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@PeeHaa what will be the good thing to connect over 40 branches Localhost with a VPS ?
Define "40 branches Localhost"?
Our company have over 40 branches
When you say branhces do you mean git branches or departments?
if they have a net down stage they are using localhost to connect to the our web app .when net is ok localhost should be sync with the our Main Central server
i mean databases
40 branches databases with one VPS database
Look into replication for your database of choice
using mysql cluster ?
@PeeHaa but ideone has PHP 5.2 they improved: ideone.com/7kJrOT
@Samithaఠ_ఠ Yes either that. Or look into something like local storage on the clients side. Depending on what exactly you want to do
@Gordon I'm still hoping that somebody is able to get viper7's codepad running on my machine. Once I have a running codepad I do whatever is wanted / needed
@PeeHaa if you want a shell you can use jordis: seld.be/notes/php-console-in-your-browser
> I can't really let you try it on my website for the obvious security implications
@PeeHaa I doubt viper is secure in that regard
At least viper is jailed
what do you think about using a OpenVPN ? and it's free ?
Haven't used it often @Samithaఠ_ఠ And yes I think it is free
can we have that ? any clue ?
WHat do you mean by can we have that?
Sure you can have that. I won't stop you :P
i mean to connect 40 branches
lol :v
Check their website.
Afternoon all
Jo jimbo
can we use mysql dump to backup the localhost(wamp) database and restore it with online sever (sametime) ? can we write a php script ?
Q: How to export full mysql database with php script...? Problem in using 'mysqldump'

GitsDi am using this command to backup my full mysql database.. $backupFile = $dbname . date("Y-m-d-H-i-s") . '.sql'; $command = "mysqldump -h$hostname -u$username -p$password $dbname > $backupFile"; system($command); I am getting blank file. And i am using XAMMP on windows. I have already used exe...

hey guys. anyone with oracle db experience here?
monring @tereško
morning after
im dealing with weird bug.. i'm returning an array of strings through json_encode and its returning as an array of Arrays of strings . has anyone ever had that happen before?
I'm at a loss as to why..
I'm pushing in the strings just as values.. array_push($item_ids, $row['ITEM_ID']); how could this be pushing Arrays into the array?
@PeeHaa array(10) { [0]=> string(1) "1" [1]=> string(1) "2" [2]=> string(1) "3" [3]=> string(1) "4" [4]=> string(1) "5" [5]=> string(1) "6" [6]=> string(1) "7" [7]=> string(1) "8" [8]=> string(1) "9" [9]=> string(2) "10"}{"status":"ok","items":null,"count":10,"type":"IT"}
hmm seems to be correct (strings in array) before it sends it back
What does it look like when receiving it on the client side?
@PeeHaa oh dear, i found the error. It was on the client side, there was a prototype function that was parsing results and returning arrays - meh
thank you for pointing me in the right direction - i spent a long time looking on the php/database side
@webarto .. the prodigal son returns
could someone field this questions:
Q: Set a php object global for query optimization

WHiSPERI have a problem in optimizing my PHP script. For example: A MySQL Table: option_name || option_value ===================================================== base_url || http://mysite.com/myproject theme_name || default language || ...

Q: organizing PHP OOP classes to work with DB

YekverToday I have a PHP-project with very strange class structure. Like this: db_base db_base_ext extends db_base module_1 extends db_base_ext submodule_1_1 extends class_1 module_2 extends db_base_ext ..... module_N extends db_base_ext db_user extends db_base_ext db_base co...

hii friends, i use a mysql field named db_number and it is indicated as double, now when it does some calculation in php, the output is saved in db in xx.xxx (i.e. 3 digits after decimal, how can i make it xx.xx (i.e. only two digits after decimal) and that too 45.555 shall be saved as 45.56
through php?
@tereško mySql replication is what i need
@Samithaఠ_ఠ and why are you telling me that ?
you guide me a lot regarding that since yesterday
@DaveJust also , your answer is wrong. As of php 5.3.6, the charset is part of mysql's DSN
$msg_length = str_word_count($message); when saved to mysql DB gives 0 as result.
$message = message from a textarea of a form
it is stored to this field db_length in mysql database that is int
@tereško what could be the reason? i take the code as right
@Ashis that should not be handled by PHP. Instead of using FLOAT or DOUBLE, you should be using DECIMAL
we ll .. ok .. not exclusively by php
on PHP end of thing, you would be applying number_format() to the value, before saving it in DB
.. and that last part about counting words made no sense to me
I'm not that good at Indlish language
last part about counting words made no sense to me <<<< why this? @tereško
alternatively, you could just save the entire number in the database and only round it when displaying
@tereško but salves can't write data .so we need to have 43 masters.it's not possible.So how we replicate 43 branches databases to the one master ? blogs.riverbed.com/.a/6a00e5508a3ca78834015438475df3970c-800wi
whether that's a better idea or @tereško's is, depends on hwat you are doing (I'd say)
@Jasper but that number will always be an integer, as the number of words in a textfield will be integers, why does it is saving 0 always to db?
Eh I hate PHP
@NikiC what did it do this time?
arrrrrrrrrrrrrgh, while echoing on the same page it is showing correct, "The message is 27 words long." while saving to DB it is showing 0
Script just computed stuff for twenty minutes and in the code for outputting the result I typo the function name...
So of course it runs nicely, but fatals at the very end
@Samithaఠ_ఠ no no no. You need one master (well , actually 2, but the second one should be a backup if primary crashes). If internet goes down, all the separate branches would still be able to read and search data, but not write.
@NikiC ouch, that's brutal
You can implement a "write queue" that gets used locally (with some constraints - like "no updates") , and can be performed when master is reachable again , but that would kinda be a bit pointless
@Ashis You're not making sense at all. You are asking about how to save a rounded number in a db, and when you get an answer you say "but that number is always an int"...
@NikiC Grmbl!
@Samithaఠ_ఠ if you have 43 master, it would means that you have exchanges, that would be required when internet connection is reestablished , would be on the scale of 43! (that's factorial of 43)
@jasper i do not understand what i am not able to make you understand. for me int = 1, 2, 3, 4, and so on.. i.e. the numbers without decimals..
@jasper this is my exact question,
$msg_length = str_word_count($message); when saved to mysql DB gives 0 as result.
$message = message from a textarea of a form
it is stored to this field db_length in mysql database that is int, int(11)
@tereško each branch not depending on each.I mean NewYork City branch student payments or marks we are going to keep only with NewYork branch local database + Central server database .Brooklyn City branch student payments or marks we are going to keep only with Brooklyn branch local database + Central server database .(Because when internet down we need those info to check when student sitting on the front officer before he/she entering to the class) .
when net is ok it should sync with central server.EX:course we have a one insert now. A Student has join to the Maths Class now.
Any curl experts here?
@Samithaఠ_ఠ it would be nice if you stopped changing requirements ALL THE TIME !
no @tereško this is what i tell since yesterday .i can't write english to understand all the time
we don't have any english background here
sorry to say that
can we simply use mysql dump ?
what you actually need are some locally found specialists. From what i have gathered, you definitely need to find a good DB architect (at least as consultant) and I am 95% sure, that you also need a Network Administrator
@Samithaఠ_ఠ no
@tereško haha hahahahahaha haaaaa!
yeah i need all now + english teacher
What you are making is not a "business card" level website for local bakery. You want to create a distributed system for a university. It is not something a one person can do.
If i had been tasked with something like this, I would have spent past week phoning smart people, which are experts in each of those areas.
@Samithaఠ_ఠ "backup and restore" , not synchronize
Aug 1 at 16:52, by Samitha ఠ_ఠ
Hey Anybody know this .I want to sync LOCALHOST Database ( wampsever ) with online Server .What kind of technology could i use here ?
this was your original question
i don't know why i can't have an answer for this .43 branches(43 localhosts) with one VPS .i need to sync .that;s it
usually when people have "online server and a database at localhost" , they are talking about production and development environments
this is why my first answer was
Aug 1 at 16:53, by tereško
mysql_dump, or if are quite good as sysadmin, google "mysql dual master replication"
you said nothing about 43 branches in different countries
@tereško you didnt call me
ah. if I had
you are not in my phone's memory
not in different countries but within the country
@Samithaఠ_ఠ what are you trying to do? sorry i just came in between so i do not know the source of your problem
this isn't really a big question as i think
but i can't get into words
his question is: "How to create a system which can access DB data from 43 different locations, if internet connection is not reliable?"
yeah.that's right
sounds like distributed mysql cluster
and is he a programmer? php / mysql? or others
Q: MySQL Cluster Replication: Multi-Master with Geographically distributed locations

amit modiI read about MySQL Cluster Replication: Multi-Master but one thing that is not clear to me is how good MySQL scales when the Clusters are spread across different geographical locations. By this I mean that nodes with the cluster are connected with High Bandwidth network but clusters communicate ...

@Gordon what i suggested to him is a dual-master setup with 43 slaves (in each branch), all part of same VPN (since the mention of "localhost" seems to indicate a NAT-ed system)
if internet connection is not reliable, what the hell is the network then? GPS?
... i also repeatedly suggested to find/hire/borrow a good sysadmin
@tereško What is the sum of 1 to 1000000000 ??
@tereško I totally agree with what you said. I just felt the request not to change the requirements funny :)
@Baba 1000000000 + 1000000000 * 1000000000 / 2
if net down going to use the app that connect with localhost (each branches using same way ) .later it should with central server @Ashis
@Baba array_sum(range(1, 1000000000)) :P
okay, means synchronising
@tereško (1 + 1000000000) * 1000000000 / 2
@Gordon Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 134217728 bytes exhausted
56 secs ago, by Madara Uchiha
@tereško (1 + 1000000000) * 1000000000 / 2
@Baba 500000000500000000
Really ???
Now am more confused ...
go 2 different result in 2 different program languages
@Gordon, I would recommend looking into Percona MySQL XtraDb cluster as an alternative to MySQL's native clustering capabilities. It's free and open source. percona.com/software/percona-xtradb-cluster
499999999500000000 & 499999999067109000 can some one try in C or python too
@Baba floating point problem
also , the python version must be wrong
okay, i have a question not related to programming, i see that this guy http://stackoverflow.com/users/100297/martijn-pieters is ranked 1 in SO
is there any real benefit of getting higher ranks?
cannot you calculate it in your head ?
@tereško actually i used go and nodejs
@newbie yes. I heard good things about that.
@Gordon is that support Geographically distributed locations clustering ?
@Baba Formula is (a1 + aN) * N / 2
N in your case == aN, because you start from 1 and your step is 1.
aN = a1 + N*d (a1 == 1, d == 1) ==> aN == N
@MadaraUchiha so whats the correct answer ?
6 mins ago, by Madara Uchiha
56 secs ago, by Madara Uchiha
@tereško (1 + 1000000000) * 1000000000 / 2
@MadaraUchiha 499999999500000000 .. Google did not work
Google seems to not be that accurate
I bet wolframalpha would be correct.
@MadaraUchiha it means node and php are both drunk
@Baba wolframalpha.com/input/?i=%281+%2B+1000000000%29+*+1000000000+%2F+2&d‌​ataset=&equal=Submit
@Baba 5.0000000106711E+17
@Gordon What ??
@MadaraUchiha well ... i did not have the formula. I just looked at the series =P
@Baba that's the result in scientific notation
or may be my code is wrong ??
@tereško I don't have it either, I have it in memory since... tenth? grade :P
How can 4 programming languages be given different results ??
@Baba Because the number is over MAX_INT, probably?
@MadaraUchiha we were taught to solve such problems without formulas
@tereško How do you solve that without a forumla?
What's your solution?
@MadaraUchiha Its lower than than
@Baba There goes my argument :D
@MadaraUchiha The 64bit is 9,223,372,036,854,775,808
@MadaraUchiha even lower than 32
@MadaraUchiha 999999999 + 1 = 1000000000 , 999999998 + 2 = 1000000000, 999999997 + 3 = 1000000000
Aha, I see what you did there.
the total amount of such pairs is 1000000000/2
@MadaraUchiha i think your formula is wrong ... let me start with a small number
sum of 1 to 10
@Baba (1+10) * 10/2 = 55 which is correct.
Same with 100: (1+100) * 100/2 = 5050 which is also correct.
/2 not /5, sorry
Summation is the operation of adding a sequence of numbers; the result is their sum or total. If numbers are added sequentially from left to right, any intermediate result is a partial sum, prefix sum, or running total of the summation. The numbers to be summed (called addends, or sometimes summands) may be integers, rational numbers, real numbers, or complex numbers. Besides numbers, other types of values can be added as well: vectors, matrices, polynomials and, in general, elements of any additive group (or even monoid). For finite sequences of such elements, summation always produces ...
@MadaraUchiha let me look at my code again ....
@MadaraUchiha have seen the problem
@MadaraUchiha for(i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
i < 10
@Baba You want i <= 10
and i = 1 as init.
well .. it does not matter if you start from 0 or 1
@tereško No, it really doesn't (but it makes more "sense")
@MadaraUchiha how can i miss simple this like this
i need a break
@MadaraUchiha actually , when you compute it on your own , the first pair is 1000000000 + 0
@tereško Yeah, guess so
@tereško I summed up a couple of situations where having a singleton implementation is really appropriate in this answerGolezTrol 16 mins ago

$sum = gmp_init(0);
while ($i++ <= 1000000000) {
    $sum = gmp_add($sum, gmp_init($i));
    echo gmp_strval($sum), PHP_EOL;
when I invent a way to punch people in face over internet, I will get rich
@tereško there was a user script that allows you to virtually slap OPs on SO
they won't notice though
What perms should I have for my webfolder? owner root and group nginx? or owner nginx group root? or something else?
Thanks Guys ....
I really appreciate
@crypticツ 750 user of person who is developing the thing and shared group for all web developers and webserver
@crypticツ why root? why not you:nginx or nginx:nginx
@Gordon should I make a new user nginx or should it be a seprarate user?
there already should be an nginx user/group
@crypticツ what @tereško said
or maybe it is called www .. or something similar
basically, cat /etc/passwd
oh sorry what I meant was, should I use the nginx user as the account I use to upload files etc, or should I use a separate user?
the nginx user is just the user serving the files
so then I would do me:nginx
@crypticツ you should upload files with your own user
the nginx account should be using /bin/nologin as shell
@crypticツ no , not really
@tereško I've got nginx user,,,:/nonexistent:/bin/false
that's basically what i meant
you should create a shared group, which contains both you and nginx user
and that assign that group for the folder
I have a www-data user with www-data:/var/www:/bin/sh
@crypticツ that's what I usually do and what is sufficient if no one else works on the server but you. else what @tereško suggested
well .. yeah ... i have been lately working in environments where same server is used by multiple users
What is a "swatch" of values?
Hey guys I'm trying to solve a programming challenge, but there's a sentence that I don't quite understand... can someone tell me what it means? This is the sentence:

sample : string containing a 'swatch' of values that the object is known to contain.
wasn't that a company which made click ?
@AlanChavez link?
Swatch SA and its subsidiary Montres Flik Flak SA design, manufacture, distribute and service high-quality wristwatches sold under the Swatch and Flik Flak brands. It is a subsidiary of the Swatch Group founded by Nicolas Hayek whose group launched the brand in 1983 with remarkable success and thereby culminating the end of the quartz crisis of the 1980s. Origin "Swatch" began development in the early 1980, under the leadership of the then ETA SA's CEO, Ernst Thomke with a small team of enthusiastic watch engineers led by Elmar Mock and Jacques Müller, The engineers of Swatch designed...
you might need to register:
@tereško yeah I tried google before but I just saw pictures of watches lol
@AlanChavez no clue. sorry.
No problem, I have no clue either what it means
@tereško right now the www-data user/group is not being used by anything but mailman which is web data. So can I use that user then and add it to the nginx group? or add the nginx group to it?
Q: Difference between Theme and Swatch

System.DataIn jQuery Mobile, there are themes and swatches. Both sounds the same. What is the difference between these two?

maybe it's that?
@AlanChavez from the description it seems that "swatch" means a set of values
basically, that "swatch" is list of characters that you have to replace
@Gordon It sounds like it is related since the problem it's talking about computer vision
... something that one would put in a /([swatch])?/i for regular expression
@AlanChavez there is a few for C and C++ in that list stackoverflow.com/search?q=swatch
preparing dinner now. laters.
laters, it seems like swatch is some kid of palette
@crypticツ how many user will there be for that server ?
@tereško 1
in that case , set the owner as chown -R cryptic:www-data /var/www
The Mother of All Demos is a name given retrospectively to Douglas Engelbart's December 9, 1968 demonstration of experimental computer technologies that are now commonplace. The live demonstration featured the introduction of one of the earliest computer mouses as well as of video conferencing, teleconferencing, hypertext, word processing, hypermedia, object addressing and dynamic file linking, revision control, and a collaborative real-time editor. Content Engelbart, with the help of his geographically distributed team, demonstrated the workings of the NLS ("oN Line System") to the 1,00...
@MadaraUchiha lol ... nodejs gave me 500000000067109000
 for (i = 0; i <= 1000000000; i++) {
  	    sum += i ;
@Baba that doesn't even make sense
it means that node discarded everything but the first 9 numbers
@MadaraUchiha not make sense of it either
@tereško The first 9 are 1-9, or are you referring to the last 9?
everything but the first 9
@tereško So it discarded everything but the first 9?
Which means it kept only the first 9?
@tereško Whatever, I'm going back to Shingeki no Kyojin
PHP gave me the same thing
manga or anime ?
@Baba because most likely JS and PHP implement same IEEE standard for floating point numbers
@tereško wow
huh ?
@tereško Anime, 17 came out today.
I'm uptodate with the Manga too though
i actually have seen only first episode
since i have read manga , i can wait till they finish making the anime adaptation
@tereško It's really good. Really really dark (made me miss Hellsing, less blood), but really good too.
or at least, till they have made something that i can think my teeth in for a week
@tereško I suggest you watch the anime just for the soundtracks, they're amazing.
@tereško Remind me why am I not seeing you on Anime & Manga again?
because i am lazy
@tereško No excuse.
also , i have lately been reading only three mangas: fairy tail, noblesse and ability
wll , technically i read claymore too , but that's on a monthly schedule
i really should look something new up
oh ... scratch that
i have been reading Witchblade lately ( but that's an american comic )
@tereško Also an Anime show my friend happened to show me last night.
@tereško And Shingeki no Kyojin? :P
You're watching more anime than I do, come hang out with us
@tereško so the answer must be wrong just because of the charset?? The core point is to show an example of how to inject an instace... And yes, charset is a part of DSN string since 5.3, but $this->setAttribute(parent::MYSQL_ATTR_INIT_COMMAND, 'SET NAMES UTF8'); works in both in < 5 and 5.3 >
@DaveJust I also think that, if you are using PDO, you should already store the formated DSN in the config
Hm, I've been using memcache a while ago, and was now trying to use it in a new project. It seems like it's storing data ok, but when I run $cache->get('id') I get the data returned as a string instead of an array. anyone know why that might be? Sample response: string(31) "userId|i:1;userName|s:4:"JimL";"
I am having a problem while installing zend framework 2. svn command not found while trunking files from online subversion
this is not SVN support chat room
@tereško: it's related to php. if you don't know then stay away from this. I didn't ask you individually.
first time here
hi Louis
my condolences
@JimL That's weird. Are your setting and getting the data from the same PHP instance, or different versions of PHP?
@RonakPatel "svn command not found " means that SVN isn't installed on your machine, or isn't accessible.
More JavaScript-based timing attacks: stealing browser history, source code of arbitrary pages, and more. https://threatpost.com/javascript-and-timing-attacks-used-to-steal-browser-data/101559
@Baba a classic
@igorw I claim that is why my site serving Javascript slowly at random for no apparent reason is a feature not a bug. Honest.
should I report this to meta?
@igorw Would be great if they started saying "technique" and more about what was actually happening :P
Btw thanks for your igorw\Silex\ConfigServiceProvider for YAML - awesome (Y)
@Jimbo glad it's of use. too bad it's slow as fuck :-/
at least loading yaml files on every request is.
Just needs some caching I guess
@DaveChen report what?

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