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Do you not find it annoying to sort out the networking stuff?
^ like Charles says
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI}  ^/login/instellingen/wijzig/gebruikersnaam     [NC]
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI}  /[\w]+\.(php) [NC,OR]
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI}  /[^.]+/?$             [NC]
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI}  !instellingen\.php      [NC]
    RewriteRule .*              /login/instellingen.php?wijzig=gebruikersnaam        [L,NC]

I want login/instellingen/wijzig/gebruikersnaam/ to redirect to login/instellingen.php?wijzig=gebruikersnaam What am i doing wrong?
I always find it painful configuring it to allow my host machine to ssh in to it.
@Fabien Given that I'm a sysadmin by trade, no, it wasn't annoying at all ;)
@Fabien: perhaps only the first time setting things up... but then it's a breeze.
lo fair enough :(
@rdlowrey no problem, without users it doesn't move forward ... give my time happily :D
@Tredged All that code for just what you have mentioned o_O ?
someone just told me to shut up on twitter !!!
@JoeWatkins No idea why but even when I copy/paste your example code on that closed issue I still get segfaults with the code that works fine for you :/
@HamZa Ja?
Sometime I just want a basic default system, not fussed on OS, usually CentOS or Ubuntu. Nothing installed except the usual defaults for me, php, http, mysqld etc... but without all the hassle. One click style.
@rdlowrey ok, wierd ... I'll take another look tonight ...
> RewriteRule ^/login/instellingen/wijzig/gebruikersnaam/?$ login/instellingen.php?wijzig=gebruikersnaam [L, NC]
^ @Tredged this is more than enough, but you want gebruikernaam to be dynamic ?
there's a couple of things I'm not happy with actually ...
@Fabien: well, what OS are you on, and what are you using for virtualization?
@HamZa I will get an error 500 internal error. and yes gebruikersnaam to be dynamic
@Wrikken Windows 7, I have VMWare
@Tredged Try
Hm... Windows... well, there goes all my knowledge....
RewriteEngine On
RewriteRule ^/login/instellingen/wijzig/([^/]+) login/instellingen.php?wijzig=$1 [L, NC]
@HamZa Rewrite engine is on, still internal error.
@Tredged Can you check the error log ?
@HamZa Probably if u could say where it is
Sometimes I think it'd just be easier to buy something like Amazon hosting and just delete and redeploy servers for testing.
No idea, I think it may differ ...
What about:
RewriteRule ^login/instellingen/wijzig/([^/]+) login/instellingen.php?wijzig=$1 [L, NC]
@HamZa Nope .
@Fabien i think you could find a free one for testing
@HamZa Weird ..
@reikyoushin any suggestions on where? Free ones don't usually allow the flexibility I might want.
Well try it out here http://htaccess.madewithlove.be/
And you'll see that it should work ...
@HamZa Now it works but the re-direct doesnt happen good stays on same page.
@Tredged Sorry what ? You want to redirect or rewrite ?
@HamZa Ik wil gewoon dat URL: login/instellingen/wijzig/gebruikersnaam/ login/instellingen.php?wijzig=gebruikersnaam word
@Tredged: does it need to change in the browser or only on the server?
@Wrikken Only the server browser can stay /name/name/name/
@Tredged How are you testing that it works or not ?
@HamZa Visiting the URL?
OK, so: am I right in saying ` login/instellingen.php?wijzig=` is the old url you want to redirect /name/name/name/ for the user, but internally you want it to end up at the same place (at the login/instellingen.php script)?
just for testing though.. and its shared.
well if instellingen.php doesn't return anything then you won't notice
Have you tried print_r($_GET);
@HamZa instellingen works.
@Wrikken normally u visit /login/instellingen.php?wijzig=gebruikersnaam BUT I want /login/instellingen.php/wijzig/gebruikersnaam to be the 1st one but gebruikersnaam dynamic
@reikyoushin Thank you
@Wrikken and visually only see the 2nd one and not .php?wijzig=
@PeeHaa any more info on this stackoverflow.com/questions/8541466/… ?
last day of this year is a no-no.
So you need not 1 but 2 rewrites, 1 with the old url to the new url, with an [R=301] flag, and a second one from the new to the old, with an [L] flag to avoid further rewrites. Makes sense?
@Fabien havent tested it yet though.. let me know what happens
Will do
@Wrikken If the 2nd URL rewrites server wise to the 1st one but stays visually the 2nd one then sure xD
Can I flag an answer for deletion because it is effing annoying? stackoverflow.com/a/18216061/212940
@Fabien i assume you know that you wouldn't put critical files there so yeah, have fun!
@Tredged: well., the 2nd one is the one @HamZa gave you, the first one it about its opposite with that [R=301] flag.
@vascowhite you can always flag one as 'not an answer' right?
@vascowhite it will most likely get rejected ...
@Wrikken It wont work lol its very simple I want google.com/login/instellingen.php/wijzig/gebruikersnaam TO be google.com/login/instellingen.php?wijzig=gebruikersnaam BUT vissualy stay the 1st one
@reikyoushin Problem is that it is an answer, but not a very good one.
@vascowhite oh ok, then let it sit there.. it will be pushed down anyway
@Tredged: show me what you've got for the first one :P
@HamZa No Fair!
@Wrikken Hamza gave me this: RewriteRule ^/login/instellingen/wijzig/([^/]+) login/instellingen.php?wijzig=$1 [L,NC]
@Wrikken It goes to instellingen.php but wont do the wijzig=
@reikyoushin No SSH access.
> declined - flags should not be used to indicate technical inaccuracies, or an altogether wrong answer
That's what you'll get
@HamZa Yup.
They suggest you to downvote and comment if you want to
@Tredged: yes, the 2nd rule with [L] I was talking about (works for me...), for the 1st one (with [R=301] you need a RewriteCond on the querystring & about opposite then, use %1 as a reference to matched parts in RewriteCond's
@Fabien its shared only.. nevertheless, its free XP
@HamZa You do realise I asked tongue in cheek don't you :)
@vascowhite /me needs some sleep
@Wrikken Why doesnt it work for me then lol
@HamZa I know how it feels.
@reikyoushin Majority of testing I would want to do is server based. Amazon AWS has a free teir, so I will probably try that
@Tredged: some framework nonsens? What do you get if you just var_dump($_GET); at that point?
@Wrikken ok hold on
@Fabien ok.. will check it out too
can you give me the link?
@Wrikken array(0) { }
@Tredged do you use a framework ?
@reikyoushin aws.amazon.com
Is this RewriteRule ^/login/instellingen/wijzig/([^/]+) login/instellingen.php?wijzig=$1 [L,NC] your only rule? Pastebin all your rules somewhere if you have more...
Free teir will suit but after 12 months I believe it will charge, not expensive but worth noting. You need to enter card details to register too.
@Fabien what do you get on the free account?
@Fabien aaah. not possible for me then..
Shame, you get quite a bit.
@Tredged: you know all those Cond's can be done in one line? Also, remove the 5 lines before that last new RewriteRule.
@Wrikken I didnt, and i removed the 5 lines and now get a 404 not found
@Tredged: add RewriteRule ^login/instellingen /login/instellingen.php [L,NC] after that new last rule.
@Fabien free for a month?
12 months
@Wrikken I did and still 404.
@Tredged So much conditions, no wonder it fails
@Tredged: minor alteration, see the rule now
@Wrikken still 404 .
Well, not here...
@Fabien did not see the per month there. haha. oh well
@Wrikken Then what the hell is going wrong lol
@Wrikken nothing works anymore lol
Hmf, .htaccess or vhost config this thing?
guys, who knows of a free legit vpn?
@reikyoushin free & legit & vpn === false
openvpn? Setup where you like....
@HamZa free vpn would do.. ^^,
i should have said pptp or l2tp :P
@Wrikken It can't be that other links worked lol ..
@Wrikken where can i find openvpn list btw?
@reikyoushin: openvpn is software, not a server :P
In other words; set up on your own server :P
@Tredged: what happens if you remove that RewriteBase?
still 404 lol
@Wrikken @Tredged For our sanity, I think we should test with a simple foo & bar
@Wrikken there are free openvpn servers out there too.. what i was asking is if someone has a list
@Tredged: pff, I'll set it up here and see what it does...
Why isn't my multidimensional array filling up correctly?
$data['drilldownSeries'] = array(
'Prescription Strength Advil'=>array(),

echo "<pre>";
echo "</pre>";

foreach ($data['drilldownSeries'] as $category){

$category[] = 'test';


echo "<pre>";
echo "</pre>";
@billmalarky Long code should be pasted in a pastebin.com
My bad
@billmalarky Don't forget to make it reproducible.
@HamZa What do you mean by that?
@Wrikken :)
@billmalarky fill it with actual data so we can test it
@billmalarky I spotted the issue
use a reference to write to the array:
> foreach ($data['drilldownSeries'] as &$category){
note &
Why did I have to do it by reference?
@Wrikken Found something? @HamZa Got an idea?
@billmalarky Well, that's how I learned to write to an array while looping with foreach.
@Tredged Well, I'm not going to spend more time on it. It should work
It works as you said, but I'm confused as to why
@Tredged: busy, had to destroy some old RewriteMap debugging & conten negotiation tests first :)
Hm, seems to be something to do with the foreach construct.
From the php manual "In order to be able to directly modify array elements within the loop precede $value with &. In that case the value will be assigned by reference."
@HamZa Why would it work on old rewrite's and new-ones not?
@billmalarky: without &, foreach works on a copy of the content.
@billmalarky yeah exactly
@Wrikken Gotcha.
@Wrikken ah right, thx !
Any of you guys use Amazon AWS?
@Tredged I've no idea, I removed windows and I'm now without php so can't test ...
Dammit why didn't I just come to SO chat like an hour ago. I've been going insane thinking it was some sort of memory limit issue.
@HamZa I understand, thanks for helping anyway Hamza ;-)
Thanks guys.
@Tredged you're welcome, I'm on linux now. Quite new, it was a pain to install Virtual Box, and even more installing centos with nginx in it lol
hmm .. i think i should write some code today
@Tredged: this works here if I disable content negotiation: pastebin.com/Dsu84dZb
@tereško tell us about it :)
@Wrikken Here it doesnt so :S weird ..
@Wrikken So nice
@Tredged lol you just confirmed that you have mod_rewrite from the stone age
@Tredged: like I said, content negotation. Apache doesn't want to rewrite /page/to/script to /path/to/script.php here otherwise (only extension different0
@HamZa well .. i just now realized that it has been almost a month since i quite my job
@Wrikken What can I do to fix it?
and most of what i have been done up till now has been slacking off
@tereško Yeah, time flies by quickly ...
Hey does anyone here have any squid experience that can lend a hand.
@tereško and gaming :D
@Tredged: depends, do you have root rights? (ooh scary...)
and that .. yeah
I regret nothing ™
@Wrikken No its a host combined with cpanel
@Tredged: aha, wait, do you still have the Options +FollowSymLinks -MultiViews there?
@Wrikken no i copied the lastebin
Add it back in, that line...
@NickFury: a little....
@Wrikken No difference.
Argh, back to "it works here (tm)"
@Wrikken bleh i dont know then
@Tredged: you might want to ask your hoster whether you have an AllowOveride (so that -MultiViews actually works..
@Wrikken ok
Another option is... to rename the location of your script ever so slightly different (./login/ to ./_login/ for instance), then negotiation wouldn't kick in..
@Wrikken All i'm trying to do is get it working a public proxy. But either I keep getting blocked by acl or it says problem connecting to proxy. If you take a look at my config would it give you a better look?
@Wrikken I'll contact my host.
@Wrikken Locally what server would you suggest? xamp?appserv?
Locally I'd run the full LAMP stack
Hated working under Windows, never again :P
@NickFury: sure, pastebin it
@Wrikken I use windows _
Any suggestions for under windows?
So, I wouldn't know what's best for that, I said goodbye to it in 2006 or so ;)
@Wrikken What about linux on a VM?
@Tredged: sure, go for it ;) The closer to actual production environment you can get tn dev the better.
Then lets do it :)
However, possible steep learning curve ahead...
@Wrikken What you mean ?
@Tredged: playing your own sysadmin on your VM.
@Wrikken I just want to code and test my code on a local server no bullshit I dont know whats best for that ..
vagrant under windows can take some of the pain away
@PaulDixon Vagrant?
google it - nice system for setting up and managing a virtual box - have it mount your code on the VM, so you edit on Windows, and execute the very same code on teh VM
@PaulDixon Sounds nice lol, gonna try it out :)
@NickFury: aside from some allow all's seems not that weird at first glance, I'll run a little test with it...
@Wrikken yeah sorry I think that's me trying to get it working lol
@NickFury: that thing works in squid3, 2 possible things to look out for: (1) are you perhaps running an older version of squid? (2) is something else listering on 8080 perhaps ?
yeah it might be because I have the an older version on squid. 3128 wasn't working either, i'll double check nothings running on 8080
I've inherited some of the worst PHP possible. I just came in here to complain.
@rlemon I think I could compete with you on "inheriting some of the worst PHP possible"
I've offloaded some of the worst PHP possible to another company this week. Hurray for "no longer core business" decisions ;)
@cspray you inherited php code, it is bound to be bad. ;)
and that not even a anti php joke.
@tereško here?
it's a the world is full of morons ... joke..
@PaulDixon I installed where to execute the code lol ?
@tereško So I'm looking at: stackoverflow.com/questions/5863870/…
@tereško I see you pass $view to the controller and the service factory. Is the service factory what the view uses to get info from the model? Or does the controller send instances to the view (instances which derive from the model layer) which the view then uses?
@rlemon legacy code is call that because it is bad. And for every 1 professional developer there are 1000 code monkeys. And for every 1 sensible project manager there are 100 assholes that will push for unrealistic deadlines instead of quality
@tereško well said.
@tereško Ah, but of those 1000, how many think they're professionals but are suffering from Dunning-Kruger?
900 .. optimistic prediction
@PaulDixon Got it nvm
@tereško ?
Ah finally a masterpiece
A: Parsing command arguments in PHP

HamZaRegexes are quite powerful: (?s)(?<!\\)("|').*?(?<!\\)\1|\S+. So what does this expression mean ? (?s) : set the s modifier to match newlines with a dot . (?<!\\) : negative lookbehind, check if there is no backslash preceding the next token ("|') : match a single or double quote and put it in ...

@PaulDixon I installed centos on the box what now?
@Jeremy the way I do it - the views gather the data that they need from model layer. They request services (which might be instantiated by controller already .. or not). Thought, keep in mind that the code in that answer is more then year old (rewrite was done on 3rd august, 2012). This not exactly how i do it my self anymore.
set it up to mount your code on the box, e.g. you might have c:\users\tredged\workspace mounted as /workspace. Then set up an apache virtual host to use /workspace/whatever as the doc root.
and stop being so impatient .. it takes time to write
@PaulDixon for a linux newbie like me, I've got no idea how to do that ;)
@PaulDixon its fetching the url box now its pretty large so gonna take a shower thanks hope it'll work :)
well, you've got the perfect platform for learning on
@tereško Heh, sorry, I wasn't sure if you saw it (even though I pinged you). So it uses that $serviceFactory
.. yeha , the nice thing about linux/bsd systems: you can have a folder in your directory tree, that actually is physically located on the other side of planet behind two+ NATs
@tereško What would one of your "service" structures look like?
@Jeremy yes .. I still have not switched to DIC (though creating controller and view instance is almost perfect testbook case for using a correctly implemented DI Container)/
@Jeremy .. lemme see .. i think i have some half-assed example in one of the posted answers.
@tereško okay
whenever I need some clues with MVC, I just scroll through your answers instead of searching the interwebs
I was working with contractors who kept fucking up the requirements and once they finally did 'understand' the fucked up the implementation bad. I ended up sending the dev a code snippet to replace one of his to fix an issue I didn't trust him to fix on his own and he didn't understand any of it and just appended the code breaking the project.
in the end I just took the code and am re-writing it myself.
@Jeremy there are two small examples here and here. The point is that services do the interaction between domain objects and storage abstractions (which in simple cases would be data mappers, in more complex structures - units of work).
@tereško and it'd store that info for the view to request?
Yes , but the "where" and "how" will differ. This lets you put the access-control on views and controllers (or even services) to determine, what user can and cannot see
@tereško Okay. Also, I'm still slightly confused about the factory pattern. In the following line:
$user = $this->domainObjectFactory->build('user');
Would the factory for that literally look like:
public function build( $class )
    return new Model\DomainObject\$class;
@Jeremy only in really simple situations. The main point here is to separate the instantiation from use. You can later write unit-tests, where you inject a controlled factory, which will provide mock-objects instead
@tereško My domain objects turn out to be really simple... should I even use a factory? Instantiating them is just like what's done above
Do you write unittests?
Do you intend to write them later?
@tereško I do not and will not for this specific project
well ... then choice is yours
just keep in mind that you will be creating a tight coupling between class names if you do not abstract the instantiation
Guys I'm asking this here because it seems like the type of question that would get downvoted. I want to access data from my server through a mobile app. I want users to authenticate to access/modify/delete data from the app. How can I do this without sending the user's email and password from the app? as it could get snooped easily if it's in plaintext...
@JoelMurphy I don't imagine that being down voted unless you're extremely unclear with the details (as you are here)
if you're worried about snooping, use https
@JoelMurphy , provide option to have on-time authentication tokens as part of URL
you send the link the users mail, which he/she can use to access you app without full authentication for limited time
@tereško So then instead of passing a service factory to the view/controller I can just pass a service?
@JoelMurphy also, with this type of access you should limit the user's capabilities - "no destructive or monetary operations" would be a good rule to start out with
@Jeremy no
@tereško then?
@Jeremy when did you switch the gears? A moment ago you were talking about domain objects.
How do you intend to know, which service your view or controller needs ?
@tereško I'm trying to ask all the questions I know I'll have so I don't need to annoy you in the future
Should I just come back when I'm ready, then?
ready for what ?
To implement the controller and view (and authentication in the model layer)
7 mins ago, by Jeremy
@tereško My domain objects turn out to be really simple... should I even use a factory? Instantiating them is just like what's done above
3 mins ago, by Jeremy
@tereško So then instead of passing a service factory to the view/controller I can just pass a service?
are these question related in your mind ?
@tereško Oh that's what you mean... yeah, I guess the questions are related (in my mind at least). So I should definitely use a service factory?
unless you can implements a DI Containers - yes
@Wrikken I'm running squid3 and port 8080 is open
Sooner or later you'll regret almost every new not in a factory...
@tereško Okay, thanks for your help.
@NickFury: tried a simple netcat with GET http://someurl.com/ HTTP/1.1 (double enter)?
@Jeremy you're welcome
@Jeremy Apologies for being slightly unclear, as I don't really understand all of this stuff yet.
now i can get back to cuddling my toothache
@JoelMurphy That's fine. :)
@PaulDixon I'm planning on buying an SSL certificate for my webapp anyhow, but couldn't someone still use wireshark to "snoop" the user's credentials from the http web request to my server?
@JoelMurphy are you talking about the new attacks on HTTPS ?
BREACH , and friends - breachattack.com
@Gordon: looks like I'm not coming to northern Germany... Hitting Oktoberfest instead, and training from Munich to Amsterdam
@ircmaxell we'll never meet irl lol
lol for a split second I was like.. training for waat?
@NickFury I was about to ask "why did that thought dissipate" until I realized too :P
@Wrikken what do I have to add in the config to make it open to anyone?
@tereško No, just opening a packet inspector and stealing the raw data (the login credentials) via wifi or whatever :) Do you guys think plain http auth and https is secure enough then? Or should I use some type of key based system? The data I'm transmitting isn't exactly important, but it could still identify a user if it was stolen in some way. It would be interesting to hear what you guys think.
@PaulDixon You here?
vaguely :)
@NickFury: nothing afaik. Can you netcat to it from localhost & get it working that way already? Because it local isn't working remote is no concern yet, but a hurdle tto be taken later ;)
@JoelMurphy some type of key based system ? CSRF ?
@JoelMurphy no , that should not be possible in case of HTTPS
@tereško interesting link, not come across that before
@Wrikken ahhh I c, alright let me get it working that way.
@NickFury: mind you, already works here etc, may be just a firewall/iptables issue.
@PaulDixon it's a new type of attack. It was disclosed in Black Hat USA 2013
got some friends in pentesting, I'll have to see what they say about it :)
@PaulDixon Its installed and hanging on [default] booting up takes a few minuts blabla
@Wrikken most likely. I was going by this
@NickFury: if you have very little iptables rules... I might want to see iptables-save output..
@JoelMurphy Yes, basic auth with SSL is secure.
@PaulDixon Oh Virtualbox says its online
Okay cheers everyone. I'll have a mess around with all of this stuff tonight :) This is going to be one massive learning curve though! (I can just about setup a web server)
@HamZa: preg_match_all('#(?<!\\\\)("|\')(?:[^\\\\]|\\\\.)*?\1|\S+#s', $string, $matches);
if you did that by running vagrant up, on the same command line use vagrant ssh to find out how to ssh to the box - in Windows, IIRC, that tells you the IP address and credentials to use. Download Putty if you don't have an SSH client.

Once you can SSH, you'll be on the foothills of a glorious learning curve :)
@Wrikken nice !
> Daily vote limit reached; vote again in 3 hours.
Can't upvote your comment :p
Hehe, I'll take my crown now please :) (seriously, was almost 40 minutes busy on that one, of course first forgetting to add \\\\ iin the heredoc instead of just \\ :)`)
@Wrikken lol why don't you add it as an answer :P
regex's manual right here
A: Parsing command arguments in PHP

HamZaRegexes are quite powerful: (?s)(?<!\\)("|').*?(?<!\\)\1|\S+. So what does this expression mean ? (?s) : set the s modifier to match newlines with a dot . (?<!\\) : negative lookbehind, check if there is no backslash preceding the next token ("|') : match a single or double quote and put it in ...

@DaveChen hmmm ?
@HamZa: ugh, rep enough, and I was working of your example to get me started, the |\S+ was something I wouldn't come up with ;)
@Wrikken lol you know. I'm too lazy now to edit, since I need to replace all the links and the explanation. ..
^ problem of the high rep people.. >.<
The burdens of having typed a complete explanation in your answer ;)
@reikyoushin What @Wrikken said. If I had provided just the pattern it would have been easy. But regex answers should contain explanation, especially the non-basic ones ...
@Wrikken I think it's because of my iptables rules lol, thanks for the help man
@HamZa: Yep, which is why I usually use /x in there & comments.... To explain to my future self what the hell I was doing a few months ago.
@Wrikken haha yeah
@HamZa yeah i know.. XP or else what the OP would see are just a bunch of !@#@%*(&^%$#@!
BTW if someone is interested to add something to this question, he may get the bounty :p Let's hope no one makes it a wiki
@MaciejCzyżewski heya !
@Wrikken thanks by helping
<<< this tired bastard :P
@HamZa vote for wiki! jk.
@HamZa: that online thingamyig I leave up to you ;P
btw, is ovn udp faster than tcp?
Well I was aiming for the bounty since I've set one today
Also, it seems that some bastard(s) are downvoting me lateley ...
@reikyoushin UDP is generally faster because it doesn't verify if the packets actually arrived or not
I nominate "why does PDO give me integers on this server, and strings on the other"? For that PDO question (to mysqlnd or not to mysqlnd is the answer).
@HamZa look at what i found.. host1free.com/free-vps
@reikyoushin Smells fishy ...
yeah.. haha
imma try it using a dummy mail.. if it works ill make it a vpn
Hey folks. I have stupid question. In my test site i use setinterval and ajax calls. But in 5 minuts i have white page with none code. It's a memory bug? (I can't edit and view source) I use Chrome.
setinterval(5 mins, make_page_blank_function()); //like this?
I grap json data.
@MaciejCzyżewski What does your chrome dev console have to say about it? What is it's last request? (And seriously, a setTimeout, and another setTimeout in the called function helps to prevent stacking)
just kidding. :P does the source of json return anything?
@Wrikken this is what you normally do when you need a pseudo real-time app like a chat right?
Och. But problem is different. Chrome crashes in this tab.
But not with "John. I can't see" or what like this.
@Wrikken I can't saw chrome dev console. Becous it's a crash :-)
@reikyoushin: so something like function functionname(//do stuff; settimeout(functionname,timeout);}setTimeout(functionname,timeout);
@reikyoushin that site makes you download something when you signup, smells very fishy.
Failing to understand why StackExchange and SO are treated so independantly.
Hm, anybody got experience with Observium? I get tired of the mess that is Cacti....
@Fabien SO is SO monolithic.
It think it may need its own domain/server ....
@JoelMurphy i just waited for the 5 seconds then let the page redirect.. then cancelled the download
What is bootstrap? I asked this question some time ago, but never got a satisfactory answer.
im not sure if they will approve my application though..
@Fabien SO is a baby of SE, SFault is his brother.. so SE is the mother of all SO-type sites. wahahaha
Did someone hack silex-project.org?
@Simon_eQ it's clean of malware.. sitecheck.sucuri.net/results/silex-project.org but i wouldn't know if the content was changed..
@HamZa not the answer I am looking for
@reikyoushin weird, the content is entirely different.
@HamZa Can you give a layman's term?
Ah nice @reikyoushin. I'm already running with Amazon though, but bookmarked for 12 months time :)
layman's term = "responsive css framework" (and more for some of them)
@Simon_eQ you mean as in javascript library or phase in application's execution ?
@tereško hmm.. yeah i didn't thought of that. what kind of bootstrap
@tereško All, I hear is bootstrap that, bootstrap this. I don't know.
@cheesemacfly got it.
@Fabien what's AWS's virtualization? that's cloud right? am i making sense?
@rdlowrey fyi I narrowed my autoloading issue down - possibly might affect you or your users github.com/krakjoe/pthreads/issues/153
A: Parsing command arguments in PHP

ircmaxellWell, you could also build this parser with a recursive regex: $regex = "([a-zA-Z0-9.-]+|\"([^\"\\\\]+(?1)|\\\\.(?1)|)\"|'([^'\\\\]+(?2)|\\\\.(?2)|)')s"; Now that's a bit long, so let's break it out: $identifier = '[a-zA-Z0-9.-]+'; $doubleQuotedString = "\"([^\"\\\\]+(?1)|\\\\.(?1)|)\""; $sin...

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