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Why this question is closed for the reason "not a real question"?
I am curious.
@Rick "Can you give some example or a link to a topic." is not a question at all. SO wants a best expert answer. You cannot have a best example. Additionally link-only answers are considered bad. In combination with "What is predicate in C++?" it is kind of a question, but at the quality of "How is babby formed??" with no way to create a precise answer, because you can always add more information and have no clue what information the person needs.
Additionally people sometimes use the same words for different things, so the question arose in context with something, but that something was not given, so you are lacking required context.
ok. :D
It is phrased much better and gives much better context, but it is still a terrible question.
The question is from the ancient times when any garbage got 100 upvotes. Nowadays it would instantly be downvoted and closed.
The standard for what is acceptable on SO has changed significantly over the years to you have to look at the question date to understand why some questions are received the way they are.
OK. So it's a bad question as for SO and probably it should be asked in other sites. Maybe for softwareengineering.stackoverflow.com it's considered a proper one?
It's a terrible questions no matter where you ask it. The only proper answer is "Google it" or "Read a book", neither of which SO is good at.
ok I see
Thanks ~ (´▽`ʃ♡ƪ)
The absolute minimum is to give context, like "unary predicate which returns ​true for the required elements", but even then the answer helps maybe 1 person and does not reflect the vision of creating a collection of expert knowledge. Also the answer would still be RTFM because the term is linked and explained.
2 hours later…
need a advice about this:
Iam struggle with need to control the drawing of particular elements in my rendering loop over flags, which i set from outside.
slot methods are for some cases good, but when its only to set one flag...i think thats to overdose....so set it directly would be fit better.
can i ask here for hhelp?
@DiCri yes
i am trying to pass a void* as an argument through a function.
I first had a struct pointer and i casted it to void*.
in the function i recasted that void* to struct* but variables in it are different than before
no compiler errors and no runtime crashes, values are different
@DiCri please post code
If you are using C++ consider getting rid of the 2 casts which will probably also solve the problem.
2 hours later…
can any1 help me pass this as an argument?
doSomething(&class::function) ?
how should the doSomething function look like
void doSomething(std::function<return_type(class&, rest, of, the, parameters)> fun)
template<typename Func>
void doSomething(Func fun)
    std::invoke(fun, arguments);
and what if I'd like to store it in a member?
std::function<void()> mPtr;
mPtr = fun ?
well, you can have variables of type std::function, so yes, you can store it as a member
How do you preserve the formatting and colors when pasting C++ code into PowerPoint? Surely there must be a more elegant way other than the Notepad++ Npp route. Do you have any experience with it?
I must say I don't have the VS installed.
lots of them beautifiers that format to HTML
@Ron I guess you could copy formatted text to PowerPoint afterwards
millenium but I want to run it in a constructor
can't recommend a specific one because I didn't have a need for them
@Dariusz so?
Im trying to store it so that later I can properly do connection in qt
it's a member function
do you have a specific instance you want to call this on, or does the caller provide the instance
if it's the former, you should write it as std::function<void(icToolBar&)>
hmm I think the caller provides if I understand correcrtly. Id make something like

new icAction("name",this,&icToolBar::xx)
new icAction("name2",someobj,&obj:ccc)
im unsure yet if I would limit it to only toolbar
or if I would expand it, just trying new concept/idea/ here
@milleniumbug Appreciate it.
the thing you're doing is passing the data and callback separately, and binding it inside the class
also, obligatory "lol new"
the interface is more elastic if you allow the user to bind at call-site, e.g.
whatever("name", [this](){ xx(); })
whatever("name2", [&someobj](){ someobj.ccc(); })
then whatever can be just whatever(std::string name, std::function<void()> func)
nots ure I want to use QObject::connect(obj,&obj::trigger, obj, &class::func)
I've used this for long time but only now starting to debunk it & try to understand how I can manipulate it a little more
Qt's system of signals and slots predates std::function
so obviously it couldn't use it
so humh
how can I store the function
and then pass to connect?
essentially Im trying to drag a widget from 1 qtWidget to another, and upon dropping I need to re-connect the signal to use the newer qtWidget data members
so as far as I know it will be something like
mOldObj = newObhPtr;
&icToolBar::xx is a member function pointer, and these are annoying
hence, why I started with saying to use std::function, but Qt :/
&icToolBar::xx is of type void (icToolBar::*)()
you can declare one with void (icToolBar::name_of_the_variable*)();
...yes, the syntax is atrocious
@Dariusz I'm fairly sure you don't need to store the function and you don't pass a pointer to an std::function. You should pass in the std::function by value and it should work.
saved; a person who actually knows Qt and can actually give sensible advice :)
so is this how the constructor of QAction should look like?
icAction(QString text, QObject *objPtr, std::function<void()> functionPtr)?
as far as I can tell, if I connect a signal and then do drag/drop between 2 tool bars that does simple print this, no matter where I drag the button to it will always call the original toolbar function and not the curently parrented toolbar function
Can you say high-level what you want to do? Something like "I want to make a rightclick menu that runs some code when I select an option"?
Im bad at explaining :- (
esentially I want to store the obj/function so that I can later change it/restore/update/etc
Have you tried setParent in your drag function?
the connection would
that could sorta work
it wont, I need to set it up again the connection object
setting parent does not help he st ill uses other data
Another idea would be to not connect to the object directly. Instead you connect to a function inside myAction. The function then uses parent() to figure out which toolbar it is currently in and call the slot on it.
I would still need to pass function
passing object does not seem to be the issue
the hicki seem to be storing the function
@Dariusz I thought that's what you wanted. Can you show the ideal syntax and what it does?
I did on qt forum
in construction I store obj & function, in reconnect I deisconned old object and connect to new object
reusing the already stored function
I saw that and I thought that's what you want, but then you said "I would still need to pass function", indicating that you would rather not.
but I get
error C2664: 'myAction::myAction(const icAction &)': cannot convert argument 3 from 'void (__cdecl icToolBar::* )(void)' to 'std::function<void (void)>'
well I pass it here > std::function<void()> functionPtr
in constructor
doesn't connect return a connection handle so you can disconnect it later?
@Dariusz Changing it to std::function<void(icToolBar*)> probably works.
(also error messages are something you should include in your question)
is this how I should construct it ?
addAction("Something", this, &icToolBar::printTest);
Yes. Assuming printTest takes no arguments.
error C2664: 'myAction::myAction(const myAction&)': cannot convert argument 3 from 'void (__cdecl icToolBar::* )(void)' to 'std::function<void (void)>'
note: No constructor could take the source type, or constructor overload resolution was ambiguous
error C2664: 'std::function<void (icToolBar &)>::function(std::function<void (icToolBar &)> &&)': cannot convert argument 1 from 'std::function<void (void)>' to 'std::nullptr_t'
note: No user-defined-conversion operator available that can perform this conversion, or the operator cannot be called
(see full text)
If it does add them to the end of the arguments.
@Dariusz You didn't change the signature like I suggested.
that was the old error
error C2338: Signal and slot arguments are not compatible.
note: see reference to function template instantiation 'QMetaObject::Connection QObject::connect<void(__cdecl QAction::* )(bool),std::function<void (icToolBar *)>*>(const QAction *,Func1,const QObject *,Func2,Qt::ConnectionType)' being compiled
Func1=void (__cdecl QAction::* )(bool),
Func2=std::function<void (icToolBar *)> *
That is starting to make sense to me.
Have you provided the icToolBar * to connect at the position you call that?
you lost me here
What does the line look like that caused the new error?
o here is rest of error, didnt notice the below part
C:\Qt\5.10.1\msvc2017_64\include\QtCore/qobjectdefs_impl.h(351): error C2228: left of '.()' must have class/struct/union
C:\Qt\5.10.1\msvc2017_64\include\QtCore/qobjectdefs_impl.h(351): note: type is 'std::function<void (icToolBar *)> *'
C:\Qt\5.10.1\msvc2017_64\include\QtCore/qobjectdefs_impl.h(351): note: did you intend to use '->' instead?
C:\Qt\5.10.1\msvc2017_64\include\QtCore/qobject.h(323): note: see reference to class template instantiation 'QtPrivate::FunctorReturnType<Func2,QtPrivate::List_Left<QtPrivate::List<bool>,0>::Value>' being compiled
(see full text)
line that caused error
connect(this, &QAction::triggered, objPtr, &mFunction);
What is mFunction?
part of construction
icAction::icAction(QString text, QObject *objPtr, std::function<void(icToolBar*)> functionPtr) : mObjPtr(objPtr), mFunction(functionPtr) {
connect(this, &QAction::triggered, objPtr, &mFunction);
What is the type of it?
of icAction?
icAction :public QAction()
No, of mFunction.
std::function<void(icToolBar*)> mFunction;
Ok, so you definitely do not want to pass &mFunction.
is that in constructor ?
And the current syntax makes the slot try to call objPtr->mFunction() which doesn't make any sense.
@Dariusz In connect.
So something that should compile at least is connect(this, &QAction::triggered, [objPtr, &mFunction]{ mFunction(objPtr); });.
It may not do what you want yet though, because it doesn't do dynamic lookup of the toolbar, it just captures a single toolbar.
So we don't actually want to do mFunction(objPtr);, we want to do mFunction(get_the_current_tool_bar());. Not sure where exactly you get that from, but calling parent() from the right object might do the trick.
mFunction(objPtr) is highlighted and say that called object is not a function
error C3480: 'icAction::mFunction': a lambda capture variable must be from an enclosing function scope
error C4573: the usage of 'icAction::mFunction' requires the compiler to capture 'this' but the current default capture mode does not allow it
error C2064: term does not evaluate to a function taking 1 arguments
Try replacing [objPtr, &mFunction] with [this].
And maybe you still need objPtr if it is not a member of myAction.
im bit lost, why are we passing obj in mFunction ?
mFunction should just bed called no ?
Well no, it currently is a std::function<void(icToolBar*)> which means it takes a icToolBar* as parameter and returns void (aka nothing).
Unless you changed it back to std::function<void(void)>, in that case we don't want to pass anything.
the mfunction (objPtr) does not compile, , but this does
connect(this, &QAction::triggered, [this] { mFunction; });

but I get no signal out of it, function does not get called
ill try double void
Well yeah, you didn't call mFunction.
mFunction; has no effect just like 1+2;. Your compiler should warn you about that.
connect(this, &QAction::triggered, [this]{ mFunction(); });
error C2064: term does not evaluate to a function taking 0 arguments
note: class does not define an 'operator()' or a user defined conversion operator to a pointer-to-function or reference-to-function that takes appropriate number of arguments
term does not evaluate to a function taking 0 arguments
std::function<void(icToolBar*)> mFunction;
Exactly, it evaluates to a term taking 1 argument which is a icToolBar*.
void printTest(); < its in the icToolBar class
Well yeah, but printTest is a member function and requires a icToolBar to be called. You can't call it without one.
connect(this, &QAction::triggered, [this] { mFunction(objPtr); });
error C3493: 'objPtr' cannot be implicitly captured because no default capture mode has been specified
If you didn't mean that you can make it static.
@Dariusz Use [this, objPtr] to make it capture objPtr too.
connect(this, &QAction::triggered, [this, objPtr] { mFunction(objPtr); });
error C2664: 'void std::_Func_class<_Ret,icToolBar *>::operator ()(icToolBar *) const': cannot convert argument 1 from 'QObject *const ' to 'icToolBar *'
note: Types pointed to are unrelated; conversion requires reinterpret_cast, C-style cast or function-style cast
should I cast it?
No. You should change objPtr's type from QObject* to icToolBar*.
doing it now
good news, it compiled and function gets called
let me see if I can do the connect/disconnect
some good news
I can connect again once I drop item
but I cant disconnect - yet :D
yep it works
I did
connect(this, &QAction::triggered, [this, objPtr] { mFunction(objPtr); });
so no need to store mObjPtr anymore
only function
amazing thanks!
you can save the return value of the connect call and use that for disconnecting
woath this is interesting stuff
what is that? I did not see any return val in connection
o wait
it does, what the hell
is it like this ? QMetaObject::Connection conn = connect(this, &QAction::triggered, [this, objPtr] { mFunction(objPtr); });
this->connection = connect(this, &QAction::triggered, [this, objPtr] { mFunction(objPtr); });
but what is connection ?
a field with type QMetaObject::Connection
should it be a pointer or just object?
keep by value
yep it works
thanks thats even better :- )))))))
6 hours later…
I need help debugging a strange edge case in which adding code later in the program can cause lines earlier on to cause segmentation faults. Is anyone willing?
use valgrind
(if you're on linux)
You betcha
windows would probably just die
I had no idea that was free software
one line introduction to valgrind: valgrind --vgdb=yes --vgdb-error=0 ./my_program in one terminal, and open another terminal and follow the instructions from shown in the first one (as in, running gdb ./my_program and paste in the command target remote | whatever). That will allow you to break into the debugger at the first memory corruption
@NonnyMoose sounds like UB
what is ub
undefined behavior
that will allow you to break into the debugger at the first memory corruption
@milleniumbug :O I had no idea that valgrind could connect with gdb like that. Wish I knew about it before.
@milleniumbug thank you
@ratchetfreak It does, but it's been plaguing me long enough that I don't think it quite is
I'll rewrite this message to for better linkability
one line introduction to valgrind: valgrind --vgdb=yes --vgdb-error=0 ./my_program in one terminal, and open another terminal and follow the instructions from shown in the first one (as in, running gdb ./my_program and paste in the command target remote | whatever). This will provide a debugger with the program's currently executed instruction being at the start. If you issue a continue command in the debugger, it will stop at the first detected memory corruption error.
So I ran Valgrind on it and got:
Before segfault
==18585== Use of uninitialised value of size 8
==18585== at 0x109C0D: main (xievent.cpp:48)
==18585== (action on error) vgdb me ...
I take this to mean that one of the two variables on that line was uninitialized
Unfortunately, those variables are initialized without the additional code below it.
they were used at that line
Hmm? Yes.
you may want to show the code
My thoughts exactly
The line causing the problem is

captureEvents->deviceid = XIAllDevices;
captureEvents is of type XIEventMask*
I don't want to see the line itself, it's not relevant really
show the entire function
it's in main
I'll pastebin it
it's 120 lines
yeah, please do that
you said that captureEvents is initialized?
Yes, line 14
where is it initialized
14. XIEventMask *captureEvents;
that's a declaration of an uninitalized variable
oh wait, you're right
also, enable compile warnings
Nov 29 '16 at 17:38, by milleniumbug
PSA: Enable warnings in your compiler if you haven't already (in gcc: -Wall -Wextra -pedantic)
I bet you wouldn't believe me if I said I meant to do that 6 hrs ago ;)
how coinicidental
at least you won't forget next time
warning: comparison with string literal results in unspecified behavior
@ratchetfreak xd you were probably right
@milleniumbug so captureEvents is a c struct, no constructor. How do I initialize it?
captureEvents is a pointer
oops I meant XIEventMask
you'll need to see the docs for whatever library XIEventMask is defined in
Dumb question time: What am I looking for? There aren't any functions that return one.
Never mind. I can safely make it not a pointer.
if there's none, and the API exposes the data members (it does in this case, as you can access ->deviceid), and the docs don't say otherwise, you should be able to declare a variable of the struct itself, assign appropriate values to all the members, and pass the pointer to it
Hey, that's what I did! *grin*
@milleniumbug Thank you; you have helped me solve the problem.
That problem, anyway
I'm definitely going to have to run valgrind on the final product too :)
Valgrind is a Linux killer app basically for me

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