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@YogeshSuthar % is used in responsive, px is used in fixed layouts... though many use em
Wait, the sidebar has a minimum width that messes up the content area if the window is made small enough? Well, why does it have a minimum width?
@Mr.Alien em rawks =D
@Jack because if it doesn't, the contents in the sidebar will get messed up if the width is too low.
So how do you want to fix it?
Would you rather mess up the content area or the sidebar? You could always force the browser scrollbars if it really gets too small.
I am not sure how I would fix it. With the issue, I just removed the percent width for sidebar and made it a fixed width. The problem comes with the content area.
@Jack sometimes it just breaks the layout if the default browser font size is more... it's relative so before using it, one has to have some good knowledge, else he will end up debugging for hours...
@Mr.Alien In my opinion I will always use % because it will be same for any browser size.
@Mr.Alien Oh right, I didn't say that I use px declaration in html,body for font size lol.
@YogeshSuthar You've some wrong impression about %...
The good thing about em is that you can declare an absolute size at the top of your document and then use relative sizes everywhere else .. that way your design is portable :)
I know Facebook has professional designers, but still, if you go on facebook, reduce the zoom size to like 25%, you will see that the main news feed content remains in the middle of the screen while the sidebar remains on the left (or right if you have the new newsfeed).
@Jack LOL, I prefer px and %, I hardly use ems... also when you use ems, calculations increase..
When I zoomed out my design to 25%, the sidebar remained on the side like normal, but the content area got messed up and was no longer in the middle.
@Jack yes, but for that, you need some good knowledge about the em and their behavior
@Mr.Alien Heh, I like font sizes to actually be measured in letter size :)
@Mr.Alien So tell me what should be used for any browser size compatibility?
@TheGuyWhoCouldn'tTalkToTheGirl obviously it will remain like normal as you've used %
Those font-size: 105% just seems clunky heh
@Jack 103% ;)
@YogeshSuthar If you have components that require a minimum size, there's no way other than forcing the browser to scroll.
@YogeshSuthar browser is compatible with px, em, cm, pc and what not, the thing is it depends on what you are building, if you are making a fixed layout, than px is your green card, if you are making responsive layouts, em and % are your friends.. I use 16 grid system
@Mr.Alien In my situation, my sidebar takes the side (obviously) and then the remaining space is to be used by the content area. I want to center the content area in that remaining space, but I am not sure how to do that without the content area shifting a little bit to the left.
@AshKetchum Then define a minimum size for your content area.
@TheGuyWhoCouldn'tTalkToTheGirl what you are explaining is quiet vague, you need to stabilize your layout, don't mix % with px
Let me try to produce a jsfiddle
Either by using minimum-size: 123px or the good ol' way of a 1px high <div> that stretches the area to the desired min size.
@Mr.Alien @Jack Okk. Now I have to read more on CSS.
Trust the guy with gold medal hehe
@Jack ;)
Hey guys, btw, do you know a service called zoomin? We were told it's famous in India .. just wanted to check :)
@YogeshSuthar Responsive is totally different concept...
@Jack zoomin? nah, not in mumbai as far as I know
@Mr.Alien I see ... they do photo books.
@Jack nah, never heard about that
@Jack what is zoomin?
@Jack Its not famous in India. We haven't heard about that.
@YogeshSuthar photobook company.
@Jack In India Vada Pav is famous. :D
@OptimusPrime Thanks for the input :)
Vada Pav the food item? lol
@Jack any link for that? 'photobook' couldn't explain it all. :) And vada pav is..
@Jack Yeah food item. :)
@Jack ahahahaha yes, that's quiet popular
Change the zoom size to 25% and you will see how the content area is no longer in the middle
Wait, so let me turn this around ... if you want to have your photos printed and bound, what service would you use in India?
@OptimusPrime zoomin.com
@Jack We will take it to local printing press.
@YogeshSuthar Interesting :) so am I right to say that the online version of that service hasn't really picked up yet?
@Jack Yup, to a local printing press, or the photos in a local storage device. Yes hasn't picked up yet. You planning something?
We're in talks with above company and I wanted to get a second opinion on how popular they actually are ...
What's the problem?
The sales guy will always pull popularity terms out of their behinds, it's what they get paid to do lol
@Jack Yes, most of people not using internet here, and if anyone using it they even not heard about zoomin kind on onlive service. So they prefer local printing press.
@TheGuyWhoCouldn'tTalkToTheGirl you mind telling me your problem? new here.
@TheGuyWhoCouldn'tTalkToTheGirl You are using position: fixed; fixed has no relation to any of the element on the page, you need to use jquery for this, which will change the top position of your fixed div on the run.. see my website..
@Mr.Alien I need to use fixed position on the sidebar.
@Jack agreed with @YogeshSuthar. But Yogesh a large part of population uses internet. And it may get popular someday.
@Jack Indian people still doesn't prefer web services...they don't use online banking, online payment, they prefer buying from local...
@TheGuyWhoCouldn'tTalkToTheGirl yea, so you need to use jquery..
jquery for what? Making the thing fixed?
@Mr.Alien Cool, thanks for the info ... good to know :)
@OptimusPrime It all happens within 4-5 years not before that. :)
@Mr.Alien No they do. Yes not major population. But we do right? Online banking, online recharges. We use them. We cannot expect poor or villagers to have a computer with them, as you know what their life is about.
@OptimusPrime Go on that JSFiddle I posted, zoom out your browser to 25% and see how the content are is no longer in the middle.
@Jack yea, they are reserved, companies have started drop box systems here for payment... like electricity bills, phone bills etc, but still the people will visit the payment office, and they will ask for an acknowledgement on their bills, in a form of stamp, yes they still do this
@OptimusPrime not even in cities, it is different for companies, am talking about individuals, my dad runs a company, he still doesn't trust online things
@YogeshSuthar Yes, it would take time and people won't go crazy for it like they are for fb or social medias. But still i do think some of them will use.
@Mr.Alien I think that makes a lot of sense ... how crazy would it have seemed to you .. perhaps 15 years ago .. that I can swipe a plastic card and walk off with a dining table? :)
Okay, maybe longer ago .. but you get my point ...
Now you can pay stuff by tapping your phone.
@Mr.Alien oh yes, people do not trust online things thats right. But our generation does, right? And I expect that we target such services for the younger.
@OptimusPrime Yeah, people here crazy for FB, I don't know what they do whole day sitting on FB.
Yay! #RoyalBaby has a name. Long live Elizaburt, I.
@Gordon Could you please recommend me a layout manager to use in my custom CMS?
@Jack yes, I use those services, I pay the bills online, use debit and credit cards whenever required.. the generation now on uses, but still some are redundant to these services...
@JamshidHashimi sorry, no. I have no clue what you are talking about
@OptimusPrime that's what I just posted ;)
@Gor lol
@Gordon I edit my question :)
@JamshidHashimi I don't think he is a right person to ask for layouting
@Mr.Alien No i also mentioned that younger people will use the service. :)
@JamshidHashimi I've edited my answer :)
@JamshidHashimi How about a custom layout manager for your custom CMS :)
@OptimusPrime the generation now on uses
@Jack thats a great idea, but I need some solutions. for example like this: bramstein.com/projects/jlayout
@Mr.Alien I hate online railway ticket booking using IRCTC. :D Now say about this.
Yeah, this zoomin company obviously can't target 80% of the population who wants their photos printed in a book ;-)
I want a simpler, practical and useful solution. :)
@JamshidHashimi the only layout manager I've ever used was the stuff you find in ExtJs but that's a few years in the past
@JamshidHashimi Why not just start with a grid system or sth?
@YogeshSuthar But you would hate it more standing on a line for 2 hours at the station right? So don't you use it still?
@Jack They will, when major people aware that this kind of service available in India.
@Mr.Alien okay.then we agree that people now may use such services.
@YogeshSuthar Sure, but what percentage of the Indian population uses online services in the first place?
@Jack a grid system?
@JamshidHashimi Yeah, like the 960 grid
@YogeshSuthar yes, we have coupons, electronic cards to get a ticket now, still people will prefer standing for 30-45mins in a q.. lol
@Jack IMO 60% people who lives on cities. :)
@Jack That's difficult to answer. But what we know for sure is, it would always be increasing.
@Gordon I want something that enable a user to do his/her intended customisation in the admin panel part.
@Jack I will check that too. ok.
@OptimusPrime Yeah, it will, definitely. In the past few years good progress has been made online.
@Mr.Alien I am saying about booking ticket for going village. :)
hai anybody help me to run exe file from php
Server is IIS7 .
i tried exec("notepad.exe");
Its not working
@YogeshSuthar applies same
its not working :(
@Mr.Alien Are you sure about this?
@TheGuyWhoCouldn'tTalkToTheGirl Well you have floated the contentWrapper right? So it will go to the right always if you zoom out.And also will have 80% width. I think I don't understand your problem.
Hello @YogeshSuthar
any one help me in jquery prop method
@jay we can try
i have two radiobuttons
@OptimusPrime If that's the case, then I don't want to float it. Basically, I want to have a sidebar on the left and then in the remain space, I want to center the content area. The content area should be centered in that area at all times, even when I zoom out. How would I do that?
when we click on that
textbox will be show
@jay great...suspense..
but when i again go through previos checkbox
onkeyup and onblur event is not working
How is that suspense thriller related to .prop() again?
@TheGuyWhoCouldn'tTalkToTheGirl May be have a id for complete page content, with text-align:middle; then float left your side bar.
@YogeshSuthar yap, they approach others, they will never do themselves
when i click on second radion button $("#newUser").click(function(){
if ($('#newUser').is(":checked"))

@Jack Long story. jay's
yes @OptimusPrime
Am getting closer to silver jubilee, 25K ftw...
but plz help me
i want when i again select first radio button onkeyup should be run
but its not
@jay Those things are not controlled by .prop().
if ($('#currentUser').is(":checked"))


if ($('#newUser').is(":checked"))

i used this code
@jay If you want to bind / unbind an event handler you use .on() and .off().
replace to prop
Could someone +1 this comment pls? :)
hello @Jack
@Jack done
thnx ;-)
@Jack jeez no thanks, anything for you ;)
@OptimusPrime It didn't really make much sense, but oh well.
@Jack i also increase your repo
Thanks, I can always use moar rep :D
@jay But yeah, instead of .prop().
@jack i try and let you know
@Jack +1 the comment increases our repo? I never knew that :o
@OptimusPrime No, he upvoted this answer :)
@jay Hmm, you would be better off reading the jQuery manual on that and go through some of the examples there :)
@jack me too :) ...
@Orangepill Now that I see it again ... I could have mentioned that enforcing hierarchy could also be done with interfaces :)
@jack off is not working
@jay Please read the manual first.
Just using .off() doesn't help if you're not using .on() as well.
@Mr.Alien okk. next time whenever I need tickets, I will approach you. :P
@Orangepill lol
Can I answer this, plz plz plz
@YogeshSuthar lol no prob
@Mr.Alien That question needs some format lovin' first.
@Mr.Alien go ahead answer it. :)
@Orangepill could you help me please?
@TheGuyWhoCouldn'tTalkToTheGirl what's the problem
@Jack I gave it ;)
@YogeshSuthar this bitch -> @YogeshSuthar marked as dupe :(
(This is css). I have a sidebar and a content area. The sidebar is fixed and on the left. I want to center the content area in the space that is left after the sidebar is docked to the left.
jsfiddle.net/m8mNf <- my attempt but failed
@Mr.Alien yes. :P
Numb numb, I make music to numb your brain :D
@TheGuyWhoCouldn'tTalkToTheGirl looking
@Orangepill what's the problem? Are you asking about the girl problem he is having? :p
what is BOM @Jack — Tuheed Akram 3 mins ago
haha, somebody set up us the BOM.
@Jack BOM = Bank Of Maharashtra. :D
ROFL ^^^
@Jack i want it O_O morning
@Wesツ Haha, good moaning~
got the name already
moaning.. lol, fun day eh... too many lols
@Orangepill any luck?
@TheGuyWhoCouldn'tTalkToTheGirl was trying to get some love out of display: table-* .... nothing good yet
I've finally gotten around to start reading red dragon :)
^ saved my fail post \o/
@TheGuyWhoCouldn'tTalkToTheGirl Try this jsfiddle.net/m8mNf
@jack its working fine but when i take onkeyup and onblur event in textbox it does not work
@Mr.Alien I don't want to know about his lady problems...
@TheGuyWhoCouldn'tTalkToTheGirl check this out. jsfiddle.net/m8mNf/3
@Orangepill xD
@jay what do you mean by "take"?
@NullPoiиteя hey hey :p
@NullPoiиteя in your avatar you have some shit tzu on your face
@Orangepill :P
You are a firework, let me light u up ;x
What a wonderfull day its 36 degrees
Ok lemme accept this, when @NullPoiиteя changed his pic, I didn;t realized, I thought it's a new girl over here .. and than I was fooled
@Tredged its raining here since morning, I guess midnight
@Mr.Alien I prefer the rain at the moment, its been so hot here couple of days 36 here its like sitting in a 1 by 1 room with no air and the temperature being 40degrees.
@Tredged 1by1, are you in jail? :p
@Mr.Alien Yes xd nah kidding
@Tredged are you in london
@Rafee Netherlands ;x
oh!.. cool.
@Rafee Haha :)
@Tredged amsterdam is in netherlands ryt?
@Mr.Alien Yea
people died in london due increase in temp to 32
I give a great answer like 100 times and no-ones votes up this is so irritating ( I am blocked for making question and I need votes gosh)
A: How to convert .png file to .bmp?

TredgedThere is a opensource project on Github that allows reading and saving of BMP files (and other file formats) in PHP. The project is called PHP Image Magician.

I also hate those people who just downvote althou U give a good answer
@Rafee just 32 :P
What is the criteria for getting tag credit...upvotes only?
yeah!, true man..
@Rafee LOL died ? thats sick :S
Here We live awesome in 32 degree..
@Rafee and we live at 0-52 deg C temp ... :)
@Rafee LOL ^^^ much more in rajasthan
Could you guys vote up for me :P? or thats not allowed to ask xD?
aa c I knew it that @NullPoiиteя wil throw up his high degrees
@Tredged aaa was plannin fr a job there
@Rafee Thanks :)
@Mr.Alien Amsterdam?
Q: How appropriate is it to ask for upvotes in chat?

911I recently saw in PHP chat room that one user asked for upvotes. Now I'm wondering these things: Is it appropriate to ask for upvotes in chat? Should we ask for upvotes for either badges/hats or anything like that? Is this behavior we expect from high rep users? Can we ask for upvotes af...

@Tredged yap
@Mr.Alien Oh nice, what job u trying to apply for?
@Tredged lets see, it needs some front end projects for demo, I've not made much, (personal)
@Mr.Alien Ah ok, well goodluck hope u get it lol!
I think I find a good template library for CodeIgniter http://getsparks.org/packages/template/show
Thanks everyone for support :)
@Rafee yea
@Tredged than I need to make few... howz things there, like the basic stuff, like rents, food and all
@Tredged Where's the downvote?
good mornings.
@Orangepill Upvotes for non-cw answers.
@Mr.Alien Hmm I dont know comparing it to other countries but I think living here is ok
I hate this code OR I have this code????? — Yogesh Suthar 16 secs ago
@Orangepill community wiki
@Jack What downvote o.o?
@Tredged You said someone downvoted your answer right?
@Mr. Alien but Im only a beginner on this sir,,. I wish you could show me and that will also be my guide the next time I do it :-) — keanix14 1 min ago
13 mins ago, by Tredged
I also hate those people who just downvote althou U give a good answer
@Jack Well sometimes I answer and 1-2mins later I have downvotes which are gone later .
@Tredged Cool ... my downvotes usually stay lol
@Jack Then u never hear me say that xd
@Jack its working fine but jquery conflication
@Jack is there a place you can go to see badge progress (not tag or rep related ones)
@Orangepill Like which one?
@jay Conflications huh? Did you mean complications or conflicts? :)
@Orangepill like Pundit
@Orangepill I don't think so, what you can see is only the review badges progress and the vote badges
@Jack Yea, I often use that to close questions :p
moaning~ @PeeHaa
@downvoter: Did you test this yourself? Because I know for a fact I am correct. — Jon 24 secs ago
@PeeHaa moaning~ s
@jack thanks
@Jack rescuing Jon :D
@Jack ... I'll just start comment "dont use mysql_ functions"
@Orangepill replying to yourself. :P
When you try to do class inheritance like this in JavaScript, God performs delete new Kitten() -- couldn't help myself. — Jack Jan 23 at 16:14
My best one yet :)

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