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class HasPointer2 {
	std::string* ps;
	std::size_t* refcount;
	int length;

	HasPointer2(const HasPointer2& hp): // copy constructor
		ps(hp.ps), refcount(&(++*hp.refcount)), length(hp.length) {}
instead of adjusting the refcount in the block of the copy constructor I chose to be clever and do it in the member list
perhaps too clever?
I'd consider that not good. Clever code in general is not good due to being hard to maintain.
And you have quite a way to go to make that a smart pointer.
yes, copy-assignment and destructor, but I left that out
would commenting that particular bit make it clearer or is it still too clever?
Writing good code trumps good comments.
You can write this in a simpler way, so you should.
there's an undeniable satisfaction about writing clever code, though
oh, well, I agree with you anyway
this should work well enough as a custom smart pointer, right?
class HasPointer2 {
	std::string* ps;
	std::size_t* prefcount;
	int length;
	void on_destruct() {
		if(--(*prefcount) == 0) {
			delete ps;
			delete prefcount;

	HasPointer2(const std::string& s = std::string()): // optional
		ps(new std::string(s)), prefcount(new std::size_t(1)), length(ps->length()) {}

	HasPointer2(const HasPointer2& hp):
		ps(hp.ps), prefcount(hp.prefcount), length(hp.length) { ++(*hp.prefcount); }

	~HasPointer2() {

	HasPointer2& operator=(const HasPointer2& rhs) {
It doesn't look very useful, you can't modify the string, you can't even access it. Why would you have a length member, instead of just calling ps->length()?
Why not just use std::shared_ptr?
because it's an exercise to learn C++
I'm going through C++ Primer
@MiroslavCetojevic Agreed, but that is what ioccc.org is for. Or whatever the C++ equivalent is. codegolf.stackexchange.com maybe.
@MiroslavCetojevic You might also want to implement the move assignment operator and the move constructor.
And maybe stick your std::string and the prefcount into a struct so you only need one allocation.
Comparison operators could be useful
@DexterCD I'll be getting there, since the move-controls are part of copy-control of C++
not sure about the struct, though
#include <cstddef>
#include <string>

using Pointers = struct t_pointers {
	std::string str;
	std::size_t refcount;

class HasPointer2 {
	Pointers* p;
	void on_destruct() {
		if(--(p->refcount) == 0) {
			delete p;

	HasPointer2(const std::string& s = std::string()): p(new Pointers()) {
		p->str = s;
		p->refcount = 1;
		std::cout << "HasPointer2(const std::string& s = std::string()): p(new Pointers()) {} is called" << std::endl;

	HasPointer2(const HasPointer2& hp): p(hp.p) {
Why "using Pointers = struct t_pointers ..." Instead of just "struct Pointers ..."?
oops, had the C syntax somewhere in my head
C++ structs are different from C structs, but I forget that sometimes
To make the class useful you'll probably want to be able to dereference it: "std::string& operator*() { return p->str; }"
and operator->()
the class has no use beyond demonstrating how copy-control works in C++
Has anyone here created an Android app using only C++?
3 hours later…
Hi Guys
scanf char and then integer simultaneously isn't working in C
any help? guys
Imagine for a second you are someone else. Someone who has great knowledge of C, but only knows about your problem from what you said. Do you think that person would have any clue what you are talking about?
Then imagine all the things you need to say to get that person up to speed on your problem. Then pack all of that into a message and send that.
Might require a link to some code on coliru for example.
should probably use the room specifically meant for C, though
Unfortunately the C room is dead. C++ answers will have to do.
oh well
@nwp are you familiar with writing swap function for user-defined types/classes?
You should not need to do that. std::swap + rule of 0 should have you covered. If not show some code.
@nwp #include <stdio.h>
#include <string>

void main()
char name[10];
int option = 0;

printf("Enter name: ");
scanf("%s", name);
printf("Enter option: ");
scanf("%d", &option); //here skips input and program is exited

@nwp all right, this is from C++ Primer
class HasPtr {
friend void swap(HasPtr&, HasPtr&);
// other members as in § 13.2.1 (p. 511)
void swap(HasPtr &lhs, HasPtr &rhs)
sing std::swap;
swap(lhs.ps, rhs.ps); // swap the pointers, not the string data
swap(lhs.i, rhs.i); // swap the int members
There is also a "Fixed Font" button that appears when you paste code. Alternatively press CTRL+K. It makes the chat screw up formatting less.
sorry for that I didn't know that
apparently this forces the compiler to look for user-defined swap functions if they exist
in the case of the class above, it doesn't matter, std::swap is called for built-in types anyway
but if you were to swap something else, is that how it's supposed to be written?
@TaimurAyaz Works for me.
@MiroslavCetojevic Yes. If you for example have 2 HasPtrs and want to swap them you can do using std::swap; swap(ptr1, ptr2);. Overload resolution then decides that your function is a better match than std::swap and yours is used. If you don't supply one std::swap is used instead.
It's a neat trick. I have not seen it be useful in practice. I never write swap functions for my classes.
you probably don't have to sort objects of classes you write, I'm guessing
I do. But like I said, std::swap is good enough.
And like I said you can remove your swap implementation and it still compiles and does what you expect.
At least if you didn't screw up special member functions.
@nwp the book says it makes unnecessary copies, that's why a custom swap makes sense (for optimization)
Sure, if you need that 0.1% performance do it. I have not been in that situation and I have no clue how accurate that number is.
Compilers are pretty good at optimizing out unnecessary copies.
might only applies to cases where the author of the class has decided to manage memory by him/herself
No, even in this case std::swap does the right thing.
yes, I hear compilers nowadays are almost always smarter than the programmers ^^
with regard to optimization, of course
You are supposed to not talk about performance unless you do benchmarking and profiling. If benchmarking says the program is too slow and profiling says that significant amounts of time are spent inside std::swap consider writing your own. I find that scenario extremely unlikely.
yeah, I shall be using std::swap from now on, until the unlikely case happens where a custom variant would be better for performance
does std::swap do a whole temporary copy, if a class has a variety of class members, built-in pointers and primitives, or is the swap done for each of those members (and the underlying members, if any)?
std::swap doesn't know about members. It does
template<class T>
void swap(T &lhs, T &rhs) {
    T temp = std::move(lhs);
    lhs = std::move(rhs);
    rhs = std::move(temp);
It relies on the move-constructor and move-assignment operator to do the right thing.
ah, have yet to learn about the move semantics
You get those by default and the default implementation indeed simply does the same what is done to the object to each member.
You cannot actually implement that in C++, those default implementations are hardcoded into the language.
you mean it calls the default move for each member?
that does sound like the whole custom swap thing would be an useless thing to do
i need help
2 hours later…
I have to get ticks since boot in linux (from userspace). times is not an option in my case, so currently the only way I see is to add ioctl to simply get jiffies (yes, I can afford this.) Any suggestions/critics.?

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