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let's say I have this code:
shared_ptr<T> p = new T, q = new T;
p = q;
C++ Primersays: p and q are shared_ptrs holding pointers that can be converted to one another. Decrements p's reference count and increments q count; deletes p's existing memory if p's count goes to 0
but if q is assigned to p, shouldn't the reference counting mechanism be the other way around?
The result of p = q is that whatever q was holding is also held now by p, therefore the reference count of the thing held by q is now 2
yes, I tested that myself just now
I got confused by the wording
this also means that the old object that p used to point to got destroyed, right?
well, the whole process got explained later:
auto r = make_shared<int>(42); // int to which r points has one user
r = q; // assign to r, making it point to a different address
// increase the use count for the object to which q points
// reduce the use count of the object to which r had pointed
// the object r had pointed to has no users; that object is automatically freed
apparently trying to pass a reference to a shared pointer defeats the entire purpose of a shared pointer
I wonder why the standard allows shared pointers to be passed as reference?
What do you mean?
A: Should I pass a shared_ptr by reference?

Kerrek SBIn controlled circumstances you can pass the shared pointer by constant reference. Be sure that nobody is concurrently deleting the object, though this shouldn't be too hard if you're careful about to whom you give references. In general, you should pass the shared pointer as a straight copy. Th...

@MiroslavCetojevic Because it's a type like any other
@milleniumbug just seems to me an exception could've been made. The way I understand it, a reference shared pointer behaves exactly like a raw pointer
It doesn't. You can copy that reference and get partial ownership. Can't do that with a raw pointer.
I see
still, there's no real reason to pass a reference to a shared pointer, is there?
shared_ptr itself is very rarely needed, but you can probably construct an example where it makes sense.
if you copy a reference to a shared pointer, say, with std::copy, the copy points to the same object as the original, right?
and the reference count will be increased, then?
and when the copy then goes out of scope, the reference count should be decreased
It makes more sense when you think of references as alternative names for variables, not as objects.
1 hour later…
@MiroslavCetojevic And you can have a reference to a raw pointer too. If you have a variable, you can make a reference to it.
Passing a reference means you can manipulate the shared pointer itself in a function.
is there a way for C++ to retrieve name of the terminal that can be used to invoke the terminal itself via std::system("name of terminal")
on linux
/bin/sh should work on any linux.
Reading the SHELL environment variable might also help.
lol std::system
std::system is basically saying "let's give you some way to run external programs"... except let's not give any control over the executed program at all.
@nwp I used std::system("xfce4-terminal"); to open a terminal
/bin/sh doesn't have that effect
@milleniumbug bad experience with std::system?
Hi guys I try to run a code(openCV) inside Visual Studio 2017
when I run the code I have this line:
dip1 <path_to_image>
i tried dip1 <D:\Lenna.png> also <"D:\Lenna.png> but i can't run it for some reason
what is the correct way to add the image ?
@MiroslavCetojevic It's just that usually you want to know if the program you started has finished. Or send it input. Or read its output. system doesn't let you do any of those things.
I feel like the keyword volatile shouldn't exist
That's what the keyword pragma is for
The former is a directive for your compiler telling it that it shouldn't optimize the code, but instead should always be sure about the value of that variable's value by reading its value in memory
The latter is also used to give directives to your compiler about how to generate machine code. Eg: don't generate machine code that does floating point contraction
I suggest to introduce smth like this in the C language:

#pragma volatile \
int foo;'\
char bar;\

Or something along those lines.
Well, turns out I disagree with the usage of that keyword rather than its existence.
@traducerad volatile is not to tell your compiler not to optimize code. That's just an abuse of the keyword.
I thought volatile is intended to be used in thread programming, or something along these lines?
@nwp It is. Cf. C99 standard 6.7.3 footnote 116
@MiroslavCetojevic No, that is exactly what it is never supposed to be used for.
@MiroslavCetojevic Why do you think so?
Then I'm misremembering. I never used anything with volatile and don't know what purpose it serves in practice
A volatile declaration may be used to describe an object corresponding to a memory-mapped input/output port or an object accessed by an asynchronously interrupting function. Actions on objects so declared shall not be ‘‘optimized out’’ by an implementation or reordered except as permitted by the rules for evaluating expressions.
@traducerad that's the quote you were thinking of, right?
@MiroslavCetojevic yes
The idea of volatile is to be able to communicate with devices, for example a step motor. You give the step motor an address and can access it like regular memory. Except that regular memory behaves a certain way, for example you know that after you stored X you will read X, because that's how memory works. Devices on the other hand may let you store X to start the motor and then read Y which is the current speed.
volatile is used to say "this is a device, so memory rules do not apply". This means that the program must emit that X write even though it is never used by the program because it will be used by the device.
Then people started to use volatile for multithreading which randomly breaks because it doesn't have sufficient guarantees regarding reordering, because the compiler can reorder non-volatile accesses around volatile accesses, which makes sense with the device idea but no sense with multithreading.
@nwp What do you mean by reordering?
volatile int i; int j;
j = 5; i = 7;
can be reordered to
i = 7; j = 5;
or even optimized to
i = 7;
Which is what makes volatile pretty much useless in multithreading situations.
Even if you add barriers to prevent reordering it still sucks because the compiler is not allowed to optimize out volatile accesses because it assumes a device, but it is just memory, so it could actually optimize.
TLDR: Just use std::atomic.
@MiroslavCetojevic What nwp said. Do you want to run the program, do some other stuff in the meantime and then gather the results? No can do. Do you want to interact with a program in a request-response manner (as in, this program inputs something, I read the response)? Also nope.
@milleniumbug am I right in guessing that system was originally meant to pass arguments to a console only? That it's defined in <cstdlib> seems to suggest as much.
somebody online ?
@nwp tbf volatile shouldn't generally be used with non pointers either
1 hour later…
@Richard There is no answer to your question because the act of answering your question changes the correct answer.
@EuriPinhollow a very deep observation
2 hours later…
@MiroslavCetojevic being cruelly pedantic with newbs is satisfying.
is there some online c++ compiler i can somehow simulate input from files to?
i don't have my computer and this computer is quite slow and i can't run virtual box and linux on it
coliru.stacked-crooked.com has editable command line. You can paste any text to editor and "share" it to get internal filesystem path and then use it with input redirection.
can i remove all the guards in this header and just leave the include instructions: #ifndef IOSTREAM
#define IOSTREAM
#include <iostream>
#ifndef SSTREAM
#define SSTREAM
#include <sstream>
#ifndef FSTREAM
#define FSTREAM
#include <fstream>
#ifndef VECTOR
#define VECTOR
#include <vector>
#ifndef ITERATOR
#define ITERATOR
#include <iterator>
#include <algorithm>
sorry for the long one
You do not need any of those because it is assumed that every header has a guard in it.
okay, i'll remove them
Oct 18 at 10:50, by milleniumbug
standard headers already have include guards
Oct 24 at 12:13, by milleniumbug
You have been told countless times that these "include guards" around standard library headers are fucking retarded, because these headers already do it better than you do
yes, i just wanted to be sure before i removed
i fixed functionality, now i can do these things
however i do have a problem. in the following function, because "commands.txt" is not given, i get a segmentation fault(or is it because of something else?). how can i fix it?

std::vector<std::string> parseLines(TBST* tree)
std::string line;
std::ifstream input("commands.txt");
if (!input.is_open()){perror("error while opening file");}
if (input.bad()) {perror("error while reading file");}
for(std::string line; std::getline(input, line, '\n'); )
std::vector<std::string> setArgsFromFile = split(line);
onlinegdb.com/SJkvz5X2X full code if needed
Oct 18 at 19:07, by Justin
Shouldn't be the cause of your error, but you do not need to header-guard other peoples' headers. That is, the header guards around <string>, <math.h>, and <iostream> are completely unnecessary
i already removed the header guards
@BeginningMath perror does not prevent anything following it from evaulation/execution.
how should i fix it then?
try catch?
If it's not production code just do exit(1).
I always write this in proof of concept programs when I do not care about incorrect input and other prerequisites.
and how could i just print to the user that no file was given and continue functionality/
i have to deliver this code and i'm also using it for learning purposes
The easiest way would be to return {} whenever you have an error but try-catch is more future-proof.
@EuriPinhollow I'll bet
std::vector<std::string> parseLines(TBST* tree)
std::string line, filename;
cout<<"\n Please input the name of the with the commands you'd want to process \n";
getline(cin, filename);
std::ifstream input(filename);
if (!input.is_open()){perror("error while opening file"); return 0;}
if (input.bad()) {perror("error while reading file"); return 0;}
for(std::string line; std::getline(input, line, '\n'); )
std::vector<std::string> setArgsFromFile = split(line);
actByInput(tree, setArgsFromFile);
I'm referring to your "satisfying" comment
bah, forgot the std:: lol
but is the function better now?
just run the code and see if it's ok
not okay lol. because it does not terminate the function if there's a problem reading the file and i don't know how to sort it out correctly
it's not in main, it's a function located in a different cpp file
i can use if (!input.is_open()){throw std::runtime_error("error while opening file");}, but still it just quits the application and returns an error, instead of just writing to the user the file does not exist and continuing
@BeginningMath it's worse now because it won't compile.
I never suggested return 0.
yeah i know
what i did to make it compile is
std::vector<std::string> parseLines(TBST* tree)
std::string line, filename;
std::cout<<"\n Please input the name of the with the commands you'd want to process \n";
std::getline(std::cin, filename);
std::ifstream input(filename);
if (!input.is_open()){throw std::runtime_error("error while opening file");}
if (input.bad()) {throw std::runtime_error("error while reading file");}
for(std::string line; std::getline(input, line, '\n'); )
std::vector<std::string> setArgsFromFile = split(line);
but it's basically terminating the program with an output of the cause, without actually continuing with the flow of the function
so wheere do you get your error?
if he doesn't supply a readable file(for instance of not exists)
perhaps check first if filename is valid
is it empty or null or whatever invalid states you can expect from user input

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