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Is anyone there?
OK, I just saw the note "Don't ask whether someone is here...."
I'm having trouble with codeigniter on my Ubuntu machine.
After I click on the login button of my home page, I get a message The requested URL <url> was not found on this server.
Anywhere I should be looking? There are StackOverflow threads talking about similar things, but couldn't figure out a solution.
is it possible to timer set pages of the user controlled by admin using html php or javascript ? i have a situation where the admin sets the time for the users to vote. the voting pages will then be visible if the timer is set by the admin. after the time passed the voting pages wont be accessible anymore.

thanks in advance
@ProgrammingEnthusiast thank you
@ProgrammingEnthusiast what's the URL that can't be found?
if it's the browser giving a 404 then maybe your URL is wrong
The login form is on this URL: localhost/example. When I press the login button, the URL in the address bar turns to localhost/example/main/login and there's a 404 for that.
I'm using the CodeIgniter framework, by the way.
The apache error log states this:
[Thu Jul 28 11:56:35 2011] [error] [client] File does not exist: /var/www/example/main, referer: http://localhost/example/
[Thu Jul 28 11:56:35 2011] [error] [client] File does not exist: /var/www/favicon.ico
have you setup url rewriting and the htaccess properly?
I'm not sure if I have.
But the same system was working in a Windows 7 with XAMPP machine.
that could be because you have the setup url rewriting on that system
check out whether mod_rewrite is enabled and configured for your webroot and whether your project has an .htaccess file with the rules defined
I just ran sudo a2enmod rewrite and got the message "Module rewrite already enabled"
How could I check if it is configured for my webroot?
you'll need to check your httpdconf file
check the .htaccess files are there first
you need to do some configuration
setting your path and so forth
.htaccess file is there under the example folder.
@Johnp do you run on a mac? Maybe you can help here: serverfault.com/questions/294901/detect-cpu-vendor-on-osx
In my .htaccess file I've got:
RewriteEngine on
RewriteCond $1 !^(index\.php|images|track|style|jquery|xml|user_guide|user_images|robots\.txt|test\.php)
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ index.php/$1 [L]
@ChristianSciberras nope sorry, I use windows
@JohnP Can't find osx users. I'm starting to think macs are dying. (lol jk)
@ProgrammingEnthusiast ok cool. also check this : codeigniter.com/wiki/mod_rewrite
@ChristianSciberras maybe they just use their own forums ^_^
@JohnP: Thanks! I'll check out both the links.
@ProgrammingEnthusiast cool. Also, just checking your rules to the one on the site, there's a / missing from your one at the start of the index.php
In this line, you mean: RewriteRule ^(.*)$ index.php/$1 [L]
How would you optimize this code: codepad.viper-7.com/f9kpXF
@ircmaxell Speaking of de-dirtyfying ;)
how can i create a file and save some images that given by the user in it.for example i want to create a file in the name of a hotel that user gives.EX:asd hotel and upload 3 ımages.I want to create a file name asd and upload 3 images in it.
@DannyTogaer: Is this similar to what you're looking for? stackoverflow.com/questions/3343071/…
@ProgrammingEnthusiast thanks for answer but no my client(my friend) ask me to make a admin page that takes from user a name(this is the folder name) and save images that also given by the user and save them in the folder that is the folder name that the user gives.thats all but again thanks for answer
Ahh...looks like you need basic file handling functions in PHP.
yes to be honest this is my 3rd day in php :) but i know c and html i can easily understand the code at least :)
That shows how files can be uploaded.
...along with server side validation.
thanks alot for help and kindness have a really nice day
No problem. Good luck.
hiiii @programming and @danny
@ircmaxell @Artefacto can you delete vote this pls: stackoverflow.com/questions/6855714/what-is-the-php-bible
@Gordon I think closing is enough. Might prevent dups in the future.
@Artefacto fair enough
1 hour later…
posted on July 28, 2011 by Lorna Mitchell

I've been looking around for a really simple API that would be a nice place to get started using web services from PHP - and I realised that bit.ly actually fits the bill really well. They have straightforward api docs on google code, and it's also a pretty simple function! Here's a simple example, using PHP's curl extension, of using the bit.ly API to get a short URL, using PHP (you n

Buzz Buzz
PHP, unlike C++, doesn't need a Bible for people to use it. The manual is there for the few people who (unfortunately) weren't born with PHP in their blood.
I have a class which contains enough information to invoke a user method, which is: the class name, the method to invoke, and the arguments to pass. What do I call this class? Is Dispatch the correct name for this?
@rickchristie class CallUserFuncArray ;)
@Gordon - is that serious? The class name isn't really a class name, but an instance of ObjectReference which the DIC will then use to instantiate the class.
@Gordon - does Callback sounds right?
@rickchristie well, half serious. What you describe sounds like the class is collecting the arguments to do call_user_func_array, so you might want to call it MethodCallBuilder or CallbackBuilder or something.
well you have a point there
When I run this paste pastebin.com/05ay7E41 in CLI php, after alls been done, it doesn't write to any file, the vulnerable.log isn't there??? Help
@Gordon - why the Builder suffix?
@rickchristie because I would have it return the callback. If you want the class to invoke the callback itself, omit the suffix. Call it Invoker or something and give it an __invoke method
@Mobinga I don't see save_log defined. Yet I presume it's what writes to the file?
Yes, supposed to.
ugh. gtg, thanks for the help @Gordon
@Mobinga Also, you could have an empty array and all runs fine, but it never gets to writing the file.
See lines 47, 48. An empty array will fail at 48 but succeeds at 47, so nothing gets written and everything looks successsful.
@rickchristie np
@ChristianSciberras So, nothings being written? Can I use if is_empty()??
Hello::::::; this is actually not a php question, but i want to know
how to insert a link on a png image
Link does not working because of image
anyone knows the answer?
<a href="http://ffff">
<img src="img.png" />
I mean in a menu
in above link
menu does not work in different screen resolutions because of png image
Links not going.
no no they re # ed
i mean computer does not detect it as a link , because the png image is on menu
only 50% space showing as a link in "home" menu
Resolution problem? Use css and not html to specify sizes na?
no no , go to that web page and minimize window:: then menu will not work
*not minimize , restore window
The webpage is not going! Its not opening.
lislia.com/tt/index.html Are you sure its this?
yes , just now it worked
@Artefacto is there a "common Garbage Collector" in addition to the "circular reference collector"? I'm asking because of a comment to stackoverflow.com/questions/6858432/disable-garbage-collection/…
or @salathe or anyone more familiar with internals than me
@Gordon No, the rest is reclaimed by destroying variables when the reference count hits 0
@Artefacto thanks
@Chamara I can't navigate to your url. ☂
this worked for me right now
Lemme try a different browser.
Still not working.
using chrome
Night everyone
@Mobinga Just use count()
@ChristianSciberras do you use netbeans ?
@OmeidHerat and Zend Studio. I'm starting to migrate to Zend.
that is exactly my question about
but are you in windows ?
Too bad, Netbeans had great shortcuts. ctrl+f, ctrl+tab, ctrl+g all miss 'em
Yes, windows 7
Got some vms though.
A linux vm here, and 11 at home :P
you can use Zend framework with netbeans
but I didn't had a success as there is an issue with the PHP CLI on windows
I think only with the one that is packed with XAMPP
you can use any framework with both. They just read docblocks.
Hi, someone suggested to me I should use chat. So here is my question: how could flash or JS stop the php from loading: what could the causes be that is? I have a php page which loads ok untill it loads a banner...the rest is not loaded..sadly it is not my page, so I don't know what the php does, I just need to find out in which direction to dig further
have you ever used any of them Zend with Netbeans in windows ?
hey, anybody have any experience with Vim editor?
alo all
Would anyone have any deets on a community maintained IP to Country database?
Don't need anything fancy, just need to convert all my IPs to countries
I don't get it, so I'm editing a file on terminal with Vim but how do i save it when all the commands don't work while editing.
I need to know how to save the file when no command works.
@JohnP maxmind.com/app/geolitecountry is the one that PHP can use natively via the GeoIP extension
@OmeidHerat thanks, but I need it to work on the server side and highspeed. so the DB has to be local
@Gordon I was just looking at their light version. but that was speaking about only the US and AOL
was wondering whether it would work worldwide
@JohnP ah. I see. Sorry, no idea then.
@Gordon hmm, I wonder whether I had misread it, It just says it returns US for AOL users
worth a shot anyway
@OmeidHerat number 1 hit on google for "free ip to country database" :P
@JohnP I opend, looked through website and the live example and they are giving the DB, so thought might help, did you try that?
what was wrong ?
@OmeidHerat haha no no I didn't click it earlier when I searched, I think it might have what I need. They allow the database to be downloaded.
Nevermind, figured it out, ctrl+end will do
@JohnP Here is actually the Database took me a while to find the Download link software77.net/geo-ip/history
yup, just looking through the PHP script that uses it.
I think I have something to work with. thanks for the help everyone :) @gordon @OmeidHerat
@codenameblue can't you just hit ESC and :w ?
not a linux user, but that should work
I got webservices in "http" but now PHP developers have made webservices in "https",Will it affect webservices as I am not PHP developer may be silly question
I'm relatively new, but I don't think will be changed. But with anything, I'm sure the switch will reveal issues you didn't know about. Again, grain of salt.
Web-services are in JSON format and I'm just parsing them in my project and works fine also,and now web-services are in https for security purpose,I just change the link from http to https and works fine
@Artefacto but that's only run when leaving a scope, correct?
@ManjotSingh I think the main difference between the two is one requires certificates, shouldn't affect anything that has the proper certs
I think
So,I need to do anything else certs are proper
It works fine
@JohnP yea, esc works even better, thanks
@ircmaxell or because of unset, fclose, etc
@Artefacto right, or end of script
but that is a form of GC. Uninteligent, fast, simple, but still GC...
well that's the realm of semantics
it's certainly very different of the garbage collectors found in Java
Well, but isn't that what GC is? Collecting unneeded memory?
@Artefacto in implementation detail, sure. In concept it's the same
and "fast" would not be a good word, it doesn't have the advantages of deallocating memory in blocks or compacting it
when I meant fast, it's not doing any significant algorithmic computation such as circular reference counting, etc
would you call smart pointers in C++ "garbage collectors"?
RAII is garbage collection?
I don't think those cases qualify, hence the way I replied Gordon
@ircmaxell Got a question, have you ever used Zend with netbeans in windows ?
you seem busy but, what about PHP CLI under windows ?
And it's not two GCs
hugs @Artefacto while shaking fist at @ircmaxell
have any one implemented tank auth with codeigniter
im trying to make it insert additional data from the registration form but no luck so far
i just added a hidden field to the registration form and did $this->input->post('hidnfield') as an additional parameter to the call to create_user method in the model
but nothing happens
any pointers
@swordfish Did you spell the field name right?
sure i did
Because it's spelled "hidden" not "hidn".
create_user($use_username ? $this->form_validation->set_value('username') : '',
user_type is the name of the hidden field ive added in the registration form
Do you mean to use get_value instead of set_value?
@Gordon :-P
its part of the tank auth script
I know you said that already.
@Gordon I view garbage collection as non-explicit clearing of memory that's no longer needed. if you don't need to do a free() on the memory manually, and the memory still gets reclaimed, it's a form of GC
$this->input->post('user_type') is the only piece i added there, rest belongs to the tank auth
Are you trying to get the value of the "username" field?
username and all the other stuff are part of tank auth and they are working well and fine, the only piece that isnt working is the user_type tht ive added
Try this: `create_user($use_username ? $this->form_validation->get_value('username') : '',
@ircmaxell all very well but thats no reason to bomb my answer. my answer is correct. if you want to disable the gc, you have to do what i wrote. whether that disables all or just some part isnt important
@Gordon fair enough I guess
Here's an interesting question. How do you reverse the value of a constant back to a value? Eg: reverse the numeric value of E_WARNING back into 'E_WARNING'
My idea is, either manually with a lookup table: $errs = array(E_WARNING=>'E_WARNING');
or at best, with some code that grabs all E_* constants, gets their value and constructs the array automatically.
@ChristianSciberras array_search(2, get_defined_constants());
@Gordon I knew there was an easier way =D. Thanks
@Gordon yeah...
@Gordon That 'newbie' guy. He always does it. Blame it all on him.
Next question: "How do I create a class $foo which extends $bar?" (lol)
> I believe any OOP developer will have an idea about what I wish to accomplish. Thanks in advance for any hints.
if (!is_null($data = $this->tank_auth->create_user(
$use_username ? $this->form_validation->set_value('username') : '',
$email_activation))) { }

the actual method is create_user($data,$activation) { }

im not sure how it is getting wrapped into an array, can any one tell me how
@swordfish Holy cow. What's that??
thats a snippet from the tank auth script
im not able to understand how the first three parameter are automatically getting wrapped into an array and passed to $data
Tank? As in a heavily armored vehicle?
well some one seems to be too happy today
no tank as in php authentication system for codeinginter
@swordfish create_user is probably creating the array.
im not sure i understand that
can u elaborate
how can a method which is being called create an array even before its being called
It is being called, then its return value is being passed to $data...
but even then how can u call a method which takes 2 parameters with 3 parameters
actuallt 4
the method takes four parameters and returns an array
no i ve given u the prototype it only takes 2 parameters
no, it takes four
function create_user($data, $activated = TRUE)
$data['created'] = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
$data['activated'] = $activated ? 1 : 0;
$type = $data['user_type'];
if ($this->db->insert($this->table_name, $data)) {
$user_id = $this->db->insert_id();
if ($activated) $this->create_profile($user_id,$type);
return array('user_id' => $user_id);
return NULL;
then it's ignoring the last two parameteres.
this is the entire definintion can u pls tell me where it takes the other 2 parameters
@Gordon can u pls help me out here?
@swordfish I suggest starting with proper indentation.
@Gordon Here it goes:

	foreach($c as $k=>$v)

Next part is weeding out such values from a set. Should be a piece o' cake.
gist: 1111685, 2011-07-28 14:57:11Z
//can some one pls explain me how this is happening

if ($this->form_validation->run()) {								// validation ok
				if (!is_null($data = $this->tank_auth->create_user(
						$use_username ? $this->form_validation->set_value('username') : '',
						$email_activation))) {	}

//this is the definition of the function

function create_user($data, $activated = TRUE)
		$data['created'] = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
		$data['activated'] = $activated ? 1 : 0;
		$type = $data['user_type'];
		if ($this->db->insert($this->table_name, $data)) {
			$user_id = $this->db->insert_id();
			if ($activated)	$this->create_profile($user_id,$type);
			return array('user_id' => $user_id);
		return NULL;
I love it when content for a post gets emailed to you
@ircmaxell can u help me out, i have a little trouble understanding this
not really
@swordfish The method could be a different one. tank_auth could be anything.
@ChristianSciberras im so sorry , ure right its pointing to a different library function now it all adds up, thank you and sorry
@swordfish No problem lol. Glad to help out.
@ircmaxell (hint: code completion would have avoided that) But then again, I wouldn't expect you to end up in this situation (no sarcasm).
oh, yeah, let's auto-complete everything, even this chat :-P
try ctrl-space in opera :-P
@KamilTomšík It works! It does a space on chrome!(!)
anyone know how i can debug xml+php code?
does anyone see anything wrong with this part of code?

<?php header("content-type: text/xml"); ?>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
	<Gather action="complete_call.php">
		<Say>Press any key to accept this call</Say>
do you have short-tags enabled?
i am not sure what that is, from my analysis this file with code is where my program gets stumped
@JeffHodge This line: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
if you have short_tags on, it will bork with a syntax error on the <?xml line
PHP gets confused with the "<?xml" part.
Use an echo statement for the first line of the XML: echo "<?xml ...";
hi guys, I have a sort of unusual request, I'd ask a question about it on SO - but I don't think it would fit in Q&A model very well.
<?php header("content-type: text/xml");
echo 'xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"'?>
like that?
<?php header("content-type: text/xml");
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<?php header("content-type: text/xml");
echo '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>'
I have dabr installed on my server I opens the index page, but anything apart (for eg, the oAuth login) doesn't do anything. Any ideas why or how I can debug this.
@sathya does it give any kind of error message?
@JohnP no, absolutely none
my file is .php so i think its the intrepretor having issues with the xml opening ta
so just a blank white page?
anything in the error logs?
@JohnP just the index page.
@JohnP I have no clue where to find it, tbh
@JeffHodge No no this: echo '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>';
@Michael short_open_tag=On in my php environment
@JeffHodge No no it doesn't matter if its in an echo statement.
are you running on a shared server?
@JeffHodge It ignores PHP tags in echo statements.
That's why you put it in an echo statement and not outside of a PHP block
@JohnP checking,..
@Michael ill give this a try

<?php header("content-type: text/xml");
echo '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>';

	<Gather action="complete_call.php">
		<Say>Press any key to accept this call</Say>
@JeffHodge Yes that's it.
@Sathya also, if this is a personal site, set errors to display till you debug the issue : stackoverflow.com/questions/6480425
@Michael awesome!!!!!!!!! that worked, it read the xml this time...I got another error this time though lemme check it out thanks a lot, I didnt know about that xml tag issue from a longggg time
@JeffHodge Sure, np
awesomeee the other file also had the same error!!!! i fixed it hopefully works now
@JohnP thanks, I'll do that as well.
@JohnP still nothing in the error logs
and in the page? nothing shows at either?
even with the error levels set to E_ALL ?
@JohnP yes
There's an error on top :)
@JohnP yes, that's related to the advert, I don't think it'll have any impacts?
lemme fix that then
can't say. Never used Dabr.
If you'd rather not dig into the code, you might have to wait around till you find someone who uses dabr
I don't mind digging in, as long as I have a helping hand :)
haha, well someone will always be around. timezones and all that :)
I'd start by figuring out where it's dying
try to localize the issue
also, have echo out the current error level somewhere. see if the script is resetting it
oh dear.
do I need to restart the cgi process after installing a module?
you'd have to restart apache
whenever you make a change to the ini
but you can set the error level in the code, so you can just refresh the page
I'm running on nginx, btw
haven't really worked on nginx. Don't think that should affect anything majorly
you'll first need to see if the script is muting errors. if it is, you'll need to override it so that you can see the errors
it could be as simple as setting a configuration option in dabr. depends
> Fatal error: Call to undefined function curl_init() in /var/www/sbhat.me/t/common/twitter.php on line 396
@JohnP though phpinfo says curl support enabled ;(
hmm, put up a test page with some curl code in it and check
@JohnP same, call to undef. function.
ok, that means curl isn't enabled. hmm, I wonder why your info file is saying it is.
I'm assuming the info file is running off the same PHP/Apache combo?
yes, @JohnP
Oook, php -i on the command line returns curl is enabled, phpinfo() doesn't have a mention about curl
no no!
was just typing that
PHP CLI isn't always the same php.ini as on web
so just enable it in your web php.ini and you're good to go
@JohnP indeed, that + restarting the cgi services did it. Thanks a lot!
no problem. glad to help
didn't know you were in SL @JohnP
@Sathya yup, good old +5.30 GMT :)
btw, I get CHIP whenever I visit India :D
From Kerala originally
oh wow.
you aren't too far from me :p
haha yeah. been to Chennai once, quite a while back
which part of Kerala? ( if you don't mind?)
I go there about once every two years or so. My parents more often
I probably have the distinction of being the only Malayali Sri Lankan on SO :D
nice. I'm from Karnataka, actually. Shifted to Chennai for work
My Indian geography is pretty bad, but I've heard of that place
looking at the map, we're only a state or two apart
yeah, Kerala border is just about 20minutes drive from my house
actually neighbors :)
yep :)
anyhow, I'm off. Thanks again for your help! G'nite! @JohnP
@Sathya no problem, have a nice night! :)
posted on July 28, 2011 by Henri Bergius

So, Symfony2 was released today. Now, you may remember me complaining about the fragmentation in the PHP community, as well as suggesting various technologies that have the power to bring the community together. But what I haven't talked about is convergence in the area of PHP frameworks. Frameworks are generally problematic concerning cross-project collaboration, as most of the code written

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