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Could lambda factor could be copyable or moveable?
Since [the code snippet](https://godbolt.org/z/6bxo77aWr) below works well, they are seem both ok.
#include <mutex>
#include <map>

constexpr int FOO_NUM = 5;

int main()
std::map<int, std::mutex> mp;

auto factor1 =[&mp](){};

auto factor2 = factor1;

auto factor3 = std::move(factor1);
@John A lambda is just an instance of a nameless class. If it doesn't capture anything, it won't even have any member variables (and even with [&mp], since your test one doesn't actually use mp in the body of the lambda, it's not actually captured).
So, If I understand you correctly, whether a specific lambda is copyable or moveable lies on whether the actually captured objects(and variables) are copyable or moveable. Am I right?
@John Pretty much, yeah.
Furthermore, If a specific lambda captures all the objects(or call them as variables) as reference, then this lambda factor must be moveable and copyable? Am I right?
@JerryCoffin How do you think about it?
@John I'd have to think that over a bit to be sure. At first glance, it seems like capturing by reference would mean it has a reference member, which shouldn't be copyable or moveable, but I'm pretty sure I've done both with things that captured by reference, so I think that must be wrong.
Sorry I can't catch up.Could you please explain that in more detail for me?
[It](https://godbolt.org/z/91PMr4j5q) seems ok:
#include <mutex>
#include <map>
#include <iostream>

constexpr int FOO_NUM = 5;

int main()
std::mutex mutex;

auto factor1 =[&mutex](){{
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lk(mutex);
std::cout << "hello world" << std::endl;

auto factor2 = factor1;

auto factor3 = std::move(factor1);
@John Not really. The point is that it doesn't seem like they should be copyable or moveable, but I'm pretty sure they are.
Sorry for my poor English, what do you mean by "but I'm pretty sure they are."?
@John I mean, they can be copied and moved.
See this [code snippet](https://godbolt.org/z/n3fz7TGo3):
#include <mutex>
#include <map>
#include <iostream>

constexpr int FOO_NUM = 5;

int main()
std::mutex mt_lk;

auto factor1 =[&mt_lk](){{
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lk(mt_lk);
std::cout << "hello world, first" << std::endl;

auto factor2 = factor1;

auto factor3 = std::move(factor1); //I think the mt_lk is already moved here.


std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lk(mt_lk); //I think mt_lk could not be called here. But no problem is found now.
4 hours later…
you capture the mutex by reference, you won't move it by moving a lambda that captured it by reference
also what's with the double {{}} for the lamdas, don't think I've seen that anywhere before
1 hour later…
Im using this question

to analyze my function. Should I use debug/release mode? Does it matter?
Since you're measuring the time the function runs, turning optimizations on or off should have a significant impact.
I would recommend you use a proper benchmarking library though because doing a benchmark correctly is difficult and a library can save you from some of the common mistakes.
I'm trying to compare system perf agains my chages. So I added the chorno timer to both projects. The question is if should both run on optimized mode or debug mode and does that matter to chrono?
quick-bench.com can save you setup work if you only care about a simple function.
No this function is part of a huge system
Debug or release doesn't matter to chrono, but it most likely does matter to the code you're measuring.
And if you care about how fast the debug code is or the release code is only you can answer.
Yea so as long as both projects are compiled using same mode it should be fine
Yea release is what I use
Typically people don't care about the speed of debug code much as long as it's fast enough.
3 hours later…
How can the foo array be initialized using a for loop?
#include <iostream>
#include <boost/asio.hpp>
#include <array>

using namespace boost::asio;

struct foo
    foo(io_context& ioCtxt):socket(ioCtxt){}
    ip::tcp::socket socket;

class myClass
        myClass(io_context& ioCtxt):foos{ioCtxt, ioCtxt, ioCtxt, ioCtxt, ioCtxt}{};
        std::array<foo, 5> foos;

int main()
    io_context ioCtxt;

    myClass myClassObj(ioCtxt);

    return 0;
I find it very cuncombersome to have this: myClass(io_context& ioCtxt):foos{ioCtxt, ioCtxt, ioCtxt, ioCtxt, ioCtxt}
If they are default-constructible you can write a loop and assign later.
There is no builtin way to do this.
I think it s not default constructible
so is there any way somehow to use a for loop in that case?
This is the best I could come up with.
I think you use boost anyways, in which case you can use boost::static_vector.
Hmm, let s see
Got a C++11 equivalent? Thats very interesting, learned quite some things already beased on that snippet
Bleh, std::integer_sequence is apparently a C++14 feature.
Well, with some stealing it works.
Using the namespace std14 is UB by the way, the standard reserves all namespaces std<number> :D
It looks a little more fancy on godbolt because it lets you #include urls.

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