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@Mikhail Which part do you have trouble understanding?
@Annabelle what exactly does "activate the corresponding function of the first encountered timepoint over a certain threshold" mean?
@cHao @Mikhail

So say I have an extra function that takes an argument based on the index of the time_point array. In that case, what I would like to happen is such:

func f()
scan through timepoint array sequentially/iterate through the array
call g(index) with whatever timepoint I first encountered that is larger than 60 sec difference between the moment the timepoint was made/reset and when f() was called.
break out of the loop and somehow mark that timepoints(index) was the one that was called/used.
Does that make any sense?
@Annabelle barely. seems rather convoluted
I'm probably just approaching it wrong then..
Or I guess I'm having an XY problem
Okay! Let me ask a different thing...

What is the best method to keep track of a specified item at a certain index in an array, and manipulate it across functions, which will allow me to change the item I am keeping track of at will? @cHao
That's probably the core issue I have
Keep tracking of an item is keep track of the index, so many structures can store the index, just don't have the underlying structure and you'll be fine. If the order matter too much you can just pass around references or pointers.
Should I just use a regular old pointer.. or is a unique_ptr still a good idea?
4 hours later…
@Annabelle You didn't describe X, you just made Y more vague
8 hours later…
Q: Arduino std::map returning random values

ex080I'm working with an arduino UNO. I would like to be able to send it set and get commands over serial and have it update class data class members accordingly by key value pair. I spoke to users in the cpp room, and they suggested I try using map to map every key to value. command structure comma...

Is there a scanner.hasNextInt() equivalent of Java in C++?
I know how to check if input exists or not (while(scanf("%d", &d) != EOF), but how to check if the next entry is exactly an int
also, suppose user input is:

1 2 3
4 5 6 7

where each line has variable number of integer inputs, then how do I process exactly those many ints in one line?
for example, I intend to output the sum of the numbers of each line:

I am stuck because scanf("%d") deliberately skips all whitespace and newline inputs
Feb 24 '17 at 20:12, by milleniumbug
@sweg_yolo_69 read entire lines with std::getline, split the lines by using std::stringstream
and then parse those integers as well :(
so much work
how about I repeatedly do scanf("%d%c"), hopefully the %c will also catch the newline
lemme try
#include  <stdio.h>

int main(void)
    int sum = 0, d = 0;
    char c;
    while(scanf("%d%c", &d, &c) != EOF){
        if(c == '\n'){
            printf("- %d\n", d);
            printf("sum = %d\n", sum + d);
            sum = 0;
            printf("- %d\n", d);
            sum += d;

    printf("sum = %d\n", sum);

    return 0;
It worked! :D
2 hours later…
@GaurangTandon This is much easier to do using "real" C++. Specifically, use getline to read in an entire line, then put that line of data into a std::stringstream, and read the data from the stringstream. Since you started with exactly one line, there's no way reading from the stringstream can possibly read beyond that line.
4 hours later…
or use getline from stdio.h
@Mikhail I was careful to only specify getline, not whether that was std::getline or the getline in stdio.h (since either if fine under the circumstances). I know which I'd used, but to each his/her own.
@JerryCoffin YOU SAID C++
C + +
@Mikhail Yes I did. Do you know of something that prevents one from using ::getline in C++? I certainly don't.
Don't play games with me, you wrote "real" C++. That ain't "real" C++
@Mikhail That part may not be--but the stringstream is.

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