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8:51 AM
@user9432913 shouldn't that be p.loadFromData
not p.load
more specifically p.loadFromData(image,imagesize); because you can't assume that's null terminated
3 hours later…
11:54 AM
this line p.loadFromData(image,imagesize); is givng error newForm.cpp:165: error: call of overloaded ‘loadFromData(const char*&, size_t&)’ is ambiguous
/usr/include/QtGui/qpixmap.h:139: note: candidates are: bool QPixmap::loadFromData(const uchar*, uint, const char*, Qt::ImageConversionFlags) <near match>
/usr/include/QtGui/qpixmap.h:302: note: bool QPixmap::loadFromData(const QByteArray&, const char*, Qt::ImageConversionFlags) <near match>
@PeterT,How to resolve this error
12:12 PM
@user9432913 cast it p.loadFromData((const uchar*)image,imagesize);
thanks @PeterT, It is working?
I don't know, I haven't ran the code. Not sitting in front of a machine with qt installed
12:44 PM
Yes, I have run it ...It is dispalying Image in graphicsView_2 using pixmap ...
12:57 PM

I am trying to setup an ssl connection between a server and a client which are both running on my laptop for the sake of easyness. I managed to make it work when reading an external certification file, ie by referring to a file which is on my laptop like so:

SSL_CTX_load_verify_locations(ctx, "cert.pem", NULL)

But since I removed this and hardcoded the certificate's content in my program I am not able to connect to my server anymore. Am I doing something wrong here?
When running this the following errors are displayed:
do you need client cert?
that's relatively unusual
1:39 PM
@Mgetz don't know... I just want to connect to a server via ssl
then follow the standard tutorials
based on this example from openssl the client needs to load a certificate as well:
@LandonZeKepitelOfGreytBritn wiki.openssl.org/index.php/SSL/TLS_Client
also which OS... because you should generally avoid non-OS TLS libs
that means you can either use libssl or gnutls or another lib gnutls.org/manual/html_node/…
1:42 PM
endgoal is to switch to wolfssl. Currently using openssl to try to understand it a bit better as this is the first time I work with ssl
I mean you can also use libsodium which last I checked is pretty well tested?
I d like to try to switch to something which was testen by our chip's vendor, ie lwip + wolfssl IIRC
ah certified
then just start with wolfssl
don't mess with openssl
yhea I just started with openssl because I can run it on my laptop and get the hang of it that way
you can run wolfssl locally
just install it from the package manager
1:46 PM
oh, didn't know that
which distro?
It's also in the conan center index, so you can install it outside of the system libs
I thought wolfssl was purely for baremetal or other embedded devices
@LandonZeKepitelOfGreytBritn no it has a build like that but it's not exclusive to that
1:48 PM
I'm pretty sure there's plenty of people calling their boxes running ubuntu "embedded" :P
my 6502 called... it begs to differ ;p
god doing TLS on a 6502 would suck
@Mgetz that's technology from the 70s afaik. Either you are above 50yo or you have a heart for retro stuff
doing threads on a 6502 would suck
you do know the 6502 is everywhere even in modern stuff right?
1:52 PM
specifically the 65C02 variant and the 65C816 variants
your stack is in a fixed location, so that would need to be banked or copied on context switch, but that would mean free tls already
@ratchetfreak depends on which variant, the variants used now days have a stack pointer that has a page part
I was joking FWIW, I don't actually do 6502 work
but they are everywhere
that would mean an extra register to be the high byte of the stack pointer?
The W65C816S (also 65C816 or 65816) is an 8/16-bit microprocessor (MPU) developed and sold by the Western Design Center (WDC). Introduced in 1985, the W65C816S is an enhanced version of the WDC 65C02 8-bit MPU, itself a CMOS enhancement of the venerable MOS Technology 6502 NMOS MPU. The 65C816 was the CPU for the Apple IIGS and, in modified form, the Super Nintendo Entertainment System. The 65 in the part's designation comes from its 65C02 compatibility mode, and the 816 signifies that the MPU has selectable 8- and 16-bit register sizes. In addition to the availability of 16-bit registers, the...
The CSG 65CE02 is an 8/16-bit microprocessor developed by Commodore Semiconductor Group in 1988. It is a member of the MOS Technology 6502 family, developed from the CMOS WDC 65C02 released by the Western Design Center in 1983. Like the 65C02, the 65CE02 was built on a 2 µm CMOS process instead of the original 6502's 8 µm NMOS technology, making the chip smaller (and thus less expensive) as well as using much less power. In addition to changes made in the 65C02, the 65CE02 also included improvements to the processor pipeline to allow one-byte instructions to complete in 1 cycle, rather than the...
in the latter note the introduction of the B and SPH registers
banking is still the easiest way to create tls
1:59 PM
regardless the 6502 is still in very common use in things like fridges and other relatively dumb devices, smarter appliances have started to move to AVR IIRC and some PIC. Any IOT device is generally going to be ARM or RISC-V now
although it's not guaranteed, quite a few smart lights use 8bit micros
it's important to remember that the tape out cost of a 6502 derivative from the VHDL license is super cheap so you can combine it with other things and it usually is deeply embedded into things
Whereas I'm not sure that AVR/PIC allow you to tape out separately, an ARM license is still expensive etc. RISC-V requires either making your own or licensing a core. Again not super cheap (but still cheaper than ARM)
Oh and the other common chip you find running around literally everywhere:
The Intel MCS-51 (commonly termed 8051) is a single chip microcontroller (MCU) series developed by Intel in 1980 for use in embedded systems. The architect of the Intel MCS-51 instruction set was John H. Wharton. Intel's original versions were popular in the 1980s and early 1990s, and enhanced binary compatible derivatives remain popular today. It is an example of a complex instruction set computer (but also possessing some of the features of RISC architectures, such as a large register set and register windows) and has separate memory spaces for program instructions and data. Intel's original...
risc-v is also fairly chonky for embedded isn't it? or is there a minimal embedded version
I don't think it's "chonky for embedded", maybe "chonky for microcontroller applications"
but It has a bunch of optional parts that you can trim if I remember right
@ratchetfreak it is but for things that need to do IOT things it's pretty average in the 32bit config
you can literally drop floating point and a whole bunch of stuff
3 hours later…
5:38 PM
@Mgetz You can get download either a (replica of a) 6502 or a RISC-V for free. opencores.org/projects/ag_6502, opencores.org/projects/biriscv. Oh, you can get an ARM compatible core for free as well. opencores.org/projects/amber, or opencores.org/projects/arm4u
@JerryCoffin IIRC the arm core you still need to pay ARM for a license for if you don't want to get sued. 6502 it depends on if you go live although technically you're supposed to pay WDC AFAIK
RISC-V is of course open but patents are their own pain in the arse
@Mgetz It's barely possible the ARM designs would infringe on some current ARM patent (but being ARM v2 and ARM v3 designs, this is highly doubtful). Assuming there were patents on the 6502 when originally designed, these would long since have expired and entered the public domain.
@JerryCoffin copyrights, not patents
Because Google vs. Oracle
@Mgetz Copyright on what? You can copyright masks, but that would only apply if somebody was actually deriving their design from the masks rather than simply duplicating the logic (i.e., it wouldn't apply to something like a Verilog/VHDL based design at all).
Google LLC v. Oracle America, Inc., 593 U.S. ___ (2021), was a U.S. Supreme Court decision related to the nature of computer code and copyright law. The dispute centered on the use of parts of the Java programming language's application programming interfaces (APIs) and about 11,000 lines of source code, which are owned by Oracle (through subsidiary, Oracle America, Inc., originating from Sun Microsystems), within early versions of the Android operating system by Google. Google has since transitioned Android to a copyright-unburdened engine without the source code, and has admitted to using the...
The supreme court de-facto assumes ISAs and apis are copyrightable
which is dumb
5:46 PM
@Mgetz You're misinterpreting the situation quite badly, and failing to show any way in way in which this would apply to a CPU rather than software.
I've read the decision multiple times, I don't think I am
while the supreme court demonstrates an appalling lack of understanding they were clear that they assume APIs to be copyrightable, an ISA is just an API for hardware
also FWIW there is precedent on that outside of that case
with Motorola Vs. MOS
@Mgetz That was a patent infringement case.
either way... I still think ARM wouldn't let you idly use parts without getting paid
@Mgetz You seem to be pretty close to the only person on earth who holds this view. If there were legal foundation for it, I'm pretty sure that (for only one well known example) IBM would have used it to stop Amdahl from undermining their mainframe business.
@Mgetz Upon what basis do you believe ARM would stop anybody from doing so? Keep in mind that the basic point of the patent system is that you give somebody a monopoly for a limited time, and in exchange they agree that whatever they patented enters the public domain when the patent expires.
In most countries, patents last 20 years from the date of application, and they have a maximum of 1 year after invention to file the application. So, a current patent can't possibly cover anything that was invented before about 2001.
I suppose in fairness, I need to add one other point though. ARM V2 predates the US adopting that set of rules. At that time, we still followed a rule of a patent remaining valid for 17 years following issue. Although it's nearly impossible that it would apply here there are probably a minuscule number of older patent applications that were issued enough later that they could still apply to something that old.
The instances in which this was known to happen were when US spy agencies invented things like crypto machines. They'd file a patent application, but classify it, so the patent examiners couldn't actually read it. Then when somebody else invented roughly the same thing, they'd de-classify their patent application, and stop everybody else from using it still longer.
Filed in 1933. Granted in 2000, 31 years after the inventor died.
6:14 PM
@JerryCoffin ah a patent from the time they actually described something and not a vague collection of claims that could be used to sue someone for anything
tbf more a commentary on patent lawyers than patents
@Mgetz Less a commentary on attorneys than patent office funding. The patent office is one of those rare parts of the government that's actually profitable. They mostly make money when they issue patents. So there's a lot of pressure for them to issue patents, whether they're actually valid or not.
that too
6:33 PM
When somebody honestly invents something new (even if it's only a fairly minor change from things that have been done before), it still pretty frequently gets described in pretty serious detail. patents.google.com/patent/US9977745B2/en?oq=us9977745
2 hours later…
8:36 PM
@JerryCoffin how the heck have you managed to get so many patents under your belt? That's pretty impressive
How do you go about patenting something like that?
Not trying to be rude at all, genuinely interested as I don't know anything about patenting. When reading this, I have the feeling this is not the sort of things that typically gets patented. People would often patent mathematical formulas or whatever not some synchronization mechanisms.
This synchronization mechanism is probably something you just needed to develop because of the functionalities that needed to be carried out. Intercore synchronization is nothing novel and therefor not eligible for patents I would have guessed. Again, you are more knowledgeable than me in many of those things and I am not trying to be rude to you.
You patented some more elaborate semaphore

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