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WinSCP is awesome been using it forever works greattt :0
@Rafee I used fireftp, but I stopped using it as it was not showing up htaccess files
use cyberduck on mac.
@kaᵠ I am thinking to go linux when I format my pc this week
am tired of windows
oh!, i never used fireftp..
try Ubuntu.
its awesome.
@Rafee it is light and quick
if you want all stuff with
@Rafee am having 12.04 LTS
the thing is I need to learn commands too but that will be fun, will feel like techie
I am using Ubuntu since 1.4 years.
day by day softwares are getting hard to crack, so I would prefer switching to ubuntu
I only use commands..
use open office, and blender in the place of PS
when install and configuring.. other than
code code and movies
@Rafee I fail to create partitions...
My life is simple
codes movies and tv-shows
dont woryy.
try one more time..
Even i failed for first time.. while installing ubuntu on my friends PC
he had of Data..
Guess what.. i formated all drive..
utilize all the partition space.. I
I was laughing and jumping.. when we know.. there was no data.
@Mr.Alien Try this Kendrick Lamar - Poetic Justice
@Rafee ya, it's not friendly like windows, I've 2tb of external hard disk... I can port all my stuff on that.. and than I'll fiddle with my system
@Tredged musicc?
@Mr.Alien Yes.
@Tredged Noted,will download once I reach home
hiren's boot cd is the ultimate utility
Ohhh Imma test that home less editor :)
Hirens is awesome too.. i love that.
hey there
Hey there
@DaveRandom well even I partied last weekend and it was awesome...
anyone good on unix shell commands?
i would like to move in scp all directories in a root directories except for some of them is it possible using 1 line command?
@sbaaaang go to torrents, you'll get many good books, download them, read them, if you like, buy it
@Mr.Alien yeah good advice i know :P
@Mr.Alien Books help, but in my opinion pratice helps more dont you think?
just would like if it's possible to exclude some directories from an scp transfer using only 1 command line
@Mr.Alien Plus google is one big book
yeah i'll buy google book
You gonna buy google ?
You need some cash for that xd
money are not a problem here
i can buy google whenever i want just letting them having funny actually
@Tredged obviously you learn more when you work on real world projects...but if you jump on the way to any concepts, you will leave the basics behind
but i can't see any "exclude directory" options uhmm
@Mr.Alien I agree..
What OS u using @sbaaaang
What do you use for debugging while working with sublime-text?
sublime xdebug plugin s*cks :(
@Tredged i know how to make an scp you misreading my question i guess
Oh sorry, you wanted to transfer except some files right?
i would like to move enteire directory but exclude some files / directories from the transfer
yeah thanks
@sbaaaang What did you surf or google or SO
Q: How to use 'cp' command to exclude a specific directory?

DavidLiuI want to copy all files in a directory except some files in a specific sub-directory. I have noticed that 'cp' command didn't have a --exclude option. So, how can I achieve this? Thanks!

LOL just found the same link
@Rafee i was surfing you more lucky i guess :D
I don't know but previously I used to install ubuntu on my pen drive, but 12.05 fails to start on the pendrive.. any idea
you both lucky
Never ever install OS on USB Devices.
They all burn..
nice so --exclude=a/c
Except Storage device has Master boot records
but what if i have to exclude more then 1 file or dir?
@sbaaaang No, that's rsync
@sbaaaang why dont you try that..
Whats the reason u ever want to exclude some files lol ? just transfer everything and delete the ones u don't need?
@Rafee cause i'm trasfering on production server !? :D
@Duikboot Morgen, Morning'
@DaveRandom yeah i see thanks, but i think i'll keep safe more going for direct transfers so i give up actually :D
@sbaaaang You could easily do it with a bash script though
Oh! warning, please try carefull.. @sbaaaang.
i'll do the boring 1 by 1 transfer lol
Where do you guy put config files online? I think it's not safe for big websites to put them in a public_html folder? :)
Hi @Tredged
@Rafee lol yeah
@Mr.Alien switch to free/opensource alternatives today! and they will be available when you go to linux
@Duikboot Where you put it doesnt really matter lol
@sbaaaang try experiment on local machine then to server with one or few directories.
I think it does.
@DaveRandom well i know but i really suck dude on bash scripting , i was just trying figure out some comfortable script i could bookmark :P
@Rafee yeah need some test right ;)
Im talking about config.php or something where you have your database details etc.
ufff but any idea about some macosx app to do wizards scp or sftp transfers?

i am so hungry :(
@Duikboot Accesing a config wouldnt do anything lol unless u printing out details in it lol
I believe, Rsync handles should work for you.
Whats the OS.
mountain lion
I was thinking big websites with much traffic store their database connection information not in a public html folder.
I use rsync on my linux also
@sbaaaang Well, this is a PHP room so I presume you know some PHP - why not do it in that?
yeah right @DaveRandom i give up don't worry i'm stopping ;)
thanks to all dudes!
good mornings
@Duikboot I just told you it doesnt matter dont echo or whatever the database information make a folder called configuration or includes or inc and put it there lol
@Duikboot if U dont feel safe generate a 23numer folder and put it in there
i watched the movie 23 awhile ago.. sucks
@iroegbu Morning
LOL @Prasanth You mean movie 42 or movie 23 german one?
@Prasanth or number 23 xD?
Goooooood morning
@dragon112 Morgen, morning'
@Tredged that jim carrey one
@Prasanth You didnt like it? Its not a bad movie O.o
Umm I just didn't like the .. ... (trimmed 23 dots) .. ... /user quit.
"I keeps my rims clean, rollin through a dip scene, gots yo *tch **ssy wetter than the captain of the swim team"
Q: Is it safe to place password on same folder?

kanayakiI am using php and mysql. I have a Database config file (db-config.php) which has my database name, username and password. My application and db config file store at: www(httpdocs)/app/db-config.php Is that secure? Will others/hackers able to steal my file and get my database login information? ...

Oh everybody left :(
Hello folks.Anyone out here with Amazon AWS work background?I have a question posted,but no help yet.Please go through if anyone can add inputs to it!Here's the question stackoverflow.com/questions/17441791/…
"Yo I walk through the Oscars and slap the best actress/I don't give a **** I'll rip the tag off a mattress"
@iroegbu How u make that question so big in the chat here?
Just post any so link in chat without any other text
Q: how to delay function for mozilla browser

simmi simmiMy ImageSlider code works perfectly in chrome but in mozilla it doesnt works , if i put some alert then it works may be bacause with alert it gets time to load values from xml in Background , how to delay init init () function . HTML Code :: $(document).ready(function () { get...

You might want to pick a good question though :p
@Tredged what's up with those quotes? I'd DV 'em if i could...
@kaᵠ +1
@kaᵠ DV = ?
Down Vote
@kaᵠ :(
@dragon112 good question, right?
@kaᵠ yea, will install it today or by weekend, I've simpsons 70gb download going on'
Nice read @iroegbu thanks! :D
thats huge
@Tredged I don't understand
@Tredged just paste the link to it without adding any other text
@dragon112 Ik vroeg hoe je hem zo groot kreeg toen zei je alleen link, daarna zei je dat ik wel 'n goeie vraag moest plaatsen toen vroeg ik je net of die goed was ;x
but the speed is facking slow, sometimes it's 150kbps sometimes it dips to 5kbps
@iroegbu Thanks!
I am downloading since almost 4 months, just 27% completed
Whats your network speed?
512kbps in d day.. 2mbps at night
Oh, no offence but thats horrible :(
@Mr.Alien just give it up :))))
@Tredged I know but In India it's awesome :p, our gov don't provide more speed than this
@Tredged Nope pretty bad:p
@dragon112 Jaa erg hÉ
@kaᵠ ha ha no way, I love that, I also have many other series.. futurama, swat kats , scooby etc..
@Mr.Alien It's easier to just buy the dvd's :p
@Mr.Alien I got a 1GIG at work and 2x 100mbp/second at home
@Mr.Alien can you see the chat flags?
150mbps at home 20 mbps at work =/
^^ lol
I don't know why but at work we have pretty bad internet
It's up to 20 mbit**
Oh thats sucks :S
@Mr.Alien you could take advantage of the bandwidth cap by moving to a less crowded area and closer to an important node
@kaᵠ Yes I can.. and the max I get is 200kbps, where I can download 700mb movie watchable on tab in an hour, else if the movie is good, I download HD, sums up around 4.5 gigs, downloads in 5-6 hrs
@dragon1 costly, let me see whats the price
@Mr.Alien can't you join 2 connections ? :D
@dragon112 oh yes, just checked on amazon, they are costly
@Mr.Alien christ, that's pretty slow.. I watch a lot of series which are 400-800 mb each and I download 10 episodes in less time than it takes to watch a 40 min episode.
@dragon112 same here
@kaᵠ for that I need 2 connections, and connections here are costly, we also get 10mbps, but there are no unlimited plan, if we want fiberoptics.. we need to pay 15K a month (Base plan)... which I can;t afford... which even small offices can't afford, forget about the home users
I had around 200GIG on only tv-shows on my laptop
How much is fiberoptics in euros a month?
15k INR
So like 200 euro or something
@dragon112 It takes 15-20 mins at nyt to download big bang or HIMYM.. but as of now am not downloading much, as I told you before, my 2tb hd has only 5 gig space remaining
15000 Indian Rupee equals
192.060 Euro ?
Pretty much
@Tredged yea, may be...
@Mr.Alien HAHAHA bigbang and howimet also watched all seasons :D
Great series.
I don't get why either of those are popular
Yea, I was bored with HIMYM but Big bang is still fun to watch
@DaveRandom you don't watch them?
@Mr.Alien I had the same problem but I bought a NAS (giggle) with 8TB extendable to 16TB, Now I got a lot of storage space :D
ye true HIMYM was fun in the beginnen became boring.
Both are weak, with a piss annoying laugh track where there's laughter after every line, very few of which are funny
Never actually consired NAS is it wortht he money? @dragon112
@DaveRandom Again, Cost matters ;)
Yes it is if you ask me
Knock Penny Knock Penny knock Pennyyy
@DaveRandom I saw a clip on youtube, laughs after every second, but I watch the epi, downloading from torrents which were better, less laughs..
@Tredged Especially if you have a media center and you want to watch your series/movies/whatever on multiple devices
I WANT that
iPhone also?
atlast they revealed the mom, if they didn't, I would've stopped watching himym
Hmmm not sure actually, never tried
probably not
Nah, give me Seinfeld any day of the week
Hmm nvm then xd
Seinfield is also awesome
Typos abound this morning
ok guys am off for lunch, see you in 30 mins
@Mr.Alien She was something I never expected xd
days of weak are better :P
@Mr.Alien Enjoy your lunch ;)
Nono, change it back Dave, you said ONE day of the week:p
same here it seems
@Jimbo morning ;)
Im so tired I could sleep _
BRB gonna take a smokeeee
If i have permission to cast close i cannot flag?
Everyone can flag
But you should only flag in exceptional cases.
@dragon112 , yes, i can flag... but it looks like a cast...
cast to wat?
Back :)
wat you people speak in netherlands...
Oh, ik zie ...
Nederlandsch :p
'it doesn't belong here, or it is a duplicate… ' converts to 'vote to close' : )
@dragon112 he he
@sectus Yes, If it doesn't belong on the site you should Close vote, that's how the system works.
oh, my flag badge...
Afterwards if you think the question is REALLY bad and shouldn't be on SO at all you can ask for a Delete vote in this chat by typing this: stackoverflow.com/q/01234
There are actually people that have to get back to you flags.. You should only flag when REALLY necessary.
@dragon112 , i know... but now it will be really hard to take badge... Deputy
Badges aren't that important...
strange// php is not mailing...
@dragon112 badges are imp
Why isnt it mailing?
@sectus Deputy? Am having a marshal badge
@Tredged Now that's what I am trying to figure out
ok, so I used exit before the mail func, it echoes out the form values, let me go ahead
die() is nicer
@kaᵠ I am not outputting any error, it's just that I am debugging so am preventing the code to go further using exit, now this is strange, message echoes out well, but doesn't get mailed...
I answered to this question.
A: Is it safe to place password on same folder?

RafeeYes, you can put the file in same or other directory Make a configuration file, where you can keep all settings in a file.. and you can keep it any where you want. All you need to is call whenever you need it. To that configuration file, make file permission unaccessible by public. 1. Make con...

whats you reviews. on this.
Just need reviews..
hello people
@Rafee should place includes out of the root folder
return null;
goto end;
while (1) {}
throw new exception('Die...');
exec 'shutdown -h now';
exec 'kill -9 1';
ahaaa worked
dont laugh at me but i want to ask weather we can create button after ajax succession??
@user2206616 Wrong place to ask, I'd try the JavaScript room ;)
nice combo @sectus
@Rafee ini files are not safe!
@kaᵠ Why not?
aah sorry ...any way thanks .. :)
@dragon112 if you don't set the perms right one could dump the file in a webbrowser easy
Not if you put it outside of the document root
well.. that's not what his answer is saying
@kaᵠ why ini files are not safe..
^read the above Rafee
Could have an exec('killall php'); in there too?
and i was refering to the .ini file extension, not actually ini files
@Jimbo best one even
okay.. actually those are .ini extension files..
and they permission rights.
do you still think, its unsafe practice
i'd have em be .exe files :P (in a linux enviroment)
And chicken-php just got a logo! https://github.com/igorw/chicken-php#readme
Don't know why it downvoted stackoverflow.com/questions/17444428/…
@YogeshSuthar hatedv's ? anyway just delete it and get the badge :P
@kaᵠ I already have that badge. :P Want to know why it is downvoted.
Is it wrong OR anything?
@Ocramius it looks like some alien life form, which got painted like a chicken
@tereško it's awesome
@HamZa Morning ;)
perfectly aligned to the YOLO certified engineer rank
@HamZa morning. any new customers? :P
@YogeshSuthar lol, not yet !
loved the chicken spec sheet
@igorw awesome logo ;)
@igorw can't you make it even more ugly ?
@Rafee is hh an alias for FF ?
@kaᵠ I tried
@Ocramius he is always hahahahing. :P
@Ocramius in some countries hh is the equivalent of haha
in others hh is the equiv of hh :)
@HamZa @YogeshSuthar we were assuming he's just a very slow test runner
@Ocramius oh.. i want to type haha
maybe no "a" on the keybd, or maybe he's optimized his workflow
lolzzz this post is also get downvote stackoverflow.com/a/17430322/1679187
I think someone is taking revenge. :P
find out who?
Thanks all :D
@YogeshSuthar to be fair that post doesn't deserve it's votes, but clearly you're a victim here, maybe page @Gordon about it ?
@Rafee Not found yet. :(
@kaᵠ Thanks, I will try to call him.
@HamZa What if he/she didn't know about explode? When searching for the "split" equivalent of php explode doesn't automatically pop up, and a type conversion from string to int isn't exactly obvious if you're used to other languages. So your comment is a tad bit rude. — Michael Dibbets 4 mins ago
^ sigh
read that
that q should be deleted (with fire)
also 9 time-wasters on that, saying the same thing....
@Gordon ahhhh, you deleted that post. :( I lost 70 rep.
@kaᵠ gordon deleted that post. :(
Ouch :(
Hey maths-y types, can anyone see a simpler way to write this?
$mask = (0xff >> (8 - $length)) << (7 - ($bitPointer + $length - 1));
@YogeshSuthar that depends on your viewpoint. IMO you should not have answered it in the first place, so what you lost is reputation you shouldnt have gained in the first place. the question is not only too localized but also a dupe.
well said ^
Basically $bitPointer is a position pointer within a byte (0 - 7), and $length is the number of bits I wish to extract (1 - 8).
@Gordon but there's still the alleged hate down voting
@Gordon next time I will never answer too localized question.So I will not loose reps. ;)
@kaᵠ f(N)=75234257437193_6c503e0ecbe99e7279645df5e155d082
whats this.
it's the result for a function
what kind of function is that.
a very special one
@kaᵠ i cant see who voted but its not serial dv'ing
? + _ +md5
@Rafee ping me if you get it :D
@kaᵠ I got md5
1153538461 : 6c503e0ecbe99e7279645df5e155d082
whats this 75234257437193_
or 75234257437193
So much nesting :(

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