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Anyone know why this works to disable output?
#ifdef DEBUG
#define pout cout
#define pout 0 && cout
how much do you know about building things from source?
5 hours later…
ostream &operator<<(ostream &os, const Sales_data &item)
os << item.isbn() << " " << item.units_sold << " "
<< item.revenue << " " << item.avg_price();
return os;
This is an example from Primer. Why do we need to return by reference?
All other things have been explained, except this
@jeea streams aren't copyable, you can't say ostream newStream = std::cout, but you can say ostream& refStream = std::cout.
it's explained somewhere down the line
as @DexterCD points out, streams cannot be copied, so you have to pass a reference.
Oh yes, thanks @Dexter @Miroslav!!
Is it because streams dont have copy constructors?
@jeea Yes
@jeea By design. In order to make std::cout << 3 << 5; work, and to make these two operations write to the same stream
@milleniumbug v. nice example :) Thanks!
@milleniumbug since compilers apparently implicitly define copy constructors for user-defined classes if the user does not supply them, isn't it more like the compiler is explicitly "disallowed" to copy streams?
@MiroslavCetojevic Yes, this is true. But "you can't copy streams because the class has been designed so copy constructors are disabled" would only prompt a question "why was it designed that way?"
So I skipped over that answer and provided the answer to the latter question.
A: Why copying stringstream is not allowed?

NawazCopying of ANY stream in C++ is disabled by having made the copy constructor private. Any means ANY, whether it is stringstream, istream, ostream,iostream or whatever. Copying of stream is disabled because it doesn't make sense. Its very very very important to understand what stream means, to a...

pretty good explanation, basically stream is a mechanism, not data
I have a question, on the way postfix increment is implemented in c++
How does Abc operator++ (int) {...} cause postfix increment?
no, literally, the standard says so
that x++ will call x.operator++(0)
@jeea Are you asking how such a member function would be implemented?
and ++x will call x.operator++()
silly syntax, but you have to get used to it
that does not look right
why are you incrementing a local object @jeea?
Right, so operator++(int) here is implemented by making a copy, incrementing itself, and returning the copy. The function is written in an odd manner though, I'd just do { auto temp = *this; ++(*this); return temp; }
why not increment *this?
@Miroslav I guess then it will be same as pre increment
*this is implemented through the x++, and y++ parts
indeed, it's easier and to implement postfix increment by calling prefix increment and doing extra stuff that postfix needs
that is, what Dexter CD's code does
so I guess, the int parameter for the postfix operator isn't actually used?
@DexterCD yeah nice one! I understand now
@jeaa The *this value is modified in the same way, but a different value is returned.
One question, could we just also write for postfix, Complex operator++(int = 0/*or anything*/ ) {}
You mean just an empty function? that won't work in this case since you're not returning a Complex, but the function doesn't actually have to do something sensible, it's just recommended :-)
Do you mean the default parameter? I'm not sure that's allowed
@jeea well, find out and report back, I would like to know, too
though, @milleniumbug says the argument won't be used anyway, so it might not matter even if it's legal
ANd in postfix case, we are not returning reference because we shouldnt return references to temporarie?
@jeea That correct, returning a reference to a temporary is undefined behaviour
yes. you're creating a new object
@MiroslavCetojevic its working, but I better stick with (int) convention
@jeea does the postfix change the behavior if int = x where x > 0?
I tried int = 2
did it increment by 2 or more?
When you do a++ it's the same as a.operator++(0), so giving a default parameter won't change the value you get.
You're allowed to call operator++(int) explicitely, and provide another value, i.e a.operator++(2) will pass a 2. But as long as the implementation ignores the parameter it won't do anything different.
@DexterCD I thought so
a question for anyone interested: there are classes (like vector) that have explicit constructors, so you can't do a copy initialization in place of direct initialization.
vector<int> v1(10)`; // ok, direct initialization
vector<int> v2 = 10; // error, constructor that takes a size is explicit
wouldn't have been consistent to allow the 2nd line to be legal?
perhaps confusing, though
Well the first one clearly looks like you're calling a constructor and passing 10, the second one looks like you're making a vector that in some way represents 10.
so v2 = 10, but v2 != 10.
yeah, I guess, it would've been too confusing
plenty of examples where single-arg constructor should not be interpreted as implicit conversion
Indeed, kind of sad that explicit isn't the default :/
note that non-explicit constructor for vector would mean you could call void f(std::vector<long> vec); with f(20) which is definitely what you don't want
implicit conversion can be a major pain
are there languages where explicit conversions is the default behavior?
at least for non-primitives?
Are arrays of structs non-primitives? Because they decay to pointers to structs
arrays are not first class types in C anyway
1 hour later…
I learnt always passing things by reference is sometimes not an option, as for example in the case of postfix++ overloading, we are returning not a reference, so argument of operator<< should not be Complex& but rather Complex, am i right
#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

class Complex {
	int r, i;
	Complex (const Complex &c) {
		r = c.r;
		i = c.i;
	Complex (int x, int y) {
		r = x;
		i = y;
	Complex () {
		r= 0;
		i = 0;
	Complex &operator= (Complex &c) {
		r = c.r;
		i = c.i;
		return *this;

	Complex operator++(int=1) {
		Complex c;
		c.r = r++;
		c.i = i++;
		return c;

	Complex &operator++() {
		return *this;
	void display () {
		cout << r << " + " << i << "i\n";
	friend ostream &operator<<(ostream &out, Complex c);
@jeea To allow binding to a temporary, you want to use a reference to const.
Sorry for lack of a working example (I tried to reproduce an error I got in college earlier), but I'm doing cout << "Sum: " << d1 + d2 << endl; where d1 & d2 are 'Distance' objects (feet & inches, pretty straightforward as you may guess). The shift operators for I/O and also the + operator, to add two 'Distance' objects is overloaded.

The above snippet gives me an error (can't remember what sowwwyyy), but assigning d3 = d1 + d2, and THEN printing d3 works, but directly printing d1 + d2 doesn't. What may be wrong?
Strangely enough, it works on VS2017 at home :/
(I also tried enclosing d1 + d2 in parentheses, still didn't work.)
@jeea Here's your code, edited for style: coliru.stacked-crooked.com/a/782ffd41417f0f48
@Meraj99 Maybe you just made a typo. But it could technically also happen if d1 + d2 doesn't return a printable object, but is convertible to the type of d3, which is printable. I can't really say more without the compiler error message.
@Meraj99 Without code to look at, it's impossible to make a meaningful guess.
Ah alright, thanks anyway.
@DexterCD The prototype for the addition is: Distance operator +(Distance d2); (as a member function)
and it does return the corresponding values of d1 added to d2
My understanding is, since + returns a Distance object, << should also be invokable on said object right?
@Meraj99 Alright, I don't think it has to do with type conversions then. What does the << function look like?
@Meraj99 As side note, it's usually preferable to overload things like + (operators you expect to be symmetrical) as free functions. If x + 1 works, why should 1 + x not work?
@DexterCD friend ostream &operator <<(ostream &out, const Distance &d);
Looks good, and the one at college is exactly the same? If it instead is ostream &operator <<(ostream &out, Distance &d) then that would why cout << d1 + d2 doesn't work.
If you're talking about the friend function, yes, both are defined as friend.
@Meraj99 He means taking a reference to const vs. reference to non-const Distance.
The const in the function signature is very important. If you forgot it you can't stream temporary objects
Ah, I think it's probably that then. How does that not work though?
When a function takes a argument by reference that argument needs to be named, like d3
int& ir = 1 +3; doesn't work
const int& ir = 1 + 3; does work
It's the same for function arguments
Oh, that clears up a lot then. Thanks :D
one message didn't get through: as you can see: const references are a special case.
References rvalues/lvalues etc.. etc.. are very complex, so don't worry if you don't 'get' them yet. Essentially references are a way to give an alias to existing variables, but const references are less restricted, you can directly give them a value.
ah alright :/
as far as defining copy constructors go, which would be preferable under which circumstances?
Foo::Foo(const Foo& foo) { *this = foo; }
Foo::Foo(const Foo& foo): bar(foo.bar) {}
where bar is the only member of class Foo (a private string)
@DexterCD Well, a const reference is still a reference to some existing value, but in this case it can be to a temporary value.
@MiroslavCetojevic never
@MiroslavCetojevic You're in C++03 and you can't write Foo::Foo(const Foo& foo) = default;
See: rule of zero
@milleniumbug what is the rule of zero?
and I'm using C++14 compiler, (though I'm learning C++11)
@MiroslavCetojevic you never actually have to write a destructor and can instead rely on the members to clean themselves up
and if you do create a resource wrapper make it just a resource wrapper with no fancy stuff
yeah, I'm just learning about implicitly generated constructors
it's a bit of a pain that Foo() constructor needs to be written out, when I want to do Foo(string, string)
I'm like, "why"?
You don't need to write it out. Just write Foo() = default;
yes, that's what I meant
why write it at all, when the compiler is already supposed to do this?
You can have types which are not default constructible
I actually have a few such types in my code base. It would be incorrect for them to have a default constructor
@Justin you mean in case of Foo(T1 arg1, T2 arg2, ...)?
@MiroslavCetojevic I don't understand your question. I have a few types without default constructors but with other constructors which take arguments. They don't have a default constructor because they have some members which must be initialized to a non-default value in order to correctly set up their invariants
I also have some types with reference members, which cannot be left uninitialized.
well, I understand that
but why does C++ not generate the default constructor by itself in my Foo class?
suppose I wrote Foo(string, string) yada yada in my class, then later I write Foo f; in the main function
this won't compile unless I explicitly define the default constructor
if there is a non-default constructor the default constructor is not implicitly generated
@ratchetfreak yeah, that irks me a little, exactly that
If C++ implicitly generated the default constructor, how would you make a class like mine without a default constructor?
You could explicitly delete the constructor
But it wasn't made that way
As for why, maybe because C++11 introduced deleted functions
Before C++11, you couldn't delete an overload
I see
As for why it implicitly generates a default constructor in the first place, I believe it's to make classes which are struct-like easily be struct-like
The rationale is that when you write your own constructor then the default constructor will likely not work correctly. Note that this works: coliru.stacked-crooked.com/a/8debe41e458c73fa
@DexterCD this wouldn't work with a class, would it?
When you have private data member it'll not work.
but can you do two_strings tw;?
@MiroslavCetojevic It does. class and struct are the same thing except that a class is private by default and a struct is public by default coliru.stacked-crooked.com/a/586f76740ce86ffe
I just checked, you can't do two_strings tw(...); but two_strings tw{...}; works just fine
without any constructors, but public members
Yes, it's not calling a constructor. It's performing aggregate initialization
every time I think C++ is awesome, I realize, I also dislike it
@Justin In particular, it's pretty much necessary to maintain compatibility with C (unless you explicitly made struct and class entirely different sorts of things).
Hi, Can anyone please take a look here: https://repl.it/repls/CautiousEthicalGenericsoftware

I'm trying to do a quicksort and I wrote the algorithm/partitioning/operator overloading I needed, yet it doesn't sort names properly as I would like it to. What am I doing wrong?
@Rivasa there's a quicksort implementation using STL: en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/algorithm/partition
Oh I'm aware but I have to implement it myself.
it's been an awful long time since I last implemented quicksort, so I don't have useful advice
did you peruse the wikipedia article?
if you google "c++ quicksort implementation", you will find plenty of references
Yes I have
Like it sorts.. just not correctly?
why is the pivot an Employee, and how are you supposed to compare it?
Well I overloaded the operators in the Employee class. I made the pivot an Employee because that's the type of object I am sorting.
could've overloaded <=, because doing < || == is a little cumbersome
does the code save, if I change it?
Uhm I won't see changes no
all right
try this
You'd have to share link again
void quicksort(Employee list[], const int from, const int to) {
    /* TODO (1):
     * Perform a recursive quicksort algorithm.
   	if(to > from){
   		int pi = partition(list, from, to);
   		quicksort(list, from, pi - 1);
   		quicksort(list, pi + 1, to);
}// end quicksort()

lastS1Index_t partition(Employee list[], const int from, const int to) {
    /* TODO (2):
     * Partition the array into two sections, S1 and S2 using the first array
     * element as the pivot.
    Employee pivot = list[to];
it worked.
If you don't mind explaining
Why do those changes make it work?
eh, I just used this example to adjust your code: geeksforgeeks.org/cpp-program-for-quicksort
this was particularly important:
Employee pivot = list[to];
int i = from - 1;
for(int j = from; j <= to - 1; j++){...}
before, it was j < to - 1
I think it was int i = from;, too, but I forgot
Hmm.. looking over output now
It's a bit skewed
```Sorted employee list:
[108][Endime, Ellie]
[105][Fromagio, Fiona]
[104][Fennel, Fred]
[109][Noodle, Nelly]
[101][Olive, Oscar]
[107][Saffron, Sean]
[106][Spagetti, Selma]
[110][Tomato, Terry]
[103][Thyme, Tina]
[102][Taragon, Trish]```
Is what I got
Where as it should be
Sorted employee list:
[108][Endime, Ellie]
[104][Fennel, Fred]
[105][Fromagio, Fiona]
[109][Noodle, Nelly]
[101][Olive, Oscar]
[107][Saffron, Sean]
[106][Spagetti, Selma]
[102][Taragon, Trish]
[103][Thyme, Tina]
[110][Tomato, Terry]
Well, I got this:
Sorted employee list:
[108][Ellie, Endime]
[105][Fiona, Fromagio]
[104][Fred, Fennel]
[109][Nelly, Noodle]
[101][Oscar, Olive]
[107][Sean, Saffron]
[106][Selma, Spagetti]
[110][Terry, Tomato]
[103][Tina, Thyme]
[102][Trish, Taragon]
I suppose, your overloaded operators compare the first names in lexicographic fashion
that was it

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