How should I handle a class which has private class variables with non-default constructors? 1. Provide a default constructor, and initialise its variables with setters. 2. Have pointers to the classes instead.
Hi. Need help. I am trying to write a file of 1 MB on the ESP8266 via Arduino...but I always end up with a file size less than that...…
@milleniumbug I know about them, thanks. But in my case the class which would use them is a member variable of a class which doesn't have use of them. Or are you implying that I can pass through variables in the list to the member class variable?
@nobism Definitely at least closer to 1. Real question is whether the value you're passing to the ctor is a constant or not. If it's a constant, use NSDMI. If not, use a member initializer list.
I have int *p = new int(5);, when I do delete p;, does p become a nullpointer? Also, please dont advise me to use any other things, I know raw pointers are bad, I am just asking.
@MrMeDo Just read from standard input. Exactly how you do that depends on what you're doing (getline if you want to read lines, get(somechar) if you want to read characters, std::cin >> foo; for things that use extractors, etc.)
Currently I just do fopen and then fscanf, but I need to do it with the example like somecpp.exe < somefile.txt
So somecpp.exe < somefile.txt is kinda like doing cin and then you need to provide the value, but instead the file provides it for you or am I understanding things wrong @JerryCoffin ?
@MrMeDo The whole point of I/O redirection is that your program doesn't have to do anything special. It just reads from standard input like it always did, but with I/O redirection, that input comes from the file instead of from the keyboard.
@MrMeDo It's not kinda like. It is. Your program just reads from standard input, and what it gets is whatever was in the file.