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So the reason we have "lost" locale based case-sensitivity is actually to help implementing the opcode cache, right?
locale based case sensitivity?
What's the best way to update the native installation of php on Mac OSX?
@PeeHaa that you can write function names in upper and lower cases did work locale specific in PHP until PHP 5.5.
@Ahmad install/configure/make it yourself.
Not sure if should update PHP myself (ubuntu), or wait for PPA to update it :X
A: Reading PHP's session data without loading it

bwoebiI'd hide to the projects whose $_SESSION you use. The projects should use simply $_SESSION like before, but you manage what data is read. Also use your own SessionHandler so that when the one project's $_SESSION is destroyed, the other's isn't. This file you should include at the moment where yo...

I just hope this is not one of the worst things you ever have seen? :-)
But just a question: is this a good idea or a very bad concept (for the TO's purposes)?
Bcrypt is supposed to be slow, right?
If used properly, yes.
ok good :p
@Ahmad Yes, that's the point.
ah ok, ty
@bwoebi: hahaha yeah worst ideas ever...it's like they've never heard of managing their own sh-- with cookies...
Is it viable to use an Iterator to iterate over a large SQL dataset?
Will it be more efficient than an array?
@DaveChen their idea, yes. I meant here my answer?
+1, we got your back! :) I never knew there were classes like that :o
@DaveChen you mean the SessionHandler class? Or this big magic method accumulation I created there?
black magic... shivers
I sometimes ask myself in which relation black magic and readability/maintainabilty in PHP are…
inverse proportional?
@bwoebi Too often they go hand-by-hand :|
@MadaraUchiha you mean black magic is needed to increase readability/maintainabilty?
@bwoebi Sometimes, yes.
should I now go to decorate all my classes with magic?
You mean they aren't already?
@TVK I have classes in my code which even don't have constructors (this counts also as a magic method according to the manual)...
@bwoebi Sometimes it's preferable
Sometimes you don't need to manually insert data, for instance, if you use a Mapper, that inserts all the data for you.
@bwoebi No constructors is magic? Damn, being a wizard sure is easy these days.
@TVK It means that __construct is a magic method.
@MadaraUchiha Yeah, I got that.
Oh man. "I want to console.log those numbers between 1 and 20 which have a square root of 2. The problem is that the only console printout is 4."
Link or it didn't happen.
Q: Javascript square root method

ManwliseI want to console.log those numbers between 1 and 20 which have a square root of 2. for(i=1;i<=20;i++){ if(Math.sqrt(i)===2 ){ console.log(i); } The problem is that the only console printout is 4.

@TVK Oh my god
I can't even make this shit up.
This can't be real...
I'm tellin' ya...sometimes I think these type questions are just people trolling SO.
@TVK This question lowered the average IQ level of the entire site by one point.
@TVK who has pinned this?! LOL.
@MadaraUchiha Ah well, at least @basilikum managed to give a decent answer that probably did what the asker meant.
@bwoebi I did
@bwoebi Because it should be locked, framed and made into a t-shirt.
@bwoebi sue me.
You should see what I do with my mod powers on Anime & Manga
@MadaraUchiha no wonder that it's still beta? ;-P
@bwoebi Touche.
Q: Write html5 code iside index.php file

ManwliseI am new to web programming and i have this question. Can i write html5 code inside an index.php file? Thank you!

This guy has a second question
Definitely a troll
@Ahmad Hahaha, man. I really hope so.
@MadaraUchiha and what's the real reason that there is a so bad questions/day ratio?
I flagged him.
@bwoebi Because you aren't there, obviously. Since you have so many questions!
@MadaraUchiha but not about animes & mangas ;-)
I don't read them.
Shame :)
any php guru here?
@MadaraUchiha is a php guru :D
@MadaraUchiha can yu help me in a piece of code ?
@ItachiUchiha @PeeHaa is the King of PhP ;)
@ItachiUchiha If you have a question just ask. If somebody is here and is willing to help you they will
@all i just need some help in a piece of code of php which i am ot able to fathom, anyone willing to help me, please get back to me
@ItachiUchiha Ask @Baba ... there are not many PHP users who can answer in a such detailed manner…
it cannot be asked, actually someone has to go througfh the code
@ItachiUchiha In that case hire somebody for the job
(And @bwoebi seems to be the one here with the most ideas you cannot describe as sane and who thinks his ideas would be good…)
:P Hey I'm like that too :D
Any chance we are related :)
@PeeHaa tell me a few of your insane ideas regarding PHP :-)
@bwoebi Building a decent ecommerce solution would be one. But that is waaaaaaay to much work :P
@PeeHaa If you work the whole day (±8 hours) for 3 months on it, you could finish it^^
@PeeHaa i have a code like

<a href="{$url}/index.php?a=profile&u={$username}">{$image}</a>

can you suggest me where can i find {$image}, sorry if the question sounds very noob, m new to this..
@bwoebi Yes, but sadly I also have a job :(
So for now I just work on small projects like the opcachegui. At least projects like that have any chance of every being somewhat finished useable :P
@PeeHaa take unpaid vacation :-D
@bwoebi If I wanted I could even make that into paid vacation with all the days I still have :P
@ItachiUchiha What do you want to do? Do you wantg to replace that?
@PeeHaa haha^^
I'm still hoping on winning the lottery though so I only have to code for fun
i want to replace the image
so want to know
how the image is being fetched
@PeeHaa are you even playing?
@ItachiUchiha It just outputs the content of the $image variable. So somewhere before that the image is being filled
@bwoebi Lottery? Sometimes
n i am unable to find the $image variable :(
@ItachiUchiha search for just 'image' - most templating systems set the variables like $smarty->assign('image, $urlOfPicture), so searching for '$image' won't find it.
@ItachiUchiha This probably looks like PHP code but it is not PHP code. So about which language are you talking?
see this is a html file that has the code
but it get the values from php code only
@hakre why shouldn't it be PHP, enclosed in <<<HEREDOC … HEREDOC; ?
$output = eval("return <<<HEREDOC\n".file_get_contents($file)."\nHEREDOC;");
@Danack thanks..got it ;)
@ItachiUchiha I'm a guru for everything.
But if you want to reach my level, you'll need Hashirama's cells.
@ItachiUchiha Also you may want to check Anime & Manga when you have time :P
@HamZa Actually I think there's a better duplicate than the one you posted
A specific reference for undefined index and offset.
@MadaraUchiha I see
Q: PHP: "Notice: Undefined variable" and "Notice: Undefined index"

Pekka 웃I am running a PHP script, and keep getting errors like: Undefined variable: user_location in C:\wamp\www\mypath\index.php on line 12 Line 12 looks like this: $greeting = "Hello, ".$user_name." from ".$user_location; What do they mean? Why do they appear all of a sudden? I used to use this...

@MadaraUchiha Thanks
hello fellow programmers
hello cookiemonster
can somebody give me some help with this matter? stackoverflow.com/questions/17203738/smarty-condition-on-submit
im still learning and struggling with oop php :|
@user1910012 Well it's some basic file_put_contents I would presume ?
@MadaraUchiha lolz...stackoverflow is great !!1
i want to excange that info from php to smarty template
@user1910012 Your question is not very clear. I've read your question 3 times and I don't understand what you're trying to do.
Please could you write the code as you want it to work (even if it doesn't actually work) and explain what you're trying to do more clearly?
@ItachiUchiha For getting code !
He basically have a button to submit a value (post)
He now wants to put that value into a file (.tpl)
basically, im trying to place a condition within a submit button in smarty
and when i submit that button to switch to my desired condition
"Please could you write the code as you want it to work (even if it doesn't actually work)"
im trying to understand this odd world of oop programming, hence i started from ground zero :(
@user1910012 I would almost vote to close your question as "not a real question"
@user1910012 Sorry , but I am not able to understand your question..
@hakre and still after all my effort on closing this stackoverflow.com/questions/10344891/… dup. I'm not included in the list of those who closed it (((( Bad carma
@user1910012 Ok one more question. What if you didn't use Smarty. Would you have been able to code it ?
@Eugene Upvoted some of your answers, get 3K !!!
Upon execution/press i want that my SUBMIT button to generate a new var, and to replace the existing one with the generated var. I'm trying to switch vars from a smarty template with if condition.
i dont know if that's a good way to do it ... also i dont have any value defined in my php file
@HamZa wat?
@Eugene Get 3000 reputation to be able to vote to close questions
@Eugene : you need 3k+ rep for your name to be displayed
Ou. I see. Okey. Good to know it is not bad carma )))))
@Vamsi lol no, he needs 3K to be able to CV, the name is displayed after the voting
yes indeed =)
@user1910012 Please can you update the question rather than just adding snippets of text here.
@bwoebi right, yes, that surely was it :)
@HamZa : you really know those many languages ? :|
Ok, i will update my current question
@Eugene Bad Carma? No, good Karma!
and tank you @Danack for trying to help
@Vamsi I can speak them and even write :p
damn.. I really want to learn French.. I am trying to learn from duolingo.com
@Vamsi It would be cool to learn another language, maybe japanese. But logically speaking, I would rather learn a new programming language for the moment
@hakre okey. Just bad/low rep.((( Will work on it.
@Vamsi Nice, keep going. Why french ?
@HamZa : what do you find difficult ? learning new language or learning programming language..
@Vamsi new language, since you would need to learn to speak it, some basic grammar etc... But the real difficult thing is, that you need to be in an environment that speaks the language you want to learn. That way, you'll learn way more faster and people can improve you
As for programming language, you could just follow some tutorials or even better buy a book
@HamZa Or, as with a spoken language, hang out in a place where people are expert in the language.
Like here, for instance.
@MadaraUchiha exactly
Is there any shorthand to use a RecursiveDirectoryIterator on two paths in the same loop? something like foreach(new RecursiveDirectoryIterator(["path1", "path2"]) as $path) doesn't work…
right .. that’s the difficulty I am facing..I am in bangalore / India. and its very hard to practice the words I learned recently ..if I use French words with my friends, they think I have gone mad ..
@HamZa What I can't but would like to learn: OOP C(++) python ruby
What's stopping you?
Lol, one more thing that can help you, try to watch videos/films in french
I tend to add subtitles in case I didn't understand
And always have translate.google.com
1- Very busy, I have internship everyday except the weekend, but in the weekend I work but most of the times I'm off on sunday
2- school
3- Answering Q on SO
is 3. so important?^^
@bwoebi The most important :)
@bwoebi No, but I'm addicted to it. I can't stop :(
@HamZa Well, I can help you with OOP :P But I'm not that familiar with either of the other three
Though I would like to learn ruby and python
@MadaraUchiha But my internship is only for a month or maybe 6 weeks. Otherwise, I'm checking on what books I should buy, I've got some from teresko, yesterday hanged out in the C++ room and they advised me a good book
watching a movie in french never came to my mind..will try with small clips on youtube..thanks for the tip..
@HamZa Books can only get you so far
They're good, don't get me wrong
@Vamsi All movies are dubbed in france lol
But the books usually have much more benefit when you have the background.
@MadaraUchiha Are you telling me that some outdated tutorials swinged around the internet are better than books ?
@HamZa No
Well, I've never bought a programming book
I mean that experience is much more valuable than a book.
@MadaraUchiha : I am messed up in OOP, the reason I find myself in this situation is, I had basics in c++ in college, and I learned Java and PHP myself.. I am now working on symfony2 project which almost looks like Java to me :P so any good way you recommend to start learning over OO PHP ?
@MadaraUchiha Takes way more time, good books give you the good practice right away
That's maybe one of the reasons why I'm messed up in PHP, learned the basics years ago and can't even code in OOP. Maybe I didn't put enough devotion to it ?
@Vamsi The biggest "Ah-ha!" moment I had with OOP, is the realization that objects can actually be used as new types (like int, string, array, etc)
lol ..I also got that one >> what I can pass Person as an argument ?
@HamZa Well, let me just tell you this. Once you do learn OOP, you'll find the procedural method impractical for nearly anything greater than your average "Hello World".
@Vamsi Sure
public function findAddress(Person $person) {
I got over that one :P lol
Instead of the usual, findAddress($person_id) {
@Vamsi Do you know dependency injection?
I don’t know it thoroughly, but I am forced to use it as I use Symfony2 DIC
I recommend you take heed to @tereško's post here: stackoverflow.com/a/16356866/871050
@Vamsi ^
@Danack i updated the question. You can take a look at it. Hope it will be more clear this time. stackoverflow.com/questions/17203738/smarty-condition-on-submit
btw, I am very much concerned about books related to php, luckily we have cv-pls here..but many php books out there teach crap..
@Vamsi That's true. There are a few rare gems however.
Actually, you don't need to learn PHP. You need to learn how to use OOP in the context of PHP.
For that, you don't need a PHP book, you need an OOP book.
thats the problem you know ;)
using oop in php context..
Q: php function overloading

Vamsicoming from c++ background ;) how can I overload php functions ? one function defination if there are any arguments , and another if there are no arguments ? is it possible in php ? or should I use if else to check if there are any parameters passed from $_GET and POST ?? and relate them ?

I still have many un solved things like these in mind
One doubt
ANyone here to solve
Don't ask whether someone is here to help you. Just ask your question :)
27 mins ago, by bwoebi
Is there any shorthand to use a RecursiveDirectoryIterator on two paths in the same loop? something like foreach(new RecursiveDirectoryIterator(["path1", "path2"]) as $path) doesn't work…
No one an idea? :-/
@bwoebi Yes there is. Not a shorthand, but you can append two iterators together with an AppendIterator. That one you then can use in the same foreach loop.
@hakre yeah, thanks, that's what I need :-)
Hey there , I am trying to use phpExcel.. but surprisingly can nto find PhpExcel.php file
that I need to include in order to use the functionality
@Sudh lol
@hakre AppendIterator has too much code overhead^^
I downloaded the zip from their home page
It sounds just impossibru
What am I doing wrong
Failed opening 'PHPExcel/IOFactory.php' for inclusion (include_path='.;C:\php\pear')
It fails with above error
Should we even consider this as a question stackoverflow.com/q/17264586 ?
// sooo much code…
$a = new AppendIterator();
foreach (["js", "css"] as $dirname)
	$a->append(new RecursiveDirectoryIterator(__DIR__."/$dirname"));
@Sudh For how long have you been trying/searching ?
last 3 hours
I cant even find them inside API-> classes
all the files I ahve are html
@Sudh Search for "pear package"
I am working using a wamp
any alternative to PEAR
@Sudh lol think of it like this: you want to play a video on youtube, what do you need ? Flash player ! Can you find a work around for it ?
Got it
so the question is How to install pEAR
I get coud not open input file: PEAR/go-pear.phar
Hey all
@Gordon You online?
@Jimbo heya
Hey @PeeHaa, is it only G who can check downvotes?
@Jimbo Or some other mod
Ahh, ok
HUh mods can check who downvoted who ?
@Jimbo yellow
@HamZa no?
@HamZa Yeah, so as to stop serial downvoters
@Danack did you understood my updated question? If you didn't it's ok, ill research more and hopefully i will solve the problem. Appreciate your involvement.
@Jimbo and to track serial upvoters :D
@Jimbo No, moderators still cannot see who downvoted who.
@Jimbo thought this'd be only SE staff/community mods?
But we can put an eye for suspicious patterns, and the system will usually detect 99% of the offenses.
@MadaraUchiha Really? I've asked before...
Think I might've annoyed someone during my reviewing, as 12 minutes ago two perfectly fine answers got downvoted
If that doesn't help, community moderators like Shog9 or AnnaLear can take actions at the system level.
I know it's only two, but each exactly 12 mins ago on two good answers
@Jimbo And here you got 2 upvotes to balance :)
@Gordon: I'd say it's save to close this as too-localized now. No feedback from the OP and it's really esoteric I'd say. stackoverflow.com/questions/15806697/… - as well only 36 views, just found it by re-tagging.
@MadaraUchiha :O Serial upvoting! Flagged!
Only kidding, thanks :)
@hakre I agree. vtced.
@bwoebi yeah, too much overhead, clear. The alternative is the AppendingIterator that treats each current of an iterator as an iterator to append to itself.
Let's just finish with it. No need for mod involvement over something routine.
@MadaraUchiha Just caring about my votes ;) - Well, as gordon commented on that one, Just wanted to let him know.
COuld not write to file C:/PEar/pear.ini???
installing pear in F:/Wamp
Good day
Make sure the user running Wamp has permission to write to C:/Pear/pear.ini
Also make sure that pear.ini is not read-only.
My Wamp is installed in F:/wamp
and I do not have this pear.ini file at all
Makes sense.
In what context are you getting the error?
I will write code for a close-vote:
Does anyone know a script / plugin for wordpress that will show only high def images on retina ready displays? So I can upload only 1 @2x for an image, and when it's not showing on a retina display, it will show the normal version.. Like I have set my thumbnail sizes too 300x200px. I upload an image of 600x400px, double the size. When it will show not on retina display it should show 300x200px
Can anyone help me out?
@HamZa: You've got won some code now!
@hakre huh ?
9 mins ago, by hakre
I will write code for a close-vote:
@hakre I want to use regex lol
@Harm-Jan If you relogin you'll be able to chat !
@Homezar you too
@HamZa for what? :)
@hakre they needed 20rep
@hakre you think it's inappropriate to vote up those who have <20 rep to let them chat here ?
now that's what I call a l33t code-example: php.net/domdocument.getElementsByTagName
@HamZa you don't know in advance :)
Makes sense
Hello there
@bwoebi what question is that ?
Evening everyone
@crypticツ as a lady do you think this would have worked : stackoverflow.com/questions/14790550/…
@Baba I'm not 10K =o(
@crypticツ oh .. ok hold on let me paste the question here
Ok here's the thing. She's my ex.

I want to write an app for her (in Java) for V day. Nothing overly complicated, or overly love-ly. Something mild, something that says I miss her - but in a fun and interesting way.


PS: I'm not sure what to tag this question. If this breaks any of the community's rules, I'm sorry.
I guess it would depend on the girl. If she was geeky enough to appreciate it yet alone run it. But honestly would not work with me since I don't keep in touch with exs to begin with as it just complicates things.
@Baba Evening
@PeeHaa How are you doing ?
Goooood. How are you?
@crypticツ lol ... hehehee
I'm trying to understand the use of try/catch/finally
What is the difference between these two?
// block 1
	echo "Let's error\n";
	throw new Exception('Some error');
catch (Exception $e)
	echo $e->getMessage() . "\n";
	echo "Hello World\n";

// block 2
	echo "Let's error\n";
	throw new Exception('Some error');
catch (Exception $e)
	echo $e->getMessage() . "\n";
echo "Hello World\n";
@crypticツ Big difference .. Let me give you a better use case
The finally block will even be executed if something is returned in the try/catch. finally basically ensures that something is always called. Useful when closing streams for example.
ah so if I was using it in a function and used return inside the try/catch the finally block will still run?
Yes. Be careful not to return something within finally though. While it's possible to switch what's return, this will lead to very confusing cases.
does that also apply to exit?
say I have it do a header() redirect will finally still run the code?
     try {
		//Open a file
		$fp = fopen($file, "a");

		// Check if the first line is #XXX#

		if(fgets($fp) != "XXX")
			throw new Exception("I did nto expect this")

	} catch (Exception $e) {
		// Catch the exception
Hmm, that's a good question actually. I wouldn't think so but I'm not sure.
@crypticツ it does not apply to exit but it applies to header
@crypticツ don't forget that header sends information to browser not much of an internal php process

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