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night all
@Danack that could create one of two scenarios: loss of users or feeling of entitlement in helpvamps
both of which would effectively kill the site ... of course , where would be a change that such a move increases the quality of site, but such an outcome seems quite unlikely
@LeviMorrison C. It feels less cluttered, although the search box needs to be in the top bar like it is in B. And re: @webarto's comment immediately below your post: PHP.net doesn't need to be unique and exciting, it needs to be functional and familiar.
@DaveRandom Thanks. That seems to be the general feeling.
i actually like c), but as a layout, not as the final design .. as it is, the "design" would be faceless
Yeah, we're temporarily missing the searchbox, the logo, and content on the homepage.
(Although I kinda like just writing php.net)
Supposedly Paul Dragoonis is working on the searchbox.
And @rdlowrey might be working on the PHP.net logo. He offered, but I don't think he did anything with it.
So I'm turning my attention to other things, like how to make each section stand out better.
@LeviMorrison He's probably too busy refactoring his chair or something
At the moment he's busy working out. (And I know that because he told me, not because I'm a creep)
So the fact that you're a creep is just incidental?
"mandatory webcams for all of the employees"
Some changes from B to C will already help the sections stand out better, such as the left-nav having a grey background instead of the same purple.
Also, I apparently did not show this here yet:
I think the header is 2x better this way. Maybe 2.2x better.
I could use some help making the breadcrumbs area better, though. Anyone have ideas?
here is a thing that would be nice to have: filters in the function list - 4.x, 5.0+, 5.3+
With back End to be Apache HTTP server ???
> Having about 3k customers with an average of 500 - 600 concurrent sessions and a middle aged all-in-one server
When was this written :P
@PeeHaa lol 2012 .. Just 1 year ago
@tereško +1
@baba What's the point of HAProxy in there? Shirley, Nginx can handle the HTTPS and then proxy to backends itself?
@Danack he used HAProxy because Nginx does not support round robin based on weight
@Danack So far still does not make sense to me ...
i Might be wrong anyway
@Baba I think the latest nginx has round robin weighting - though I haven't used it myself at all. Though reading about HAProxy it may have other features that nginx doesn't
upstream backend {
server backend1.example.com weight=5;
server backend2.example.com:8080;
server unix:/tmp/backend3;
@Danack then HaProxy is not needed in that architecture
tbh I'm just an nginx fanboi
PHP.net refsect A, B, or C?
@Baba That's not true any more, and it wasn't even true when that article was written. Weight has been supported with ip_hash since 1.3.1, according to the exact same Nginx docs page he links
Nginx from front to back
awwww yeah!!!!
@DaveRandom which one do you prefer for load balancing ?
@DaveRandom @tereško Your thoughts on the following?
1 min ago, by Levi Morrison
PHP.net refsect A, B, or C?
@LeviMorrison Aren't B and C the same apart from the presumably accidental local search box?
@DaveRandom No. You may need to enlarge the image.
@Baba Nginx, but tbh it's a long time since I've have to admin anything like that and I've never had to worry about weight. What the guy says sounds logical and there may still be a case for it. Also theoretically there's less of a workload for the load balancer(s) with the Nginx+HAProxy setup because you are only maintaining a single SSL/TLS session
@DaveRandom ok thanks
27 mins ago, by tereško
i actually like c), but as a layout, not as the final design .. as it is, the "design" would be faceless
@LeviMorrison Ahh the colors are crappy on this screen. B, I don't think the extra outlines bring anything to the party but I do like the thicker top bar.
@LeviMorrison I also feel B is Best, Brother.
@Baba is this just a technical exercise or are you looking at how to set something specific up? If the latter, crucially, do you care about HTTPS?
@DaveRandom Am using Rackspace Load Balancer but after their last mess up ... am getting ready to move on
@DaveRandom all Traffic most go via https
@Baba OK, then realistically for a production setup you need Nginx. Do you actually care about weighting your backend servers or are all men equal?
@DaveRandom all men are equal since they are the same config ....
@DaveRandom can Nginx do anything TCP too just like HaProxy
@Baba Then you don't need the HAProxy. The only reason that was introduced in the setup you were looking at is because the weighting caps of Nginx weren't up to what the OP needed, but you don't need that.
@Baba There may be some module for it but not AFAIK
@DaveRandom ok
@DaveRandom thanks for the tip ... how is your boy ?
@DaveRandom @Charles How about B or D
@DaveRandom coool
@Baba Fine, suffering a bit from heat, as am I, although I'm sure you would laugh in the face of a poxy 25C
@DaveRandom 25C ??????
@LeviMorrison I think D, maybe possibly perhaps with the outline just a little darker. I definitely prefer the subtle version to the solid line though
Disclaimer: IANAD
@Baba Yes. I just generally stop working properly when it get's past around 25C. I'd much rather live in the Arctic than the Sahara. You can always put more clothes on.
@DaveRandom lol
@LeviMorrison Dunno, I like my boxy outlines... kinda leaning towards B.
@LeviMorrison leaning towards D. If you start to draw a full box about some, you need to draw around all and that destroys the whitespace.
@tereško what about that answer ?
25c is pretty moderate temp imo
@Simon_eQ Outside maybe. Indoors that's kinda warm
posted on July 09, 2013 by hakre

In the previous part I I was giving a little overview for common woes turning a SimpleXMLElement into JSON when XML structural information is available that JSON is not capable to encode easily. The explanations given there were intended to … Continue reading →

@cspray I was in Sudan for 2 years. It used to reach sometimes 45 and rarely 50. Now that is something you should worry about.
Worst part is, Air-conditioners are scarce, you would be lucky to afford one. Now, that I think of it, its pretty funny, how people live there. But, they are used to it..
@Simon_eQ I lived in the southern US for a while but that's incredibly too hot. :P
@crypticBot is installed in Florida, I'm surprised it hasn't melted yet.
I spent December and January in a campervan in Australia. 25C is time to put on a jumper.
how do I do to make a subdomain access a specifc folder on FTP instead of its own folder?
in other words, I want all subdomains to access the same folder in FTP, which contains the app code.
any ideas?
it is basically this.
Q: multiple subdomains pointing to same folder, but keeping the url

ThomasKIs it possible to set up two sub domains and point them to the same folder, but keeping the url when accessing the site? I have domains, one for business and one private, like this: private.tld business.tld And I have created two sub domains like so: dev.private.tld dev.business.tld dev =...

@rogcg Just setup an alias
@PeeHaa how does that work? i dont have any idea.
Are you running apache?
In your vhost config simply add ServerAlias the.subdomain.com
And either wildcard your domain on the dns side or create a cname
Night all
night @PeeHaa!
still cant solve this subdomain pointing problem.. my host doesnt allow me change vhost config file.
any idea by doing it with htaccess or php.
I want all subdomains to point to the root folder, but the url cant change.
For some reason my phpize in my /usr/bin folder is reporting headers that are for php 5.3, but the rest of my php reports as 5.4.14, API, zend etc .. how do I fix phpize to report the proper headers?
@rogcg No, not possible. You need the host to route the request to your site. Are you sure they don't provide any mechanism to alias domains for your site? That's a pretty basic feature...
@DaveRandom I must check it.. wait a time.
@DaveRandom by adding the alias to my subdomain will it allow the subdomains to point to root folder, but keeping the subdomain url?
@MikeKormendy It's likely the difference between $ phpize and $ sudo phpize. My guess is that you probably have two separate php installs.
rdlowrey .. I believe I only have one running now as I did an upgrade on the system php from 5.3 to 5.4.14 back in April .. not sure if phpize copied over
@rdlowrey @rdlowrey .. I believe I only have one running now as I did an upgrade on the system php from 5.3 to 5.4.14 back in April .. not sure if phpize copied over
@MikeKormendy My money is on apt-get because it's sh*t. I've had it do this before, because what it puts in /usr/bin is a symlink, and sometimes it fails to repoint it when you update.
Ubuntu: Your operating system is bad and you should feel bad
On Lion here.
@DaveRandom at least that's what my install is
@rogcg It should do as long as your host is half way sane. You'd be best contacting your host and explaining what you want to do.

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