I want to have a key that is formed by two elements (hence the first pair). then based on each key I want to populate the value with a pair (like Left and Right) where each side has a set. I want to iterate over those set each time and add/remove strings.
this is too verbose, but it works: mydata.emplace(std::make_pair<int, int>(42,42), std::make_pair<std::set<std::string>, std::set<std::string>>({"hi", "hello"}, {"hi", "hello"}));
@login_not_failed I'm not hardcoding data into the program, can you give me an example how I could take advantage of that? (I can't think of any un;ess of hardcoding)
Should I provide an external link of C++ code with third-party tools (I don't know what to use, something like JSFiddle maybe?) or just paste all the code in the question? Because I think it may look too overwhelming with even 3 files, 1 main.cpp, 1 header files and corresponding cpp file. Any suggestions?
The definition of the function is provided at link-time. There may not even be a source file for it on your system. And I believe the standard library is dynamically linked.
When I've wanted to see the source for standard library stuff, I look into the implementations. libc++, libstdc++
But be warned that the code in standard library files is really hard to read. They do some things that shouldn't be done outside of the standard library, such as use a strange naming convention (which you aren't even allowed to use unless you are a standard library implementer) so that their code is less likely to break with macros
The dynamic linking of the C and C++ standard libraries is why the executables appear to be so "small". If you look at the size of a Rust Hello World executable, it seems much larger than an equivalent C or C++ one. This is because the Rust standard library is linked statically. Or at least it was, last I checked