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Hi @Fabien
Hey Tredged
Welcome @HafizhFathirFirdaus to SO
@DaveRandom nice one, post a question about it?
@kaᵠ I think I may just do that. I'm just going to make sure I have a working routine first and then I can provide proper context
@DaveRandom yeah... context is kinda important here
I'm wondering if it might be one for maths.SE actually
But it's part of a wider system so maybe not
@DaveRandom no way
maths.se is for serious questions
if you can isolate it for math, looks like programming, uses shifts and i never heard of them in math
Oh it's a little wrong anyway, I forgot I need to traverse byte boundaries as well :-(
Hi all ! How do I use gmail as my email server?
and as a mask it's probably useful so you can bitwise in one go
@kaᵠ Once again I am severely irritated that you cannot bit-shift strings (directly) in PHP
@KyleEmmanuel i searched that and found this: lifehacker.com/111166/how-to-use-gmail-as-your-smtp-server
@KyleEmmanuel are you using Swiftmailer or PHPMailer
@DaveRandom yeah... -100 from me too, @NikiC what's your take on this? :D
@Rafee I am configuring Bonfire to use gmail smtp
@kaᵠ on bit shifting strings? That would be really odd
no idea on that. Bonfire.
@NikiC No it wouldn't. There have been many occasions where it would have been useful to me.
@NikiC we can use all the bitwise operators on strings except shifts
same did I
it would be a feature, and fill the missing gap
Although if you're used to thinking about bitwise ops as very cheap then it would be deceptive, as it would require an iteration of the internal byte array
But still, a native impl would be cheaper than a userland one
@DaveRandom @kaᵠ ^, &, |, ~ all operate byte-per-byte
Something like that would not be possible for shifts
it MUST be cheap
Hence, it would be really odd
@NikiC what about "1 character" strings
@kaᵠ even worse. Would the shift there create a two char string with one bit set?
Currently you can just use ord() and do whatever you need
@NikiC i was thinking on shifting each byte from that string x places
Yeh but this is pretty expensive compared to a C impl of the same routine. That's all I'm really saying
@kaᵠ Well that ain't no bitwise operator anymore ^^
@NikiC without carry over to the next byte if that's what you were thinking
shifting bytes in a string is also known as substr()
@DaveRandom +1000
@NikiC Yeh but it can't deal with partial bytes, that's the problem, and in raw network data you are often dealing with partial bytes that are not aligned to a byte boundary
@DaveRandom I was replying to @kaᵠ's suggestion to have byte-wise shifts ;)
@DaveRandom Anyway, I'm pretty sure that you are doing something unnecessary here
I don't see why a network protocol would require string shifts
@NikiC For generating a mask to extract a specific bit/bits, dynamically
A: Why negation of number (~ operator) in php gives such strange results?

Rajeev Ranjanthere is no magic or strange output but its comes from the definition of negation The bitwise complement of a decimal number is the negation of the number minus 1 Its from manual :- Converting a negative decimal number (ie: -3) into binary takes 3 steps: 1) convert the positive version of the...

@NikiC @kaᵠ Context (and yes, I know it's wrong at the moment)
@NikiC If you have any suggestions as to how that could be better implemented (essentially, a stream that you can read a specified number of bits from instead of restricting it to bytes) then I am very much open to suggestions
@NikiC what's wrong with right shifting 3 bits of a string ( 00111001 00111101 00111111 ) so it becomes ( 00000111 00000111 00000111 ) <-e.g.
@DaveRandom I was more wondering why you would need that in the first place ;)
I.e. I can see the need to extract individual bits, but only within certain boundaries (e.g. you have a 64bit value that incodes various info in it's bits)
But not as "I need bits 19231 to 28013 from this string"
nope, that's substr...
But then again, I don't work with networking protocols, so it might be that they indeed have some very odd design
@kaᵠ so does that make sense @NikiC ?
@kaᵠ No
Not to me, that is
how would you do it now?
@kaᵠ I would not do it...
My point is that I don't see the use case, not that it's not technically possible or something ;)
anyway, got to go now, talk later :)
@NikiC The point of design with many network protocols (especially very old ones like DNS) is to reduce data down to the minimum representable form, so they take up as little space as possible on the wire. So you often end up with packet layouts like ietf.org/rfc/rfc1035.txt (sec 4.1.1)
@DaveRandom are we talking by any chance about different shifting implementations?
Now with that specific case the format is rigid so you can hard-code the masks, but resource RDATA sections can contain literally anything. So when you're designing an object model around it you need to be able to specify formats for literally anything, hence the requirement to handle this - and no, it's not a theoretical problem, this is the reason I have come to implement it
Note the 4th byte in the block contains 2 fields, the second of which isn't a real field, it's just the length of the next one
Which is, for the record, unnecessary, since the following field is the last one in the block and the block container also has a specified length
@kaᵠ ?
14 mins ago, by kaᵠ
@NikiC what's wrong with right shifting 3 bits of a string ( 00111001 00111101 00111111 ) so it becomes ( 00000111 00000111 00000111 ) <-e.g.
@kaᵠ The expected result I would want there would be 00000111 00100111 10100111
thougth so...
Just like you would get if that was the bit sequence of an int32
Another thing this would give is the possibility for, say, userland implementations of 128-bit math (as a seriously contrived example)
but... as @NikiC said, and as you already know, bitwising strings works on a per-character basis, so that functionality would break the design
I know I've wanted to do it when dealing with IP addresses and subnet masks
strings are not ints
it would be useful as a internal function maybe
@kaᵠ No they are not. But they can be used to represent ints. A 4-byte string can be functionally no different to an int32
@DaveRandom why do i have a feeling pack() will help you unclutter some of the mess?
If that weren't true, pack()/unpack() wouldn't exist
@kaᵠ I already use unpack() in that routine. But I still have to fart around offsetting the fact that the bit field I want may not be at a byte boundary
It's all good, I'm just going to make this work and forget about it for now
@DaveRandom :) if it's not broke why fix it ...
Indeed. I'm just concious that it's pretty unreadable and it seems like I'm going all round the houses to accomplish something that is, on the face of it, fairly simple.
I am back.
I have a php file which returns an image, but can I send other variables with it?
<?php $captcha = imagecreate( 200, 80 );
$color = imagecolorallocate( $captcha, 255, 255, 255 );
$letters = str_split("abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz1234567890");
$a = floor(rand(0,count($letters)));
$b = floor(rand(0,count($letters)));
$c = floor(rand(0,count($letters)));
$d = floor(rand(0,count($letters)));
$e = floor(rand(0,count($letters)));
$f = floor(rand(0,count($letters)));
$code = $letters[$a] . $letters[$b] . $letters[$c] . $letters[$d] . $letters[$e] . $letters[$f];
imagestring( $captcha, 4, 20, 20, $code, $color );
@BillyMathews Please don't kill us with so much tabs ...
Sorry, fixed..
@HamZa new customer? :P
In another file I'm using <img src="captcha.php" />, but how can I use $code in that file?
hahaha. I'm a bit sad you know.... My reputation isn't raising at all ...
@BillyMathews Your captcha is vulnerable to OCR scripts
@HamZa I just lost 68 rep. :( So who should be SAD?
@Hamza, is that a script that reads images?
I'm planning to implement some sort of captcha font..
Once I've used Tesseract OCR to bypass such captcha in a hacking CTF competition
but for now I just want to make it work..
@YogeshSuthar lol I see ...
@YogeshSuthar you basically lost 0.47% there are very few who could say 68 rep means so less for them
@HamZa you just received 10 rep. :P
@BillyMathews Have you ever heard about sessions ?
@HamZa CTF=capture that flag ?
Hmm is it to do with cookies?
Are we seriously allowing "what does this code do" questions now?
@kaᵠ the* yeah
@kaᵠ lolzzzz
@YogeshSuthar thx !
@HamZa this question is having 1 delete vote stackoverflow.com/questions/13007288/…
@HamZa is it to do with cookies?
what will happen if 2 person vote it. :P
@YogeshSuthar No problem if it got deleted since that answer is a shame on me :p
@BillyMathews yeah ...
sort of ...
@HamZa I never worked with TWIG. So I think its good answer. :P
I've a URL which I'm able to access without any problems. However, the same URL is resulting in 404 not found when accessed from a different city. Any idea what might be the cause behind this?
@YogeshSuthar lol me neither, it was a quick search and paste lol
@asprin DNS problem ?
@HamZa Now this is joke of the day. :D
Do you know where TWIG is used and why?
@HamZa So this means it's a client side issue and nothing that I can do about it other than ask the user to update their DNS?
Why ? Also apples are exotic and nice :) — HamZa 16 secs ago
Q: PHP substr removing points

user2153308Just ask a little question. I have a string like this : ../Series//Game Of Throne/ And i wanna remove the two starting point with substr ? I tried lots of but it doen't work. THANKS !

I will not answer this too localized question. :)
Game of Throne....hmmm isn't that a "not a very family" show
heh, it's just a guess
Do you have access to that PC ?
I have a doubt with Cron Jobs

there are two pages, i if add Cron job to one.php.. will two.php page will execute.


// do someting
// redirect to two.php


//do other task
Nope. I don't
@Rafee AFAIK, it should
hmm thought of and thanks
I would definitely take a second opinion as I'm not 100% sure
okay dont worry.. I am gonna check that right away.
Any one.. Experiemnt with Task Scheduler on Windows XP
^ OP didn't bother posting the needed code once he got his answer
@HamZa you're on a roll
@NikiC it's quite useful in cryptography...
@kaᵠ yeah, I kind of begin to like the new closing system ! // cc @PeeHaa
@kaᵠ @HamZa is so popular here.
@Jimbo dat [tag:tag]
@Jimbo ROFT
I'm serious, why did that Q take so long to close vote, and even got upvotes!? If that's how it is, I might as well post any code I find and just go "durrr wat duz diz meen"?
@Mr.Alien only aalsi kaamchor people can write this, :P
[on-hold] team is very efficient today
@YogeshSuthar lol
Hi everybody ................... good morning
@YogeshSuthar LOL
@HamZa Do you understand hindi?
@Mr.Alien I've closed it as duplicate, go go go !
@Mr.Alien Unfortunately not :(
@Mr.Alien Learn me how to say "good morning"
@Phenix_dz yellow !
@HamZa voted. do you understand Hindi?
@YogeshSuthar no loooool
I tried it,but when i am using while loop,its unable to fetch value,Like when i am using the code like below while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($exe1)) { print_r($row); } Its not showing any value in array.What to do @ Yogesh Suthar. — CrazyMan 8 mins ago
I don't why do people use the @ suppression and then complain they're not seeing any error messages
I never got this notification. :(
Hi @HamZa how do you do !
@YogeshSuthar Because he used a space between @ and your name
@HamZa ha ha evn I don't know how to say gud morning in hindi
@Phenix_dz fine, and you ?
@Mr.Alien lol, huh but wait . .. What language do you speak then ?
@HamZa ohhh yeah I noticed.
2 days ago, by HamZa
lol, first file opened aaaaand:
<?php if(@$_GET["page"]==!0){ echo ", page ".@$_GET["page"].".";}?>
@HamZa @Mr.Alien "Shubh Prabhat" in hindi for Good morning.
@HamZa I speak hindi, gujarati(my mother tounge), english, marathi
@asprin Look at this awesome piece of art
what a day.. vooo, will work on drupal for the first time
@HamZa lol...exactly what I was referring to
@Mr.Alien I speak more lang than you. :P
even google can't translate it for me :O
@YogeshSuthar just 1 may be, marwari
@HamZa ha ha, if you break that sentence, it is correct but I don't know what they say exactly
@HamZa hahaha.
@HamZa Am I doing this right?
	if ( !session_id() ){
	$_SESSION["curcatchersolution"] = $code;
@Mr.Alien marwari, panjabi,some sort of bhaiyya. :P
@HamZa LOL, it's su prabhat, even I got to know today
when I call echo $_SESSION["curcatchersolution"]; nothing is printed
@Mr.Alien shubh not su.
@YogeshSuthar Kaa karat ho sasura.. tohre ko kaa laga, humme bhaiya lang nahi aati kaa?
@BillyMathews wow, I think I shall just write it for you unless the creator of PHP will die from a heartattack
@YogeshSuthar damn, this hindi
@Mr.Alien lolzzz
58 secs ago, by HamZa
@BillyMathews wow, I think I shall just write it for you unless the creator of PHP will die from a heartattack
@Mr.Alien You're basically saying go learn another language
@HamZa in which sentence?
@Mr.Alien damn, this hindi
@Hamza Nice thanks
Q: I'm looking for url router that works

user2544204I have been looking for php url router for my own mvc system. I tried aura.router etc. Either they are not working nor I can't. I'm looking for most popular php url router. Because sometimes I need helps.

@HamZa Yes, actually, we don't speak so pure hindi, we speak kinda urban hindi, so till today, I've never wished anyone, good morning or good night in hindi.. even if gf is of some other cast.. we chat in hinglish... hindi + english..
which a best tool for reverse engenring in PHP (OpenSource) , I used Modelio when I use Java and orrmondo !
@Mr.Alien bidu tereko kya lagta he apun ko ye sab samaj me nahi aarela he kya.
@Phenix_dz reverse engineer what?
@YogeshSuthar english please! don't talk nasty about @tereško
@kaᵠ hahaha lolzzz ROFL
generate a code from UML model !
@kaᵠ Its not about @tereško
@HamZa Are you actually going to write it for me..? If so thanks :)
well it looks like it when you don't chat in english...
@kaᵠ tereko means "you" in english and "tereko" is in tapori language.
@BillyMathews yeah, I'm working on it... Basically the image you are creating is also wrong ... (you made the color of the background the same as the color of the font :p)
@kaᵠ you made my day. I am still laughing. lolzzzz
@kaᵠ hahahaha
@HamZa Yeah, I realised and fixed it
@YogeshSuthar haha yes, that's pure urban hindi
3 mins ago, by kaᵠ
@YogeshSuthar english please! don't talk nasty about @tereško
glad to bring some laughs
@Mr.Alien see this
I am still laughing
^^^ LOL I don't know how this got posted
@kaᵠ ROFL
levenshtein('tereško', 'tereko'); evaluate to 2
next time you spill ~hindi here, try to avoid "you" :)
@kaᵠ tereko samaj me aa gaya. :P
evening guys :)
hello @Jack
@YogeshSuthar HEY stop talking sh!t about @tereško
can anyone explain this jsperf result? =S
@Jack you are first person who said EVENING. :P
@kaᵠ hahaha
Recently while flagging, I've seen some users targets common questions, and copy paste same answers on all...
@BillyMathews Look at this ugly code index.php and i.php
@Mr.Alien notify a mod
@kaᵠ Yap am doing that every day :)
yaay... btw: what's the flagcount you see?
@Mr.Alien 20 to go
@HamZa Thanks, Dude. I don't see why mine isn't working though.. :s
@Mr.Alien How the hell do you get that many flags? :|
@YogeshSuthar Mod is declining few flags for no good reason
@YogeshSuthar Just write This question appears to be off-topic because it is too localized.
@PeeHaa I hacked in their system :p
You've hacked the Gibson hey

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