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I need to design a system which would ideally be implemented using multiple threads, but because of factors out of my control, has to execute in a single thread. Should I still use queues for 'inter process' communication? Or look to use something else?
Does anyone know of an 'good' algorithm to solve this type of problem? I'm guessing it would be a complete search with pruning.
2 hours later…
who can solve this project error, i do not have access to paypal but can pay with bitcoin

10 hours later…
anybody here use wxwidgets?
there are enough people here with strong google-fu who may be able to help anyway
2 hours later…
anybody here have experience with catch2?
@rafaelgonzalez Only with Catch 22. :-)
gui testing in c++?
@rafaelgonzalez ? I have seen Catch2. But. GUI testing?
You must have typoed that.
well im trying to integrate catch2 with wxwidgets and i need to do some gui testing i am having a hard time getting catch2 to work when i have wxwidgets as a windows application. it works fine as a console application.
@rafaelgonzalez So, there you go. I'm not sure what you expect when you say "when I have wxwidgets". If you want a GUI frontend, make one github.com/catchorg/Catch2/issues/475
2 hours later…
@QuaxtonHale strongly probable that this problem likewise its peers (substring related) could be solvabe with suffix trees.
Good evening!
So due to some bugs, I've had to step back from C++ back to C for now. And i'm faced with an extremely interesting thing.
// GDB Results:
// t0_sec = 2160
// t1_sec = 11500
// entry_sec = 2160

if(t0_sec >= entry_sec && t1_sec <= entry_sec) {
       return listing[i];
Can someone tell me why that does not go through?
because t1_sec <= entry_sec is false
well, 11500 <= 2160 is false
Now that that's answered
Tell me this:
Why in the fuck am i so good at getting things switched up. <= to >= and vice versa, which argument goes in which position in functions like strcmp() etc
Thank you. I now feel dumb for asking that first question xD
@Xariez you are not the only person that will mix those things up
@Xariez happens. you'll lose this with enough self-discipline and enough code written
and enouhg experience finding exactly those errors
I guess/hope so xD
you can define a condition cond(a,b,c){return (a>=min(b,c)&&a<=max(b,c)} to escape such blunders definitely
@Xariez I find it helps to write them out exactly as I'd say them aloud. In this case, we're enforcing something being in a range. I'd probably say that something like "if the value is greater than or equal to lower bound and the value less than or equal to the upper bound", so that's how I'd write the code as well: bool in_bounds(int value, int lower_bound, int upper_bound) return value >= lower_bound and value <= upper_bound; }
@sehe i have catch2 and wxwidgets built now. i just can't compile with a win32application. i get a lot of linker errors when i include catch2. if its a command line application it builds fine.
@JerryCoffin I usually do that, but i guess i didnt do it this time!
@Xariez One other detail: in C++ we usually use half-open ranges, so what you'd normally want would be something like: bool in_bounds(int value, int lower_bound, int upper_bound) return value >= lower_bound and value < upper_bound; } I.e., the lower bound is inclusive, but the upper bound is exclusive.
Good to know!
@rafaelgonzalez whatever you do, don't be specific! We're all training to be psychics, so we appreciate the extra challenge
Q: What is an undefined reference/unresolved external symbol error and how do I fix it?

Luchian GrigoreWhat are undefined reference/unresolved external symbol errors? What are common causes and how to fix/prevent them? Feel free to edit/add your own.

@sehe I thought Psychic debugging 400 was required to get rep above 100k
It is.
I was speaking in general, and besides, even the masters are never done learning
i can get it to compile now but i get memory error.
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "App.h"
#include "Frame.h"

#include "wx/string.h"

#include "../single_include/catch.hpp"

/*static const wxCmdLineEntryDesc g_cmdLineDesc[] =
{ wxCMD_LINE_SWITCH, "t", "help", "displays help on the command line parameters",
//{ wxCMD_LINE_SWITCH, "a", "test", "test switch",
//{ wxCMD_LINE_SWITCH, "b", "silent", "disables the GUI" },
@rafaelgonzalez That looks like code, not like an error message.
Exception thrown at 0x773E08B2 in UnitTests.exe: Microsoft C++ exception: Catch::TestFailureException at memory location 0x00FBE5D3.
Did the debugger stop at a specific line?
So. Why do you call it "memory error"
@nwp Yes, the line that throws the TestFailureException.
@rafaelgonzalez Try Ctrl-F5
thanks. the message i keep getting is the unit test failing. but it isn't outputting the same message as when i run it in the console.
Hello. If I can ask here.
How would I read a file (only using stdio.h!) that has for example:
5 10
20 10
50 4
10 2
Do you actually have to use C and can only #include <stdio.h>?
C or C++, but only iostream, cstdlib, stdio.h, math.h
Have you decided on a language yet?
oh look yet another "let's pretend it's the 90's" C++ course
Don't ask why only these, I'm annoyed too of this nonsense...
int i; if (std::cin >> i) { /*do something with i */ } should be fine to start in C++.
Actually that's not from a file. std::ifstream f{"thefilename"}; instead of std::cin would probably be better.
Normally you would put those ints in a std::vector<int>, but since you are not allowed to use that I guess a C array will have to do.
?? :D
Which part is not clear?
I mean, I can't use fstream and I don't really understand you
I guess C it is then.
FILE* file = fopen("test.txt", "r");
char val;

char line[50];
while (fgets(line, 50, file) != NULL) {
value = fgetc(file);
cout << value << endl;
This is an overview over the C functions. fscanf specifically is what you are looking for.
yeah, fscanf, but how do I go with it
for example a file like:
10 20 30
51 32 42
23 61 23
int i; if (fscanf(file, " %d ", &i) == 1) { /* use i */ }; would be a start.
You can turn that if into a while and it should read all the numbers one by one.
First line is a separate param meanwhile for example 10, 51, 23 is same param, but for different products/items lets say.
What do you know about the file? Do you know the exact layout?
Also what do you want to do with the data once you have it? Calculate the average price or something like that?
Yes, the files first line will always be one number and ALL the REST will have 3 int's per line representing let's say their height, width, thickness or something like that.
Well, you can use the above line for the first number and then while (fscanf(file, " %d %d %d ", &height, &width, &thickness) == 3) to read the items one by one.
does fscanf go to next line ?
If you have a simple calculation to do, like finding the average height or product with the greatest volume you don't even need to save the items.
> whitespace characters: any single whitespace character in the format string consumes all available consecutive whitespace characters from the input (determined as if by calling isspace in a loop). Note that there is no difference between "\n", " ", "\t\t", or other whitespace in the format string.
So yes, a '\n' character counts as whitespace.
@nwp Works more or less how I expected, but need to juts check for that first value. Anyway I'll manage, thanks :)
1 hour later…
prompt question:
if we have void func(int&a);
prompt response
then a call like this int a=1; func(a);
is it some fancy way of doing this in the old C ?
`int a; func(&a);` with `void func(int*a)`
Passes by reference. Changes to a inside func have an effect after the function returns.
i mean is it same ?
@sehe mm C++ gives a short hand for many things.
Don't look at them as syntax things. They are the building blocks for significant, conceptual language features that make C++ different from C at a much more essential level than syntax
Q: The Definitive C++ Book Guide and List

grepsedawkThis question attempts to collect the few pearls among the dozens of bad C++ books that are published every year. Unlike many other programming languages, which are often picked up on the go from tutorials found on the Internet, few are able to quickly pick up C++ without studying a well-written...


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