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What is the "recommended" "see it live" C++ code runner website thingie?
(Is that off topic in chat too? ;) )
@Steve wandbox, C o l i r u
7 hours later…
yo, I'm having another stab at a "generator" esentially a vector with object constructors that I can then call to crreate objects of types. Say
auto objA = vec[1](int,int)
auto objB = vec[2](int,int)
etc etc
can any1 help me wrap my head around it?
or whats that called so I can google it, I have one system like that but it does not work the wa I want it to
the arguments I pass to it never gets used instead it uses the one that the object was used to register with
@Dariusz MCVE please.
@Dariusz again, MCVE please.
yes !
sounds like vec contains either functors or instances of a class whose call operator is overloaded
let me hack the current code I have.
Yes it does but I do not understand how can there be a problem with not using arguments.
Cannot imagine a way to fuck it up.
he just wants to understand the concepts ^^
sorry a little more sec, I have to assign work to freelancers :C I'll get you current generator, and the issue it makes.
Ping me when you are done.
10 secs just wrapping up test file
ok there. I'm lost I expected it to use the argument that I pass to it, like int type at line 40 that goes in to line 28 (type) but I just get the default one I used to register the node
myGen.registerObj(0, [](int) -> std::shared_ptr<baseObject> { return std::make_shared<cat>(0); });
myGen.registerObj(0, [](int x) -> std::shared_ptr<baseObject> { return std::make_shared<cat>(x); });
it works, come on ! T_T amazing, thank you!
you are my todays hero! :- )
You're welcome :-)
moral of the story: if you want to use the argument passed to a function, make sure to name the argument ;)
yeah these lambdas
its a "tricky" bread, Im still trying to wrap my head around them
so the way I register it I use lambda, how would some1 register it without using lambda?
is it even possible or thats c11+ only feature then ?
you can use std::function
@Dariusz You're managing the lambda with an std::function object, that object can wrap any Callable, not just lambdas
oh yes, I used that in another generator, but it had thesame problem
@Dariusz time to show off another MCVE ;)
yeah Im trying to find it now
well actually nope, that example does use std::function, wait I got lost, let me re-read messages
@Dariusz lambda is no more than a class with operator() defined which has a syntactic support.
You do not need std::function for that.
ok I need more time to let it sink in, and read up more on lambdas and std function. Right now when we do
myGen.registerObj(0, [](int x) -> std::shared_ptr<baseObject> { return std::make_shared<cat>(x); });

This creates a new function inside registerObj which is lambda as far as I understand. so wait. ohhhhhhhhhh I make a function that creates a object and pass the function to function vectorrrrrrrrrrr
ok I get it now
its like this !
@Dariusz you can do vector<function<void(int)>> vf;, and then you can use vf.push_back(*insert callable*)
but in 1 line, using lambda
I was reading this early today stackoverflow.com/questions/15128444/… trying to fix the issue. But now I see how much more easier/faster it is to just use lambda and pass it all in 1 "call"
ahhh omg thats amazing.
you are my heros! thanks
6 hours later…
Normally, every constructor is virtual unless
you can guarantee that no one will ever cast a pointer to an object into something else.
What does this means
@ma1169 That is total bullshit because constructor cannot be virtual.
If it's mistake and author meant "destructor" that's totally different question.
he was explaining why constructors cannot be virtual
and why destructor can be virtual, but i dont understand what did he meant with noone will ever cast a pointer
Do you know what virtual means?
@ma1169 source?
because this passage is pure wtf
its part of a book called 3d game engine programming, stefan zerbst
I know
this is the whole thing "If you are new to C++, you will notice the virtual destructor of the interface. The same reasoning
that leads to virtual functions also leads to virtual destructors. No matter what
pointer you use to point to an object, make sure that the correct destructor of the object
is called by making the destructor virtual. Normally, every constructor is virtual unless
you can guarantee that no one will ever cast a pointer to an object into something else.
Believe me, you can’t do that."
this sounds like mega-derp, he keeps saying about destructors, and suddenly constructor appears
so if we assume that sentence was supposed to say
"normally, every destructor is virtual", then it's also wrong, because obviously destructors are non-virtual by default, unless you say they're virtual or something (like: deriving from a base class with a virtual destructor) causes them to be virtual
so maybe he had meant "normally, every destructor should be virtual", which is almost close to being correct
he says if you have virtual in your class your destructors should be virtual if i understood him
this is a common guideline, which, honestly, works 99% of the time, but it's still a guideline, not a hard rule
but when he talked about constructors i didnt understood what he meant with what i cannot do
I'd say disregard whatever this book says about C++
Q: The Definitive C++ Book Guide and List

grepsedawkThis question attempts to collect the few pearls among the dozens of bad C++ books that are published every year. Unlike many other programming languages, which are often picked up on the go from tutorials found on the Internet, few are able to quickly pick up C++ without studying a well-written...

ah i see i thought id learn something new about c
i agree he has some unorthodox styling in his code i am fixing parts of his code style which he admits to be not well written
unfortunately this is the only book i found which speaks about complete independant engine design
I'm gonna take a cheap shot right now
...maybe because people who actually make decent game engines are too busy making these game engines instead of writing books about making game engines :P
true enough but sad in the same time
what's the point of making a function rvalue reference (&& after the parameter list) if you can specify the same for the return value?
because it's not the same thing
&& and & affect this the same way that const after parameter list does
that means, this becomes movable on return?
@ma1169 It's a fair rule of thumb unless you have specific circumstances indicating otherwise. In particular, if there's any chance of destroying a derived object via a pointer to the base, you need the dtor to be virtual. If you know that absolutely, positively can't ever happen, then it may be safe to leave the dtor non-virtual (though, in all honestly there's rarely much reason to do so).
@MiroslavCetojevic this is called "qualifiers" and it says nothing about what's returned.
@JerryCoffin i see thanks
@EuriPinhollow I see, so it's about how this is treated
from cppreference:
no ref-qualifier: the implicit object parameter has type lvalue reference to cv-qualified X and is additionally allowed to bind rvalue implied object argument
lvalue ref-qualifier: the implicit object parameter has type lvalue reference to cv-qualified X
rvalue ref-qualifier: the implicit object parameter has type rvalue reference to cv-qualified X
I guess, that means, if the function is explicitly lvalue ref-qualified, this is not allowed to bind rvalue argument passed by the function
@milleniumbug if we make destructor in base class to be virtual, and then when we kill the inherited object. do we still ahve to call base destructor from inherited object or its automatically called after inherited destructor gets called?
you are never supposed to call destructor manually, unless you called constructor manually (wtih placement new, mind you)
well if I do
delete inheritedObject3
and that object base class has virtual destructor
and then I have destructor of inheritedObject3
so when the inheritedobject3 destructor gets called
do I ahve to do ~baseClass::eeeeee hmmmm delete? lol
I dont do it from the looks of it. so I take I can virtual them up, and make sure the object destroys itself from top-to bottom, but at the end base class destructor gets called anyway ?
you can test it yourself
virtual ~base
virtual ~inheritA
the order of death will be
inheritB inheritA base
it's the inverse to the order of constructors
in each destructor, write something like cout << "this is base destructor << endl; and similar for the derived destructor
yeah Ill write up a test, just lazy & im solving other problem now :- )
@Dariusz It makes perfect sense
Base constructor gets called, Derived constructor gets called, Derived destructor gets called, Base destructor gets called
you convesed me with this "it's the inverse to the order of constructors"
ill just do test
will be easier :- )
@milleniumbug I'm sure you can tell that Dariusz is not all that fluent in writing English, so "inverse" may not be easily understood ;)
@MiroslavCetojevic the funny part is that I'm Polish and he's Polish too, but we converse in English because, well... it's an English website
well I know what inverse means, it just that when u say inverse virtual it breaks my head... because virtual means that the latest function that subclased previous class is called. when u add inverse to it it means. Well it means that base gets called before inherited...
so I'm like... "fuck" I need to test it :- )
@Dariusz no, it means derived and base get deleted in the reverse order they got constructed
and he says constructor and Im asking for destructor
is that when destructor is virtual, or always?
ok so I don't have to virtual up destructors
Consider what is the point of constructors and destructors
Constructors are to make sure the object is ready to use and all the resources needed by the object are created
And destructors are for making sure the resources created by the object are released
It would make no sense if the base destructor would not get called
thanks :- )
The virtuality of destructor affects the behaviour of delete ptr and with the destructor being virtual it means the virtual dispatch is done to call the correct destructor
@milleniumbug that's only for when you delete the base pointer to a derived object, right? if you delete ptr while ptr is of derived type, then there's no ambiguity of which destructor to call first
there's never an ambiguity which destructor to call first
there's the not knowing which destructor to call at all, which is different
ok, I assumed that virtual dispatch would only be needed if you delete a derived object via its pointer to base class, since you can only check at runtime that the object is actually a derived one
should not be needed if you delete via pointer to derived class
but maybe that's not how it works in the first place...
> no ambiguity of which destructor to call first
and your latter messages contradict each other
how do they contradict each other?
if you point a derived class pointer to a derived class object with no virtual destructor, then it just happens the correct destructor is called because, well, the static type pointed-to type matches the dynamic type of the object
@MiroslavCetojevic the "first" part
but if you have a derived class pointer to a derived class object with a virtual destructor, then the compiler has to prove it actually points to that object of the same type to optimize out virtual dispatch
@milleniumbug so can the compiler prove it, then?
Can it? Obviously not in every case - thanks halting problem and all
Sometimes it can
huh, gotta read up on the halting problem
so by virtue (no pun intended) of the virtual keyword, the compiler has a very limited capability of ensuring that the pointer actually points to the object of the type it's supposed to point to?
if you consider that the purpose here is to make Base* b = new Derived(); delete b; work, then yes.
if you do that with non-virtual destructors, then the compiler is assuming that you got it right, and, if you don't, well, that's your problem
with virtual destructors, the compiler can't make that assumption because it's legal and allowed.
so the compiler has to accept that (legal and all) and hope that it works out at runtime
lots of C++ works that way
so what are the cases where the compiler can optimize away the virtual?
when it's obvious
optimizations are a matter of what a specific compiler does, not something you can take for granted
so one compiler may be better at it than the other... or not
well, obvious how? when you take pointers out of the equation, for example?
when it can prove that at the point you do delete p; p points to an object of a specific type
Base* b = new Derived(); delete b; for example. Yeah, Base has a virtual destructor, but come on, it's obviously a Derived.
stuff like int x = 42; std::cin >> x; Base* b = x == 100 ? new Derived1() : new Derived2(); delete b; are on the "definitely not obvious" scale because it's dependent on run time input
so, basically, if everything from the definition to the destruction can be checked at compile time, that would be enough for proof?
Base* b = new Derived(); /* no runtime-dependent input */ delete b;
You can have some runtime dependent input if it doesn't affect what dynamic type b points to.
And sometimes you only have a single class Derived that inherits from Base and Base itself is abstract, so you know that delete b; will always delete a Derived.
right, that would be easy to check
just to make this C++ related, could any of this have been done with C++?
Well, browsers only support JavaScript. Thankfully C++ is a compiled language and C++->JS compilers exist. Emscripten and mozilla did some work in that area and ported the unreal engine 4 some years ago. So yes, you can do that in C++ and much more.
I believe that is the future of the web. It's not quite clear if that is actually true though.
In practice there are still some annoyances of buggy tools because it's still somewhat new and fancy, but totally doable.
@nwp what is "it"? the unreal engine?
No, the tools that compile C++ to JavaScript.
is that unreal engine for firefox still a thing?
I cannot understand what exactly you have written but here's MCVE:
It means that the object value which is used to access f should be glvalue to call A::f from it.
::f is f from global namespace
Here is what using && qualifier also means: coliru.stacked-crooked.com/a/720f7b238b04ddec
@EuriPinhollow I think you misunderstood me, I was quoting cppreference.com about the ref-qualifiers for member functions
I am talking about this part of your message: "this is not allowed to bind rvalue argument passed by the function"
This does not make sense.
what if I write void func(A&& a) & { *this = a; }? If I understood cppreference correctly, this is not allowed
@MiroslavCetojevic It's not for firefox. It's for any browser that supports JavaScript which is essentially all of them. And yes, still experimental, but it's there.
@MiroslavCetojevic Why would that not be allowed?
An example of what they probably meant is void f(int&&); int i; f(i);.
That doesn't compile because f expects a temporary and i is not.
@nwp nah, I'm talking about the qualifiers for non-static member functions
I'm having trouble understanding how the lvalue and rvalue qualifiers work
The example essentially makes no use of them.
func is only callable on a non-temporary object, but we don't see the call, so it doesn't matter.
And a binds to a temporary A, so you could steal resources, but *this = a; uses a as a non-temporary and doesn't take advantage of that.
I'm gonna need to create examples to understand (seems only applicable if const is involved)
void func(A&& a) & { *this = std::move(a); } makes more sense. You know that a is a temporary so you can move it away.
@nwp I'm talking about this:
A non-static member function can be declared with no ref-qualifier, with an lvalue ref-qualifier (the token & after the parameter list) or the rvalue ref-qualifier (the token && after the parameter list). During overload resolution, non-static cv-qualified member function of class X is treated as follows:

no ref-qualifier: the implicit object parameter has type lvalue reference to cv-qualified X and is additionally allowed to bind rvalue implied object argument
lvalue ref-qualifier: the implicit object parameter has type lvalue reference to cv-qualified X
So Class o; o.func(a); compiles, but Class o; std::move(o).func(a); and Class{}.func(a); don't compile because func cannot be called with temporaries.
For void func() && it would be the other way around, it can be called with temporaries but not with non-temporaries.
Sometimes (extremely rarely actually) it makes sense to handle these cases differently.
ok, but I'm pretty sure we are talking about different things
nevermind, gonna look at it tomorrow
tonight I'm finished
Well, I'm talking about the same thing that the cppreference quote talks about.
The qualifiers at the end refer to the object you call the member function with.
yeah, cv-qualified member functions
@MiroslavCetojevic I just posted two MCVEs.
Open them.
cvr-qualified, yeah. const, volatile and references.
@MiroslavCetojevic what did you not understand?
I may add comments.
nevermind, not today
gotta go
good night
Merged into one example, added comments.
Actually, I found my mistake.
Yeah, let's discuss it tomorrow.
So this only applied to whether a function with ref qualifier can be called or not depending on object value type.
Not to whether *this can be passed as xvalue or glvalue or not.

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