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@Jasper Because users might want to look-up what changed for example.
I mean, people who enter your documentation through google will generally be using a somewhat recent version, and they may not realize they are reading old documentation (I do forget it way too often myself) while people looking for older documentation can easily use the links as they know that they are looking for older documentation
@hakre And why would you need google for that? If I wanted to know what changed, I'd click on the links to the different versions of the documentation and take a look what is different
^ that happens on the php's embedded sapi
@Jasper Stop making assumptions about user motivations. Sure likely users will use knife to cut apples, but they also use them to kill their children with them. Sometimes it's hard to not judge, but please do not judge the whole day only because you had a problem and then you think everbody else has as well.
hi @Eugene!
It's much more important that documentation sites that have different versions can cross-link same content across versions. For example the phpunit docs are not able to do that.
@hakre Not saying everyone has it, just that other people have it as well. It's not an assumption, just see JosephSzymborski here as an example.
@hakre, haven't been here for quite some time now.
and if you encode the version inside the URL path, you can make use of site:... in google (btw)
@Eugene checked the last article from your blog
@Jasper yes sure, sorry for the strong language, was trying to make a point.
@zerkms okey.
art-coder.com/2013/02/03/… - it has nothing to do with objects, doesn't it?
@zerkms emm, why?
you've mixed together 2 things
1. objects are "always passed by reference"
2. if you pass anything by reference you can change it
this would confuse newbies a lot
Well the title might be slightlly incorrect
is there some reason why the word "scrape" has been censored? stackoverflow.com/posts/17225363/revisions - any hints?
Not to many viewers so I post from time to time
@hakre I do assume that far more people have the problem than those who are using google like that to compare different version (or whatever things they want to do with google on old versions of the documentation). I do think it's a reasonable assumptions, but we can agree to disagree on that
i just profited 25$ off a tf2 item
Lol :P
Guys, could anyone suggest, what would be the best way to approach this issue. Currently my framework uses traits, but one app needs support for php 5.3, where traits aren't yet implemented. What would be the best way to imitate them then? DI?
Or maybe just turn tratis into separate classes and where the where used add set/get methods for instances of those classes?
@Jasper This is not a (pseudo) democratic vote of just a simplistic (and always short-running) "basic majority". So which group is larger does not count. The largest group btw. can vote with the feets by placing links - this is how google works.
@hakre A mod that is playing with an overzealous automated censor script? (i.e. crap)
@Jasper but what about the tag edits?
@Eugene upgrade to 5.5, for performance.
Q: scrape worth to change to s***e?

hakreJust stumbled over this change (second revision): http://stackoverflow.com/posts/17225363/revisions and I'm wondering what the sense of it could be because I never thought that scrape is an offending term. (I'm not concerned about removing the extract tag here)

@igorw not my hosting, so can't do much about that
I just had to create app
App is based on my framework
So currently added separate branch for 5.3 support
@hakre wat
And therefore thinking about the best way of fixing it
@hakre It's not a democratic vote, but it does matter which group is the larger one, simply for the reason you want as few as possible people annoyed with your product because they are having trouble with the documentation
I'm off, night
@igorw cya
@hakre And the "vote with feet" idea doesn't make much sense to me. You aren't supposed to just go posting links because you want a result higher on google. Google will possibly even rank your links lower than others because they are not accompanied by real content
And using an API is quite a different thing from posting a link to it. When you do honestly post a link, it may often be correct to link to a certain version of the documentation, as that page is one that will not change or disappear
@hakre any toughts on your behalf regarding my problem?
On top of that, even if you are plagued by this problem every once in a while it's very well possible you there is no significant problem at the moment you post your link, letting it slip by without intending to do so.
Hello all. I'm struggling to reload a page after a user action. Any ideas?
Q: Refresh Page After User Vote

panoramicI’m in the midst of creating a page that allows users to vote between images utilizing the GD Star Rating WordPress plug-in. I’m using the thumbs up/down functionality. Ideally once a user votes by pressing one of the thumb images, the page will reload in order to produce new images. Using con...

@Eugene If you can do it with magic calls that would probably be the least work for you (i think).
But that would be slightly horrible.
No no. No magic.
This is a last resort for me
Why doesn't PHP 5.5 Generator class have a ->toArray() method? which simply runs through the generator until ->valid() returns false and then returns an array of the yielded key-value pairs? There may be situations where you need a function only in one place, then you run it in a foreach loop, else you store the array in a variable to work on it. (ping at creator of the generators @NikiC)
@bwoebi because that wouldn't be sane
@ircmaxell why not?
you could do iterator_to_array($generator);, so why bother polluting a public API with a utility function that has nothing to do with the API itself?
@ircmaxell this works on generators? ok.
generators are just sugar on top of an iterator
Mh… Generators extend the Iterator class I see
in fact, a generator is an instance of the Generator class, which is an iterator
694    /* get_iterator has to be assigned *after* implementing the inferface */
695    zend_class_implements(zend_ce_generator TSRMLS_CC, 1, zend_ce_iterator);
696    zend_ce_generator->get_iterator = zend_generator_get_iterator;
697    zend_ce_generator->iterator_funcs.funcs = &zend_generator_iterator_functions;
Now we should make Generators implement ArrayAccess so that when accessing a key iterator_to_array is executed and then we can access it by array... Then we could rewrite our functions to generators and the user wouldn't notice anything… (= wouldn't be an API BC break of our functions which today return normal arrays)
no, please no
(yeah, this is an … insane idea?!)
maintain abstractions. keep classes and concepts small and modular, and well defined. Don't shoe horn every use-case under the sun onto one object, because then you get the hell that is SPL.
I don't see any problems with SPL? :o
@bwoebi Use it
I've given up on SPL
At one point I was adamant about using it whenever I could
But I regret having done that
@cspray I don't see that everything is good with SPL, but at least some iterators are nice?
iterators aren't bad
check out the data structures
No, iterators aren't bad
@ircmaxell no. they're bad.^^
/me quits
@bwoebi Also, it's rather inefficient (O(n) for ArrayAccess functionality). Better to let users who want it write it themselves and (hopefully) realize they are doing inefficient things, than to have it happen automatically and have unexpected bottlenecks
why do we need an SPLDoublyLinkedList when normal arrays provide this functionality in PHP?!
@ircmaxell Since we're on the subject of SPL...
Perhaps you can use your super duper PHP knowledge
oh no
To explain this to me: 3v4l.org/a7YkN
@cspray there were bugs, now it works, what more explanation do you need?
@ircmaxell I guess none...
@ircmaxell when I look at the code I'd intuitively expect line 7 to print the whole file, not only a line.
@bwoebi SplFileObject::__toString is an alias to current().
like I said, SPL is fubar
@cspray depending on the parameter you set
@ircmaxell I'm sorry. What parameter?
looking, may have been on directoryiterator
@ircmaxell all those classes which begin with SPL*, why were they introduced?
@bwoebi because someone thought it would be a good idea to introduce them
@ircmaxell was this before introduction of mass voting in rfcs?
most of it was in 5.2
okay, then … I understand.
other question … what's the purpose of DateTimeImmutable when we can do $date = clone $date; /* break reference to other objects */ $date->add(...);?
do we now need an -Immutable class for every internal class?!
it should have been immutable from the beginning
Hurrah for oracle breaking all the links to java.sun.com
ah, why? this breaks a bit the general design of php's classes...when I have classes in PHP I always expect them that when I change one, all references change to it?
@bwoebi the point is you shouldn't be able to change it. It's a value object. It was a fundimental design mistake to make it mutable in the first place. This new object corrects taht
@ircmaxell This isn't a concept I'd expect to see in PHP. But sounds not as bad. I can live with :-)
You're right, it's not something you expect in PHP. Because sanity in language design is completely foreign to PHP
@ircmaxell Short: It's not coherent with the coherent incoherency of PHP.
Waiting for a PHP 6 breaking with most function API's that exist today
!!Are you alive?
@Nile Impossible
@ircmaxell JS is getting them
@ircmaxell did you read the Origin header thing?
anyone here know laravel ?
@prof Don't ask whether anyone knows any framework or not. Directly ask the question and if anyone knows the answer they will reply you. :)
1 hour later…
@m59 So why don't we talk where it's relevant?
PHP isn't really the issue there, he asked an sql question about sanitizing user input
Might as well be asp.net mvc, or node, or rails
@DaveChen that sort of stuff happens a lot :/
I actually like seeing 'thanks', brings the sense of helping a real person rather than just answering a question...
@DaveChen I see them as extraneous data... People come here to read the questions. Thanks are what up votes are for (IMHO)
I'd agree with you -- if the thanks was at the beginning of a comment/question, that's why I don't like salutations at the beginning of a question/answer.
@DaveChen what do you mean?
Oh, because beginning stuff pushes the real question down?
Like, "Hello stackoverflow, my question is ... ~" or "Hey there, why not try this out: ... ~"
@DaveChen Why is that worse than trailing "thank you"s though (in your opinion)?
Mainly because you would need to skim over the hellos and welcomes before you can read the question, whereas a thanks or a "signature" doesn't necessarily hinder you from reading the issue.
@DaveChen I guess. I'd prefer none of it though. :)
@Nile oh yeah, I saw Benjamin and actually did think we were here. He's in both rooms often.
:) ✓ but I don't think that deserves an edit :)
@DaveChen Maybe not an edit by an unprivileged user, but a casual cleaning up here-and-there by someone who doesn't get +2 would be fine (I'd think... even though the +2 is there to help get you to the point where you don't need approvals)
I think I'll need to agree with you, because the meta says so :c -- I just won't personally edit out these :)
anyhow, sleep. g'night
@Nile night
@m59 good luck with your CRUD (hehe)
hope it comes out smoothly in the end
Hackers unite! Can a sql statement using user input as a table name have sql injected and get passed this?

if (!preg_match('/^[\w\d\$]+((_|-)[\w\d\$]+)*$/', $userInput_tableName)) {
and if so, how?
for clarity, the regex means something like
table_name (could go on like table_name_etc)
won't pass if you prepare like a normal person
sigh. How can you prepare a variable table name? @DaveChen
1 hour later…
what a figure ..
@m59 you know, it'd make more sense to have a whitelist of tables you want to allow queries on....
@RakeshShetty What about it?
@Mr.Alien You repwhore. :P
@MadaraUchiha morning
@YogeshSuthar Morning :)
@CrazyRoach: I don't think you quite understand how this works. When giving code to people to look at, you give them a code as close as humanly possible to the code you have that's causing the problem. We should be able to see the problem instantly and without having to jump through hoops (would you help someone who doesn't make the effort to do this?). This code provides an accurate solution to the problem present in your code. If you had another problem, maybe you should have given us your correct code? — Madara Uchiha 11 secs ago
"Oh yeah! The code I gave you guys isn't the actual code I have, I actually have an image that displays partially, he he"
I'm going to become rich and famous after I invent a device that allows you to stab people in the face over the internet.
@MadaraUchiha morning @YogeshSuthar morning ... and damn, it's saturday, you'll be home by 3
@Mr.Alien No , today I came late, went on college. morning. :)
@YogeshSuthar you still studying?
@Mr.Alien No , I have completed my M. Sc. last year, went for bringing my convocation.
masters in science, woop
And I will be home at 5 . :(
@Mr.Alien Only I knows how I completed that. :P
I'll be home at... wait.. I'm already home :D
muhahaha good, I liked it
@MadaraUchiha holiday on weekends?
Specifically on Saturdays (Shabbos)
@MadaraUchiha Your age is 21, so may be you are studying.
@YogeshSuthar I'm an IDF soldier.
@MadaraUchiha What is that?
@YogeshSuthar IDF = Israel Defence Force = army
he is rich, he is from the oil country
ohhh. so why a soldier doing programming? Is it your hobby? @MadaraUchiha
@Mr.Alien In gulf all are rich
I also plan for it to be a profession after I get discharged
@MadaraUchiha Salute....
@MadaraUchiha Why you leavin?
@MadaraUchiha Great. :P
@Mr.Alien In Israel, every guy must serve a mandatory, 3 years period.
(Girls serve 2 years)
@MadaraUchiha :O
I've extended my service slightly beyond that point, both because It's convenient and to gather some money before I go to school.
(Past the 3 years, the army starts to actually pay you)
@Mr.Alien Why indian government is not paying us. :(
just yest i discussd that, if indian gov started paying us, no will will care to earn
Pay you for what?
@Mr.Alien But in any case our government will do nothing for us.
@MadaraUchiha In some countries, gov pays people who are above certain age and who are jobless
@YogeshSuthar Our gov eats peoples money, and than they increase petrol rates and taxes to control inflation and for budget
and because of that a Rich country is becoming Poorest country.
we will never be a developed country unless and until some young guy comes forward to run the gov, but if he runs well, he will be shot dead, so anyways no one cares
@YogeshSuthar I am planning to go for mba is
@Mr.Alien @MadaraUchiha Leave the discussion of government. Discuss some other stuff.
what are the precautions to do payment integration in a website..?? :)
@Mr.Alien MBA in?
@Fasilkk paypal
bank integration...
visa, mastro
debit/credit card..:)
@Mr.Alien IS?
Information Systems
Good. I also planned for mba last year , that I will do it after a year, and its a year and I haven't done that. :P
even am planning, but not sure when I start as things are lil shaky at the moment
@Fasilkk which payment gateway you are using ?
Virtual Payment
Integration from Axis Bank.
good mornings
@hakre morning :)
^ user gave answer which is just producing a fatal-error. needs downvotes first before it can be deleted. please help.
i just noticed that php's embedded server doesn't support multiple requests at same time... ie if i do sleep(1000) on one page, will not able to open any other page until the sleep times out
deary me
is that because php is single threaded?
@Wesツ sounds like. interesting finding, was not aware of such a blocking.
@hakre did you try if you have the same issue? because i didn't do a clean test... it may be caused by another issue in my case
no, it's single threaded... i was thinking that was sqlite3 blocking something, but it's the embedded server, that can open one page at time
@hakre we need to upgrade the print_r converter
Good Morning Everyone
@Baba good morning :) well, I should turn it into a real github repo, make it packaging friendly and add an integration testsuite allowing to run it against data-sets.
that should allow to update it.
@hakre yes .. its to dependent on new line ..... this makes it fail when the text is not properly formatted .... see stackoverflow.com/q/17248390/1226894
@Wesツ no, I didn't test.
@bwoebi It has and it's called iterator_to_array ;)
7 hours ago, by ircmaxell
you could do iterator_to_array($generator);, so why bother polluting a public API with a utility function that has nothing to do with the API itself?
nit picketing nitty picketing nit pickering nit picking :)
good mornong @NikiC :)
morning @hakre
and no, of course I don't read more than one message when somebody pings me :P
Q: php without __get function, you can't get a value from certain instances?

Deck TroutSince my tech book told me so, I'm wondering if that's true, for example: class A { public $attr = "hmm"; } $a = new A(); echo $a->attr; // outputs hmm well that works for me, the book says not in order to use it outside class it's not making a __get function. i'm confused a bit.

^^^ lol
@Baba: See the date (regarding the accepted answer), just give upvote on my comment and delete yours :) - stackoverflow.com/questions/3178350/…
@hakre Done
what book? So we know what to warn people away from. — tereško 3 mins ago
@tereško lol
Guys, any suggestion how to avoid session_status and constants used along with it? ((
@Eugene explain better what you mean
Wll earlier I was able to use something like if(PHP_SESSION_ACTIVE !== session_status()){session_start();}
@Eugene you're looking for backwards compat?
Something to replace that, to work in
@Eugene that is easy you need 2 isset
2. another for $_SESSION['monitor'] for PHP_SESSION_ACTIVE
Works like charm
Emm. What would be in $_SESSION['monitor']?
@Eugene true/false
@Eugene you can also check value of session.use_trans_sid in php.ini
emm . guys
what is the general state of affairs ?
is 5.3 EOL ?
@tereško Initially for March 2013 .. but know the current status
^ that did not come out in english
@Baba and how will this $_SESSION['monitor'] be set? Or even more by who? I assume not automatically, since I never heard, that $_SESSIONis init. with some data by default.
Seems that isset( $_SESSION ) would suffice.
@Eugene next time make it a question .. i would be able to add sample code and why the monitor is useful ... since isset( $_SESSION ) works for you .. it no longer matters
Okey. It is a good idea. Probably not only I raised this question.
@tereško It basically says the same thing as what @Baba said, but this is a post-5.5 statement on the matter schlueters.de/blog/archives/…




@Jasper ^^ run that and tell me what you see
@Baba Uh what? It'll give headers already sent issues...
@Jasper When you are done




@Baba Done with what? Are you really sure you meant to ping me?
@Jasper yeap one you are done with the first code .. run the second code
f,t,t vs 1,2,1
Now is this supposed to mean anything to me?
@Jasper because it did not return f t f that is why you need monitor .. but since you don't understand .. just skip
@Baba My point is mainly that you weren't talking with me about $_SESSION, you were talking to @Eugene about that. I just dropped a link that answered @tereško 's question and referred to the link you posted
@Jasper really wow .. i must have been drunk again
@Baba happens to the best of us :D
@Jasper :)
@Gordon hello
My (Soft) RAID Group dropped. I can bring it back online by restarting the NAS. It will then start to rebuild but eventually it will abort the process and taking the group offline again
anyone have a clue? I tried googling the various messages in the log but that didn't result in anything useful except for other people having the issue but not the solution
as long as I keep the NAS on, it will freeze the computer for a few seconds every now and then
@Gordon that does not sound Good
it's a Silicon Image soft raid, latest drivers. latest bios. no support channels available
i assume its the raid controller and not the drives because the tool claims the drives are healthy
@Gordon I would have said it might be a bios issue but you are using latest (Hope Bug free) version
@Baba i have learned by now that silicon image is crapware
its not the first time I have problems with that thing
I have an issue with a plugin in wordpress, hosted on IIS server. When I browse course list(course is create by a plugin), I get- PHP encountered a stackoverflow. I know it is due to some endless loop somewhere. but where?
FYI- This issue occurs when I set the price for any course.It uses paypal
@Baba do you know if it will cause problems when I physically connect the drives to another channel?
@Gordon wow .. too bad this is not my core expertise ...
@Gordon Hold on let me call a friend of mine on the phone
@Baba thanks
@Gordon Called 3 times it was just ringing ... i would try back in 30 min then buzz you as soon as i get a valid response
@Baba nah, dont put too much effort in it please. I'll figure it out. thanks though
@Gordon really ? have not seen you like this before and i understand how things like this can give someone headache
@Baba by now there is nothing on that RAID I couldn't afford to lose. the loss would be regrettable but not catastrophic.
@Gordon if you are going to lose it them it but be coming back on with a better permanent solution to avoid this crappy situation again
@Gordon Anyway i'll still try ... keep me posted
@Gordon Let me see if i can get more people involved in here ...
@NullPoiиteя .. how are you doing ?
@Baba nah, dont ping them. It's starred already so if they want to help they will help
hiya .... i am good .. ty
how you ?
@NullPoiиteя am not happy and this is why : chat.stackoverflow.com/transcript/message/10151009#10151009
@Gordon Oh ok
@Baba sorry, I don't know anything about that stuff :(
@Baba worse thing happened with me ... still happy .. and sorry i dont know anything about that stuff too .. :(
@NikiC Oh .. thanks :) ... Have you found the best approach to scalar rfc
@Baba scalar rfc?
@NullPoiиteя What happened ?
the main thing I don't get is why it will take the entire group offline. even if there is a problem with channel 4 on the controller, the raid should work with two drives, right? Raid5 can survive one drive loss. I also don't get why it doesn't use the spare.
@Baba I still think that it is unnecessary ^^
@NikiC you said you are going to think of a better approach
@Baba once burned my hdd (have many project ) due to my madness ... and again i configured RAID then i lost my whole cpu ..
@Baba I did?
@NikiC yep ... you told @ircmaxell that instead of that they you be proper overloading bla bla bla .. Sounded nice to me
@Baba markmail.org/message/qdooshjbeb3xn3p5 => That's what I said :)
@Gordon Raid5 is partially distributed and may contain critical element to make the group go offline
And I did implement the operator overloading, as promised ^^ Just not for userland :P
@NikiC that was in the chat room not php.internals
Then I don't remember what I said there...
@NikiC its ok .... thanks for the honest opinion anyway
gud eve
@Mr.Alien hi
@Baba hello :)
@Baba r u from India?
@Mr.Alien nope but my neighbor is from India
@Baba Your name sounds lyk indian
@Mr.Alien- I am from india too
@Mr.Alien- haha!!! exactly
@ashutosh Ya I got that...
@NullPoiиteя lol
@NullPoiиteя very long question too :)
but yes awesome too ...
@NullPoiиteя thanks
review please stackoverflow.com/a/15559238/1723893 it looks more like comment

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