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what does it say on $_SESSION["curcatchersolution"] = $code;?
@Fabien I am doing what you suggested. It's just taking me time to figure it out.
I don't understand ?
what does it say?
do you mean what is $code?
if I echo $_SESSION[...] it's just empty
do var_dump($_SESSION)
@iroegbu array(0) { }
But I see my session id in the dev toold
so...? :s
@LeviMorrison B
@LeviMorrison b
@iroegbu could you check the output of var_dump($_SESSION) too?
@deathtap Try posting the question up so people can look at it.
it's right at the bottom of the page, next to the captcha
@Incognito heh, I'll stick to $foo++
@Fabien I would, but I'm not sure what to ask.
I'm reading up a little more about it
@Fabien Huh?
@deathtap Plop it on pastie.org or something for me to browse
@Incognito referring the increment zend link
Can someone do that please?^
@Incognito wrong link? preincrement and postincrement use the same increment_function (with no switches) … you should link to zend_vm_def.h (and strg+f PRE_INC and POST_INC)
that's where the difference in code is.
Ah, thanks @bwoebi.
@BillyMathews what you sent is an image... You just need to set your session variable properly, I guess.
Anyone have some thoughts on my Q? stackoverflow.com/questions/17451124/…
@Incognito lines #793 and #887
Yes I suppose that makes sense because I am setting the variable inside a php file with the header con
Content type: image/jpeg
but how can I do it then?
I've been stick on this for too many hours
@BillyMathews wow you're still working on it ...
I'm passed the angry stage
I'm now getting to the point where I just want to go to sleep.. forever
still pretty angry though
@HamZa please save me
it doesn't make sense
@BillyMathews what's the current situation: error & code plz
In my developer tools, I can see a session ID but the variable isn't being stored
a var_dump of $_SESSION shows an empty array (array(0) { })
@BillyMathews Would you mind explaining the problem one more time? (I've just got here :D)
iroegbu said it might be because I am setting the variable inside a php file with header( "Content-type: image/jpeg" ); inside it
I can't set/retrieve a session variable
Where is the session_start() ?
morning people
@Daniel yellow
@hamza yellow to you too!
it's a wordpress site, so I have added it with highest priority on init
@BillyMathews In captcha, please set session_start() at the begin
I'm pretty sure that's working
@BillyMathews When you try a simpler one (a page where you only set a session and then retrieve it, without the fancy imaging), does it work?
@BillyMathews If it's WP, why are you building one instead of using an already made solution ?
if(session_id() == '') {
// session isn't started
        $captcha = imagecreate( 150, 70 );
        $bg_color = imagecolorallocate( $captcha, 255, 255, 255 );
        $color = imagecolorallocate( $captcha, 0, 0, 0 );
        $letters = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz1234567890";
        $code = substr(str_shuffle($letters),0,6);
        $_SESSION["curcatchersolution"] = $code;
        imagestring( $captcha, 4, 10, 10, $code, $color );
        header( "Content-type: image/jpeg" );
        imagejpeg( $captcha );
        imagecolordeallocate( $captcha, $color );
@BillyMathews If the following is all you have in your captcha.php:
@HamZa I tried that, the image just breaks, and the session array remains empty
Then you need to add session_start().
I thought that might be it..
It really doesn't matter whether it's already on on another page, you need to start it again on every page, or it won't work.
@Fabien Is that okay?
but it breaks the image, and doesn't solve the problem at all
Do you need more info?
@BillyMathews What does?
adding session_start()
I do realise that that was a problem, though
@deathtap Looking now
glad to see I'm not the only one where today is one of those days lol
@BillyMathews Well, have you considered the fact that it generates a warning?
3 hours ago, by HamZa
@BillyMathews Look at this ugly code index.php and i.php
@Fabien I really appreciate this.
@HamZa Boss' orders..
@MadaraUchiha This is what I gave him this morning ...
If it generates a warning, your image/jpeg header will explode.
@Daniel lol
@BillyMathews So... you were already given a solution, so again, where's the problem?
:) misery loves company
@LeviMorrison B. I like the visual distinction between the navigation and the content and the navigation not being as wide.
tonight should be a fun one for me though at least
@BillyMathews that's not what I said :p
Also, the boss doesn't care where the captcha comes from, he wants a captcha. Why not use recpatcha or something?
@MadaraUchiha I don't know lol
@BillyMathews do you have a live demo ?
@HamZa My bad, wrong ping.
@MadaraUchiha nope
@BillyMathews Could not locate remote server are you maybe blocking me lol ?
@BillyMathews Broken.
that's wrong
I am back.
@YogeshSuthar yellow
the captcha is down at the bottom
@deathtap So what's the issue again? :)
@HamZa green.
@BillyMathews I see array(1) { ["curcatchersolution"]=> string(6) "ptsv9k" }
Oh, really? And you see the image, too? I see neither
@Fabien I'm trying to pass variables from a dynamically created input field to pass through to a file called adddirproc.php
Yes, note that I need to refresh the page since it's not set on the first attempt
Please don't tell me you have something that's blocking cookies
What browser are you using to begin with ?
@BillyMathews I dunno about you, I see the image and the array(1) containing the last image.
(Not the current one, the one before that)
yes, last one is right
That's what I get.
So the problem is between your chair and your keyboard.
Well.. that's good then
@MadaraUchiha hahaha
@HamZa What, don't you know PHP's E_PEBKAC?
could it be because I set my computer to redirect dev.odyss.site to 65.39. whatevertheip is ?
@deathtap So when you put tags into the tagit input you're not seeing them when you hit submit?
because before I did that I was getting fatal errors
@MadaraUchiha no :O
@Fabien No. I see the results from the textarea, but not from the input
A user error is an error made by the human user of a complex system, usually a computer system, in interacting with it. Although the term is sometimes used by Human Computer Interaction practitioners, the more formal human error term is used in the context of human reliability. User Error and related phrases such as PEBKAC ("Problem Exists Between Keyboard And Chair") and the complementary PEBCAK ("Problem Exists Between Chair and Keyboard"), PICNIC ("Problem In Chair Not In Computer"), PIBCAK ("Problem Is Between Chair And Keyboard"), POBCAK ("Problem Occurs Between Chair And Keyboard "),...
@MadaraUchiha nice and thx
PICNIC was always my favorite.
lol @ picnic
@BillyMathews now tell us how to lose fat /cc @MadaraUchiha
how to lose fat?
@BillyMathews yeah
@Fabien I tried to add a name field in the dynamic <input> inside the tagit js
Run to the top of mount Everest
while sustaining yourself only on 0 calorie energy bars
@BillyMathews lolz
sounds like a challenge
lots and lots of energy bars... :D
Let's do some handstand pushups :p
Losing fat is exactly what you think it is.. Cardio & healthy eating :(
is there an all beer plan?
@HamZa :p
@Daniel Yes, but it never made it to the general public
because all of the producers where too drunk
sex is good for losing weight
damn it!
as long as you're not premature..
@BillyMathews CBR 125 RW ..
@BillyMathews Why did I read this comment while sipping my coffee. Ever do a spit-take with hot coffee? It's not pleasant.
RW-7 it looks like
Oh wait, we've had this chat before I think
@Jimbo I think it was an RW-6, actually
it's an RW-gone now
^That's my new bad boy :D
Lol, you got an R125 then
@BillyMathews How much?
Yeah, it's fucking amazing
I bought it from the dealership.. just shy of £4,500
Liking the blue wheels...
This is the one I used to have
@BillyMathews Not bad. Good price. That come with 3 year warranty?
feel like a ninja
2 years I think
and Jimbo that's nice!
It's funny, it has NO engine. I took mine to bits to see how it worked, it looks like this:
There's bugger all there! haha
wait, that's just the fairings out?
Yep, only the fairings in that picture
hahaha yeah
I feel like such a prick tbh cause the r125 is only marginally better than other bikes like the cbr
I did tell you that
Yeah, so did a few people
I just wanted it
@deathtap You there?
and I get fixated on shit
@Fabien Of course!
@BillyMathews I did when I was younger too. I was like "I'm having the R125" and I got it. Now I listen to it, it's like a scooter
heyy guys I need help with this.. how Can I concatenate a literal number in php with a math function? I tried this... value=\"5*$pond\"> but it didnt work.. $pond is also a number, so if $pond is 2 , value must be 10
For 4.5k you could've put down a deposit on something like this bad boy:
@deathtap Whats the textarea for?
@Fabien That's for outputting the Latin. I need both the English and the Latin.
Hello every one
I have a problem
Yeah, I'm gonna have this bike for at least two years, though (new liscnsing legislation), so I figured I'd get the best I can get
Check out my bad boy:
I'll probably be able to flog it decently
@BillyMathews You'll get, after two years, between 1.8k and 2k for it
I saw my old one in a dealers, they're only selling it for 2.5k
plz help me :x
I made a dropdown list that takes names from database but nothing is is retrieved to it
check out my bike hmhmhmhmh
This site is amazing. The fluidity...
@CarrieKendall Is that really yours ?
@Jimbo I'm thinking of modding it alot so that will up the price
@HamZa i own that kind of bike, yes, although that picture is from their site
mine is much dirtier >:]
@CarrieKendall I actually want to buy a bike, with several "speed" settings ...
Budget is max 200-250 euro ...
Do you suggest one ?
Oh, of course you need a tailtidy
@HamZa where will you be riding it primarily? would it be for recreation or travel
@CarrieKendall In the city
@Jimbo Not necessarily performance modding
@HamZa are you committed to biking or would you just like to try it?
@Fabien Okay. Let me check it out
I've typed "stiff" into a search box maybe 50 times in the last hour... I still chuckle to myself. *immature*
get a nice skorpion or akra on there, I've already fitted neon blue LED's, I'll probably put some nice pirelli tyres on there before I sell
Maybe custom paint it
@Jimbo i thought i destroyed that picture!
hmmm, well I have my own bike now with "7 speed". But I repaired it several times. I could have bought 2 or 3 other bikes lol
Basically, I like it to be "heavy". I mean, even if it's crowded I set the speed to max
So I'm not going to mountains etc... (note that there aren't mountains here)
@BillyMathews Five years from now, you'll have sold it, got a bigger bike, and then a few years later than that, you'll be like "damnit, that 125 was soooo cheap on petrol"
hey all
hola @sbaaaang
@sbaaaang yellow
does anyone can speak or write as well spanish? :P
yeah @HamZa @Daniel ;)
aside from 'hola' - no
@sbaaaang If you speak other language than english here you might get spanked by the mods :)
@HamZa eheh but if you help you'll not :P
oh oh oh @ircmaxell hey man i'm using your password lib !!
@sbaaaang basically so that everyone understands
@Fabien Nope. That doesn't work. I think it might be because in the tagit.js it puts them in as a list and not as a single string.
@HamZa ok i would like little help in traslating 1 word to spanish if possible
@Jimbo yeah.. £15 = ????, you get 3 guesses
although you had one -_-
I'm an idiot
@sbaaaang translate.google.com
@HamZa i would suggest the specialized crossroad line for what you'll be doing: specialized.com/us/en/bikes/multi-use/crossroads
but go on, anyway, haha
@BillyMathews Well, £20 on mine gets me only 120 - 130 miles :(
@deathtap It works for me. Puts them in a field called "tags" which can be explode by ,
@ircmaxell yeah it looks really good man, just, can you just suggest me best settings for cpu costs? :P can i go easy leaving the default one? :P
@ircmaxell Is that the result of what you were forging the last days ?
@HamZa ehehe yeah but from real people it looks always better you know .. :P but anyway no problem ;)
£15 is almost 300 miles for me
@sbaaaang 10 is a sane default, but try it on your own hardware... I target between 0.2 and 0.5 seconds per run
@Fabien And the Latin?
@HamZa ! No, that's a long way from being finished: github.com/ircmaxell/php-src/compare/…
Monad makes me feel like a Nomad
The monad lib is something I had half working a while ago, and decided to run with
@ircmaxell ok man, i'm on nginx + 8bg i3 dedicated server
@deathtap That comes through under 'latin' as I renamed it from 'tags'
i think i'll be fine with default so ;) @ircmaxell
@sbaaaang the best way is to test it ;-)
@deathtap You have a place to run PHP locally? WAMP etc?
eheh ok !
@sbaaaang The point is that it's slow enough to not be efficient in bruting, so benchmark it so that it takes about 0.2 seconds per hash.
thanks a lot for your lib and for the help! @ircmaxell
@Fabien Strange that it worked for you.
@Jack lol
@Fabien Yes. Well, it's on a local server
@Jack I get a strange urge to vote down.
@MadaraUchiha ok nice, i'm on Codeigniter i should benchmark easly i think
i'll try
@Fabien I upload to it
@deathtap pastie.org/private/hpqbhjs61hnxrfcg4kcfwq there's an entire page. Save it upload and try.
@sbaaaang glad I could be of help!
@deathtap Who's that on your avatar?
So who can tell me why $message = 'Name: ' . $name . '\r\n Message: ' . $message . '\r\n'; isn't adding new lines?
in mt email
@deathtap replace the array with print_r($_POST);
it's just showing \r\n
@BillyMathews Google "PHP Strings"
@Fabien Okay. I will give it a shot.
@MadaraUchiha heh, with someone who is using ~15% of his votes to downvote, you might be right /cc @Jack
@ircmaxell ;) in future i'll use the native password APIs i noticed you the one developed them :P
@MadaraUchiha that's a bit of a broad search, don'tcha think?
@MadaraUchiha It's from an old anime that I forget the name of.
@BillyMathews Basically, single quotes won't parse stuff like \r\n.
@sbaaaang ;-)
@billy do you have your headers set?
^ that too
@deathtap Have you tried google image search ?
@ircmaxell so you one with fireballs!! can i have your opinion about "PHP is a shit" from rubysts and phytonists? :D
@HamZa No, because all that comes up is my avatar. @MadaraUchiha I'm not worried about it.
@MadaraUchiha I think this could be my problem
@Daniel yeah I have headers
@ircmaxell yeahh!! you triple rock!
it's most likely the single quotes problem then
@BillyMathews It might just.
Please read and learn some basic PHP before coming for a help room.
Hey! I know basic PHP :P
@CarrieKendall Thanks man !
@BillyMathews Well, if you did, you wouldn't have asked this question :)
@Fabien I have to use the autocomplete option as the results are being pulled from a JSON encoded query from a MySQLi search
Yes, it was, thanks
@ircmaxell damn i totally agree with you , i tryed both python and ruby , i preferr less comforts to major customization too don't youo think too?
well.. it's just one of those little things that I didn't know
@deathtap Does it break when you add it in?
@BillyMathews Now you do :)
@Fabien I'm testing now. Will let you know in a sec
i mean i hate things "Oh gosh you take 15 lines of PHP for that?" i can do that in 3 lines of Ruby , cause it depends what runs behind that 3 lines of ruby or i'm mistaking ?
@CarrieKendall thx will look at it. We have decathlon here ...
@sbaaaang I think that thought processes like that (from both sides) are missing the point and are not constructive
R.I.P PHP 2013HamZa 8 secs ago
@ircmaxell yeah i agree eheh
^ @ircmaxell We encountered what we feared foreach($okeymi as $tokeymi and $sipno as $tsipno) {
can i have your opinion about Codeigniter? :D @ircmaxell
lol ok
@HamZa what's that and in foreach? :O
is allowed? :O
Q: How to in two arrays using foreach for php

SchizophreniaForeach works with a single arrays, but does not work with the two arrays.. but it required two arrays, this possible ? Sample : foreach($okeymi as $tokeymi and $sipno as $tsipno) <input type='checkbox' name='okeymi[]' value='okey'/> <input type='checkbox' name='okeymi[]' value='okey'/> <

@sbaaaang no
oh lol ok @HamZa
you were opening a new world to me :P
@ircmaxell which explains why sbaaaang is a small icon here =D
@Jack you a CI fan too as i can see
Does anyone use sprintf() for just concatenating two variables, or mainly for the interpolation of custom strings with dynamic variables?
@Jimbo is like using tennis ball to turn on pc ?
if yes do not use
@sbaaaang lol. Wise words :P
so no one CI fan/friend here? :D
@Fabien Strange. The English goes through, but the Latin does not and when the Latin goes through, the English does not.
everyone using boring ZF or Yii or Symphony?
Symfony here
@sbaaaang I use pure php, the hardway
@deathtap check the name="" <'s
@Jimbo -1 :D
@HamZa you triple rock! or better .. you BRAVE!
@Fabien I think it might have something to do with my fetch data from the database
@Jimbo lol it kind saying "PHP is a shit" :P
if i have to change i'll look to Laravel anyway :P
Laravel and Symfony / Silex
Silex if you want to sort your own architecture, Symfony if not
And haven't used Laravel but it has high praises sung for it
never heard about Silex :O need to check it out :P
actually i like Laravel and FuelPHP :P
anyone passed from CI to other framework here?
ok i should stop nominating CI :D understood :D
@LeviMorrison First instinct was instantly 'b' - simply because there's a clear seperation between the nav and content
@ircmaxell do you know some security trick / tip to know when writing in php?
damn guys i got a really bad problem i guess lol, i think i have to reset all files/directories permissions in my website root, any advice? :(
Not sudo chmod -R 777 /var/www ;)
@sbaaaang I'm trying to remember where you got that avatar from? It's an album art, huh?
@Jimbo lol :D
@iroegbu google.com/…
@Jimbo neither sudo rm -R * ;)
@Jimbo do you have a macosx?
@sbaaaang I have it virtualised on Windows at home
Same for Ubuntu
uhm ok try opening terminal and launch this : say "wow"
Lol, reminds me of one of my favourite shortcuts at Uni - while someone was away from their desk, hit the right shortcut keys and everything they mouse over is read out loud
lol yeah
Same goes for APPLE SHIFT + A (Applications), APPLE + A (Select All), APPLE + O (Open)
@Fabien Maybe I screwed up my .js
I'll reload the source
@sbaaaang there are no tricks. And there are no tips. Either do or do not, there is no shortcut
ok just somenthing crazy you discovered or things like that? :P @ircmaxell
@deathtap JS can be a fiddly pain. My best advice is to console.log() everything and use a fine tooth comb when checking through.
@ircmaxell Hi Yoda ;)
@Fabien It passes everything to the right places. If only I can pass console.log results!
@Jimbo Laravel is "all static" framework
you really might be better off if you avoid it
@tereško why is that "static" ? :P
Even its install procedure sucks "composer create-project laravel/laravel your-project-name"
@tereško better go with lithium :X
@Jimbo the only thing that i take away from that article is proof that Phil Sturgeon lives in his own universe
@Ocramius if i had to choose between laravel and lithium, i would choose the latter, because while both are static, lithium gets extra points for using functional programming in some of the stuff
@Danack git clone https://github.com/laravel/laravel your-project && cd your-project && git submodule update --init --recursive
@tereško good point :)
@Fabien Okay, your code does work, but it prints the results like so: English, Latin, English, Latin
@deathtap $tags = explode(",", $_POST['tags'])
But the results need to be seen BEFORE the results are passed.
@DaveRandom good thing you added the comments, 18 days later and you'd have to start decyphering it all over again. looks nice and readable
is there any errors in the following lines of code
if( ( $_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] ) == "POST" )
				isset( $_FILES['photo'] )  &&
				is_uploaded_file( $_FILES['photo']['tmp_name'] )  &&
				$_FILES['photo']['error'] = 'UPLOAD_ERR_OK'
				if( $_FILES['photo']['type'] == "image/jpeg" )
					// var_dump($_FILES['photo']['tmp_name']);
					$myImage = imagecreatefromjpeg( $_FILES['photo']['tmp_name']  );
				    imagejpeg($myImage) ;

$_FILES['photo']['error'] = 'UPLOAD_ERR_OK'
@Fabien What if I create another node that's hidden with just the English text?
@Fabien thanks i corrected this but it is still not showing any image after uploading

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