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// classes_as_friends1.cpp
// compile with: /c
class B;

class A {
int Func1( B& b );

int Func2( B& b );

class B {
int _b;

// A::Func1 is a friend function to class B
// so A::Func1 has access to all members of B
friend int A::Func1( B& );

int A::Func1( B& b ) { return b._b; } // OK
int A::Func2( B& b ) { return b._b; } // C2248
so here...friend keyword enables access for A::Func1 to print _b
but why parameter B& b can not access _b in Func2? is there any rule that a reference of any object of a class can not access its own member in function of another class's object?
if I included a getter in A like A::GetPropBFunc(), should it be able to get _b in Func2?
I implemented the bfs algorithm for any connectec/disconnected graph like this
but now i want to be able to not just print out the vertices as i visit them , but instead i want to store them in a separate vector as i visit them and then finally return the whole vector from the bfs function at last
but what i am facing difficulty with is understanding how do I receive that vector which i returned from my bfs function
since i implemented the bfs for connected/disconnected graphs , if i simply do the changes inside the for loop of the main function as :
for(int i=1;i<=v;i++)
ans= bfs(i,vis,adj);
ans being the separate vector used to receive the bfs vector
and if i then try to print the ans vector
i do not get the bfs sequence as desired ( there are duplicates and stuff )
can someone please let me know how to get the ans vector from the function properly ?
also, this code won't work for disconnected graphs, right ? github.com/striver79/StriversGraphSeries/blob/main/BfsCpp#L26
1 hour later…
4 messages moved from Lounge<C++>
1 hour later…
@quidstone What do you mean "its own member"? _b belongs to B and the function is Func2 which is part of A.
@quidstone Only if you declare A::GetPropBFunc() (or all of A) a friend in B.
1 hour later…
It is not quite clear to me whether it would make more sense to inherist from a base class that has pure virtual functions, which the derived class will implement
pass function definitions through function pointers to the constructor of that class, instead of inheriting from a class with pure virtual functions
What is most suited/best usually?
I avoid public inheritance whenever possible. I don't think I used it in real code in a long time.
Function pointers are an option. std::function is another.
yhea std::function is what I actually meant, my bad
The latter is more flexible and powerful, at the cost of being a few nanoseconds slower.
dunno it is actually that I see so many people having abstract classes everywhere while I just use std::function. I feel like I am misunderstanding the added value of abstract classes
If you have, say, a DataSource that has a readBytes and a writeBytes function then using an abstract class gives you the advantage that the implementation of readBytes and writeBytes can easily share data. With std::function that is more tricky.
In my case I have a 2 functions: 1 which packs and another one that parses messages. The specific packer and parser functions, that are needed here, are given to the function which uses them via std::function.

Because the way messages are packed or parsed could vary from one product to another, *for instance*
If the message syntax is encoded in an xml file then both the packer and the parser need access to it. Having struct { std::string xml_file; void pack(); void parse(); } lets you share the xml_file between functions.
it is not encoded in an xml file. I receive a tcp stream on a socket, read the first byte (message ID) which allows me to know which message it is that I received and based on that I know how many more bytes I am supposed to read and know that e.g. the first data element is 2 bytes, the second data element is 4 bytes, etc...
It was just an example. In general if you have a single function then std::function is easier than inheritance. If you have a lot of related functions that all need access to the same stuff, inheritance is probably easier.
For your packer/parser situation I would depend it on whether you can implement them separately or they need access to the same data.
I don't quite get what you mean by "acess to the same data". One remote endpoint sends data, so my reception thread reads the socket, parses the data and passes on that data to another thread which handles it
pack and parse may want to share data such as a config. If that is not the case don't worry about it and stick with std::function.
@nwp sorry for the delay. But my question is, in A::func2() why parameter b is not capable of reaching to its own private member _b? is there any difference in this method and a normal function other that "this" is recognized by the former? if there is no difference then, b in parameter should reach to b._b...that's whats confusing...please ignore the A::GetPropBFunc() question.
@quidstone The context is relevant, not which object you use. Doing b._b works if you are able to access private members of B and since you are in the context of A and A cannot, it can't. The fact that you have an instance of b is not enough for A to access all its members.
Or said another way, if having an instance of B was enough to access all its members, private or not, then private would have no effect.
What you can do is add a member function get_b() inside B which returns _b. get_b, as a member of B can access private members of B and get_b itself would be public and thus accessible from A.
5 hours later…
Folks, how to fix the following? I want to print the permutation of abcde.
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

template <size_t size>
char* Swap(char (&input)[size], int left, int right)
    char output[size] = input;
    char temp = output[left];
    output[left] = output[right];
    output[right] = temp;
    return output;

template <size_t size>
void Permute(char (&input)[size], int start, int end, int &counter)
    if (start == end)
        cout << input << endl;
    for (int i = start; i <= end; ++i)
        char output[] = Swap(input, start, i, counter);
You are trying to use C arrays like values that can be assigned. You can't do that. Use std::string or std::array instead.
You're probably not allowed to, but std::next_permutation makes this a lot easier.

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