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8:15 AM
#include <iostream>
void Name(std::string&& s){
std::cout<<"Name Called"<<std::endl;
int main()
In the above code is it possible to access the data of s
In Function Out Of void Name's Scope
Are you sure you didn't mean std::cout << s;?
I'm not sure what you mean by "access the data of s".
I'm Passing An rvalue by const reference
Is it possible to access the string out of the function scope
I don't see any const reference.
std::cout accesses s outside the function's lexical scope.
Oh, you mean when passing s because it's operator <<(const std::string &). Sure, you can do that.
8:22 AM
Yeah I meant that
The thing that you shouldn't do is store a reference to the temporary. std::cout doesn't do that, but you might think that storing a struct S{ const std::string &s; } made from s is ok.
Oh ohk
5 hours later…
1:23 PM
typedef struct
std::vector<int> vecNum;

int main()
std::map<int, fooSt> map2fooSt ={{0,{1,2.3}}};
const std::vector<int>& vec = map2fooSt[0].vecNum;
Does const std::vector<int>& vec = map2fooSt[0].vecNum need to copy the elements which is stored in std::vector<int>? Why?
It seems there no need to do so.
There would not be a copy.
Your typedef is very C.
@nwp Why?Could you please explain that in more detail for me or suggest some document for me to go through?
I can draw that conclusion that there is no copy by this code snippet(godbolt.org/z/WqEzfvnKM).But I don't fully understand it.
std::map::operator[] returns a reference. That's the only critical point as far as I can see. The rest is just accessing a member of a struct.
@John Could you share why you think there should be a copy?
I see. std::map::operator[] returns a reference indeed. What confuses me is that map2fooSt[0].vecNum queries a subfield of the structure named as fooSt.
1:57 PM
map2fooSt[0] returns an lvalue reference, so it is an lvalue expression. And referring to a member of an lvalue (the .vecNum part) is also an lvalue expression. This is the same value category as naming an object by its identifier, for example map2fooSt; would be an lvalue reference. Just naming an object does not copy it.

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