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Does it make sense to make a non-member function const?
lol never mind, just compiled my code and got an error for exactly that.
@nobism Here's a decent mental model on how member functions work: RetType SomeType::fnName(Arg arg) /* const */ is equivalent to RetType(/* const */ SomeType* this, Arg arg)
Basically, you put in the implicit this parameter as the first argument
The const on a const member function applies to the this pointer
gotcha. I see that this is similar to how you have to pass in self in Python, there they make it explicit.
4 hours later…
@milleniumbug hey, thanks for checking vs2017 with the get_time format string! seems weird that they haven't fixed that bug, but good to know that it's still there.
2 hours later…
My approach for my problem which i explained last days here. The main thing is to combine the particular types of bounding volumes to one structure type. One that holds only the parameters and one for the models to be able to draw the voluminas. All that is again part of a so called bounded node which should be an abstract base class for my geometry, transform, etc.. nodes in my scene graph.
@FerencRozsa why?
I'd expect every model to be able to generate any bounding volume on the fly
storing them is a form of caching, but shouldn't impact the main logic
@BartekBanachewicz Thats what the calculateBoundingVolume() method does. It produces an consistency between the current position of the bounded model in world space and the bounding volume.
but why are you storing all 3 together?
i want to be able to use all three types which i can choose over an switch. So when i want to use an obb i set the switch to obb and now i use the obbs while i traversing the scene graph.
this doesn't explain why they need to be stored in such a way
since BoundingVolume enforces no invariants over its contents, they could possibly desync
@BartekBanachewicz hm o.k. can you please explain your approach.
I'm not sure how I'd solve it for your needs, it's just I feel that this is a room for possible errors
I'd probably start w/o any caching whatsoever
interface BoundingVolume {
  AABB generateAABB();
  OBB generateOBB();
  Sphere generateBoundingSphere();
now make everything implement this thing and you have core working
then you'd need to figure out which layer should do the caching - the model, the model consumer, or some middleware
o.k. so my bounded node class would only have the 3DModels to draw the voluminas as members ? And the paramters would be calculated on the fly in the calculateBoundingVolume method ?
class BoundedNode
BoundedNode() : boundingVolumeModel() {};

BoundingVolume calculateBoundingVolume(){
BoundingVolume bv;
bv.aabb = AABB::fromVertices(vertices);
bv.obb = OBB::fromVertices(vertices);
bv.sphere = Sphere::fromVertices(vertices);
return bv;

void setBoundingVolumeModel(BoundingVolumeModel bvm) { this->boundingVolumeModel = bvm; }

BoundingVolumeModel boundingVolumeModel;
You can't both link and code-format in the same message.
calculateBoundingVolume should be const.
@nwp o.k.
Hello, is there anything special that needs to be done to copy a vector of vectors? Or would "Copy(vctrOfVctr.begin(), vctrOfVctr.End(), NEWvctrOfVctr.begin());" work?
Also, is it necessary to allocate memory for vectors at all?
std::copy(source.begin(), source.end(), std::back_inserter(destination));
vector does the right thing by default, and manages its own memory
well, call destination.clear(); before the std::copy call
std::back_inserter is uses push_back
Alright. Also, if I pass a class Z with private members A and B to a copy constructor, can I specify something like "copy(Z.A.begin(), Z.A.end(), back_inserter(this->Z);" ?
you don't pass a "class", also there's no copy construction here
also why are you even writing a copy constructor
Z::Z (const Z& Z) {
	this->A = Z.A;
	copy(Z.B.begin(), Z.B.end(), back_inserter(this->Z));
Something like that
This is for the class Z, and I suppose it's better to say "passing an object of class Z"
so Z has members A, B, and Z, and you're copying from other.B to this->Z because... why?
also, show the declaration of the class Z
class Z {
		Alpha A;
		vector<vector<Beta>> B;

		Z ();
		Z (ifstream&);
		Z (const Z& Z);
		~Z ();
Very basic right now. Just some placeholder names until I get things sorted.
remove the copy constructor and the destructor
Beta should manage its own memory
But what if I just want to make a copy of the object?
copy constructor is generated by default
(and it's implemented by calling copy constructor on each member)
Okay, so I need to include Z(ifstream&). Will copy constuctor still be provided if I include an alternate constructor like that?
in fact, most of your classes should not define any of the Big Five members (move assignment, copy assignment, move constructor, copy constructor, destructor)
^ and that one explains that even if you think you need to define them, you actually don't
"const vector<vector<B>>::iterator Z::B () const { return B.begin().begin(); }"
Is that functional?
Didn't think so. I want to return an iterator to the first address in the vector of vectors of B
@FerencRozsa that's better
"const Coord& Place::Coord (int i, int j) const { return this->COORD[i][j]; }"
COORD is a "vector<vector<Coord>>" does this work to return an individual Coord object?
It returns a reference and you should probably do some bounds checking.
But basically yes.
Okay, good point
const Coord& Place::Coord (int i, int j) const {
	if (i < 0) {
		i = 0;
	if (i > (COORD.size()-1)) {
		i = (COORD.size()-1);
	if (j < 0) {
		j = 0;
	if (j > (COORD[i].size()-1)) {
		j = (COORD[i].size()-1);
	return this->COORD[i][j];
anyone here good at tcp?
That is not the bounds checking that I had in mind. I would call that error hiding.
A simple way would be to use .at instead of [].
Also your version does not handle one of the vectors being empty.
So, just this : return this->COORD.at(i).at(j);
@super use a library
use a lib?
no so
issue is
im editing packets on the fly
and the connection gets dropped if i alter the payload length
@super why?
know why?
i do
set the ipv4 header total length
but it still drops me
whenever i use the same length its fine
c what i mean?
and i also calc new checksum
so i dont c
Try if wireshark shows an error in the packet.
1 hour later…
So, Place is a class with a function which returns the value of a Coord. Coord is a class with a function named x. Would this work to get that x? "Place.Coord(a, b).x()"
You don't specify the return type when calling a function.
How do you mean?
I was taught that you should always specify a return type.
When declaring and defining a function. Not when calling it.
Place.Coord(a, b).x() is invalid syntax and I'm not sure anymore what you intended it to do.
To call member functions you need an object. Place is a class and not an object.
There are also static member functions that don't require an object, but they use the Class::function syntax.
Oh, right, sorry, I was using fast-and-sloppy syntax
Okay, so, Place object is named "plaaace" and functions will be COOORD and X. COOORD returns a Coord and X returns an x. Would this work: "plaaace.COOORD(a, b).X()" ?
The syntax looks ok. The naming is very questionable.
I agree, haven't decided on names quite yet. Relying on place holders for the time being.
Consider figuring out a name first. That way it is easier to tell what a function should do.
If it turns out that is not what you actually want you can always add a differently named function.
1 hour later…
Is unsigned causing more problems than good? Especially when used interchangeably with signed types?
Why would one mix signed with unsigned in one function / block?
generally, don't mix them, at least not without careful sanitizing
Awesome, appreciate it.
the typical problem that results in mixing is that in unsigned x = 5; int y = -4; assert(x > y);, assert fails. This also gets you a warning in gcc
That's a nasty one.
the typical problem with signed types is that using them with bit operations is likely to result in an implementation defined behaviour or undefined behaviour
the typical problem with unsigned types is that n-1 may wrap around and do the wrong thing in comparisons
I see.
Hey everyone~
I'm currently converting my .lib projects into .dll projects. And so far that's going great. Oddly enough though, one of those dll projects now requires an int main function, which I'm trying to get rid of. It doesn't sound logical for a dll to have a main either? The project that includes the dll does have a main
@JoeyvanGangelen that one probably can't be converted
you can't have your main in a DLL
yeah, I don't want it there either
the compiler is forcing me to
MSVCRTD.lib(exe_main.obj) : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol _main referenced in function "int __cdecl invoke_main(void)" (?invoke_main@@YAHXZ)
that's the error I get if I don't add a main to the dll project
@JoeyvanGangelen you sure that's building as a DLL?
the UI states: Configuration Type : Dynamic Library (.dll)
for all configurations and all platforms
so unless I'm missing something somewhere else as well, yeah this should be compiling as a dll
@JoeyvanGangelen which project is the EXE?
the dll is OpenGLLib
Check the linker config, bets are someone messed with it
of OpenGLLib?
yes, more than likely someone did something funky
comparing it with another dll project atm
to come back to your previous question: if I add the main function, OpenGLLib.dll gets created
@JoeyvanGangelen I'd actually suggest doing an offline compare using a diff tool
@JoeyvanGangelen they probably added an entrypoint value
any way I can easily compare those two linker-files (assuming it's not in the .vcxproj file)?
@JoeyvanGangelen it's in the vcxproj
just use a text differ
comparing it with my NetworkingLib, the only difference is the included libraries SFML and CEGUI
which my assumption would be that one of those is forcing a main function, but that doesn't sound very logical
@JoeyvanGangelen no the only reason it should be asking for a main is if the entrypoint is set, or the runtime is asking for it
how can I check those? the .vcxproj file is identical to the other dll project aside from those 2 libraries
(thanks for the help so far btw :) )
@Mgetz just checked what happens when I run the 2 dll projects, and they give me the same "is not a Win32 application" error, as expected
@JoeyvanGangelen the search the code for invoke_main
Find all "invoke_main", Subfolders, Keep modified files open, Find Results 1, Entire Solution, ""
Matching lines: 0 Matching files: 0 Total files searched: 807
(not sure if this is actually tagging you or just adding the link to your message... sorry about that)
Both but I have things and work that needs doing
@Mgetz yeah of course, take your time. I'm glad with any help I get. If you don't have time or a clue then I fully understand as well ^_^
1 hour later…
attr(optional) decl-specifier-seq declarator = initializer (1)
attr(optional) decl-specifier-seq abstract-declarator(optional) = initializer (2)
What is the difference between these 2 syntaxes?
What can be described by the 1st but not by second (and vice versa)?
(they are disjoint parse trees and therefore something either matches the syntax 1 or the syntax 2)
Well, it seems that no new concepts are introduced by the additional syntax, ok
abstract-declarator doesn't have a name
see: void f(int i = 0) vs void f(int = 0)
can i do something like: for (int i = 0; word[i] != '/0'; i++) { ... } ¿?
for(int i = 0; i < N; i++)
    min = std::min(min, distance_tr1[i] + distance_tr2[i]);
Is there a library function which can do that?
I have two vectors, A and B, of equal size (let the size be n). I want to iterate (i) from 0 to n (exclusive) and find the minimum A[i] + B[i].
@CarlosW.Mercado You probably mean '\0'.
@CarlosW.Mercado depends on what word is, and I wouldn't recommend it
And you may be able to use std::string instead of having to re-implement std::strlen.
I have a struct with the following constructor: Edge(int weight, int target) : weight(weight), target(target) { }
@nwp Yes, that's what I meant.
I have a vector which stores objects of that struct. I cannot use emplace because the compiler expects Edge(int, int&) but I have Edge(int, int). What can I do? I feels very wrong to write a constructor to take an int reference.
@Yashas emplace_back(a, b);
@Yashas That should just work. Can you show an example where it fails?
Damn, I wrote emplace instead of emplace_back.
figured that was the issue
remember to reserve if you can to avoid reallocations
@Mgetz What I wanted to know is if I can compare word[i] != '/0' inside the for, as an argument. Let me know if you know, please. I will do further research in K&R anyways, I've noticed I asked before researching. xD
@CarlosW.Mercado I thought you were asking for C++, it's still dangerous if word isn't null terminated
@Mgetz Ok. Btw, could anyone tell me how to format the code I share in this chat? I don't see any help link on the page.
@CarlosW.Mercado see the help button in the lower right corner
it follows markdown syntax
@Mgetz Great! Thanks, man.
@CarlosW.Mercado you get points for figuring out the continuation arrows without being told. That helps a lot in following question context
@Mgetz I'm not sure what you're trying to say. Could you elaborate? English is not my first language and sometimes I don't understand some sentences or expressions.
@CarlosW.Mercado don't worry about it
@CarlosW.Mercado he was just giving you a +1 ;)
@JoeyvanGangelen oh... Thanks, Mgetz! x'D
2 hours later…
Anyone else experience freezes with gdb + Qt? When I try to debug, if the breakpoint is in GUI code, ubuntu freezes. This time, I couldn't just kill gdb because Ctrl+Alt+F1 was blank...
Wondering if theres something simple I can do to fix it
Hi! Um, so I'm writing a simple enqueue function that makes use of an array, but I feel stuck? I think I did it right, but it refuses to show any update in the queued list, so obviously something isn't working right, but I'm not sure how to fix it.
pastebin.com/Sk1RHpiJ Is the code and
it must work like this:
> The enqueue function should add elt to the rear of the list. If the list is full when this function is called, it must make the array bigger and transfer the existing list, plus the new elt, to the bigger array.
Can anyone point me in the correct direction?
@Annabelle have you used a debugger yet?
fun yet another "Let's reimplement std::vector!" assignment
@Annabelle suggestion to have a resize and insert functions other functions can call those
I can't add any other functions except enqueue/dequeue
And I'm trying to use a debugger
But I'm not really that good at it, so it's a bit hard to figure out where it's going wrong.
@Annabelle which debugger?
Visual Studio
As far as I can tell... It's not even assigning the value to the rear of the list?
@Annabelle are you inspecting the value of rear after it's supposed to be modified?
also is rear supposed to be the end of the list or one past the end?
I figured it out!
I wasn't incrementing the size of the list
So it simply assumed it was 0 in the display function.
I was inspecting the values yes
It works fine now! Thanks :)
Um for a dequeue function that
Deletes from front
I'd simply delete from front
@Annabelle I didn't do anything... you did
Then shift everything over right?
@Annabelle you can or you can just move a pointer and wait until they ask for a resize
thats what std::vector does
why move things when you can just lie
it's expensive to move things, leaving them be is quite cheap however
but check your requirements, your TA may not be as amused
people always forget to do that
2 hours later…
is there anny way to see what process is using a memory address?
for example when i try to do this:
std::cin >> std::hex >> addr_user;

int* ptr = reinterpret_cast<int*>(addr_user);
and then i try to access *ptr i get read access violation
wich means something else is using that memory address
is there a way for me to know who is using it, using c++?
@jeyejow This generally isn't a meaningful question. On most systems each process has its own address mapping tables, so the virtual addresses (which is all you can normally see from inside a process) for one process are meaningless inside another process. Even if they both have the same physical memory mapped, it may appear at a different address in each process.
how can i see the address table of my process?
and then i try to access *ptr i get read access violation wich means something else is using that memory address
^ this isn't true
well i do, visual studio stops the program and tells me reading access violation
IIRC, this can be stuff like dereferencing a nullptr or unmapped addresses
@jeyejow Do you mean the mapping from virtual to physical addresses? If so, about the only way you can on most systems is to write some kernel code.
linux has a command for that though
@jeyejow So what is addr_user? What does it contain?
addr user is defined like this:
int addr_user;
i should explain what im trying to do,so you can understand my question better
So I'm now pretty sure that you are dereferencing a pointer which points to nothing (there's nothing there).
@jeyejow Okay. So you're reading some value into an integer, then trying to read from that address. If the number you entered was less than around 4 million, a typical system will reject it--to reject null pointers (and most small integers) the first few megabytes of address space is permanently marked as "not present", so any attempt at reading or writing it will produce an error message.
Basicly, i eard that when i have a function, and that fucntion ends, everything that was created in it is destroyed. What i think that also means is, the memory address of the objects created inside the function should be free to be used by other programs of processes. I then tried to pass a reference to a variable i created in a function, only to see if i could make a pointer to a variable that would be destroyed, and it turned out i could. now im trying to,
assuming that im thinking straight and the variable i created in the function is destroyed when the function ends, im trying to create a varible in that memory address, just to see if i can, and i do, i just can access it without getting "read access violation"
im typing the address of the variable
i have 2 programs, one that gets the reference from a variable that was destroied from a function, and another one that tries to create a variable in that memory address
Your operating system keeps the memory spaces of separate processes separate. The "same address" in both programs can be pointing to different things @jeyejow
how can i get the actuall address of a variable then?
@jeyejow Your underlying assumption is faulty. On a typical system, variables local to a function are allocated on the stack. As soon as some other function starts to execute, it's typically going to be re-using the same memory space.
@jeyejow Perhaps it's best to back up, and tell us a bit more about what you're trying to accomplish. My immediate reaction is that answering the questions you're asking will be quite a bit of work, and probably won't accomplish much.
Im trying to create a variable in a specific memory space, i want to make a variable in the memory space of another variable i created in another program of mine.
thats what im trying to do
i know that the other variable is destroyed, because i created it in a function
i can post the code i currently have if it helps you understadn better
this is the code of the first program: pastebin.com/d3Kgu8uk
this is the code of the second program: pastebin.com/08Kcghn5
Why do you want to do this? Are you just curious?
yes, me and my friend are experimenting with memory stuff
he is using the windows api
and im trying without
@jeyejow Programs are memory isolated, so there is a special Windows command that lets you write to another programs memory. Kids use it to hack video games.
@jeyejow To read memory of a separate process, you have to use the Windows API (on windows)
yes that what my friend is using
And it's what you'd have to use. It's impossible without it @jeyejow
oh, i see :/
one question then
the first program code
in the function
the int gets destroeyd, correct?
after the function ends
why can i point to it then?
C++ allows you to return dangling pointers
ís that address still belong to my process?
Its possible it doesn't.
how can i be sure?
A better question is which thread its on :-)
what do you mean
We'll come back to the thread comment.
Anyways, the stack is allowed to grow as the system commits more memory to it. In principle, the OS could also reclaim some of the pages, although I'm not sure if this happens in practice as the OS would need to know somehow that the stack was free to re-use. I think there is a stack de-alloc command for that, but nobody does stack allocation...
no, stack allocation
but they work with the stack
alloca() ?
im seeing this link
Q: C++ How to allocate memory dynamically on stack?

MarkIs there a way to allocate memory on stack instead of heap? I can't find a good book on this, anyone here got an idea?

the acceptd awnser talks about it

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