlmaDoMundo yes, I would. Russia has a corrupt government. Voting won't get rid of it. So the only thing to do is to demonstrate. They can't imprison everyone.
@HamZa LOL
Haha that's awesome
@Gordon you're saying that cause you don't know. The only way is civil war, like it was in 93 (when actually white house was attacked by tank's fire)
@AlmaDoMundo Are you Russian?
let;s say i have a strong connection with Russia
I agree with @Gordon that what's going on in Russia is a scandal, but it's not the only scandal or the biggest scandal in the world today.
What would you say is the biggest scandal in the world today?
I know fellow MLP fans who aren't even gay who have been arrested or cautioned for wearing pony shirts in Russia, it is absurd.
@dragon112 I don't know honestly
@dragon112 Mugabe would be up there.
@SweetieBelle you don't have to pick the biggest scandal to make a change
@Gordon I don't think symbolism on mostly International websites is going to pressure the Russian government. It's just a way to feel good about ourselves whilst really accomplishing nothing of value.
@SweetieBelle Plenty of people aren't aware of the "brony" culture. I wasn't until I joined SO, and I know for a fact that if I previously saw a fully grown male walking around in a pink MLP t-shirt, I would think he was either 1) gay, or 2) so masculine that he is trying to prove he is comfortable enough with his sexuality that he can wear a bright pink shirt
@SweetieBelle What do you want to do then? Go there and put a gun to some guys head and tell em to change their minds?
@dragon112 Pick battles that can be won.
I'm feeling that it's simply unfair - relatively to the whole country. ah, well, nevermind. it seems i'm the only one here, who thinks that way
A: Replacing two words in string (PHP)

Chinmay SahuCode: <?php $mySentence = "abcd efg ijkl"; $replaceWith = "XYZ"; $newString = str_replace("efg ijkl", $replaceWith, $mySentence); echo $newString; ?>

Yes because actual real problems in the world can be changed from the internet
@Jimbo That's totally understandable, but it's still odd to be arrested when wearing a pony shirt whilst not connected with any gay event or at a gay bar or anything.
The code is the same as in question. Is it rep-cheating or what?
@dragon112 Yes, they can. But they have to be winnable ones.
@SweetieBelle Give me an example then. I really can't think of any
@dragon112 SOPA was pretty much crushed by the Internet.
@SweetieBelle Oh yeah, of course - but if these Russians have a similar mindset having never heard of it before, they'll assume gay and go in guns blazing (not justifying their actions of course, it's awful - just their mental logic)
@Leri lol
@SweetieBelle That was centered around the internet, that doesn't count :p
@Jimbo Quite possibly, but the law is supposed to be about 'spreading gay propaganda to children', not 'wearing pink shirts'. :P
@Jimbo Most pony shirts aren't actually pink. I have two and they're both black. :P
@SweetieBelle Also you never know until you try.
@dragon112 Fair point, I think the Internet can play a part in change but by itself it won't accomplish very much. The Internet is a tool to educate and inform.
Anyone use Silex and think this is a good answer? :) (because I think it doesn't deserve a -1 that the serial downvoter did before)
Maybe if people stop treating the government as their daddy and relying on it for absolutely everything, the government will be treated with the suspicion it deserves in all countries.
I agree, it's a tool to educate not to solve real world problems (not as it is right now)
@dragon112 Education will be key to solving most of the world's problems.
Yes, that's over the long run. But that will take a generation to solve many problems
Or more than 1
@Jimbo who downvotes with no comment?
@iroegbu A serial downvoter, or when someone has genuinely posted a really crap question / answer
even for crap question/answer.
@SweetieBelle its not to pressure the government. it's to pressure the people who allow the government to do these laws.
I always leave a comment when I downvote, but I have a pair of balls unlike some people. :/
@iroegbu I do when it does not worth to comment. Generally, I flag these answers as well.
@iroegbu stackoverflow.com/questions/18227591/android-json-parsing-10 <-- this one deserves a -1 with no comment (IMO at least)
^ Yeah, that sort of thing
@Gordon I don't think it will accomplish anything, it's not something I would implement on my sites. I think that taking that kind of political position, as an International, is quite condescending to Russian people (who may or may not agree with the law).
@SweetieBelle Even if they don't agree with the law they allow it to exist
Same as I don't hold all Americans responsible for Obama, I don't hold all Russians responsible for Putin.
Putin is pretty much a dictator at this point (from my point of view at least)
@dragon112 What would you like them to do? March on the Kremlin with guns in the air?
Putin won the election.
Yes -(minus) the guns
@SweetieBelle well, no one said you have to implement that on your site. but if you disagree with the current affairs then you can
@Gordon I disagree with the current events and still won't.
@SweetieBelle "won"
And Putin "won" the election
@SweetieBelle - marching on Kremlin is the only way - literally. But they (like @Gordon) can't understand that.
The laws say that a single person can only be president for 2 therms of 4 years. Guess who's back.
@AlmaDoMundo if they cannot demonstate peacefully for gay rights in their own country because they'll get imprisoned, then it's all the more reason to march on the Kremlin because they are living in a dictatorship then
@dragon112 now for 6 years - since the law was.. changed
@AlmaDoMundo The best way is to educate the people in Russia (and around the world, where the lesson is being forgotten) that it is their job to limit their government and to refuse to support/elect officials which expand the government beyond the realms of the reasonable.
Downvoted because you asked for "the complete code," just so you know. — nil 2 hours ago
I think it's still proper that a reason is given
@iroegbu I know some people do comment, but I refuse to spend any more time on questions like that than ABSOLUTELY needed.
@Gordon it is a dictatorship. If you'll try to show protest - in best case, you'll be ignored. In worst - 15 days in jail. That's not something that we should joke on. To change something .. I think the only way is military revolution. But not all are ready to put their lifes at stake for 'the greater good'
@AlmaDoMundo As soon as government starts impeding on peoples private choices, even unpopular private choices (as long as they're not hurting other people), it is the people's responsibility not to sponsor a tyranny of the majority. Unfortunately, most people like the idea of a tyranny of the majority as long as they are in the majority.
Thank you whoever thought my answer was a good one :)
@Jimbo Shameless plugging!! :p
@SweetieBelle I respect your point of view - but also I understand that the way of changes could be implemented via violence only. And it's hard to blame someone that he's not going to risk his life
@AlmaDoMundo That script isn't supposed to be a joke. I dont think anyone is joking here. Also, the script won't tell people to pick up guns and march against the Kremlin. It's to make a statement, just like the dutch did when they recently flyed the gay pride flags on all government buildings when Putin came for a visit
@AlmaDoMundo It rarely takes violence in a situation like that. It takes time.
@dragon112 Well when I put a lot of effort in to reach a good conclusion, I don't want -1's ruining it from some snouty b* who lives in a desert (no offence Mr. Alien :D)
@AlmaDoMundo It has nothing changed in Russia since 1921, I don't expect changes.
@AlmaDoMundo Don't get me wrong I understand what you mean. I just don't agree on the fact that they just accept whatever happens because they are afraid of the ones that are supposed to be taking care of them (in a good way :p). I know it's easy for us non-russians to say that.
@Leri what proofs do you have? Sorry, but such words just makes me smile
@AlmaDoMundo It was not meant to be funny.
@dragon112 I just think it's hypocritical that we're all piling on the Russian government when our own governments are probably taking our liberties and we're doing exactly the same as the Russians: sitting in silence or signing Internet petitions because we're not the ones directly affected by it.
Well, I don't have any bulletproofs but what I see people just don't start making changes. Government won't start itself of course.
@Leri yes, but you're saying that nothing was changed. May be you've lived in Russia since 1921 to 2013? No offense, but such claims should be done carefully, I think
@SweetieBelle Hmmm when I have a problem with what my government does I'll make sure they know. Up until now nothing has happened that makes me outraged like what's happening in Russia right now.
@Leri Well, Russia ditched communism. That's one of the reasons Putin got popular in the first place, he made markets work in Russia.
@AlmaDoMundo I meant politics. Yes, it's less aggressive nowadays
@dragon112 A lot of things my government does are clearly wrong and impede on others' freedoms, they just don't bother me enough that I'm willing to get shot for them. I expect a lot of straight Russians feel the same about this.
@SweetieBelle I am not speaking about economics. :)
@Gordon Netherlands WOOOOO :p
@Leri Communism isn't just an economic system, it's a paradigm.
@SweetieBelle In my eyes the word 'outrage' is key, once you are like "That's not right at all" that's the point you're going to want things to change.
I'm pretty dubious of the role of the state from the get-go. I think it overstepped its clear responsibilities about 200 years ago.
@dragon112 - yes, but there's no democracy in Russia. There - those who must take care of people acts as they want
@SweetieBelle Well, when I joined conversation people were speaking that Putin is dictator. I was addressing that fact.
@AlmaDoMundo And that's exactly why they have to get rid of them in some way.
@SweetieBelle XBL MLP
@Leri He's not, he was elected by a majority. If you accept an election as a legitimate way to determine who holds the whip, he's legitimate.
@SweetieBelle "elected"
@SweetieBelle Being elected does not mean that you won't become dictator.
@SweetieBelle Come on, don't be naive, elections have been rigged since the day they were invented. I'd like to see how legitimate it was.
@dragon112 'in some way' sounds too weak. As I've said - history shown, that the only way in case of Russia is military way. (1917, 1993) - and that means that people will die. Noone wants that - if you'll ask certain people, not 'abstract country'
@AlmaDoMundo Guns are one way, protesting with A LOT of people is another. If you just get enough people they will NEVER EVER be able to lock them all up
@dragon112 Elections are rigged by default. If you shit on 40% of the people and throw a scrap to 60% you get elected.
I mean get 2 million people into moscow
I think it's sad that this bothers people more than the US executing children in the middle east with unmanned drone strikes, personally.
@Gordon - first time, Putin was elected (not "elected"). Second time he cheated on result of elections, yes, but there was a basis to do such thing - and that basis he built during first time
@AlmaDoMundo and the third time he installed a puppet
@dragon112 how much? how much people? People tried to protest in Moscow after second elections (count was on hundreds of thousandth, if i recall) - and.. no result at all.
Well, in times of Sockpuppeting you need to adopt in politics.
@AlmaDoMundo 2 million, lets see how that works.
I mean russia has enough people.
@dragon112 I doubt there are 2 million outraged people in Russia about this particular issue. It's far more interesting to us foreigners than to Russians, from what I can tell.
@SweetieBelle - you're not correct in that. In Russia there are people, who are really trying to change situation. But - magic - that peoples soon ends their days in prison with a certain amount of years in their sentence (like Navalny, who oppose government and now.. wow, he was blamed in a fabricated case)
@SweetieBelle I suppose
@SweetieBelle maybe not about that particular issue, but equality is a democratic interest and the democratic movement gets oppressed and persecuted by the government and the oligarchs for quite some time now. that particular issue is just symptom of a much bigger issue.
@ircmaxell Is there a reason why __CLASS__ is not supported?
Maybe I'm biased. Russia are harboring Ed Snowden and their govt were the only ones with enough sack not to leave him to the dogs at the US government.
@AlmaDoMundo 'People trying to change a situation in Russis'? , I hope, you are not talking about 'pussy riots'
Only you honor one action, you don't have to buy the whole government.
Herr @hakre, do you have some code regarding this: stackoverflow.com/questions/13129336/… Danke
@Simon_eQ - never heard something about them (something that worth my attention)
@hakre I feel less comfortable with the EU and US governments than with the Russian government, based on the last 3-5 years.
I suck :)
wow where did the gist gone?
There isn't a bigger tyrant, dictator and terrorist in this world, bigger than the current US Gov. One of the privileges, of growing up in the third world countries, and knowing the US gov, more than the lazy Americans.
</rant over>
Q: how to retian dropdown's selected value after page post back in YII?

Amit SinglaI have dropdown that is binding in modal. using the below code: public function getYears() { for ($i=date('Y');$i>=2012;$i--) { $years["{$i}"]="{$i}"; } return $years; } and my view is : <div class="row"> <?php echo $form->labelEx($model,'year'); ?>

please help me
i am new to yii
@hakre Gist and Codepad thingy.
@Simon_eQ my point is - I disagree that full responsibility for actions of the government is on all people of any country. So in any case noone should separate people simply because government is doing something stupid or offensive
@Simon_eQ Hear hear, and I grew up in a rich country.
@AlmaDoMundo They are the ONLY people who can change it.
@webarto yeah, viper goes away in any case (no idea why that guy has no backups), here you go: gist.github.com/hakre/6859a19fa9108ba0173d
@AlmaDoMundo People elect them, without their direct and/or indirect support governments can't maintain position. So, yes, it's people's fault at some point.
i just woke up
@dragon112 that's why I've written 'full responsibility'. People are responsible, yes - but, yet again, it's hard to blame someone who not going to spend his life for improvement of situation for others.
@tereško shut the fuck up :P
@hakre Danke you very much sir. Very helpful.
@Gordon How much truth holds this accusation? :p
> $result[1] = clone $result[0] = clone $this;
@AlmaDoMundo I don't know what the topic of discussion was, but ain't nobody is gonna defend western hypocrisy on my watch :)
@Simon_eQ how should i know and why should i care?
@Gordon Good point. Just wandering if you knew, you are working for mafia mob :)
> However, it's actually DaniWeb that has the better answers in certain circumstances, and so StackOverflow is actually linking to DaniWeb.
@Simon_eQ ah, forget it.
@webarto Nowadays I would probably move the operations out of the range object (apart from getters / setters and the check if a DateTime is within)
@Simon_eQ The topic was 'Russia is awful because its government is homophobic' and I unsuccessfully tried to bring up that its a small scandal compared to the NSA and drone strikes.
In that case, I am with you. @SweetieBelle
@Simon_eQ How does a website "steal" search traffic?
They can become better and EARN it.
I personally don't recognize the US government's right to kill me without a) me being an enemy combatant or b) me being tried in a court of law -- but apparently that's not a major scandal because it's the US @Simon_eQ
@hakre I have related task, to split range by years, etc. I will also need something like this. Structure of Range class helped me much. Thanks.
@Gordon I just did it to myself and I don't know if I'm prepared to put others through the horror
@SweetieBelle I completely disagree with what you are saying here. (excluding the drone strikes)
You shouldn't compare two things that are CLEARLY wrong as hell.
@dragon112 I'm comparing a mountain with a small hill
And everyone would rather talk about the small hill because it's Russia, and Russia are the bad guys.
@webarto feedback incl. code always welcome.
@Simon_eQ that article doesn't make sense lol
> C'mon Google, really? If I were into conspiracy theories, I might just think that because so many Google employees use StackOverflow themselves, they've tipped the algorithm to work in StackOverflow's favor in nearly all circumstances.
^ lolwut ? As if they get paid for doing that ?
@SweetieBelle You are comparing what IN YOUR EYES is a small hill with what is IN YOUR EYES a mountain. For me it's the other way around if anything (again excluding any drones bombing anyone).
@dragon112 To be clear: my mountain is drone strikes.
The small hills are US Internet surveillance and the Russian view on homosexuality.
It's a very subjective thing
@DaveRandom hm?
Some people are hating me ...
And to be clear, they are small hills in comparison to the mountain, @dragon112.
@Gordon Set the background image of chat to the gay pride rainbow. It was horrifying
@AlmaDoMundo taking that as basis for your argument is really weak.
I agree that drones bombing people in the middle east would be the worst (never heard anything about it so don't know if it's true or not).
@DaveRandom ah
@SweetieBelle I personally like the NSA but I don't understand that they are so shy. They should make it all more transparent so that we all know much better how much they do to save us all.
@DaveRandom Hahahah
@dragon112 It is true. The drones are supposed to target terrorists but estimates say they kill more under-13s than people on the terror list.
@SweetieBelle I'm not going to base my opinions on something that I was told over the internet by some guy I don't really know (no offence)
@Simon_eQ tbh it all reads like whining and conspiracy theory to me. google changes their algorithms frequently and its well know that question on SO are instantly available on Google. I dont know how they do it but thats what happens.
Add this to the custom css for chat.stackoverflow.com:
No, those Drones always kill the right people. That's why those killings are extra-legal, they require no further judgement.
body {
background-image: url(http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/a/a4/ICA_flag.svg/220px-ICA_flag.svg.png);

@dragon112 Take it from Obama then? o.O
@dragon112 Drones, which Drones? You don't say there are even Drones only somebody on the internet told that, right?
@hakre do you actually believe that ?
@hakre its how we hand out timed suspensions ;)
@hakre Haha:p
@dragon112 'President Barack Obama has never commented publicly on the targeted drone strike that accidentally killed Abdulrahman al-Awlaki, a 16-year-old American boy and the son of al Qaeda leader Anwar al-Awlaki. But a new book released Tuesday reveals Obama was "surprised and upset and wanted an explanation" when he learned of Abdulrahman al-Awlaki's October 2011 death, which one former White House official calls "a mistake, a bad mistake."'
Q: how to retian dropdown's selected value after page post back in YII?

Amit SinglaI have dropdown that is binding in modal. using the below code: public function getYears() { for ($i=date('Y');$i>=2012;$i--) { $years["{$i}"]="{$i}"; } return $years; } and my view is : <div class="row"> <?php echo $form->labelEx($model,'year'); ?>

@SweetieBelle I know one person from Afghanistan, here in Switzerland, seeking asylum. I heard him talking in church gathering, how US drones killed family members. I hope, I didn't feel happiness at that moment, but I did, because, I saw proof with my own eyes
@SweetieBelle I'm not saying there are no drones in the middle east and I'm not saying they don't bomb people. I also don't contest that they make mistakes. The problem I have with what you are saying is this: "they kill more under-13s than people on the terror list". Do you have any source for that?
@Simon_eQ I had a Pakistani friend at university who lost her father (a waiter) to a US drone strike on a cafe where a "terrorist" was supposedly eating.
@Simon_eQ did you ask him if he would rather want to live by the laws of the taliban
@Simon_eQ I'm done arguing for that. I'll not change my opinion since it's based on facts and events from real life (and happened with me either) - but all this chat about this question was useful for me, thanks all for their opinions - there are part of truth in that anyway
What bothers me most is that Obama steps into the racist US tradition of lynching with those drones and not many notice the irony.
It's going down (tm)
@dragon112 It was in a UK or US newspaper, I don't have it to hand.
@SweetieBelle Eritrea, has been under economic sanctions since forever, now under the pretext of supporting terrorism but the real motive is, that US asked gently Eritrea, back in 1994, to squander some it its islands, to install a permanent military, as usual, under the theme of terrorism, and when the Government denied the order, we have been living in a nightmare since then
@dragon112 'the number of "high-level" targets killed as a percentage of total casualties is extremely low -- about 2%.' - Stanford Law School study... edition.cnn.com/2012/09/25/world/asia/pakistan-us-drone-strikes
@dragon112 the d*tch news is so bad, you never hear about something unless it's really a buzz
@AlmaDoMundo You know, the term homophobic is word, pretty much thrown here and there, to stifle even people from raising a legitimate disdain and question a homosexual lifestyle. Don't be one of those little silly girls, who will say ' I have a gay, friend and xxx ' just because it rolls out the tongue, as saying 'I have a new bag, or new shoes'.
@DaveRandom Cool. Now build a website for it please
@SweetieBelle lol and I can suspect it may be even less than that
Does anyone have a link to a non-trivial open source website that uses ZendFramework2? Basically I want to see it in action for something other than a 'HelloWorld' website.
@HamZa I know. The Neterlands is pretty pro-USA.
@Simon_eQ I've seen the horror stories, the US government is one of the scariest entities on the planet for me. I think I'd feel safer in the hands of the Sicilian mafia.
@Simon_eQ - I don't care about 'homophobic' at all. My opinion was about another thing. And, if we are talking about homophobic - I think this is a way to separate people, so this is not correct at all
@DaveRandom how does that work? I mean usage explanation? I only get undefined when I inject it in console.
@hakre That's because you're not in russia ;-)
Try changing the RU to DE
@Simon_eQ You can question a homosexual lifestyle without arresting & imprisoning those who are homosexual or support homosexuals. I'm against what's happening in Russia, I just think it's sad that this is the glorious thing that room 11 chooses to take a stand against when there are much bigger issues.
there is some benefit in reading and understanding source code :)
@Bracketworks That way of coding also compares very nicely compared to the half-assed way of doing AOP in ZF2 with events.
@SweetieBelle Again IN YOUR EYES.
@hakre Actually it's incomplete anyway, needz a check to verify that the dom is actually available (which is why the currently unused initialized flag exists)
@dragon112 I think most would agree that bombing children is more serious than arresting people for a choice to wear bright-colored clothes or attend pride marches (though both are wrong).
If homophobia were a programming construct, where would it be?
a) The Model
b) The View
c) The Controller
Killing people is pretty much the most severe infringement on their freedoms.
@Jimbo, DNA
@DaveRandom it should play the russian hymn and let putin dance hand in hand with medvedev creating pink hearts that grow over the screen.
@SweetieBelle like!
@Jimbo It would be a boolean (or maybe int for a scale of 0-10?) property of the Model\Person
@AlmaDoMundo Is that like an ORM?
@SweetieBelle Could be a float, yes
@Jimbo or a float
And it would affect things in the View and the Controller.
@Jimbo no, it's like interrupts and syscalls
@SweetieBelle In a perfect world, people like maning, snowden assange should be receiving medals of honor.
@SweetieBelle Let me find one of your posts..
@Simon_eQ I would agree
1 hour ago, by Sweetie Belle
@dragon112 Yes, they can. But they have to be winnable ones.
@DaveRandom it doesn't work for me
@iroegbu Again, that's presumably because you're not in russia ;-)
@dragon112 Right, and the NSA surveillance is probably more beatable by a team of intelligent programmers than the Russian state view on homosexuality (or the US foreign policy).
says undefined, I've changed 'RU'
@SweetieBelle I'm pretty sure the NSA doesn't give a shit about what we think so they are both on the not so much winnable for us pile.
what am I to change to btw....
Its good though, people are waking up. Except the MacDonald-Loving, Kadashian-fans, lazy American that is.
@iroegbu The code itself will result in undefined if you stick it into the console because the only thing it does when you run it is initiate a JSONP call, and only if the result of that JSONP call says you are in russia does it actually have any effect
@dragon112 They don't need to, we can create libraries to make their lives harder.
@SweetieBelle Oh really, tell me
@Simon_eQ not all americans are lazy
@iroegbu Whatever the two letter country code for your country is, go to freegeoip.net/json and look at whatever the country_code entry says
@HamZa Oh, yes, your right. So, are retards :p
@Simon_eQ lol
@DaveRandom OMG it knows where I'm at! THE NSA HAS FOUND ME!
@dragon112 For one, we can enforce all our websites on HTTPS, for another, we can encrypt all private messages with the user's password and only decrypt them on download which means that we as operators cannot access them.
I'm already doing all of this.
If you send a private message on my framework, I cannot read it
Ron Paul, Judge Andrew Napolitano are two sane people left in America. @HamZa
@Simon_eQ There are others. Glen Beck is getting there.
Or at least, giving off the illusion of getting there.
@hakre the parser was written weird. I am going to add it
okay, given that there is on topic discussions again I suggest we cut the politics now
@SweetieBelle Yep, I heard some good things about him recently.
@Gordon <-- Obama fan :p
Yea it's about time we stopped talking about all that, it's been quite some time since we started and still haven't found a consensus (and I doubt we ever will).
Ok, I'm out
@ircmaxell the idea is pretty cool btw. couldn't it be possible as well to use compile time constants in there as well? like the ones via const ?
@Gordon OK.
> <hr>
cuz we don't want someone to freez this room.
@hakre not generally. Specific ones, perhaps. From the same file, but not in general
@ircmaxell yes something like that. not overall only what's available already when compiling that line.
and declaring a constant (via const) is an opcode: lxr.php.net/xref/PHP_TRUNK/Zend/zend_compile.c#7092 so it's not available until runtime
so, doesn't look like so...
@ircmaxell ah okay, then it's not possible.
I thought otherwise.
yeah, the compiler is weird
@HamZa what is SU?
@Simon_eQ SuperUser
@HamZa what is SuperUser :p
Reposting outside of mass offtopic - Does anyone have a link to a non-trivial open source project built using ZendFramework2? Basically I want to see it in action for something other than a 'HelloWorld' website.
Is it like a geek with superman custom on?
@Danack You said that already :)
@HamZa lol

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