because in header if I put struct{PytArray<Vector>myVertex}; I get that error, but if I go to the CPP and in function I do PytArra<vector> myVertexInCpp; It works just fine
so how can it be erroring in header, but not in CPP ?
I'm using external library, and as far as I know I have to use a macro #define Library_INTEROPERABILITY call to get it to work
@nwp My question isn't strictly C++ related. It's more about my algorithm. Would it be appropriate to link it here? The question has been up for a few days.
@QuaxtonHale Assuming this question. I think your question would have had a much better reception if you posted the code that you appear to have written that does the algorithm. It's also that the tags you used aren't as well followed, so you only had ~35 views
@Justin Okay, I'll edit the question with code snippets. @nwp My thinking was that the nodes with the most neighbors will be at the end of the list. That way there will be less neighbors after it.
I meant, that way each node will have the least amount of its neighbors after it.
I used stl map, with the node i as the key, and the number of neighbors as the value for each entry.
I then put each entry into a set using the comparator to sort it. I'm not really familiar with C++, so this probably isn't the best way to do this. I'm more concerned about the algorithm and whether it's 'correct'.
There is the C++ reference as defined in the standard and the software concept reference where one object references another. It's wrong for the first and right for the second definition.
@Dariusz you won't have a built-in class for that because C++ has no notion of "release mode" and "debug mode". It's a convention of the IDE projects and build engines
@Dariusz Boost logging will let you control the level of logging, so a debug build will produce debug messages, and a release build will only produce messages about serious errors (but you'll have to specify that in compiler flags when you build). I haven't done a comprehensive survey, but I believe most of the other logging libraries I've looked at have similar capabilities.
If you care about release runtime performance you should replace std::stringstream with something that overloads a templated operator << that does nothing.