Hey guys, I'm trying to use intel's MKL/IPP libraries
I know that the path is /opt/intel/compilers_and_libraries_2018.3.185/mac/ipp, and so I included that in my -L and -Wl,rpath= flags. However, it still can't find the header file. Is there something that I'm missing?
Large parts like BLAS, don't really need their headers - in the sense the BLAS is binary compatible across different implementations (as it declares c-style linkage).
Hey all! I've a small query: how is a .header file in C different from import statements in Python? I am asking because I noticed that when we import a library, in Python we write: import math; math.pow(2,3), but in C if we do #include <stdio.h>, we can later directly use printf() instead of stdio.printf(). Why so?
@Mgetz hmm, I see. Doesn't that pollute namespace though? What if I had a function printf in my own code, and now I also need to #include the stdio.header file. Is there no way to work around that?
does this make sense this->immutable_table.push_back(std::make_pair(std::static_cast<int>(it - this->table.begin()), std::distance(it->begin(), _it)); - I have a std::vector of std::array and I wanna save the vector's iterator as well as the arrays