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if you are writing a class to track seat reservaations from 1 to n
you can unreserve a specified seat (easy)
but you can only reserve the lowest number seat available
how would you track the lowest available?
tracking this with an array takes too long
but if you have a set you end up searching through a list anyway
If i call execv for bash with an undefined command, bash will print "comman d not found". Is it possible to know this in the source code? I've found that the return value will be 127, so if(execv(/bin/bash...) == 127) than it command not founhd error?
@Trajan A good compromise might be en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/container/priority_queue
Provide std::greater as the comparator and you will always get the lowest value.
@FrançoisAndrieux ahh thanks
What I mean is, basically, how do I catch "command not found" from bash using execv in my c++?
8 hours later…
If i want to define an identifier title that cannot be modified afterwards, which one should I use? const string& or const string? Both satisfy my need. So I get confused. Here is the snippet:
#include <iostream>
#include <opencv2/opencv.hpp>

int main(int, char **)
    cv::Mat image = cv::imread("../test.png");
    const std::string title = "testing...";
    // const std::string& title = "testing...";
    cv::imshow(title, image);
    return 0;
constant reference versus constant value
Q: Confused in choosing constant reference or constant value to avoid post modification on variables in C++

Kim Jong UnI am relatively new to C++. When learning OpenCV I need to name a window. The title should not be changed afterwards, so I should make it constant. There are two options: const std::string title = "testing..."; or const std::string& title = "testing..."; Both do not allow us to modify the decla...

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