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in c# there is a way using delegates.
for example given a function f(x,y), how to customize a function t=f(1,y) thus one could call it from a function returnee or a variable [t,y] where t(y) is callable.
You could do auto t = [](T y){ return f(1, y); }. Or maybe auto t = [x = get_x()](T y){ return f(x, y); }.
There is also std::bind, made for exactly this case, but I wouldn't recommend it.
So, that way I could call t with some arbitrary y ?
yes, either one can be called as t(y); and it does what the body of the lambda says.
is there a way to store them in a variable ? like an array {t,y} to be returned as a function returnee
just the way it is auto V []={t,y} , can this work ?
where y is defined of course
Is auto V = std::make_pair(t, y); close enough?
yes , sure it is.
thanks .
10 hours later…
i'm trying to overwrite a couple functions so that they will return immediately, all of the targeted functions use the stdcall calling convention. is it safe to always overwrite the first instruction with 'retn' (C3) or do i have to take care of the stack appropriately and return with 'retn xx' (C2 xx 00) depending on the specifications of the function?
Which compiler? It's probably easiest to look at the assembler code of an empty function (with arguments) and see what the compiler does.
well, take the function 'RegSetValueExA' from advapi32.dll for example. the function is disassembled as follows:
.text:77C713F8 ; __stdcall RegSetValueExAStub(x, x, x, x, x, x)
.text:77C713F8 _RegSetValueExAStub@24 proc near
.text:77C713F8                 nop
.text:77C713F9                 nop
.text:77C713FA                 nop
.text:77C713FB ; Exported entry 1639. RegSetValueExA
.text:77C713FB                 mov     edi, edi
.text:77C713FD                 push    ebp
.text:77C713FE                 mov     ebp, esp
.text:77C71400                 pop     ebp
.text:77C71401                 jmp     short _RegSetValueExA@24 ; RegSetValueExA(x,x,x,x,x,x)
(see full text)
That doesn't seem to do anything permanent with the stack and not return, the real work is done in RegSetValueExA.
when i use GetProcAddress, it will return 0x77C713F8, even though IDA lists the function at address 0x77C713FB. I understand that advapi32.dll is compiled with (/hotpatch) (/FUNCTIONPADMIN), but I don't understand why IDA lists the function at address 0x77C713FB, though
do you mean this?
.text:77C71408 ; LONG __stdcall RegSetValueExA(HKEY hKey,LPCSTR lpValueName,DWORD Reserved,DWORD dwType,const BYTE *lpData,DWORD cbData)
.text:77C71408 _RegSetValueExA@24 proc near            ; CODE XREF: RegSetValueExAStub(x,x,x,x,x,x)+9j
.text:77C71408                                         ; RegSetKeyValueA(x,x,x,x,x,x)+48p ...
.text:77C71408                 jmp     ds:__imp__RegSetValueExA@24 ; RegSetValueExA(x,x,x,x,x,x)
.text:77C71408 _RegSetValueExA@24 endp
or this, the exported function from api-ms-win-core-localregistry-l1-1-0.dll?
.text:088010C3 ; LONG __stdcall RegSetValueExA(HKEY hKey,LPCSTR lpValueName,DWORD Reserved,DWORD dwType,const BYTE *lpData,DWORD cbData)
.text:088010C3                 public _RegSetValueExA@24
.text:088010C3 _RegSetValueExA@24 proc near
.text:088010C3 hKey            = dword ptr  4
.text:088010C3 lpValueName     = dword ptr  8
.text:088010C3 Reserved        = dword ptr  0Ch
.text:088010C3 dwType          = dword ptr  10h
.text:088010C3 lpData          = dword ptr  14h
.text:088010C3 cbData          = dword ptr  18h
(see full text)
anyways, when I overwrite the instructions at address 0x77C713F8 in advapi32.dll to either C3 or C2 18 00, both will result in a crash
I am trying to get template template parameter matching to work, and it's driving me nuts. Anyone here up for that?
What I have is this:
template<typename T>
class foo {};
This is what I want to instantiate:
typedef foo<bar<blah>> foobar;
What should bar looke like?
template<??, typename U>
class bar {};
@treintje The next step would be to look at imp__RegSetValueExA. Basically you want to track all the stack operations and the ret from start to finish which should allow you to copy it.
That means you have to know the size of the arguments on stack and pop them properly. Apparently retn is a shortcut for that (example). You just need to calculate the right number with sizeof all the parameters.
@sbi bar here takes 2 template parameters and is given only 1. template <typename T, typename U = void> class bar{}; maybe.
@nwp, thanks for the help! so that means i should overwrite the first 3 instructions at address 0x77C713F8 in advapi32.dll to C2 18 00, right?
@nwp That's an error I made while boiling it down to an example as simple as possible.
In reality, bar is something that looks for a type (which is defined within foo) in a typelist, and that typelist is the second parameter.
I don't get it - is foo supposed to be aware of blah?
@treintje Assuming C2 is retn and 18 is the size of all parameters (any alignment issues?) and the syntax is right that seems reasonable. I have never done anything like that, so I don't know for sure.
@milleniumbug Nope.
I want to be able to pass any instances of foo to bar.
hmmm, but typedef foo<bar<blah>> foobar; passes bar to foo...?
@milleniumbug Um.
Why don't I write that question again...
OK, here we go: What I have is this:
template<typename T>
class foo {};
This is what I want to instantiate:
typedef bar<foo<blah>> foobar;
What should bar look like?
class bar {};
?? -> typename T
template<typename T>
class bar {};
Well, I hope I killed most of the bugs in this question now.
@nwp, what would be a good and consistent way to manually calculate the size of all parameters while only using the static analysis produced by the disassembler?
follow the modifications of the stack pointer from entry to exit
Ah, but I do need to get at blah within bar. @nwp, @ratchetfreak
Well, I guess a typedef within foo would take care of that.
A: C++ type traits to extract template parameter class

NawazFirst of all, let's call it value_type instead of base, because value_type seems to be more appropriate term to describe the type which you want to extract. You can use this: template<typename T> struct extract_value_type //lets call it extract_value_type { typedef T value_type; }; template<...

^^ this is using template template parameters. Note that this only matches templates with a single parameter, and so, C++ standard library doesn't use this much
@milleniumbug Ah, so I declare Inner, but I don't have to provide it?
C++ allocators prefer rebinding
@sbi indeed. we're using it in the specialization to pattern match
@ratchetfreak Thanks, neat trick!
@milleniumbug Thanks, I'll look into this.
@sbi template<typename T> struct bar; describes how is the user supposed to use it. In the specialization, we "extract" the individual parts of the type (the foo and the blah).
Of course, if the user passes something that doesn't match the specialization, it will go to the primary one
but it declares an incomplete type so its usage will most likely result in an error
@nwp do you mean RegSetValueExA from kernel32.dll?
I mean whatever jmp ds:__imp__RegSetValueExA@24 ; RegSetValueExA(x,x,x,x,x,x) jumps to.
located in api-ms-win-core-localregistry-l1-1-0.dll
which doesn't seem to do anything, only this:
.text:088010C3                 xor     eax, eax        ; RegQueryValueExA
.text:088010C5                 inc     eax
.text:088010C6                 retn    18h
So 18 is correct for this function unless I missed some stack pointer modification somewhere.
yes, but when i overwrite the instructions at address 0x77C713F8 in advapi32.dll to C2 18 00, it will result in an app crash
I vaguely remember something like the return address being stored on the stack too. And ret will read some register and jump there. You probably have to put one of the stack values in one of the registers.
Also I think eax is the return value which you should probably set to something sane, like 1 for success or something.
isn't the return address automatically pushed on the stack whenever a CALL instruction is executed?
I think so. It could be that retn reads the return address from the stack and not from a register. Can't find the documentation for it right now.
You might be able to use a debugger to check the contents of the stack and see which addess has been pushed by call and what address retn jumped to and adjust the number to make them the same.
Actually ERROR_SUCCESS aka 0 is the proper return value, so you probably want to add xor eax, eax before retn. Otherwise the patching and returning might work but the process crashes anyways because it basically does assert(RegSetValueEx() == ERROR_SUCCESS);.
Im not sure what is happening here, first time I am using pointer to member functions, here is the code.
After changing m_f() to this->m_f() it works, why is that?
because pointer to (non-static) member needs a object to call it on
that becomes the this inside the function
@ratchetfreak I see. Thanks.
what does IDA mean with "start of function chunk", normally it will list functions as subroutines
Im very sorry for being stupid, but how the hell does the code not work now, but exact one did a minute ago?
because you need a Bar object to call it on
How do you mean? I need a Bar object in Foo, in order to call m_f?
That is odd.
m_f is a member function pointer
it's clearly written Bar in the declaration of vfbp, and Foo and Bar aren't related in the inheritance hierarchy
for that matter, don't use member function pointers
use std::function instead
Okay. It seems like I have no idea what member function pointer means. Let me try to tell you what I want to achieve. I want to be able to call Bar::someFunction from Foo::someFunction, by passing the pointer to Bar::someFunction. Is that possible to do with member function pointers?
take a step back and explain why you want to be able to pass the exact function that needs to be called
Member function pointers aren't bound to an instance
99% of the time you can sub that out with an enum and a switch inside Bar::someFunction
auto mfp = &Bar::otherFunction; Bar bar; bar.*mfp(); // here I can call it because I have an instance of bar
Look guys, I am just asking is it possible to do my example code that i posted above with member function pointers?
Throw member function pointers to the trash where they belong
Wow. How do you know I dont have stupid teacher that wants me to do my homework with it?
Nov 5 at 15:03, by milleniumbug
is this a retarded uni exercise
No. Actually, I dont have a teacher. But I just want to learn this way too. Agh, I know your option IS BETTER, I KNOW it 100%. But I just want to learn the wrong one too.
But if it is impossible, then ok.
2 mins ago, by milleniumbug
auto mfp = &Bar::otherFunction; Bar bar; bar.*mfp(); // here I can call it because I have an instance of bar
hi guys
from the cpp reference
if you want to pass along an instance of Bar too, for example, by a pointer, then you could do that
- glvalue is an expression whose evaluation determines the identity of an object, bit-field, or function;
- an xvalue is a glvalue that denotes an object or bit-field whose resources can be reused;
- an lvalue is a glvalue that is not an xvalue;
of course, std::function would be able to do it more conveniently, but since you want to know why member function pointers can't handle that, there you go
@milleniumbug Hmm I see. Thanks that helped a lot.
w.r.t. glvalue, what's the meanining of "identity of an object, bit field, or function"?
@milleniumbug And do you mind giving an example with std::function too?
in a moment
Why is this not working now?
oh, the actual syntax is (b.*f)();
this one detail completely slipped my mind
"this one detail"? You mean the "()"?
b.*f() // broken
(b.*f)() // works
Well, it is like forgetting semicolon, nothing huge. I actually was about to look at operator precedence table.
@milleniumbug cool, it works now, thanks
I will look at std::function cppreference
@milleniumbug Is this good
// store a call to a member function and object ptr
std::function<void(int)> f_add_display3 = std::bind( &Foo::print_add, &foo, _1 );
it works, but std::bind is mostly annoying
I would prefer a lambda
std::function<void(int)> f_add_display3 = [&](int x){ foo.print_add(x); };
Ahh... Still didnt learn it. I am reading the book. Though I am slow on theory and fast on practice. So, what now, you prefer me to learn "lambda" or stick to"std::bind"?
lambda is superior in almost every aspect to std::bind
@MuhamedCicak Which book?
less error prone, less annoying, less typing, more performant
@milleniumbug Im sure it is. Though, would it take me long to learn it (is it wide topic)?
@nwp C++ Fourth Edition, Bjarne
Lambdas are pretty easy to understand once you get over the weird [](){} syntax.
Ok I guess I will give it a go.
Thanks guys. Cheers!
Which isn't that weird once someone explains it because the (){} part is the same as in normal functions.
unless you want to add explicit return type and then it is weird again
then it's the same as the trailing return type in regular functions :D
which no-one uses
except morwenn
auto main() -> int FTW
ehm wtf, when removing RegSetValueExW from the list of targeted functions to patch, the patching of RegSetValueExA finally works as expected and the app doesn't crash anymore...
im gonna find out what's wrong and report back
jeez... i still had RegSetValueExW set to be patched with instruction 0xC3...
that hurts
god damnit
yep, patching with C2 18 00 finally works as expected
just for clarification: nwp had answered my question correctly.

treintje: "Is it safe to always overwrite the first instruction with 'retn' (C3) or do I have to take care of the stack appropriately and return with 'retn xx' (C2 xx 00), depending on the specifications of the function?"
nwp: "... you have to know the size of the arguments on stack and pop them properly. Apparently retn is a shortcut for that. You just need to calculate the right number with sizeof all the parameters."
Indeed I can confirm
stdcall delegates the responsiblity of cleaning up arguments to the callee
I still think you need to take care of padding and the return value somehow.
i always C you around in this chat, milleniumbug
where are you from?
@nwp padding on the stack?
ayt, i knew someone from Poland, great lad
I would expect foo(int, char, int) to have padding on the stack because x86 prefers aligned access. But I don't actually know. I would research that though.
but if you reverse engineered the pop amount from disassembly then you will be fine
Just doing sizeof(int)+sizeof(char)+sizeof(int) would not give you the correct number.
True, you can just do whatever the original code did and not care about the arguments.
look at the mangled name, the number after the @ indicates the overall size of parameters
yes, the limitations of this approach are already in effect when the decision has to be made whether to use C3 or C2.
you could try to make the memory patching version independent but that has a limitation to how freely the patched code could be per function to patch
therefor, i think the 'static' approach is still perfectly fine in this scenario
so it basically comes down to whether you want your app to have a general purpose or be target specific (guarantee a certain behavior)
Is it still to patch the uni app? In that case you just need to get it working once and never bother with it again. At least until they force an update.
i didn't really consider that when starting this project, it seems i lack judgemental experience and did not plan ahead very well
i guess the study skills classes weren't so bad after all xd
@milleniumbug Yeah, but as I said, my English lacks, BS says that excatly, but I dont know what you mean by that. I mean in theory I do, but how does that particular example show it?
How can I find out if an std algorithm is an offline or an online algorithm?
@nwp yes, but the approach that i've used could be used for any app. it basically allows you to block any API call that a desktop app uses, almost like applying access rights to directories. it's the reason that i've started this project
@MuhamedCicak By default lambda's operator() is const. mutable removes the const
wow I edited
wanted to write new comment :D
If you remove mutable, the code won't compile anymore
Nowadays you might prefer std::generate(v.begin(),v.end(), [count = v.size()]()mutable{ return −−count; } );. That was added in C++14 I think, so might not have been available at the time.
@milleniumbug Why? Isn't [count] still available by value (if you know what I mean, my eng sucks).
@milleniumbug Im sorry, I dont understand that.
a lamdba is an anonymous class with a overloaded operator()
that overload is declared const by default
struct A { size_t count; A(size_t c) : count(c) {} size_t operator()() const { return --count; };
@treintje I spent some time with that topic. In theory it makes total sense to let the user control the programs. In practice nobody does or wants that and instead you let any program do whatever it wants and if it misbehaves you yell at the creator. I hate this social model of "security", but that's what is widely accepted and expected.
so in the context of the lambda's body all variables captured by value are also const
--count can't modify it because the operator() is const
On one hand I want you to succeed, because this terribleness has gone on way too long, but on the other I'm afraid you will just waste your time.
it's also a pain to decide who is allowed to do what,
that results in defaults that will be unsafe because every program needs to access something or other
But does it matter with references? I mean if it is not mutable, you still can change the variables that are captured by reference, right?
You technically capture only the reference which you can't modify anyways, so there is no problem in this case.
But if the variables is captured by value, why would you not be able to modify it, i mean what is the harm?
They thought that calling a lambda multiple times and change its behavior from call to call is weird and unexpected and you have to explicitly say that you want to do that.
auto count = v.size();
std::generate(v.begin(),v.end(), [count]()mutable{ return −−count; } );
assert(count == v.size()); // will not fire
It's also the only thing in C++ that is const by default and behaves somewhat different.
In this case you obviously want every lambda call to do something different so the default makes no sense, but usually you use lambdas for sorting or something where a change in behavior is completely unexpected.
it forces you to decide how the changes get propagated, if by ref then the original calling frame can see the changes, if by value then the value lives beyond the calling frame
But even if you call the lambda two times (if this wasnt forbidden to be done, i mean not calling 2 time, but if it wasnt forbidden to not make it mutable and change count), would count be decreased twice? I thought on each call, it would get captured by value from the local variable.
either can be valid behavior but need to be implemented very differently
hello again, why in the following snippet there's no template type deduction?
mutable means that the updated value will persist
@MuhamedCicak what if you return the lambda from a function
how would that work
template<typename T>
void f(std::vector<T>&& param);
@MuhamedCicak It gets captured only once.
one last thing, if hot patching is in effect (so the nops and mov edi, edi instructions are replaced with two jumps) does my own patching still works?
at what point in time does hot patching by the system takes place?
Oh okay. I see, its captured once.
so it does make sense now
@milleniumbug it could get copied in the preamble of the operator()
Thanks @milleniumbug @nwp @ratchetfreak.
@user8469759 There is and it works fine for me.
I'm reading through item 24 of effective modern C++
distinguish universal references from rvalues
the example I provided tells that "std::vector<T>&&" is an rvalue reference
because there's no type deduction
this one
template<typename T>
void f(T&& param);
has type deduction
@nwp @ratchet freak to be safe I could patch it with 90 90 C2 18 00 (or 8B FF C2 18 00), or not?
but not the other one
cpp references says in "not deduced context":
1) The nested-name-specifier (everything to the left of the scope resolution operator ::) of a type that was specified using a qualified-id:
btw, here is some info on hot patching: stackoverflow.com/a/20946435/7107236
that's the only reason I can come up with
what am I missing?
@user8469759 That's not entirely true, there is type deduction for T. You just don't get a forwarding reference because you hardcoded the type to be vector<T> && where T is some non-reference type.
"universal references" are a vast simplification. what really happens is reference collapsing
then I'm confused
if there's type deduction why the arg is an rvalue reference?
like everyone, it's just that kind of thing
but with reference to this:
what does apply to that function?
@user8469759 Because type deduction basically only does "Figure out what T must be to make it compile". If you pass a vector<int> then the compiler figures that T must be int and you are left with vector<int> && which is an rvalue.
why doesn't this apply to f(T&& params) instead?
If you have the f(T&& param) and pass f(42) it figures T must be an int so we are left with int && param which works fine.
If you have int i; f(i) and the compiler deduces T to be int then you get int &&, but an rvalue reference cannot bind to an lvalue, so that doesn't work.
ah so it is related also
to the conversion rules between lvalue to rvalue
So it instead says T must be int & and then you get int & &&, but references to references are not allowed, so reference collapsing happens and the int & && collapses to int & which compiles.
so if I had int i; f(i);
because i is an lvalue
i have to thing about it
I think I got a bit the phylosophy though
still puzzled but a bit better than earlier
@milleniumbug Well, yeah, at first I had overlooked that this was a specialization, but I have seen specializations before... :-/
yeah, C++ doesn't exactly make this visible and obvious in the syntax
i need a approach to messure the retention period of a mouse cursor on an button.
@milleniumbug Is this a good version of what I am trying to accomplish?
Do you really need to measure it or just do something after a specific time?
If the latter use the mouse-hover feature of your GUI library.
of course, keep in mind the lifetimes
if you call f after b dies, you're screwed
IOW you have to ensure it lives as long as it needs to
@milleniumbug I see. I will keep track of that.
it's correct in this program
@milleniumbug Okay, thanks for the all help today. You really did help me and saved me from lot trouble, thanks! Also, thanks for advicing std::function and then lambda later on, I like both a lot (especially lambda). I appriciate a lot (probably spelled it wrong) :)
An action should take place after a certain time while the cursor is over the button.
the cursor is just a placeholder for an 2d position.
GUI libraries should have a hover event for that.
start a timer on hover start and stop/reset it on hover leave, when triggered do your action
Which GUI library are we talking about?
i use qt but the problem is, that i construct my own menue. i use qpainter to paint a 2D menue over or better in an opengl context. so i can combine a 2d menue with a 3d scene.
the user can interact with these menue and further with the 3d scene
In that case use the QHoverEvent and when it fires you look at the mouse position and check which menu entry it is on, if any.
then as part of the interaction there will be a bounds check
do that bounds check every frame and emulate the hover event that way
i do that ratchet but how to test if the user lingers a certain time over the particular button ?
9 mins ago, by ratchet freak
start a timer on hover start and stop/reset it on hover leave, when triggered do your action
why is that with with no optimization, the C loop performs very bad?
if I turn on O3, the C loop performs slightly better than std::copy?
guess what are optimizations for :D
what optimization can be done to that simple C loop?
hmm, I think it is because of vec.size() :|
it still sucks :o
maybe it converted the array access into pointer dereference
o.k. but i have to do a comparison of the timer value which was controlled with hover start/stop.
I guess you could look at the generated assembly
it comes with profiling info built in
@Yashas I would guess vectorization.
@nwp GCC doesn't vectorize without the user giving permission, right? o0
-O3 is plenty of permission
-ftree-vectorize is turned on under -O3 (2007-09-18).
but anyway O3 doesn't include all optimizations, right?
it will include all the ones that are stable
2 hours later…
How can I split up a line like this
(4.0, 30.0, 0.0, -25.0, -10.0, 0.0)
In C++, by just getting the values, ignoring the () and ,'s and store them in an array
Feb 24 at 20:12, by milleniumbug
@sweg_yolo_69 read entire lines with std::getline, split the lines by using std::stringstream
is a switch statement only working with constans or enums ?
@milleniumbug Thanks! I'll try it now!
Okay, I'm having a bit of difficulty with it at the moment.
So what I'm doing is getting a line from a file that is sent back from a lua function, then I'm converting that line eg. (30.0, 2.0, 0.0, -10.0, -25.0, 0.0) into an array of 6 values that I can store independently as their own float values.
std::vector<int> vect;
const char * line = lua_tostring(L, 1);
lua_pushstring(L, line);
std::stringstream ss(line);
int i;
while (ss >> i)

if (ss.peek() == ',' || ss.peek() == ' ')

for (int i = 0; i < vect.size(); i++)
cout << vect.at(i) << endl;
That's what I have at the end I just want to print out the float values to check that it works.
@FerencRozsa do you mean labels? Yes, integral constants only.
o.k. thx
Okay I'm getting an out_of_range error in my for loop and I'm unsure why.
vector<int> vect;
const char * line = lua_tostring(L, 1);
lua_pushstring(L, line);
stringstream ss(line);
int i;
while (ss >> i)

if (ss.peek() == ',' || ss.peek() == ' ')

for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
cout << vect.at(i) << endl;
cout << "x" << endl;

float hx = vect.at(0);
float hy = vect.at(1);
float hz = vect.at(2);
float ox = vect.at(3);
float oy = vect.at(4);
float oz = vect.at(5);
Shouldnt there only be the 6 values from this line in here?
(30.0, 2.0, 0.0, -10.0, -25.0, 0.0)
use a debugger to see what values are in the container
I've no access to a debugger on the PC I'm on unfortunately.
The runtime error is terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::out_of_range'
what(): vector::_M_range_check: __n (which is 0) >= this->size() (which is 0)
Aborted (core dumped)
which is 0
vect has no elements
Wait... how do I store the values in vect? I thought I was doing that in the while loop?
line in this context is (30.0, 2.0, 0.0, -10.0, -25.0, 0.0)
So I'm wanting to ignore all the commas, the brackets and whitespaces to get the values and store them as floats as seen at the end
Is there an easier way to do this as I'm very in the dark about the vector class
the parentheses complicate it a bit. I'd remove them first before entering the loop
or do lexing manually
it may be simpler
I know that "line" will always be in the format: (30.0, 2.0, 0.0, -10.0, -25.0, 0.0) just that the values may change.
always? no need to handle inputs which won't conform to this because it will never happen? then, ironically, C-style sscanf could handle this better
Would it? The length may change though? Don't you have to hard-code in an string length?
wait, you accept ints, but the values have a decimal dot separator
is the value after the dot always zero or...?
@JamesR is it guaranteed to have 6 comma separated numbers though?
I'm trying to support decimal values.
or can it have more of them or less
6 comma separated numbers.
And store each of those 6 as a float, then I can pass them to a function where I display them.
ints are integers though, no fractions here
oh, so you want to use floats, the int in the example code is a bug
fair enough
I mean that realistically I can input (30.7, 2.1, 0.0, -10.3, -25.3, 0.0)
And it would handle that
Basically, I'm receiving "line" which in this instance is:

(30.0, 2.0, 0.0, -10.0, -25.0, 0.0)

And I want get each value out of line to store each as a float.

So at the end:

hx = 30.0
hy = 2.0
hz = 0.0
ox = -10.0
oy = -25.0
oz = 0.0
sup? en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/utility/variadic/va_arg - what does (after promotions) mean on that page?
Ah okay, I see how it can be much easier!
But for your_input you're using a string?
yeah, just for demonstration that it is possible
Currently what "line" is, is a char*
you may ignore this and pass the const char* directly
instead of going through const char* -> std::string -> const char*
I think I understand what you mean.
vector<float> output(6);
const char * line = lua_tostring(L, 1);
lua_pushstring(L, line);
sscanf(line, " ( %f , %f , %f , %f , %f , %f )", &output[0], &output[1], &output[2], &output[3], &output[4], &output[5]);

float hx = &output[0];
float hy = &output[1];
float hz = &output[2];
float ox = &output[3];
float oy = &output[4];
float oz = &output[5];

//world->addBarrier(hx, hy, hz, oy, oy, oz);
But I'm still a tad confused how to change line to string and use it in sscanf
std::string line = lua_tostring(L, 1); like that
main.cpp: In function ‘int l_cppfunction(lua_State*)’:
main.cpp:68:25: error: cannot convert ‘std::__cxx11::string {aka std::__cxx11::basic_string<char>}’ to ‘const char*’ for argument ‘2’ to ‘const char* lua_pushstring(lua_State*, const char*)’
lua_pushstring(L, line);
main.cpp:69:122: error: cannot convert ‘std::__cxx11::string {aka std::__cxx11::basic_string<char>}’ to ‘const char*’ for argument ‘1’ to ‘int sscanf(const char*, const char*, ...)’
f )", &output[0], &output[1], &output[2], &output[3], &output[4], &output[5]);
(see full text)
That's a sample of the runtime error I get there.
wait why are you assigning pointers to float hx
float hx = output[0];
Oh yeah, apologies.
main.cpp: In function ‘int l_cppfunction(lua_State*)’:
main.cpp:68:25: error: cannot convert ‘std::__cxx11::string {aka std::__cxx11::basic_string<char>}’ to ‘const char*’ for argument ‘2’ to ‘const char* lua_pushstring(lua_State*, const char*)’
lua_pushstring(L, line);
main.cpp:69:122: error: cannot convert ‘std::__cxx11::string {aka std::__cxx11::basic_string<char>}’ to ‘const char*’ for argument ‘1’ to ‘int sscanf(const char*, const char*, ...)’
f )", &output[0], &output[1], &output[2], &output[3], &output[4], &output[5]);
(see full text)
It's only these two errors.
conversion from const char* to std::string is implicit
conversion from std::string to const char* requires calling .c_str() on the string
Ah yes, thanks!
@EuriPinhollow These are "default argument promotions", see en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/language/variadic_arguments
1 hour later…
@milleniumbug thanks, explains much.
I cannot understand: is it part of convention to pass argument sizes to variadic argument functions?
UB aside, I cannot understand how does printf outputs consistent results with argument of different sizes. Is it consequence of promotion to some wide type?
coliru.stacked-crooked.com/a/5a814df7304be7c6 - this one fails to output anything sensible.
Variadic function literally doesn't know the type you passed it
it doesn't even know how many arguments are there
@EuriPinhollow printf assumes that the argument you pass matches the conversion you specify. If they don't, you get UB.
That is, of course, after default promotions (char or short to int, float to double).
That's the goddamn point. I was not expecting printf("%d%d",char(1),char(1)) to ever output 1 1 because in the worst case it will miss even the first argument.
printf never gets a char
see default argument promotions
Im here asking for advice, rather than real question. I have some class that is called "ObjectController" (obvious is the job of the class), and I have lots of objects (meaning like, projectiles etc. I am making a game).
Is it better to have ObjectController as a singleton so every class can access it and add any object to it, or is it better, to pass (pointer, reference whatever) that points/refers to ObjectController everywhere where it needs to be used, and just keep one instance of it in main?
Don't use a singleton
If passing around a dependency starts getting annoying, it's a signal that the dependency does too much or your code is not modular enough
If you make it globally accessible, you can't know that
I'm going to skip the part where you named it an "ObjectController", because I'm not particularly in a mood for bikeshedding right now
Okay. So for now, I am going for passing dependencies.

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