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If I want to pass a function of some class into the constructor of another class, I can just use a pointer double(*myFunction) inside the classes constructor. Should I though, be using smart pointers from the standard library for this as I've read using raw pointers is almost always bad
function pointers never need to be freed (unless you are JITting but that's another story) so no need for smart pointers there
OK cool thanks
docs.microsoft.com/en-us/cpp/error-messages/compiler-errors-1/…. I don't understand this... what If i want to reference the function of an instance instead of the class?
then you need std::function to store it, because you need to pass along the pointer of the instance you will call it on
@Sam you could do this:
    #include <functional>

    class A {
       int func(){return 0;}

    int main() {
       std::function<int(A&)> f = &A::func;
random question: if you were to try and implement a matrix and you wanted to be able to access the values inside via subscript (-->[x, y]<--), is there any way to go about it? Templates?
@MiroslavCetojevic this code doesn't compile
@MiroslavCetojevic Hope this SO question helps: stackoverflow.com/questions/2533235/operator-c
I don't think it's possible to have multiple params inside operator[], you can return a proxy object from operator[] which caches the first dimension and implements operator[] also which then actually does the indexing
@ratchetfreak You can also have a struct matrix_index { size_t x, y }; and then do auto operator[](matrix_index ix) { ..
Then you'd have to call it like this: mat[{i, j}]
@MiroslavCetojevic that's technically UB
@Mgetz yeah, it doesn't compile
I don't quite understand std::function yet...
@ratchetfreak what do you mean by proxy?
@MiroslavCetojevic The problem is that A::func also needs an A instance to be called upon.
for it to NOT be UB
@Mgetz you just need to pass an instance of A to f(), mem_fn is unnecessary.
@DexterCD is right, don't need mem_fn
@DexterCD you're wrong, because C++ doesn't guarantee that the first parameter of a member function will be this
thus the only way to have a guarantee of that is to use mem_fn
this is because C++ is not an ABI
std::function requires Invokable, pointer to member functions are Invokable, abi is not relevant, it uses template magic (std::invoke).
@DexterCD you keep thinking that, but that's not actually the case. Moreover what mem_fn returns is not guaranteed to be a std::function
ABI is absolutely relevant with function pointers
You don't know what std::function does, wait a second
@DexterCD I do, please don't insult others in the chat
I don't suppose there's a way to combine the comma operator and subscript operator to create [ , ] operator
@Mgetz from en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/utility/functional/function "Class template std::function is a general-purpose polymorphic function wrapper. Instances of std::function can store, copy, and invoke any Callable target -- functions, lambda expressions, bind expressions, or other function objects, as well as pointers to member functions and pointers to data members"
all std::function requires is that it's Callable, which in turn only requires being usable with INVOKE's template magic
I am well aware of what both Invokable and std::function are, however getting the address of a NON-Static member function does not return an invokable
it returns an address that then needs to be transformed by mem_fn into an invokable
What people seem to be forgetting is that the standard allows for a LOT of things to happen with pointer to non-static member
and I know for a fact it's UB on more than one compiler
to the point those compilers now throw errors in strict mode
But Callable has explicit rules regarding pointer to member function
Yeah I confused Callable with Invokable
basically that whole function exists to act as an ABI fixer
that's it
in most cases it does nothing
It works through type erasure, it does the correct thing for pointer to member functions by using std::invoke.
@DexterCD actually it can't, that would cause major issues on some platforms where a pointer to member isn't actually sizeof(void*)
Most notably MS Windows and IBM System Z
what about lambdas that aren't sizeof(void*)?
those can't be pointers to members
they are their own thing
my larger point is these things exists so compilers can do ABI magic so you don't have to worry about it
#include <functional>
#include <iostream>

class A {
   int func(){return 0;}

int main() {
	A a;
   std::function<int(A&)> f (&A::func);
   std::cout << f(a) << std::endl;

@Mgetz are you saying the above code is technically a UB without mem_fn?
@MiroslavCetojevic I think it's technically implementation defined
but yes it would have serious issues on some platforms
which ones?
I know MSVC in some revisions, and definitely IBM System Z compilers
What if I do this. (f is a pointer to member function) [f](auto& x) { return (x.(f))(); }
the latter uses a pointer format from hell
@DexterCD ask a language lawyer on that one or a compiler dev
I never liked coding C++ in MSVC
I can only speak for things I've actually run into
Also, if it is UB, why would it still compile, it could just static_assert if you try to construct it with a pointer to member function
@DexterCD because compilers aren't required to not compiler UB
many do... and then they do things like time travel
But it would be easy, so why wouldn't they?
I'm not a compiler writer, don't ask me
my guess is that someone somewhere depends on that behavior
on a specific platform
and they have a lot of money to donate or pay in support fees
perhaps undefined behavior means the language designer wants to leave that to compilers to see what they can come up with
or they don't care about that particular detail at the time of writing
or that defining the behavior would mean leaking the abstraction of teh machine the code is running on
@MiroslavCetojevic pretty sure they 'fixed' this by doing a double bounce if you take pointer to member deref
which is a nice way of saying they ran into people doing exactly this enough they were forced to define behavior
hmm, seems to me if the powers that be bothered to declare "undefined behavior" they might as well have bothered to figure out a "defined behavior" in the first place
I'd even wager that compiler writers don't like "undefined behavior"
@MiroslavCetojevic v-tables, oh god the horror of that with v-tables
what are vtables?
you know virtual methods?
so think for a second on how you take a pointer to member of a pure virtual interface
@Mgetz virtual methods are unimplemented class member functions?
if I remember correctly, you can't instantiate a class with virtual methods, right?
@MiroslavCetojevic that are pure virtual methods
@MiroslavCetojevic you can't you're right, but you can in theory take a mem_fn callable to one and then use that to call that v-table member on fully instantiated instances
I've yet to find standardese prohibiting it
and I've seen it done (although why anyone would do that is beyond me)
@Mgetz hard to imagine that in code, do you have an example?
it sounds rather complicated
@Mgetz I wrote my own implementation of std::function so you can see how it works: coliru.stacked-crooked.com/a/a695b82499cd1304
@MiroslavCetojevic not that I care to remember, but it was some COM code someone had written to host .NET a few years ago (not the MS sample which made sense but had memory issues). Basically they were using it to cache a specific interface function
@DexterCD would you please stop insulting people by assuming they can't read and don't know how things work?
@Mgetz, I'm sorry I made you feel insulted. That was not my intention. I know std::function is meant to work for things like pointer to member function, and wish to explain how.
@Mgetz okay, let me try to understand: you can theoretically take a mem_fn callable to one (virtual method) and use that to call the (virtual method) on instances (of which class?)
@MiroslavCetojevic technically any that implement the virtual member you have a callable of
which is a bit insane
but if the class in question has implemented the virtual member, where's the problem?
There isn't, the issue is that taking a direct function pointer would fail as it would be nullptr in theory (in reality it's a lot more complicated). In order to do it the compiler actually has to emit a bounce function that actually casts the passed in this pointer to the interface type then makes the v-table call
which is also why I think the whole thing is pointless... because if you already know the interface why not just do that yourself
lambdas are cheap and easy
and would do that without the need for a member pointer
can't say I really understand the problem (or the problem is that it's too complicated and slow, perhaps?)
almost sounds like the compiler guys got carried away
@MiroslavCetojevic it's a corner case of the fact that virtual inheritance is a thing and people take member function pointers
it's also something that most people would highly discourage because if you know the interface why do you need to make it overly complicated
would using std::function to create a vtable be a better solution?
actually, now that I think about it, why a vtable if the interface is uniform?
@MiroslavCetojevic that's orthogonal, std::function just holds a callable
@MiroslavCetojevic because the target may implement multiple interfaces
yeah it's ugly, and I wouldn't recommend it
all right, thanks for your time
2 hours later…
Guys, can you recommend some good materials about concurrent pogramming (or should I call it asynchronous programming or multithreading programming? ) of C++? I am doing a exercise and it basically asks me to do 3 three things:
1. Write a producer
2. Write a consumer
3. Write a ring buffer connects producer and consumer.

Producer -> ring buffer -> consumer

So I think I need to learn some asynchronous stuff to accomplish that.
@Rick it may be C++ related, but I think you would be better served asking the people on softwareengineering.stackexchange.com
on second thought, there's a definitive C++ book list
Dude, nobody's in that chatroom you provided.
too bad
did you look at the list?
I remember at least one book about concurrency
I know there's a book list. But now I don't need such a thorough introduction and just wanna see if any Big Boss here would give me some of their "favourite stuffs". :D
Thank you anyway :D
I've found some videos and articles btw :D
I've been taking a look at the boost/operators.hpp documentation, where they talk about return value optimization
// least optimal implementation
T operator+(const T& lhs, const T& rhs) {
   return T(lhs) += rhs;

// 2nd most optimal implementation
T operator+(T lhs, const T& rhs) {
   return lhs += rhs;

// most optimal implementation
T operator+(const T& lhs, const T& rhs) {
   T nrv(lhs);
   nrv += rhs;
   return nrv;
does the above hold true?
I'm not sure, but it seems like the 3rd implementation creates at least one copy less than the other two
the cppreference example shows a slightly different implementation
// friends defined inside class body are inline and are hidden from non-ADL lookup
// passing lhs by value helps optimize chained a+b+c otherwise, both parameters may be const references
friend X operator+(X lhs, const X& rhs) {
    lhs += rhs; // reuse compound assignment
    return lhs; // return the result by value (uses move constructor)
that'll still make a copy from lhs to the return slot, is the same as the 3rd one above
is the X lhs parameter is equivalent to T nrv(lhs);?
ah, ok
@ratchetfreak so the third and fourth examples are equivalent?
return value optimization (named or otherwise) relies on the fact that the location of the returned object is allocated by the caller and the pointer to it is passed as a hidden parameter
so lhs is passed (internally) as a pointer to the += operator, and the return slot gets that pointer when the call is finished?
a+b; gets translated to a.operator+(b); which after translating into free function and refs to pointers and adding return slot becomes impl_operator+(&a,&b,&ret);
ret is uninitialized when the call begins and the called function will fill it with the return value.
don't you mean a+=b?
+= has to return a reference so it doesn't count there
6 hours later…
register const unsigned long *b = array1;

while (x) {
res |= *b;

im tying to figure out what this function does. Im not that familiar with c++.

This is what i believe it does (python)
i = 0
while (x):
res |= b[i]
i += 1
amazing use of the register keyword (not)
it's actually removed as of C++17
im not the one to blame here ;)
it's pretty much like Python's
i = 0
while x != 0:
    res |= b[i]
    i += 1
is equal to b[0]
then b++ makes the pointer point to b[1] ?
Is there a good way to send the bits in a double into a uint64 (and vice versa) going through the conversion or spilling to memory?
For example:
double x = 1.0000000714790076;
uint64_t y = <function of x>;
// y is then equal to 0x3ff000000997fffd
errr, oops
I mean y is 0x3ff0000013300000
uint64_t y = reinterpret_cast<uint64_t*>(&x)[0];
but this isn't ideal
memory spills and all
std::memcpy is probably your best bet. It may well be UB or Implementation Defined
std::memcpy(&u64_value, &double_value, sizeof(uint64_t)); (assuming sizeof(uint64_t) == sizeof(double))
memcpy causes a fetch from memory though
memcpy is extremely optimizable
Compilers special-case it IIUC
If they don't special-case it, they still do a good job with it
any memory spilling at all is unacceptable for what I'm trying to accomplish here. The latency is just too high
I may end up doing this part in assembly, honestly
what exactly does memory spilling mean in this context?
it means a fetch from memory. It seems that memcpy will not always result in such, but I am not sufficiently confident that it will never.
There's probably some vendor-specific builtin which will never access main memory; you'll have to search for your particular vendor.
Otherwise, if you write a conversion function which takes its parameters by value and it converts via std::memcpy (or equivalent), you are practically guaranteed it will be optimized away (with optimizations on). You only have to check the output for the compilers you wish to support.
	double d = 1.0000000714790076;
	std::uint64_t result1, result2;
	std::memcpy(&result1, &d, sizeof(result1));
	result2 = reinterpret_cast<uint64_t>(&d);

	std::cout << result1 << std::endl;
	std::cout << result2 << std::endl;
output is quite different
> result2 = reinterpret_cast<uint64_t>(&d);
That's the address of, not the value of
seems like casting between double and uint64_t is not allowed
Also, FWIW, I get the exact same assembly / results with reinterpret_cast<uint64_t const&>(d) as with std::memcpy: godbolt.org/z/Ml0pGX
Equivalently *reinterpret_cast<uint64_t const*>(&d)
I'm pretty sure this reinterpret_cast is UB, though. I think the std::memcpy might not be
ah, now it works, needed references instread of pointer/address
man, this sucks, ostream doesn't output floating point on its own
What do you mean?
You can output floating point numbers to an ostream
I tried double d = 1.0000000714790076; std::cout << d;
all I got was 1
There's all sorts of formatting options
By default it goes for "human readable"
You can ask it for specific formats

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