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@HamZa And it will save new images inside ai-cache?
ow, that, no ...
Wait ...
@HamZa Haha. Then it's not working probably..
hello all
@YogeshSuthar howdy howdy howdy!
@YogeshSuthar yellow
@NullPoiиteя fine
@HamZa hello
@PeeHaa evening
@PeeHaa here its evening, may be there is morning
@YogeshSuthar there is always morning on UTC :P:P:P
@HamZa lukt het?
I want to create iPhone app natively in Linux and I found this link stackoverflow.com/questions/276907/…
It says that either should I have MAC machine OR VM machine in linux.
is there any other ways to do that?
@Caspert it's resizing the image, but it isn't caching it. I don't know why ...
@HamZa Hmm...But that's strange that your image were be resizing?
yeah, but to the biggest size available in the array
$resolutions = array(1400, 1200, 1000, 800, 600, 500, 400, 300); // Image widths to create (in pixels).
So when I removed some of them
$resolutions = array(600, 500, 400, 300); // Image widths to create (in pixels).
It was resized to 600
@HamZa hmm. Wait I have one time get some stuff inside the ai-cache and that was from my slider on the homepage...
@HamZa The ai-cache had a tree of: au-cache > and then the hole path to the wordpress installation to the theme to my image folder of my theme and there were set 2 images that are added to the slider..
@YogeshSuthar no
@Caspert yaaaaaaaay, I got something in the ai-cache
@PeeHaa means only there is only these two ways to do that?
@HamZa Reallyy ....!!! When you upload a image with the media upload of WP or?
@YogeshSuthar yes
Ok thanks, I hate Steve Jobs. :D
@Caspert No, I'm testing with cferdinandi.github.io/adaptive-images
@HamZa Yes but that doesn't work than with uploaded images when I upload an image via the media uploader?
@NullPoiиteя and do it yourself(homework) :) lolzz
What have you put in
$cache_path = ???
@HamZa $cache_path = "wp-content/uploads/ai-cache";
ok, just to be sure, in the folder ai-cache create test.php and put the following:
echo $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '<br>';
echo urldecode($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']);
What's the output ?
@YogeshSuthar we all man do
@HamZa I will check it!
@NullPoiиteя who upvoted this?
@PeeHaa it will automatically deleted
@bwoebi how could i know :P lol it could be @kaᵠ (morning )
@kaᵠ morning !
@NullPoiиteя me?
Q: My old email has totally crashed

Tee Jaymy old adelphia email has crashed on me & I been using a new gmail account for some time, I have been playing Robinsons from my droid phone & just replaced my phone. My game will not transfer (or i just cant figure out how to do it) & I do not have access to the old email and cannot remember wh...

^ lol
@bwoebi on-hold-ed :) love the new close system
I have do it from noting, so I followed the tutorial exactly. The cache folder is created in the root..
@kaᵠ oh, … because he also asked stackoverflow.com/q/17390196/2153758 with the same data
nearly same question, little modification.
should we close ^^ as dup of new
@bwoebi ok so since it's a dumb question.. shouldn't we on-hold that also?
If it's like that, it seems you just need:
$cache_path = "ai-cache";
@NullPoiиteя lol !!! but true :))
@NullPoiиteя haha k^^
@HamZa Yes that's the default also... This is set: $cache_path = "ai-cache"; inside adaptive-images.php on line 42
yey ... i have voted to hold ...
@Caspert Well since you have put ai-cache in the root folder, then you just need to use the default value
2 more to hold
since when are this close->hold changed active?
@HamZa Correct, that I have..
@bwoebi lol, so many descriptive tags
@kaᵠ a few days ago
@bwoebi something like 10-15 days
still one vote missing…
@bwoebi done now delv
@NikiC have not enough rep :-(
@HamZa I checked now the folder after visiting the site on a retina device... and play with the broswer size on my desktop after refresh everytime.. Now the there will be generate a new mak 768 with one image from my theme map not the one that I have uploaded yet via media upload of WP...
:10298268 it will automatically get deleted
@NikiC stackoverflow.com/questions/17390812/… just after you had closed xd
@bwoebi that's why I removed the delv. I still don't understand the question though
@Caspert Note that the script won't resize your image if it fits on your screen
@NikiC me neither… mhm.
So try to use a really big image
@HamZa Oke... yes I would try. But should I set in functions.php the add_image_size to the retina version or to the normal size..
@Caspert I have never worked with WP, so I don't really know what that is and I don't have a retina ipad :p
A: How to fix the invalid url query string and path?

PeeHaaNot the cleanest solution, but at the moment it is the only thing I can think of: function parse ($string, $allowed = array('?', '=', '/')) { $chars = str_split(urldecode($string)); $encoded = ''; foreach ($chars as $char) { if (in_array($char, $allowed)) { $encod...

@PeeHaa Great answer, but urlencode() should really have a second optional parameter [$double_encode = true] like htmlentities has.
@HamZa add_image you set in functions.php to create new sizes for thumbnails inside wordpress.. So when I set my size to 300x200px wordpress will by default generate a 3 sizes and plus my new size of 300x200px.. So I have set now the size to the normal what is exactly 300x200px so if you check te source code you noticed that the image is called test-300x200.png
@bwoebi You I already editted in my answer
@PeeHaa I just saw; I meant that the PHP functions signature should be extended here.
@Caspert Hmmm ok ...
@bwoebi Yeah I know. But how often are you going to need it? P.S. I really needed it a couple of days ago :P
Good morning
morning @ircmaxell
@HamZa So that's how WordPress makes images... I checked my site a lot and refresh it etc. Now there will be more images inside the ai-cache.. But only the images that are in my theme folder
@Caspert but with 300x200, they won't ever be "cached" by Adaptive Images
@HamZa If you say that...
@HamZa I should try to set the size to the retina version of a image?
@Caspert I checked the source code. It will check if the image size is bigger than the screen. And since 300x200 is way smaller than the retina screen. It won't get processed AFAIK
@HamZa SO should I try to change the size to 600x400?
morning @AshwinMukhija
@Caspert No, why ? If 300-200 is enough then let it be
Morning @PeeHaa
@HamZa But 300x200px is the normal size... So I upload everytime a retina version of 600x400
@Caspert How big is the resolution of the retina ? I wonder if you set it to 600x400 if it would get resized ...
@PeeHaa A few months ago when I wrote a little http listener in PHP
@HamZa Retina is 600x400px twice as normal..
Are we tackling HTML/CSS questions today ?
hmm… nobody likes : stackoverflow.com/q/17390988/2153758 is always better :-D
@bwoebi /to/path*/a/1 (should be: /to/path%2A/a/1) <-- No it shoudln't. It should be the first. You don't need to urlencode every character, only the specific ones that have special meaning in a URL... OP FAIL
@bwoebi Y U NO REGEX !
Why not just use Javascript?
waits for the pitchforks
@HamZa … it's driving me crazy :-O
@bwoebi heh, but it's a good solution. If we can prevent regex, then let's prevent it :P
@bwoebi Regex drives you crazy?
Shouldn't that question be closed as:
must demonstrate a minimal understanding of the problem being solved
@AshwinMukhija not this small regex, but if it gets bigger, yes
Well, yeah, it can get a little out of hand
@HamZa What should I do now... :(
@HamZa exactly !
@Caspert Isn't it solved yet ?
@bwoebi cool
should we ask for ?
@HamZa No.. Your last question was how big the resolution of the retina version was. That is 600x400px...
@Caspert Well I though it had something like 2000px x ... ?
@HamZa hu? You asked me a few minutes if I also want to upload a higher resolution yes.. but that doensn't work than...
Retina Display is a brand name used by Apple for liquid crystal displays which they claim have a high enough pixel density that the human eye is unable to notice pixelation at a typical viewing distance. The term is used for several Apple products, including the iPhone, iPod Touch, iPad, and MacBook Pro. As the typical viewing distance would be different depending on each device's usage, the pixels per inch claimed to be of retina quality can be different depending on the size of the display, with higher ppi for smaller displays and lower ppi for larger displays: 326 ppi for the smallest...
#erm… how do I open a file which begins with "--" with cat:

cat --.php
cat: illegal option -- -
usage: cat [-benstuv] [file ...]
@HamZa Yes I know. I have resize all my images twice as normal... I also use retinajs.com for replacing my images that are available my theme...
@bwoebi cat \-\-.php lol ?
bad naming, yeah, but I even cannot move it… I everywhere receive illegal option (with mv for example)
or maybe
cat "--.php" ?
neither work
yup ^ what hamza said
both do
# cat "--.php"
cat: illegal option -- -
usage: cat [-benstuv] [file ...]
# cat \-\-.php
cat: illegal option -- -
usage: cat [-benstuv] [file ...]
@Caspert Honestly, I don't see why you're optimizing things for retina, who does use it anyways? I though it wasn't a success
@bwoebi booting linux !
@HamZa Yet it is increasingly used ...
@Caspert Well I'm out of tricks. I usually help code-involved-problems.
@HamZa This is also a code-involved problem... right? There will be now new images be generated when I upload an image and check it on a retina display?
@Caspert The retina display has 2048×1536 resolution. I wonder what the browser says to the website ? If it tell that it has 2048×1536 then 400x200 won't ever be resized...
@HamZa hmmm
@ircmaxell Yeah, I have tough about your video just a moment ago !
It isn't?
@ircmaxell your thoughts ?
He has a WP site, and uses a php script (along with a .htaccess file) to resize images
What the script does, for every image request, it checks the size of the display and compares it with the size of the image. if the image is bigger than the display, it resizes it and put it in a cache folder
(size of the display is checked with JS)
@ircmaxell haha, I really though it was you. On the other hand, I though how can Anthony change so quickly lol
@HamZa Here's the implementation in Drupal: drupal.org/project/borealis#borealis_ri
@ircmaxell thx
The guy in that video (Sam Richard) is the one behind that module
@Caspert If you want to rewrite it to WP ^^^
@HamZa ? :P
@Caspert I think you should check that video posted by ircmaxell
@HamZa Ok
@HamZa I have check it, all familiar to me..
@Caspert ok ...
Ok, I've found the solution, pretty weird:
cat -- --.php
@HamZa wtf … how did you find it?
First result from G
creating hyphen files linux
So basically we're setting an empty argument or what lol ?
waah… just had a look at some old code (in this --.php):
// one line:
$input = $param_anzahl==0?preg_replace("/$zeichen\[\]/","$funcname()",$input):$param_anzahl==1?preg_replace("/(".$this->esc_funcs()."\^|\%|\*|\/|\+|\(|\)|\[|-|\,)$zeichen(\[(.+?)\]|([0-9]+?))(".$this->esc_funcs()."\^|\%|\*|\/|\+|\(|\)|\[|-)/","$1$funcname($3$4)$5",preg_replace("/$zeichen([0-9]+?)/","$funcname($1)",$input)):preg_replace("/\[(.+?)\]$funcname\[(.+?)\]/","$funcname($1,$2)",preg_replace("/(".$this->esc_funcs()."\^|\%|\*|\/|\+|\(|\)|\[|-|\,)(\[(.+?)\]|([0-9]+?))$zeichen(\[(.+?)\]|([0-9]+?))(".$this->esc_funcs()."\^|\%|\*|\/|\+|\(|\)|\[|-)/","$1$funcname($3$4,$6$7)$8"
@HamZa yeah… cannot believe this was me who wrote this (to myself)
@bwoebi what ? hahaha
@HamZa I think this was when I learnt that one shouldn't (±dynamic) parse strings with regex...
@HamZa have please a look at your own old code and put here the worst line…
lol, first file opened aaaaand:
<?php if(@$_GET["page"]==!0){ echo ", page ".@$_GET["page"].".";}?>
if ($imageid ==! 0){
…==!0? lol xD
I can't believe this lol
Let's open another file :p
it's the same as if ($imageid) in every case?^^
@bwoebi Too much if/else statements, basically the reincarnation of spagheti code
@HamZa this is absolutely normal when writing your first code
No indentation spaces/tabs
lol let me pastebin that !
@HamZa my first code was a mess between half the file indented unproperly and the other half no indents…
@HamZa <br/>Veuillez patientez ...<br/>P.S: Quelque images sont plus de 1MB . … who has written this awful French?
@bwoebi MOI !
This code is about 3-4 years old
I'd write function countLines($filepath) { return shell_exec("cat ".escapeshellarg($filepath)." | wc -l"); } today… nobody needs PHP ;-D
@bwoebi lol
@bwoebi what do you suggest to install for linux server/?
(os) ?
@HamZa don't know … the os is not the most important. you can install most things you need yourself
@HamZa hmm, this <<<rrr… xD
@bwoebi E_OUT_OF_NAMES lol
@HamZa have a look at this wonderful masterpiece of 1003 lines of code extremely vulnerable to sql injections :-D pastebin.com/1545rQ6M
@bwoebi lol, I used .dat files instead of mysql !
@HamZa this has the advantage to be less vulnerable to sql inj xD
@bwoebi well, you mean to be directly readable lol
@HamZa ;-D
@bwoebi I've learned something new: that "tag" means "day"
@HamZa yes xD
@HamZa look at lines 879 and the following: best practice ! :o
Well, it's better than asking like a help vampire on SO
line 978 if (($_POST['pass_verg'] == ja) AND ((d) XOR (h)))
@HamZa haha, yeah^^
@bwoebi especially cool the (d) XOR (h)
@Ocramius this is what I meant
@Ocramius oh… lol, at the first moment I thought this would be the same as the bitwise xor … and evaluate to true and not the boolean xor which evaluates to false…
is there something less verbose than array_unshift
$orders = $st->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_NUM);
$ordersh = $sth->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_NUM);
array_unshift($orders, 20);
array_unshift($ordersh, 20);
$reply = [$orders, $ordersh];
array_unshift($reply, 20);
echo json_encode($reply);
echo json_encode([20:[20:$orders, 20:$ordersh]]);
nah nvm
Hmm, here comes an annoying question
class Foo
    public $bar = array();
class Bar extends Foo
    public function __construct(Foo $foo)
        $this->wrapped = $foo;
    public function __get($name)
        return $this->wrapped->$name;
How would $bar->bar['baz'] = 'tab'; behave? currently getting a notice
Here's an example: 3v4l.org/VUkd5
@bwoebi wut, seriously? You wrote that and in that formatting?
@Ocramius You are missing the by-ref return on __get
@bwoebi I see multiple ? : constructs . . . that's awful.
@NikiC got till there, but now I have a byref variable running around and potentially being a mess
@NikiC yes, I wrote that… and I'm not proud of
@LeviMorrison but at least, this is the worst line of the whole code… all the other code is much better…
@bwoebi "not proud of" it is putting it very mildly ;) The only valid excuse for that code is that you were high on crack at that time ;)
@bwoebi Also, are you from germany?
@NikiC haha :-D This is the result when I try something and it doesn't work, doesn't work etc. and finally the line size has blown up ;-) I just forgot there to beautify this awfully nested code
@NikiC nope. Luxembourg (German is the language we learn already in the first year school)
@bwoebi hmmmm Don't ask me why, but I was convinced that you are Chinese
@NikiC perhaps is my English so bad?
@bwoebi I think it's because of laruence
I basically matched you two up by: a) English usage, b) Smart, c) Old-school programmer using somewhat obsolete methodology
@NikiC don't know what laruence's coding style is... But it wonders me a bit how I can be old-school when I began just about 4 years ago with programming in general (first language was PHP)
Does anyone know a script that can replace images that are uploaded by the media uploader of WordPress when the site is visited on a retina display. So if the source is on normal screens like wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2013/06/test-21-300x200.png it would replace the image to the original one wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2013/06/test-21.png
@bwoebi Hehe, I don't even know what your coding style is ^^ Came to that conclusion from some of the discussions here, probably totally wrong conclusion :)
Anyone who can help me out of trouble?
Interesting thought, but now bandwidth is a problem
What is the original img resolution?
I don't want to download 15mb of images when I visit your page
@NikiC I should perhaps make public some of my recent code…
@bwoebi Btw, which other languages do you program in?
@JoeFrambach I want to upload images with a retina size of 600x400px so on normal is should be 300x200
I haven't used wordpress in years, but doesn't it have settings for automatically resizing images to several sizes?
@JoeFrambach Yes exactly.
@NikiC if not PHP, mostly C (and if needed I can also write a bit objective-c/java (means I have to look up many things, but the syntax I know))
So the uploading is not a problem, but displaying it to the user is the problem
@JoeFrambach There are three sizes by default and I have add one size to it for my Portfolio thumbnails. Portfolio thumbnails has a size of 300x200px. This size I have set in functions.php file
Sorry I don't know wordpress
@NikiC and you? c(++) and php?
@JoeFrambach Yes. On retina device it doesn't show the high resolution because it will use the 300x200px that was automaticlly generated by WP
with some context about the user's screen dpi
Sorry I don't know how
@NikiC ah, I was just overthinking. Looks like & __get() doesn't produce a shitload of references if I don't use $a = & $obj->foo; explicitly
so it's worth having & __get() by default
Thinking of looking at good operating systems. Does anyone have any suggestions?
@Nile windows !
@HamZa I tried to stress good. Haha. I already have a windows and osx.
OS X is good ;-)
What do you mean by "good" ... ?
For a developer ? For a hacker ? For a normal user ? For speed ?
For developers - you install vagrant and then develop against linux but using a gui that isn't linux.
I'm not sure. Probably developer. But everyone always talks about Linux distributions.
@bobbybee Sorry that we closed the question you answered :)
@Danack Is vagrant good ?
@bwoebi you mean that thing with still macports/brew?
I was so happy to switch back to even windows after having a macbook for a year :D
Yes it's good and easy to use in simple ways i.e. I develop on Mac but can easily test against Linux even when I have no network connection. However you do need to think about your whole environment for dev and production.
<?php echo "Hello!"; ?>
@Ocramius nothing that you'd need
everything you need is your brain being able to install dependencies yourself
For example I'm currently using Amazon ec2 and using the Amazon Linux image for creating servers - however there is no equivalent image for using in Vagrant - which means I can't actually test against the exact version I have in production, which sucks.
yeah, it's once a bit of work, but then you're done with it for a long time
I need to move to using Centos images on EC2, which have versions available for Vagrant, so that both my dev and production are the same.
It's also really great for teams, as everyone on the team can use whatever machine they like, and then everyone develops against exactly the same version of Linux. No more "works for me" issues.
This test says I tested 100% Mandriva.
@Nile we're in 2013
the test says 2011
@Ocramius Hm... any suggestions?
@bwoebi php, c and matlab mostly ^^ I'd love to work with c++, but I rarely get the change :)
@Ocramius Yeah, I was already wondering what you meant by that ^^
@NikiC matlab? do you like coding in it?
@Nile depends on what you want to do with it
@bwoebi No, nobody likes coding in matlab ^^
@NikiC then your job requires you to?
@Ocramius This tells me CentOS
Do people often change their distro every year or so?
@Nile because you're a tweaker? :)
@Nile That selector is a bit dumb. Where is the option for "I want a distro that isn't going to dissapppear within 4 years" ?
@bwoebi I don't have no job ^^ But I study physics in university, which involves analyzing experimental data and solving / simulating stuff numerically
@Danack Do you have any nice selectors?
@NikiC Boo :(
@MadaraUchiha boo?
I saw matlab once
I was like
And never got back to it again :D
problem is that it's the only usable software in its niche
Searching for a challenge? Please help me out with my problem: stackoverflow.com/questions/17265836/…
@MadaraUchiha lol
@NikiC designed by mathematicians :P
@HamZa are you there??
@Sparrow yes I am
I just want
to thank you aloooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooot bro
@NikiC okay…^^
@Sparrow lol, no problem brother :)
the code is working fantastic
@HamZa bahbah zit er alweer een hele week achter dat script :a
someone has to tell me that session can retrieve values from database and use them as condation
I pulled my here trying to do that
@HamZa can you tell me where are you from
@Caspert I upped your question since it's so well formatted :)
@Sparrow I'm algerian
@Sparrow And you ?
@HamZa That would be nice!! That's only the last problem, than my new site can finally online!
it is much better that you not speaking arabic with me LOL @HamZa
I am from Yemen
@Sparrow lol I don't know, but I also can speak classic arabic, so there is not a big problem
yeah like islamic movies LOL @HamZa
هل صبأت عن آلهتنا واتبعت الدين الجديد
@Sparrow hhhhhhh
are you student or working ??
@Sparrow the mods will kill kick me
@Sparrow both
what level are you studying
and what is you job
Not at a great level, at least not at the university
and I've 2 jobs, one in a DIY store, and the other one as developer
The developer job is not that great since I don't work a lot for that boss ;p
how old are you man
@Sparrow 10*2 <<< to counter bots/spiders lol
same as me 20
you can edit messages here
but your older than me in PHP
@Caspert Now that I've read the whole question you want to convert small images to big ones o_O ?
@HamZa Yes and no..
@HamZa I checked your profile here and that was great
@Caspert Yes for the retina ?
you did not ask any question tell now
@HamZa Yes
@Sparrow thanks, although I consider myself a noob compared to other great members ...
do you know everything LOL
@Sparrow heh, using google almost everything is searchable
@ircmaxell you're great :p
@HamZa you are write
@ircmaxell you are dumb
@Sparrow lol I wouldn't say that
especially not at your level
@ircmaxell you are the man
yeah I was mistaken
@HamZa I will give you an example / instruction. I have a portfolio thumb with a size of 300x200px. So I create in Photoshop a image twice as normal like: 600x400px. Becease you can''t generate a big sharp image from a small one, I will upload the retina version via the Media library from WordPress. So the full one is 600x400px Right?
@Caspert right
I saw in your profile that you want to learn OOP &C(++) @HamZa
@Sparrow indeed, I bought some books, waiting for delivery
I studied that in college last semester c++ and OOP java
@HamZa Than, WordPress will automatically generates 4 default image size; "Thumbnail", "Medium", "Large" and "Full".
ok ...
@HamZa Since WordPress allows you to add multiple formats to that list, I have a special one created for my portfolio thumbnails. I have created the portfolio thumbnail in functions.php file. So I have do that by add the following into the functions.php file: snippi.com/s/frzjld2 ..
Hey, can I have multiple www directories for nginx on Ubuntu?
@HamZa And as you can see in the link I have send, I have set the size to the normal one, not the retina version.. When I set that too 600x400pxWordPress will show than the retina version everywhere.. Also on non retina displays...
So when I upload an image of retina size and I have set that snippet in the link to 300x200px. It will show the image with a size of 300x200px...

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