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@Mr.Alien Most if not all of the <meta> tags are self closing as well, AFAIC.
<area />
<base />
<br />
<col />
<command />
<embed />
<hr />
<img />
<input />
<keygen />
<link />
<meta />
<param />
<source />
<track />
<wbr />
@PeeHaa There are some pretty big Macs. Now I don't know how much effort it is to clean a Mac, but if you have a big enough one, it's probably worth the effort...
@PeeHaa As with any doc patch I create I stole it from other docs, mostly DOMDocument::saveXML(), which is laid out like that. I think it's much more readable to separate the sections with a new line like that, and since people are constantly editing the raw XML I see no harm in adding a few bytes to the source to make it easier to read. I'll burn them if you want though
@h2ooooooo w3.org/html/wg/drafts/html/master/… All <meta> elements are self-closing
Next we would have <spam />
@PeeHaa <wbr /> wut?
@DaveRandom Neh if DOMDocument::saveXML() is also formatted I'm fine with.
@dragon112 <wbr> (word break) means: "The browser may insert a line break here, if it wishes." It the browser does not think a line break necessary nothing happens.
@DaveRandom Please don't mix whitespace changes with content changes.
@salathe fair enough. I'll just burn them for patch clarity
@dragon112 quite handy
@ComFreek meh never ever used that before
@Mr.Alien I know. My question still stands, though: is <br></br> valid xhtml? (I know it's never a good idea to write it, too, but the question stems purely from theoretical curiosity).
@dragon112 Me too, just googled it ;)
I've had to use &shy; for some word-wrapping at one point.
@Jasper <br> and <br /> are valid, but I doubt <br></br> is valid
If you want some really strange (X)HTML, take a look here: stackoverflow.com/a/702222/603003
@salathe duly noted
correction: <br> is not valid for X HTML
@PeeHaa haha yes, thanks for the list @h2ooooooo I just use utf8 meta
@dragon112 that is invalid
@Jasper I bet it's invalid
Yeah, <br></br> is invalid, just like how <meta></meta> is invalid.
@dragon112 The rules of XML might force it to be valid, though
@PeeHaa fixed
/me still wonders why the heck HTML5 allows deviating from XML...
@Jasper It will probably accept the <br> and ignore the </br>
@Ocramius The 5 in HTML5 is of the rebellious type.
@Ocramius It's worse than that, it allows deviation from SGML :-(
@dragon112 That's what browsers might do. If it's valid according to the standard, it probably says the two together are equivalent to <br />
@Jasper No, in XML-based it must be self-closing.
the main thing about html5 is the introduction of semantic tags, like header, footer blah blah and HTML5 apis
@DaveRandom out of curiosity: how does it allow deviation from SGML?
@Ocramius Have you ever written inline js or css in true XHTML?
@Jasper It deviates by allowing <br> which is not valid XML
<br /> right?
Nobody needs to care about self closing tags for HTML5 any more :D
@dragon112 I don't know if you're responding to what your message is linked to (in which case I don't know what you mean) or to the question I asked Dave (in which case you're misunderstanding my question - I asked about SGML not XML)
@Jimbo Which is not much different from HTML4 in that respect.
@Jack Everyone bums the XHTML stuff for HTML4 though
@Jasper Actually I'm not sure of any specific examples, but the WG has abandoned the idea that HTML5 serialization can be done with SGML and created a new serialization called "HTML". I don't know if they've broken the rules yet, but they've put themselves in a position where no-one can complain when the do. I guess there was some specific case where it didn't fit but I don't know what it is. w3.org/QA/2008/01/html5-is-html-and-xml.html - there's a better post but I can't find it
Out of pure curiosity, when people refer to "he does this and that" when talking about their code/website, where do they get this grammar from? I assume it's a specific set of languages that use he/she instead of it?
@Jasper Ah misread, don't mind me :p
@h2ooooooo Most languages other than English refer to most things with gender. It's actually English which is a bit of an odd-ball there
I am an newbie in web designing so please don't flag my question but we can close
@NullPoiиteя Thanks for the link. The extension works beautifully after a quick patch ;)
Question: I've just started using namespaces and Composer's autoload. When I refer to a function inside of a class, it prepends the namespace in front of the function. How do I prevent this or is preventing it bad practice?
@h2ooooooo E_FOREIGNER
@Fabien When you say "it" do you mean your editor?
On the <br></br> matter: validator.w3.org/check says pastebin.com/4fcVajRR (whihc includes such a structure) is valid XHTML.
No, when I run it in command line
@HamZa I realize that it's not just foreigners being silly - I myself am from Denmark, but in most scandinavian languages we've got the same "defect" as English where we simply refer to things using "it" (though we're worse, as we have "en"/"et" that are completely random, and you only know which one to use if you know which one to use)
@Fabien So you mean an error message contains the namespace or what?
So I have a common function called "everythingNotBracketed" and when I use it in a class with a namespace it tries to use the function with the namespace in front.

PHP Fatal error: Call to undefined function NameSpace\everythingNotBracketed()
@Fabien Call it with a backspace in front to refer to the global namespace: \everythingNotBracketed().
Ah, great thanks.
@DaveRandom Hm... it actually makes sense, though. SGML has never been all that related to HTML in reality (as in, browser-wise) and it never followed proper SGML whitespace rules anyway. It does allow for arbitrary deviation, but that might not actually be a bad thing...
Is this bad practice or just the norm to do so?
@h2ooooooo Remember that English is a horrible mix of Scandinavian, Germanic and Latin languages, I guess we inherited that affectation from you guys :-P
@h2ooooooo Well It's a pain in the head, that's the case in several languages. I wish if there was just one word to refer to all it, he and she. I don't want to remember the gender of each word, but I have to in some cases :(
@h2ooooooo Shouldn't be necessary if the function in question is in the global namespace
@ComFreek yours welcome
Anyone know if being listed on the Telephone Preference Service in the UK is enough to be a deterrent to recruiters who keep calling up?
> "It is a legal requirement that all organisations (including charities, voluntary organisations and political parties) do not make such calls to numbers registered on the TPS unless they have your consent to do so."
@DaveRandom Interestingly enough, I've once seen someone make a case for a translated "it" in Dutch, since it is one of the last places we use genders, meaning that people do not know the genders of words and as a result get them wrong all the time
@Jasper XHTML ftw.
I don't like disorder
@DaveRandom The mix gets interesting when you need to know if the superlative is -er or more ...
In Singapore people like to use "more better" to be on the safe side :)
Gender in Dutch isn't easy, because it's not as obvious as in French or German for instance.
@Jasper Yeh I always had a problem with that when I was engaging in my brief foray into foreign languages at school.
@DaveRandom Well, the solution is to learn Dutch, since we natives don't even get them right, so you'll not stand out :P
Fun fact: the French word "vagin" (vagina) is masculine
With that kind of oddity, is it surprising people get it wrong?
@DaveRandom yeah it is for some people, only developers don't care lol
@DaveRandom But is abandoning an old supersystem that was never really used anyway so you can make your own (slightly) consistent system really disorder? I used to really like XHTML myself, until I found out about inline css and js and saw how broken it was. I wouldn't really call that order...
@HamZa cough German cough
@DaveRandom Now that's awesome.
Wise words:
Hello Friends
@Jasper I don't like inline JS/CSS either :-P
@Manish, yelo :p
@Manish hi
@AlmaDoMundo I think you got it wrong, it's actually YOLO!
@dragon112, yep
@AlmaDoMundo:I need some help regarding group chat in php
@dragon112 You Only Live Online, that is
@Manish, and?
inline css / js is reserved for people who force deadlines upon me without any input on my end.
@Jasper yes?
I have already built in chat script for only two user
but i want to make chat script for multiple user (group chat)
so i want to only help for table script
by you
@DaveRandom I avoid when I can (that's why it took quite long before I found out how broken they were in XHTML), but it does show how broken the concept of HTML as XML is, for the simple reason that it has no way of designating the contents of a certain tag to always be CDATA (rather than PCDATA)
@AlmaDoMundo:R u there?>
@Manish We don't write code for free, try something. Get back when you get stuck on a specific problem
@Ocramius Well, the problems they involve are a large part of the reason why there's non-x html5 (of course the lack of people willing to switch to XHTML was also a big part)
@HamZa:I do not want to script any php
@HamZa Yes, what did you think it was?
@Manish I'm always here. Even if you cant see me. Even if I cant see you. Even if I dont exist
but i want to only table script
@Jasper lazy asses who don't know about escaping...
@Manish If you don't want to write any PHP code you're in the wrong room.
@Jasper I never saw why it should be automagically CDATA without an explicit declaration anyway. Developer idleness is not a good enough reason for rule breaking, and the "readability" argument doesn't stack up either, if you want readable use external files.
What a bluetiful day ;-)
@Manish ask a certain question (What do you have? What is a problem? What are you trying to achieve? What did you tried?)
A: Can we do some arithmetic operation within double quotes?

hakre I wonder if we can do some arithmetic operation, like $x+$y, within a string quote? Yes you can. You can just let PHP caclulate the arithmetric operation and then assign it to a variable and output it. You can also do that inside a double-quoted string (Demo): <?php // @link http://stackov...

@Tredged Not really..
Equally I still don't really get why a self-close on a <script> shouldn't be legal, although obviously BC prevents it from becoming legal now
(I miss NikiC right now ... :/)
@hakre Where is he?
I have no clue ???
@dragon112 Why so?
Maybe offline? :)
I've not seen him for a few days
@Tredged I demand my weekend back, it was gone before it even started for me.
@Tredged Nope, only crappy questions. Gotta leave the PHP tag for now
Maybe he is on vacation?
@dragon112 Bleh that sucks..
@HamZa Thats could be fun sometimes.
Not for him it doesn't :o
@DaveRandom Because in xhtml we needed a rule that stated "you need to comment out inline css and then we ignore the fact that it's commented out" (which was already there for backwards compatibility (without the "need") but this perpetuated the rule. Javascript's commented out cdata blocks are at least as messy if you ask me.
@Mr.Alien Easy, minlength="3" =D
Is there a specific reason why, when I output an image via GD (eg. imagepng) but have the content-type set to text/plain, chrome still decides to try to show it as an image (IE simply tries to download it.). Firefox works fine. The weirdest thing is that if I don't output a content-type header, then Chrome shows it as text (because it auto-content-types it to text/html).
Q: Is it minlength in HTML5?

emilanSeems the minlength attribute for an <input> field doesn't work. Is there any other attribute in HTML5 with the help of which I can set minimal length of value for fields?

If you don't output content-type header, php sends text/html header.
^ that
@HamZa You realize of course that I was kidding right?
@Jack Yes, I know, that's not the problem. The problem is that Chrome tries to show it as a picture if the content type is text/plain but not when it's text/html. Both should show as text (except the HTML should render the "HTML")
I'm not sure how that's a problem, unless you really intended to show the contents of your png.
yeah :P
How are you btw, you were absent for the last few days
@DaveRandom yeah, I remember the first time I tried that and scratched my head when it didn't work. It's legal in xhtml, though (I think) and it doesn't really make sense anywhere else, as the backslash means nothing elsewhere
@HamZa Holiday :)
@Jack In this specific instance I do (simply debugging and checking PHP errors, as GD is creating it).
@Jack ah, enjoy it
Meh, I wouldn't mind another week hehe
@h2ooooooo Why don't you just use curl to check the contents?
@Jasper The thing is though, there's no reason for the comments, a simple <script><![CDATA[<codez here>]]></script> should be adequate. By the rules of XML parsing, the value of that node above is <codez here> - the fact that <![CDATA[ and ]]> end up being evaluated as JS is the fault of the browser incorrectly implementing the extraction of the data to evaluate as JS.
@Jack hehe they should've introduced that...
@Jack I could - it just means having a console open at the same time, which is just illogical (except for this certain part where it seems required). It still doesn't change the fact that text/plain and text/html should both show ‰PNG IHDR1ñcas text and not download it/show it as an image.
@DaveRandom good point
@h2ooooooo So basically you're just complaining about Chrome and IE? ;-)
@Jack Sure - but let's not forget how IE tries to download the image because the content type is wrong ;-)
@DaveRandom A good point to not use inline scripts ;-)
A: "Indirect" isset() with PHP

Barth ZalewskiWhen you cyall myCheck($abc), with set $abc = 123, it gets myCheck(123). It isn't any valid argument for isset. You have to give the function a string with variable name: function myCheck($in) { global $$in; return isset($$in); } Please note the double dollar. Of course, I am also wondering, ...

@Jack I never do for anything (apart from speed-sandboxing)
@PLB When author will try to call his "function" from within another function, he'll be surprised ;)
@DaveRandom tnx I'll submit it after mah lunch or tonight.
@AlmaDoMundo And we'll have question "Indirect" isset does not work in function with PHP
@PLB, and we'll ask @DaveRandom to commit a hotfix into PHP's code :p
I don't get why anybody on the earth should be doing this. What's their motivation?
BTW, it would be nice if isset return true if variable equals null. I know it returns false because in the past assigning to null had the same effect as unsetting variable.
It's worth noting that it is possible to replicate isset() in the manner shown above - with a caveat. function wrapped_isset(&$var = null) { return isset($var); }. This functions exactly like isset() and will always return the same results, however when the variable didn't exist it will be created an initialised with a value of null. It will still return false for isset() even after this, but it will have been created and will appear, for example, in the list returned by get_defined_vars(). However, this is not something I would recommend as (to me at least) it is code smell. — DaveRandom 1 min ago
why should it return true, if variable is null? It doesn't make sense
Hey @Simon_eQ , how did Gili get on in the end?
@Fabien It wan't fine. She got what she wanted.
However, there is a way to get outer scope's variables
10 hours ago, by Giliweed
finallllly ............................it workkkkkked ..Yahooooooooooooooooooooo
@DaveRandom The OP is passing variable names, not references.
lol. What was the story behind her doing it anyway? Her site or lumped on her randomly? Learning project?
@Jack Oh, well that's just silly.
@Jack repcap :p
I'm so glad HTML5 didn't follow the XHTML route.
Maintaining legacy XHTML code makes me thankful for progression in that area.
@SweetieBelle heretic!
@Fabien Learning project. She drained the blood out of me, I had to fall sleep on my way to the bed
Is &&= a valid assignment operator in PHP? I cant find a table of assignment operators in the manual...
@Simon_eQ $var = null; var_dump(isset($var)); //bool(false); Oh, wait. WTF, I have $var defined.
@SweetieBelle No. &= is but the double ampersand will turn that into a parse error, and &= has a pretty narrow use case
@PLB It has no value. It isn't set.
@PeeHaa This is where I was, but no table
@PLB It is defined to NULL so, it makes perfect sense imo.
but that is just me
Planning to change username as well as pic.. :p will get a lot of help then, also profile views ;)
@Simon_eQ heh. I always look at it as a pay-it-forward kind of thing. I feel bad for the people I ask for help, but someday people will ask me for help. Just try and offer the same guidance and support I received.
@SweetieBelle Those blue texts on there are links which can be clicked
@Mr.Alien same here.
@Simon_eQ hehe
@DaveRandom Here's my point: I want something that will tell me if variable is defined or not (i.e. described in script or created and assigned at run-time). I.e. something that lets me be sure warning won't be arised. And I guess isset is the best candidate for this.
@Mr.Alien then no one will remember you. :)
@PLB I have been applying that same behavior, for a long time. It feels good to pass on something, sometimes
@PeeHaa Yes, and even within 'Assignment Operators', there is not an exhaustive table of assignment operators. Thanks.
@YogeshSuthar atleast I will get help, people will care for me
@Mr.Alien What is the username? Mine is the old PHPNoOb
Sorry for multiple edits
@PeeHaa I'm looking for something like 'Table 4.11' here: affy.blogspot.co.uk/p5be/ch04.htm
@Mr.Alien do you want to become help vampire ? :P
@PLB It depends what you are doing. Pass-by-ref with a default value will suppress the warning if you pass something to another routine, but tbh it all kind of sucks, there's no good reason to test if something is set outside the scope of user input and arrays IMO
Hey @Simon_eQ, how are VPSCorner working for you? :D
@SweetieBelle ohhh I just frgt that @Simon_eQ == phpoob :D
@YogeshSuthar Oh yes ;)
@Mr.Alien I didn't know til he just said
@SweetieBelle operator precedence has a complete list
Also $me == "Lightning Dust" :P
@SweetieBelle you are new in the room
@Mr.Alien I was active here a couple months back
As Lightning Dust
ohh haha, see how people get help changing their names.. lol
yea yea I know you
@SweetieBelle It was fine. But, I stopped it temporary until I could learn more about unix on my VM
@Simon_eQ Yeah I'm liking their service still, 6 months now with only 1 downtime
should this be closed?
@SweetieBelle = .= += -= /= *= %= |= &= ^= >>= <<=, as well as ++ and -- is a complete list. You may also see code with $var =& $otherVar; but that's just a massy whitespace version of $var = &$otherVar;
@YogeshSuthar howz your project going on?
@SweetieBelle I was thinking about other providers, that provide anonymous registration.
@Mr.Alien Been busy moving house etc but yeah, should be back here more regularly now. :D
@Mr.Alien nice, but hadn't done anything in it.
@SweetieBelle cool :D @YogeshSuthar y
@DaveRandom Thanks, I did look in Assignment Operators section, didn't think to look in Operator Precedence section.
@Simon They don't check your location if you use Bitcoin, mine's registered in North Korea. :P
Oh Bitcoin. smart move
@Mr.Alien learning js and yii, not getting time to do anything in it.
@DaveRandom I give up. It makes sense that something like that is not needed in most cases. But if for some reason you need to extract user input and then do something with variables then it could be useful but for this rare situations we have <s>in_array('varName', array_flip(get_defined_vars()))</s>array_key_exists('varName',get_defined_vars(‌​))`.
@SweetieBelle Neither did I :-P I just wrote that. I don't count => as an assignment operator but I guess it is technically
@YogeshSuthar ohh me too learning, but 1 hour study, rest workin
@PLB Why the array_flip()? Just array_key_exists(). But still... if for some reason you need to extract user input - I cannot envisage a question to which that would be the answer ;-)
Arghh, can't format it properly. :D
@DaveRandom Just trying to make sure I'm being efficient with
$someVar = $someVar && $someObject->someFunctionThatReturnsBool();
@SweetieBelle Is someVar a bool?
@Mr.Alien I am hardly study 2hour.
@DaveRandom Yes
@YogeshSuthar you sleep more
@Mr.Alien yeah I need more sleep. :P
lazy pig
@SweetieBelle Then you actually could use $someVar &= $someObject->someFunctionThatReturnsBool(); to achieve the same thing - although $someVar would be int(1) or int(0) afterwards. But from a readability point of view I wouldn't recommend it.
Is it another performance-related discussion over there?
@Mr.Alien whatever you say
But don't
@DaveRandom So you'd recommend doing what I'm doing?
@DaveRandom some one needs to file &&= operator feature request!
then we could do $a&&=&$b;
@SweetieBelle Yes. Efficiency-wise it makes no difference and readability-wise the longer version is much clearer IMO
int(1) isn't that useful as most of our checks are $someVar === true (don't like PHP's weak typing where 0 = false when it could be a totally valid (and desired) output).
Yeh I mean it would only be useful if you wanted "truthy" rather than true
Could always cast it to bool but that seems like it'd be awkward and hacky
return (bool) $someVar;
Turn a bool into an int just to turn it into a bool again
Although at the same time @SweetieBelle, while I do agree with the general sentiment, I don't see the point in strict-checking booleans.
@DaveRandom A lot of our data comes from an external API, which has both 0 and false as possible outputs.
=== usually implies that author explicitly wanted to compare strictly
and it brings more questions than answers
So a lot of the time we have to check $thisVar === false;
0 would mean 'This operation returned no results', false would mean 'This operation failed.'
What is the type of results if any in this case?
@zerkms The return is a JSON (we dont control this):
@SweetieBelle Ahh yes but that's a different scenario. When you have something that you don't know the type of, by all means check the type. But when you have a var that you created and you know it represents a boolean value (which is presumably the case above or you wouldn't be treating it like that) then it doesn't really matter.
but just as example?
an array?
'results' : int,
'data' : [{ ... }, { ... }]
Something like that
ok, makes some sense indeed
while results: false - doesn't
We've asked them plenty of times to separate status from results
And give us status true/false for success/failure
the most expected format
and results for num of results (we don't even need this, we can just count the data array...)
@SweetieBelle but they are obsessed on "optimization" and keep as few members as possible!
@zerkms Probably, idk what the thinking is there
Wrap it and convert it in a format you like more
This isn't a project I'm usually involved in but having to add some validations because they changed the API and retroactively told us they'd broken our site. :D
that way you won't rely on weirdness of 3rd party API format
I am of the opinion that status is an int, where 0 is "no error" and anything else is an error code, and that count is completely pointless in JSON because the syntax is explicit enough about the number of elements in a collection.
Q: PHPPowerpoint : Grid Lines + Custom Chart Line Colors + Label Y-axis

asprinI'm using the following code to create a chart with the PHP Powerpoint library. $currentSlide = createTemplatedSlide($objPHPPowerPoint); $seriesData = array('ABC'=>97,'BCD'=>97,'CDE'=>97,'DEF'=>97,'EFG'=>97,'FGH'=>97); $lineChart = new PHPPowerPoint_Shape_Chart_Type_Line(); $series = new PHPPowe...

@DaveRandom I could accept that, status as an int with 0 indicating success ;)
@DaveRandom But int|false as return type is horrible on any web API
@SweetieBelle If it's good enough for the shell it's good enough for me
@SweetieBelle agreed
it is horrible in any api
You have to be careful though, you can go to far the other way, just look at VB
@zerkms To be honest I gave up on their ability to create a good API when I learned they'd told us they changed it AFTER they changed it.
Null Nothing Empty <-- all of those exist and mean different things in VB
I really need to do something about this linkifier
"they changed it AFTER they changed it." --- continuous architect
agile, second level
> The developer MUST make shit up as they go along, and MAY subsequently decide to inform the user what they chose to do.
May I know why I got downvoted here?
@DaveRandom Add some placeholder for functions that needs to be linkified (e.g. ~empty~ should be linkified, while just "empty" should not). Just an idea.
@PLB I was thinking the inverse actually, so that !thing() will be ignored (and the exclamation mark stripped)
@Mr.Alien people that don't like aliens, is my guess.
Or whatever
@Simon_eQ they love cats
I am starting to think, only about 5-10 people in this world know about unit testing.
@zerkms lol, @Simon_eQ I will kill all humans
I dunno, I'm going to add a whole bunch of client-side opts, but I'm still working on the doc JSON API at the moment, the PHP manual is too slow and not flexible enough
Plus the way it works at the moment is a bit of a dirty hack around the fact that XHR is kinda crap, with a nice JSON API it'll be much cleaner and also easier to port to Mozilla/Opera/Safari
Not that I care about Safari
That downvote was good, I got the magical number 27,272
Anyone familiar with parsing xlxs?
I'm really bad at testing :/ I wish I was better but I really don't know how people write good tests.
I write tests, but they always seem hacky and ugly
@SweetieBelle, I don't know how people write tests :(
@SweetieBelle You are lucky, I can't even start testing
@zerkms he added the entire code later...
@DaveRandom funnily enough thats the exact page I am looking at. Main thing I need is to be able to read the colour of the cell.
@AlmaDoMundo I have a test for every controller and service on my apps
@Fabien Text colour or background colour?
@SweetieBelle, lucky you. I have not :\ Shame on me
@Fabien Just a sec let me find it, I've done it before so I know it can be done
@AlmaDoMundo "I don't know how people write tests :(" --- have you tried to do something to get into it?
@DaveRandom Awesome thanks :)
@zerkms, that was not a question. just a notice about my low knowledge :\ I'm aware about TDD, but never have real experience.
hello people
@AlmaDoMundo so just try :-)
@Rozer, hello
@zerkms I have tried, ... and hopelessly failed.
@Simon_eQ :-S
@zerkms - for what, myself? Need to do the stuff on the real production projects. Unfortunately, have no such projects yet
why am i getting this error when i load "uri" class Unable to load the requested class: uri
Ffs, RTFM before posting an issue on github that's because of your own damned stupidity! /rant
well ... the tooth is gone
quick quiz while silence: what car do you drive?
I have not :\
@zerkms Bike: CBR 600F, car: Ford Puma
No car
No driving license.
@Jimbo puma looks funny
@zerkms It's a good little runabout, they cost less than £1k in good condition :)
1.6 Zetec engine, drives like a gokart
bored on my toyota funcargo, thinking of possible candidate for replacement (as a family car)
Couldn't advise on family cars tbh, I'm not there yet (hopefully not for another 10 years)
Unable to load the requested class: uri
@Jimbo actually it's a fun experience. You at least always have the great meal fur lunches
any suggestion people
I bought a Peugeot 307sw last year, pretty nice :D
I'm looking for some help on the naming of my classes. I have a number of condition classes, basically modeling ==, !=, >, >=, <` and <=. The current naming is rather onconsistent and I'm looking to fix that.
@Rozer we even have no idea what you're working with
i'm working with codeigniter
@Rozer how about at least try to debug?
@Jasper - you can use perl-like named prefixes/postfixes (eq for ==, ne for !=, gt for >, lt for <, ge for >=, le for <=)
@Jasper: you could use this as inspiration
@Rozer Just google for "codeigniter Unable to load the requested class" and look at the results
I use Less and Greater which aren't perfect opposites but the best I could come up with. The really big problem I have is that I have LessOrEquals together with Equality. The problem is that I couldn't find a way to do the or version the same as the != one
@Fabien Yeh I've found it, I remember now it's in a stupid place because the XLSX format is stupid, you have to do getStyleByColumnAndRow($y, $x) on the worksheet (not the cell) and that returns a PHPExcel_Style object, which has a getFill() method, that returns a PHPExcel_Style_Fill object, which has getStartColor() and getEndColor() methods (because excel supports gradients)
Any suggestions?
@AlmaDoMundo I could see that work as aliases or something, but not as class names really
@DaveRandom wow, lol. Thanks :)
That gives you a PHPExcel_Style_Color object, which then gives you a few options for how you can get the format you want
@Jasper I've written an example. You can use full names: EqualTo, NotEqual, LessThan, GreaterThan, LessEqual, GreaterEqual
@DaveRandom quite a roundabout way of doing things or am I crazy now?

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