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My question received no satisfactory answer. I even made a "community wiki" answer that represents my interpretation of what the correct answer could be and that wiki answer never got edited but received some upvotes. Can someone please answer the question or edit that community wiki stackoverflow.com/questions/47498486/what-does-compares-0-mean/…
2 hours later…
@q-l-p For what it's worth, I've added an answer. Also, in case you didn't already know, you post also got posted to Reddit: reddit.com/r/cpp/comments/7fx9lw/…
@JerryCoffin Thank you very much for your answer! But I am just a beginner. So far I understood this. "Object compares less than 0" means (object < 0) will yield true. But are there other implications or that's it?
I did'n know about Reddit.
@q-l-p I think that's it--I'd guess he used that language to specifically keep from saying or implying any more than that.
OMG!! Who wrote all that about me on Reddit??
@JerryCoffin Please edit your answer to clarify that "Object compares less than 0" simply means (object < 0) will yield true without other implications (if you are sure about that) and I will elect your answer.
1 hour later…
Why my Diagnostic Tools have no graph anymore?
How to fix it?
3 hours later…
@yode It needs more cowbell.
@wilx Which information I should provide?
@yode Sorry, no idea.
Given the proposition "object Q compares less than 0" is this answer correct? stackoverflow.com/a/47529355/7232508
4 hours later…
what is the diference between vector and array?
my C teacher told me they are the same, is that true?
An array has a fixed size while std::vector has dynamic size.
Your teacher may have been talking about mathematical vectors which do have a fixed size.
@nwp ohh, ok, thanks!
Actually saying mathematical vectors have a fixed size doesn't make much sense. They have a fixed size just like sets do.
1 hour later…
guys I am using this example to reverse digints in an integer intered by the user
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main(){

int number;
int rev = 0;

cin >> number;

while (number > 0) {

rev = (rev * 10) + (number % 10);
number = number / 10;


cout << rev << endl;

Can you please tell me why we are doing this : rev = (rev * 10)
3 messages moved from Lounge<C++>
hint: what is the last digit of an integral number multiplied by 10?
@WaelAssaf multiplying by 10 adds a 0
it's 0
well, exactly
Can't get it please can you describe the workflow of the program succinctly
pick a number, let's say 123
then try following the steps of the program
the input number is more than 0, so we continue the loop
Very well
(number % 10) gets you a remainder of the division, so if you were to do an integral division of 123, you'd get 12, with a remainder 3
so (number % 10) == 3
rev is currently 0, so multiplying it by 10 results in a 0
0 + 3 == 3, so rev is now 3
next, we divide number by 10, and assign to it, resulting in number being equal to 12
as you can see, we've successfully managed to get the last digit, and remove it from the input
next iteration step, number > 0 because it's 12
I am so thankful but I need one more explanation
(rev * 10) is equal to 0 always right??
Why would we do it at first?
well, now it's 3
2 mins ago, by milleniumbug
0 + 3 == 3, so rev is now 3
rev = (rev * 10) + (number % 10); because this happened
I mean
why can't we just say : rev = (number % 10);
because it's 0 only at the first iteration, it will be different later
in fact, we went a single iteration, but there is more:
number is 12, so it's bigger than 0
rev is equal to 3, so we multiply it by 10
we get 30
number % 10 == 2, because number is equal to 12
Now I do understand I am so greatful dude
and then rev becomes 32
and then number becomes 1
and after we finish, we're done: rev becomes 321, number is equal to 0 so we exit the loop
5 hours later…
Is anyone here familiar with Open MPI?
@nbro Just ask the real question.
It is useless to ask a question if nobody here is even familiar with Open MPI.
I usually like to contextualize.
Anyway, it is a basic question.
I am essentially trying to retrieve the neighbours of all processes in a Cartesian topology.
Let's assume, for simplicity, that we have a 2x2 Cartesian topology.
Now, as far as I've understood, the way to retrieve the ranks of the neighbours of a process is to use MPI_Cart_shift.
I retrieve the coordinates (in this Cartesian topology) for each process.
So I know that process 0 has coordinates (0, 0), process 1 has coordinates (1, 0), process 2 has coordinates (0, 1) and process 3 has coordinates (1, 1).
The problem is that when I try to retrieve the neighbours of the current process with MPI_Cart_shift(my_comm, ..., ..., neighbor1, neighbor2), neighbor1 and neighbor2 seem to need to be switched for certain current processes.
For example, for process 1, it returns 3 as the East process instead of the West process
So, I would need to change to MPI_Cart_shift(my_comm, ..., ..., neighbor2, neighbor1).
Does anyone know why would this happen?
Never mind!
I figured it out!
The order of neighbor1 and neighbor2 was switched in the call to MPI_Cart_shift(my_comm, ..., ..., neighbor1, neighbor2), but for some reason it was returning correct results for certain processes, but not for others...
Rubber duck debugging at its finest.
yeah :D

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