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@Gordon I only saw the JimmyKimmel part later. I thought this was just one more in a terrible line of reality shows
@ircmaxell sorry, this is awesome(er) stackoverflow.com/a/17241502/731947
lol, the whole question/comments/answers are hilarious !!!
gonna get delered soon i guess
@Gordon That's not funny, it's cruel. And even if you do think it's funny, the only part that was Kimmel's was the idea, and they probably had a lot more submissions, so the idea is not inherently funny either.
@Jasper it is cruel. but it is also very funny.
@Gordon not to me
the reaction of the last few kids is just awesome. literally. they made me go awwwww ^^
> I laughed so hard I almost lost a lung!
@NikiC wow
@rdlowrey I'm rocking on being able to get and delete information with the api, but I'm especially stuck on creating tables. Since the api is clueless, I'm thinking that I need to pass it a data structure that represents the table and have the api form it into a sql statement. Feasible?
I guess it would be a function that takes a decoded json and makes a create table statement from it...
@m59 Yeah. Almost everyone uses JSON as a data transport format these days. Just represent data you want to add/update in a consistent JSON format and POST/PUT that to the relevant API endpoints.
ok =D
Then the API endpoint is in charge of turning that into the SQL (or whatever else) you need to persist the data to the backend.
I was mainly trying to consider if there's something about a table schema that would ruin me trying to represent it with json.
@Gordon I have a lot of respect for the two girls halfway into the movie where one sobbingly says "I love you" and the ones at the end are pretty awesome as well, but it's not funny to me, pretty cruel, bad parenting IMHO, and just plain nasty to put it on the internet
@Jasper I wouldn't say it's cruel or anything like that. Adults ought to be able to take a joke and appreciate the humor. How can adults get to that point without ever being introduced to it?
@m59 If you want your kid to learn to swim, you don't throw him or her in the pool
@Jasper yes you do
lol I knew it was heading that direction.
@m59 No, there's not. How you persist the data has nothing to do with how you receive it from an API user.
You can make your life easier by structuring your JSON so that it matches up with your table schema (if you're persisting to a DB), but otherwise it makes no difference.
@ircmaxell I wouldn't and that's why I find it cruel
@Jasper you don't do it as harshly as that sounds, but that's basically the only way to actually learn something
Well, I am speaking from a Christian worldview, but children are inherently bad and have to learn to behave (which leads to a fulfilling life, imo). They weren't really harming them, but trying to be relational and the children exploded with selfishness. That's an opportunity to teach them. My mom did that for me.
I think throwing a kid in a pool vs telling them you ate their candy is for the most part incomparable.
@m59 yeah, it's not a very accurate comparison, but my point is that there are ways to teach a kid to handle a joke without being so cold towards them
I remember when my parents bought me a new, very nice bike for Christmas, but they acted like they didn't get me anything. I had been being a jerk about Christmas because I knew we didn't have a lot of money and my step-sisters came to live with us that year. I figured I was splitting the goods with them. So, everyone got gifts and I got sweaters or whatever. And I threw a big stupid fit.
I remember that fit.
And I remember when they brought the bike out. And I've learned to be really dang happy with what I have, before I go out and act like a tool.
it's like the blind leading the blind
Q: PHP why its not returning OK?

Lucas FerrazCan someone tell me why this code below return "header( "Location: /index.php/p/v/invalidgamecode" ) ;" if account and gamecode is right? $account = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['account']);; $gamecode = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['gamecode']);; $selectaccount = "SELECT name from ac...

@Jasper I can see your point and I wouldn't say you are wrong if you feel that way, but I think it is up to the parent. I am very strongly for absolute truths, but this one is probably ok to feel either way =D
@ircmaxell LOLLLLLLLLL
He's a gamer, I guess. Tell him to just uninstall php =D
alt+f4 that php.
before he gets everyone hacked.
hey @MadaraUchiha
Hello , i was wondering is it necessary for programmers to learn touch type?
I hope not, because I don't know what that is.
Touch typing is being able to type without looking down at the keyboard to see what you're pressing.
@Tejas necessary? No. But you program long enough, and you will
Well, ya know, I type ALL wrong and I can still do that, and faster than a lot of people haha
I feel there's a big difference between what your parents did to you and Kimmel's prank. First off, your parents didn't tell a non-truth to your face trying to sound serious. For kids at that age, it's important to know when you're being serious. Secondly, they didn't play with something you already had and they took from you, but something you were expecting to get. Lastly, you had reasons, here the prank is that the parents give no reason at all, which is something I can't stand at all
@ircmaxell actually i can right now , but i do not use all fingers like actual learned typer do
@Jasper ok =D
@Tejas I don't type like most typists do, but I do use most fingers when I type...
I tend to not use the pinky finger on my right typing hand very much except for hitting return and shift, etc.
In Dutch touch typing is called "typing with ten fingers" I often jokingly say that I type with seven and a half fingers.
I have really big hands though
ya i guess i will have to take some effort to change my techinique
anyway i am developing twitter clone , any suggestions for site name?
should I send a link for Rebecca Black... because it's FRIDAY yea!!
Yeah, my typing style is really strange. My left hand, I use all of the fingers in a consistent fashion, but not properly. I let my left pointer finger extend over to the right side of the keyboard for somethings. Then my right hand I mainly use the pointer finger and just pink for enter and some of those symbols. I'm all messed up.
Pretty good being able to get most of the right side of the keyboard with one finger without looking haha.
@Happyninja Gordon did a nice one at midnight
I wish I had learned the right way instead of cheating though. I'm probably capped on speed now :(
@Jasper :( lol
once in a while I think I 3% enjoy this song
@m59 yeah i am in similar situation , want to learn but keep going back to my creepy techinique.
Ya know, I'm fast enough, so I don't care too much.
Consider your slow typing a motivation for not using repetitive and inefficient code lol
me: I keep hitting cap locks whenever I want capitalize a letter. I tried to stop doing it... It's a bad habit. I can only imagine how faster I could type if...
lol yeah
add me to the list of crossover typers, i think it's from too much FPS gaming
The only thing resistant to learning resistance is a good old del-vote:
closing in on 2500 twitter followers :-D
twitter.com/7EJ45 follow me :P
my first guess would be sessions not saving properly...some hosts on default can't save to the /tmp folder :)
there are also some providers that output a small bit of info, so header redirects don't work (same with sessions, so annoying!)
posted on June 21, 2013 by Evert Pot

I just released version 3 of the sabre/vobject library. The ultimate library for parsing and manipulating vCard and iCalendar files in PHP (I hope!). The library started off as component of SabreDAV, but it's actually become more popular than it's parent project. It's been an interesting project for me. SabreDAV is my main other open source project at fruux, and that project has a really st

@ircmaxell that is strange: it look like the user who asked the question doesn't have the same writing style than the other answer he provide to he same question.. It doesn't neither appear to have been edited by someone else. It's a bit confusing
How they are doing this ( live score )
Do you know any API for this ?
@Happyninja just realized that too!
@Happyninja it's allowed, but that one is a bit weird
is it a glitch of something? Even more troubling is one of the comments: stackoverflow.com/questions/17242346/…
yay! rep-cap for yet another day
6 more answers until the 1000th!!
and I should get the silver badge tonight...
Want to convert a binary to ascii using PHP. I can't seem to see how I'd do it with unpack() even though that's what everyone suggests.
when features are killed as bugs - the topside-down world of PHP: bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=61681
@salathe can you add a cookie? so that it does not ask on each page?
@hakre Yes, it's being worked on as we speak.
@hakre I was gonna ask the same thing :D
yeah, beta testers. If you've got too many, it can be distracting.
@salathe Are you looking for feedback on the new design, or is it still too early for that?
@Danack haha too early, no way! we've wanted feedback for ooh well over a year (maybe two, three?)
ok. Will try to use the new version from now on and make a list.
@salathe it still looks like crap
I'm stuck on how to make this secure

$samplePut = [
        'user' => 'john doe',
        'address' => '111 test st.'

$query = "
            UPDATE :table
            SET {$columns} //column=value determined by array above
            WHERE :key=:item
@tereško I know!
Does PDO have a way of dealing with the variable amount/names of columns in a statement like that?
@m59 that looks to me like a design smell
Well, I have to update the fields based on what got sent to the api...
I can't know what the column name or the amount would be in advance.
This has got to be close.
function hexCon($encoded) {
    $decoded .= chr(hexdec(substr($encoded,$i,2)));
	return $decoded;
I end up with a jumbled string. Any ideas?
This is for converting hex to ascii strings.
Should be $i=0 not $i=1 nevermind.
$query = "
            UPDATE :table
            SET :columns
            WHERE :key=:item
I suppose that won't work, right? lol
Hi all.
best engrish goes to (drum roll): stackoverflow.com/questions/6833914/…
@CarrieKendall to nice was to you talk
@CarrieKendall he sees you in Chrome. Turn off your webcam or something.
@tereško js woodoo needed...
@m59 how is not show webcam? hhmhmmh
why does PDO when columns not know for injection do not like this
That's going to get starred and then no one will ever talk to me again LOL
loves the PDO injections, eats it then hungry no more ;)
Ok, I've got an idea, but it's messy. Let me write it up real fast and then maybe someone can review...
@ircmaxell not sure
morning @Ihsan

$results = $profile->rows;

if ($results)
foreach ($results as $result)

'id' => $result->id,
'name' => $result->name


$aresults = $profile->aresults;

if ($aresults)
foreach ($aresults as $aresult)
	'comment_name' => $aresult['name'],
	'comment' => $aresult['text'],


This gives problems by the second value, the second foreach gives double values then.
So first value perfect, second value double results (of this value and first value)
@Gordon figured I'd raise it to your attention
@CarrieKendall check again?
@kaᵠ better but..
> How to clean information of form after submit so that to not show this error after a page refresh?
so that to not show <-- can't be fixed :P
@CarrieKendall i'm really not sure what he meant, i know it's just better
nobody wants to help me?
@Arthur Format your code or use pastebin.
$i = 0;
      $length = count($put)-1;
      $col_val = '';
      foreach ($put as $field => $value) {
        $params[":column{$i}"] = $field;
        $params[":value{$i}"] = $value;
        $set = ":column{$i}=:value{$i}";
        $col_val.= ($i != $length) ? "{$set}, " : $set;

$query = "UPDATE :table SET {$col_val} WHERE :key=:item";
@Jhawinsss Can you tell mee what's pastebin?
Can anyone tell if that's safe? Oh, and here was a sample of what $put might be -
@m59 Nothing will ever be safe.
  $put = [
    'user' => 'john doe',
    'address' => '111 test st.'
@Jhawinsss Not good?
Clilck that link. It opens a print page.
Use this link. pastebin.com/tWezLVHT
And syntax highlighting here pastebin.com/TsjUeMe0
@Jhawinsss Thnx
Problems at line 46 by the second value
rhis gives the results of the first value and the second value
@kaᵠ hi... I am very busy hitting the head of javascript to the virtual walls of my browser... :D
When I change $profile->getcomments($result->id); to $profile->getcomments('1'); you can in the second value the values duplicated
@Ihsan lol, carry on please, till it bleeds, or walls crack
@ircmaxell i dont like self answered posts. but they are not forbidden. the question is lacking context imo and the steps in the answer seem somewhat arbitrary.
Lil' Bobby Tables we call him (via @ThorstenRinne)
Dangit. You can't bind params to column names :( @rdlowrey I tried so hard not to ask, but I'm stuck again. Can you check out my example above when you get a chance? I'm trying to do SET with a variable amount of column/values
maybe I can just clean up the column names myself, but I don't feel great about it.
Would anyone be willing to help me with an apache question if i asked it here since there doesn't seem to be a specific chat for that? d:
I'm adding this code at the bottom of my httpd.conf file
> meanwhile in africa
however, it isn't redirecting requests as it sould be.. the second one is redirecting back to the main site for some reason :s
anyone know why?
anyone? :S
@VoidWhisperer - what do you have in /home/fun/?
an index page
different from the one it is showing me
the index page for my actual main website
which is in var/www/html/
What is the layout of the directory? Do you still have the default index.html in there?
there's no index.html in the main website directory
but there is an index.html in /home/fun
One second, I'm getting a 403 Forbidden error from your fun.voidwhisperer.info page. What are the permissions on that folder?
/home/fun I mean.
or so says my ftp program
Try setting it to 755 (rwxr-x---)
of course your not going to find it
/home/fun is not in the html directory
now www.voidwhisperer.info/fun
hs the correct page
2: Mooie bomen!
2: Mooie bomen!
2: Mooie bomen!
2: Mooie bomen!
3: Prachtig!
3: Prachtig!
and my code is this
but it still isn't directing it
also, it's not creating the error log for it either
:) I understand that but you've listed /home/fun as the doc root of fun.voidwhisperer.info in your httpd.conf file. What I meant was that your server is sending back a 403 Forbidden error in the response header when you try to access fun.voidwhisperer.info
try accesing it now
as i said i changed it to /var/www/html/fun now
and if you go to voidwhisperer.info/fun/ it gives the right page
it's like the virtual host isn't executing or something, and the main apache error log isn't giving me any clues either
Have you tried restarting apache to changes to httpd.conf take effect?
*to let the
or just use service httpd reload
Arrgh... using samba mounted filesystem over a virtual network is randomly causing my PHPUnit test to fail!
it works ^^
thanks joe
Working for me now :D
No problem!
all it does atm is throw the page url out
It's a start haha
what i'm basically doing, as per the weird name for it
is making a subdomain for my guild on gw2 because I am a nerd =p
you're in an SO chat, there's nothing but nerds here
Jasper is correct :)
So true :P
argh! why do we have constants if people write (sometimes) the numerical value of it instead the constant's name?! ._.
@bwoebi what? which? where?
@NikiC "Who cares if I have a private helper function they need? What, is their copy/paste function broken?" that cracks me up
this guy should work for the onion
Why the fark would anyone want to pay $150 for an average server and not get root access rackspace.com/cloud/sites/pricing ?
Why.. i pay 9.75$ for my server and i get root access
@Danack because you pay others to tell them what they should do and you also pay them to be able to blame them if something goes wrong.
"I had a vision...." always a good start to a technical question.
@Danack I had an idea I could imagine an answer exists so I share it and I'm sure you great guys here know the answer and share it :D
More ideas to which "any help" will be useful too.
I'd like to run a query against data.stackexchange.com that would show the average rep score for the user when they asked that question for every question asked per day over the past 4 years.
Pretty sure it would show the score increasing slowly for a couple of years, and then decreasing back down to almost zero now.
@Ihsan what what ?
Anybody ever have issue with a "non-static method" error with the Lang class in Laravel. I'm taking code straight from the docs and getting that issue
@JosephSzymborski check the version of the docs, not that you look into an older/outdated documentation.
@hakre daaammmnnnn, forgot about that
So evil - 3v4l.org/RAu2d
So tempted to slip that into a pull request for someones project whos not using unit tests.
fwrite($fileHandle, "    function fo\xE2\x80\x8Bo(){\n");
fwrite($fileHandle, "        echo 'bar';\n");
fwrite($fileHandle, "    }\n");
evening @igorw
what unicode-illegal stuff are you up to?
@Danack woof, that's brutal
Zero-width spacing elements FTW!
You can copy and paste my code - but you can't write it.
@Danack open as latin1 :)
@hakre Generally, every project that has multiple versions of the manual hosted in the same place has a url version that keeps pointing to the most recent one. Each of those projects should really just have google index only that url.
@igorw Since you're here - can i get your opinion. I was reading github.com/composer/composer/issues/1356 the other day. It sounds like Seldaek isn't at all keen on adding comments to composer.json, is that a completely lost battle - i.e. not even worth discussing now?
@Danack yea, don't bother. and frankly, I agree with the decision.
Ok I won't. I think the main place I would use them is to document what the suggested requires are for but yeah - not actually vital to the operation of it.
the JSON format does not support comments, allowing comments in composer.json would break interop with anyone who wants to parse it.
@Jasper well these project are work of a community. step into, offer your help, fix things. this is how we work together. so improve if you can otherwise the rest can tend to clever talking which is not that effective after the week is over :)
and the JSON format was chosen because it's widely available, generally well known (although people still get it wrong all the time) and because there is a parser for it that ships with PHP.
the question of "JSON with comments" has come up quite a few times, even with regards to JSON itself.
@igorw I actually wonder why it's so badly implemented had soo many errors in the past (and still has some bugs).
@igorw and has been denied to extend to.
But not if it was done by way of a Composer standard that underscored entries will never be used  e.g.
"require-dev": {
    "_comment": "This library uses phpunit for it's automated tests."
    "phpunit/phpunit": "3.7.*"
crockford's argument has always been that people would attach meaning to the comments and turn it into metadata, thus making JSON as a data format worthless. honestly, I agree with this.
Hmm. Freeform metadata would probably lead to people using it in ways similar to annotations.
such conventions are messy as hell.
and this is not the same as annotations imo, but if annotations were an actual language feature that would be less controversial I suppose.
@hakre I've suggested it to two or so projects, and they added a robots file to do just that, since hardly ever anyone disagrees. However, it's a rather inefficient to do it like this and you can't fix it directly when you're not involved with the project at hand.
@hakre the power of JSON is that it isn't extensible. because it is so limited, it was relatively easy to implement, and it still covers many use cases with that limited set of capabilities.
@Jasper well I won't stop indexing the whole documentation anyway but offer the docs versioned.
It also won't really help you not ending up at wrong versions of documentation through google, as this problem exists so many times it would be a crazy task to try and get everyone to do it like that
as for buggy implementations, I don't know why that would happen. the format doesn't seem too complex to me, tbh.
stackoverflow reversed: Wolf revok cats
hey mate @hakre afayk does php apply some input filtering when it fills the $_POST variable accordingly to the Origin HTTP header? i have a problem, php://input contains the post data, $HTTP_RAW_POST_DATA contains the data, but $_POST is empty... with firefox works fine because it doesn't send the Origin header, on chrome it does not... what do you think?
@hakre I don't really understand what you're saying there
@igorw I don't want to trivialize the implementation, but I think so too (this could have been backed up tests for the edge-cases in the first place) and also decoding libararies in C did already exist, didn't they?
@Jasper escluding old content from google = bad idea.
@hakre Why?

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