Should non-getter const member functions be avoided because if the function isn't modifying the class's member variables, then it is likely some utility function and shouldn't belong in that class in the first place?
@nobism Depends, for example, shape.getBoundingBox() const is a reasonable use of a const member function. I wouldn't call it a getter because you might need to do real computation to get the bounding box.
Because it's undefined behavior. C++ doesn't check for every object if it may have disappeared in the meantime because that is way too complicated and slow, so it just assumes the object exists without checking. Usually when an object gets destroyed the memory is not changed, so you can still access the same memory. Until some other object needs space and overwrites the old data, in which case you get garbage.
If you are on not-windows sanitizers can help you catch those problems because they do some object lifetime tracking and tell you when you access something you shouldn't have, even though the memory hasn't been re-used yet.
On windows I'm not sure what the best course of action is. VS has a code analysis tool that sometimes finds some problems.
well, here is the thing, I store the value_type values in instances of Node, what my code does is get the stored value of a Node and deletes it, to free up memory. Is this the cause of my issue?
@micsthepick Well, define those variables. But it kinda sounds like you are misunderstanding what static does.
@Ron I don't know. I was told by "effective modern c++" that you should generally use the non-member version because it allows you to add those functions to containers that don't have them, but in practice that has never come up. Maybe they will remove that distinction at the language level some day.
GradesDemo.o:GradesDemo.cpp: (.text$_ZN4NodeIiEC1EiPS0_S1_[__ZN4NodeIiEC1EiPS0_S1_]+0x7): undefined reference to `Node<int>::stored_value' GradesDemo.o:GradesDemo.cpp: (.text$_ZN4NodeIiE9get_valueEv[__ZN4NodeIiE9get_valueEv]+0x4): undefined reference to `Node<int>::stored_value' collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status
It looks like you have a static variable in a class. That is one per class. Constructors work per object, not per class, so they can't initialize static class objects.
@micsthepick Well yeah, the right side is a temporary that will disappear immediately, so a reference to it would immediately become invalid. You can either make it store the value using static value_type return_value or use the lifetime extension and do static const value_type& return_value which has essentially the same effect, except you cannot change return_value anymore.
The cout statement happens to prevent the deleted variables being overwritten for a little while. That's a bad thing because it hides a bug. You really want it to crash as early as an error happens.
one option would be getting to do standardization effort, interacting with other people on mailing groups (std-proposals and like), becoming a committee member or stuff like that
heh, like few books, e.g. stroustrup, sutter, alexandrescu, williams, vandevoorde And the isocpp thing There's few to know about C++ above all of this to my mind :)
Guys Before I make myself dig further into cppreference and such matters, can someone easily explain what's the crux of deduction guides? I mean, I've read something about them, but for now, they only seem to be a disambiguation for a template parameter of the "constructor return type" Are they useful for anything else? :)
The basic usage is Type(Parameters) -> Type<TemplateArgs>; to deduce the TemplateArgs from the type of the Parameters so you don't need to do std::mutex m; std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lg{m}; anymore.
Because it really should be std::lock_guard lg{m};. But that didn't compile previously because std::lock_guard is a template and requires template parameters.
@Ron What do you mean? Usually, if the declaration and definition can be separated (i.e. not a template or trivial inline function), I'd split them, to help with compile times (reduce what has to be recompiled when I make a change)
In this example, the std::swap does its job, but I can't see how, I thought std::swap calls move constructor of A, but here, -as "A move ctor" isnt printed- I guess, it doesnt. What is happening here?
@Mgetz Sorry, let me clarify the question, I meant the same types, there is no difference if I do it for A or B, no matter how more complex B is. If those two were vectors containing B's I mean. The swap would still work, no matter how more complex B type is, right?
@MuhamedCicak think about what a vector is internally... it is a pointer and a size. All that's happening is you're swapping the pointers and the sizes
(it's actually more complex than that but fundamentally it's close enough)
> Because the copy deduction candidate is typically more specialized than a wrapping constructor, this rule means that copying is generally preferred over wrapping.
I was wondering with my colleague today whether std::vector can be implemented to make use of small buffer optimization. By looking into the C++11 draft, I read at 23.3.1p8
The expression a.swap(b), for containers a and b of a standard container type other than array, shall exchange the valu...
I see. So nobody still needed specialization of vector for ints or doubles? I believe the most used vector element type are ints, doubles, and strings, and vectors themselves
@Incomputable um... no the most used specialization of vector is.. oh right anything
there is no reason to do a custom specialization of vector for int, the only one that needs a custom specialization is vector<bool> and that's because it's not really a vector
I found that clang 6 handles exceptions better than gcc 7, but both are still abysmally slow. I couldn't find any other way to return from two functions at once
class GameState { public: // When we enter the state. virtual void enter(GameStateMachine stateMachine) = 0; // When we update it. virtual void update(GameStateMachine stateMachine) = 0; // When we exit state, clean up. virtual void exit() = 0; };
@Annabelle that's a function which creates std::unique_ptr for you. The thing in <> is the type you want, and the arguments you pass in are arguments to the constructor of type in <>
@Annabelle I believe I found the right one. Imagine you're building a box with a lid. Instead of putting items before screwing the lid, you screw the lid, unscrew it and then put items and then screw the lid again. <- this is the assignment case
with initialization, it is like putting items right away and screwing the lid once
// Game State Header.
#include "GameState.h"
// SFML Headers.
#include <SFML/Graphics.hpp>
class MenuState : public GameState {
sf::RenderWindow *gameWindow;
sf::Text text;
sf::Font font;
// Constructor.
MenuState(sf::RenderWindow *window);
// Destructor.
// When we enter the state.
void enter(GameStateMachine& stateMachine);
// When we update it.
void update(GameStateMachine& stateMachine);
// When we exit state, clean up.
void exit();
@Mgetz Thanks for all the advice! I'm gonna go finish listening to that first lecture now. (Sidenote: C++98 and C++11/14/17) are very different, but also easier to use now.
First off, I'm not referring to scene management; I'm defining game state loosely as any sort of state in a game which has implications about whether or not user input should be enabled, or if certain actors should be temporarily disabled, etc.
As a concrete example, let's say it's a game of the...
Yo guys! How do floating point literals work? I just read some article which basically claimed that 1.3f may not compare equal to (float)1.3f under some circumstances. If this is true, I am not sure what I can believe in anymore. I mean, isn't the type of 1.3f already float? How would casting to float change the result if it does not do anything? What would be the point of the f if it might not do anything?
Someone quoted C99, "The values of floating operands and of the results of floating expressions may be represented in greater precision and range than that required by the type; the types are not changed thereby."
But wouldn't that be also true for (float)1.3f just as well=
Maybe it's just me being dumb, but isn't "The original ANSI C specification wasn’t clear about how intermediate floating point values get rounded, and implementations all did it differently." the gist of the matter?
I think the behavior holds for newer implementations just as well, it just depends on FLT_EVAL_METHOD being set to 2 if I understand that correctly
But I also was not able to reproduce this behavior so I am doubly uncertain
I mean I also don't quite understand the concept of a result of some expression having higher precision than its type... It all just does not make sense to me tbh
Typical machines have 80 bit floating point registers which is much more than the 32 bit float or the 64 bit double in order to reduce the impact of rounding errors.
So if you make a calculation you get different results depending on the precision used and the standard says that is allowed.
So when you have an expression such as 1.3f it cannot be represented in floating points of any precision. The machine is allowed to use the closest 80 bit value to 1.3 instead of the closest 32 bit value to 1.3 in order to reduce rounding errors.
Well no, not really. I wrote the f for a reason. Now C++ says lol haha I'll give you a value that has the type float but is not actually a float, it's of higher precision
@purefanatic One could argue that spending processing power to give you a value with less precision is stupid as fuck. Just take the high precision value and be happy about it.
@purefanatic It is of the correct type. It explicitly says "the types are not changed thereby" in your quote.
@purefanatic That's not enough. Floating point arithmetic works the same in all sane languages which is how processors work. You need to give up on programming altogether to escape it.
The core idea is that when you say "1.3" they assume you mean "1.3", not "1.3 rounded to some precision". The loss of precision is unfortunately not avoidable, but you try to minimize it.
it just seemed to me that part of your furstration was in the passage from "float" to some other type of different precision, whereas I am trying to express that this passage is not really there; it's all float
@purefanatic It says that you want a float. Which is relevant for implicit conversions and overload resolution. It doesn't mean you must suffer from loss of precision.
@purefanatic This passage exists because 32-bit x86 has 80 bit float registers. There, given floats x, y, z, an expression x + y + z loads 32 bit values into 80 bit registers, sums them and only when storing in a variable, truncating them into 32 bit register
Obviously, this doesn't apply on any other platform, so the problem is trivially solved by only supporting 64-bit x86 and everything else except 32-bit x86
Also, this isn't language specific. You'll have this problem in Java, C#, D and Python too
One thing that could happen is that float x = 1.3f; puts the 32 bit rounded value into memory. Then doing x == 1.3f returns false because the left side is a 32 bit precision 1.3 promoted to an 80 bit precision float while the right side is an 80 bit rounded 1.3.
Here's a rough sketch of my model: . Basically, I'm using std::shared_ptr for std::weak_ptr as a way to refer to the object and be able to ignore it if it gets deleted. But I could work around it by instead having someone else manage the ownership of the object, and the original shared_ptr would be a reference to it (with a hook to automatically release the object)