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@MangaD I am jus mimicking a delay in notification
4 hours later…
@samnaction All right. But there can be spurious wake ups, so doWork can start before the 9 sec
2 hours later…
Hi all
In C++ I have a base class and a derived class
to override a base class function I can use virtual functions
the advantage is that during based on object created the correct function will be called
for eg Animal is base class with fun(){cout<<"Generic Animal";} and Dog is a derived class wth fun(){cout<<"I am doge";}
Animal *ptr = new Dog(); ptr->fun();
based on the object created the appropriate fun is called
Now say I wish to call fun based on object created and do some general tasks
what the best way to do it?
was is "some general task"?
In this case its parsing input
I was think I will call base class method from derived class method
I think I don't fully understand what your goal is, but sounds about right
like my Cat class will fun method as {Animal::fun(); cout<<"I am a cat";}
@PeterT :P
I need to parse some input
but based on some values I need to parse and validate some extra stuff
a few field are common to all
but some only for that specific value
After reading a bit it seemed that I can create a base class that does parsing
I still think you're being rather unspecific. you can also call virtual functions in the base class.
So if you have a "process()" function in the base that calls a virtual "parse()", then it'll call the apropriate virtual override
How do you check for equality with '{}'?
eg: foo func(){ return {}; }
fun returns a struct of type foo
I want to check whether it returned {} or an actaul object
@LandonZeKepitelOfGreytBritn depends on the context it's in, the expression {} doesn't have a type
the {} constructs an actual object
there's no difference at the call-site in general.
so if you need to "maybe return" you can use something like
std::optional<foo> func(){return std::nullopt;};
std optional is only available since cpp 17 :C
well boost::optional is fine too :P
i d rather shit in my hands and applaude
@PeterT using a base process function and then call a virtual parse seems nicer/cleaner
as you suggested
but I am not sure If I am allowed to change exisitng stuff
@LandonZeKepitelOfGreytBritn it's pretty much a polyfill for the std:: variant. If the boost:: bothers you so much, you can typedef it :P
@MangaD ya so i should hold the lock to avoid spurious wake up right?
You cannot avoid spurious wake up. If you only want the waiting thread to go forward after the 9 sec, then change the flag AFTER the wait ; )
1. what's wrong with using cpp 17?
2. You could use `std::pair<T,bool>`, where the bool says if the pair contains an object or not.
@MangaD why a pair, that would need to always construct a "T"
I have some common parse values and then some specific stuff
I wonder if an if else in the base class parse method would look bad.
@AAB I think a "switch case" of "if else" is fine, but you can also use the "visitor pattern" to delegate that. It's just a matter of taste
Or just use std::unique_ptr
:) Well today I learned visitor pattern
@PeterT thanks as always
any good examples/reources you have on it.
3 hours later…
Language = C++

There are 2 types of statements I noticed for taking in output.

1) int x=3,y=4;


cout<<“x is greater than y”<<endl;


cout<<“y is greater than x”<<endl;

2) int a,b,c;

cout<<“Enter 3 numbers”;


In the 2nd statement , it is not written <<endl; but only ;

I noticed there is no error in compiling. What is the difference between in writing ?
V important Q for me. Pls do help & check it.
@S.M.T std::endl inserts a newline and flushes the output
so if you do
std::cout << "a ";
std::cout << "b ";
They will appear on the same line
@PeterT Hii , I an new to C++
cout<<“Enter 3 numbers”<<endl;
If I wrote this
then it would go to the next line
K. So , the computer will ask me for the number since I wrote cin>> as well. But it will not ask me , Enter 3 numbers right?
It's the same as
std::cout << "Enter 3 numbers";
std::cout << std::endl;
yes with cin>> it will block until it gets input
K , Thanks.
@PeterT Do you know a nice book from where I can study C++
Books that are not nice waste a lot of time.
nope, don't know any good teaching material, sorry
K , np. Thank you for the help.
Q2: Can we write
cout<<"x is smaller than y"<<;
nope the operator "<<" needs two arguments
same way you can't write "a = b +;"
@PeterT K.
Q3: What is the difference between
cout<<“Enter 3 numbers”<<end;
cout<<“Enter 3 numbers”<<endl;
i noticed there is just an extra “l” after writing end.
I searched on,one but couldn’t find anything.
yeah std::end should not be used in that context that something completely different
Ok. I’ll give you the exact line.
Your quotation marks are weird unicode characters, so if you try to copy that into actual code it will fail with a strange error message. A side-effect of PDF being bad.
yeah, that's a typing mistake
@nwp K.
@PeterT There is nothing like end right ? It is endl.
there is std::end, but it doesn't make sense in that context
lol what happens when someone improperly typesets code in LaTeX
@PeterT K. Can you give an example when it will ?
will it be similar to my code?
std::vector<int> v {10,3,1,9,5};
this is an example use of std::end
K. Thanks 🙏
Q4: If you notice here.
also the silly c style variable declartions
Q is to find maximum of 2 numbers using conditional operator
Isnt it that in the solution above , there are 2 ways by which the answer is written. 1 = if statement & 2=conditional operator .
All those parenthesis around max = no1 > no2 ? no1 : no2; don't do anything.
Therefore , we didn’t need to write the 1) part & only 2) was needed ?
yes, that code is doing the same thing twice
@PeterT Exactly. So , according to question. We only needed to solve part 2.
Great , thanks.
Im going to have a lot of Q coming right after.
@nwp Do you mean to say the code is wrong ?
No, just bad. Similarly to the C style variable declarations and the using namespace std;. It gives the overall impression that the author has no clue about C++.
It might be a bit harsh and too early to judge.
I concur
@nwp K. What is the alternative as to how would u write ?
If you know if there is a C++ textbook for beginners , nice one. Do share.
You declare variables as late as possible. max gets declared down at const auto max = no1 > no2 ? no1 : no2; for example.
Note the const because you don't intend to change that variable and the auto to avoid duplicating types, though one could argue that it's too much stuff for a beginner all at once.
@nwp K. So , you mean earlier to point out that there was no need to write “()” this.
FWIW declaring variables as late as possible in C++ has consequences (in a good way) because it means that if you leave scope the runtime doesn't have to destruct things that were never constructed. If you declare everything at the top it does, and that can have bad consequences.
A: The Definitive C++ Book Guide and List

Johannes Schaub - litbBeginner Introductory, no previous programming experience Book Author(s) Description review C++ Primer* * Not to be confused with C++ Primer Plus (Stephen Prata), with a significantly less favorable review. Stanley Lippman, Josée Lajoie, and Barbara E. Moo (updated for C++11) Coming at 1...

@nwp k.
@nwp K.
Q5: int total;
for(int I = 1;I<11;I++)
total = total + i;
Should I write total = 0; or total;
total = 0;
I need to add 10 numbers from 1-10 i.e 1+2+3…10.
total = 0; or total{}; is required, otherwise it's undefined behavior.
@PeterT Why is total; wrong ?
Also Gauss would like a word with you.
@nwp K.
@nwp Yes. Is Gauss a user ?
he sure did use math
A mathematician. Legends has it he figured out you can add smarter than 1+2+3. You do 1+10 + 2+9 + 3+8 + ... instead and observe that every pair has as its result 11. Then you know you have 5 pairs and then you know the result is 55. No reason to loop.
@nwp K. Interesting. Thanks a lot.
Supposedly his math teacher told him to add numbers 1 to 100 as a punishment and was not amused when Gauss was done a minute later.
Hi people. Does someone know where I can find in the standard about the % conversions for printf? Like printf("Im &d years old",15)
I was reading in the cppreference, but I didn't understand
what was unclear about the cppreference version
for example it says: " %d converts a signed integer into decimal representation [-]dddd." But I used a unsigned integer and it worked fine, I supose there is more conversions in between but it doesn't explain. I didnt get this dddd too
welcome to promotions...
the binary representation for signed and unsigned is largely the same for most positive numbers, which is why it appears to work
e.g. when the standard converts types for varargs functions
also that
oh varargs has conversions? did not know that
see the "default argument promotions" section
yes var args causes type changes
Ah I forgot to say I used C.
for example if you used a %dhh modifier then it would just ignore the sign extension
This is a C++ room, we reserve the right to answer in c++. That said this actually comes from C
I am reading about functions.
I have written 1,2,3 as steps.
At first , we jump into main function.
you don't
the runtime does
We stop at point 2). Point 2 calls point 3). Then , we start with point 3 first. Then , point 3 returns the value as a.
@Mgetz Replace we with runtime.
@Mgetz I asked here because the table for C++ is identical
please don't ping reply unless context is not clear
I'm aware it's identical, because it's literally imported from the C standard
My Q is : What is the use of writing double area(double) above #include.
I'm assuming you're asking about the positioning and not doing something weird? Because it doesn't have any use other than making people twitch. Generally you'd put includes at the top, then forward declarations if necessary.
What is its link ?
not sure I follow?
@Mgetz Why did we write double area(double) over or above #include line.
What does that do ?
#include is preprocessor it will basically dump whatever it references into the current "translation unit"
it does nothing, it's just a forward declaration
The yellow line.
@S.M.T the compiler reads the file top to bottom. The standard says that you need to declare the function "area" before you use it, so if you only have it after main then the compiler will complain, try it out
Why write that
as long as the name is visible prior to referencing it in other code (main in this case) then it's able to figure out that the method is there and call it
you could also put the area function before main, that would work the same way
K. What does writing the function area does ?
In the 2) point , we have a = area(r); How is this linked with yellow line & 3)
it tells the compiler "there is a function named area, that takes a double as an argument and returns a double"
then when the compiler sees the "area(r)" part it will check the types and then make a note "call that function that was announced"
I got the idea.
Thanks a lot.
For how much time are you guys here ?
1 hour later…
Q:If I write return i; in the function passbyvalue , will I get output of i=5 ?a
you would need to also change "void passbyvalue" to "int passbyvalue" and "passbyvalue(i)" to "i = passbyvalue(i);"
the name "i" inside "passbyvalue" is not related directly to the "i" in main. It's the same name for two completely independent variables
If you want to try out small programs and see what changes quicky you can use gcc.godbolt.org . If you don't have a local compiler
@PeterT What does this function pass by value even do ?
literally nothing
It comes in exam. What do I write then ?
it's has a local copy of i and changes that local copy of i. But since the local copy doesn't get written anywhere the function has no effect
1 hour later…
@S.M.T jesus that's an old ass book
2 hours later…
oh crap I just realized it was using <iostream.h> dear god that's pre standarization

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