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@treintje because it's checking it filled the output buffer correctly with if(returnValue < cchFilePath)
which example code?
the one in the documentation of the function you are asking about msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/…
okay i get it now:
"If the function fails because lpszFilePath is too small to hold the string plus the terminating null character, the return value is the required buffer size, in TCHARs. This value includes the size of the terminating null character."
so the buffer either receives "... the string plus the terminating null character" or the function fails with retnval > buffsize
which contradicts "This value does not include a NULL termination character."
if that means that Out LPTSTR lpszFilePath "might not be zero-terminated" (as warning C6054 would indicate), the parameter should have been defined as Inout LPTSTR lpszFilePath
no, that is wrong, _ In _ and _ Out _ could basically be considered equivalent to _ In _ z _ and _Out _ z _ when used with PSTR/PWSTR/etc typedefs
no idea why is "in" and "out" relevant to this problem
still, the typedef LPTSTR should guarantee a zero terminated string
which isn't the case when GetFinalPathNameByHandle fails with retnval > buffsize
the function failed, and the contents of the buffer are effectively undefined
yes, and if you try to compile a function which uses the _ Out _ annotation (which in effect is _Out _ z _ when combined with the LPTSTR typedef) for its buffer parameter, you will get warning C6054 when the buffer isn't zero terminated on function fail
in fact, the function documentation doesn't guarantee you anything about the contents of the output buffer. It doesn't say "the contents are untouched if the function fails", and it also doesn't say "the contents are what the function would provide on success, except truncated to buffer_size-1 and the character on the buffer_size position is a null character"
therefore, you can't make any assumption about them
> Everything not defined is undefined.
but it does mean that microsoft built their code while ignoring warning C6054
is your code calling the GetFinalPathNameByHandle function actually giving you that warning right now?
because I have no idea why you have brought that warning to the discussion
some of my own functions generate this warning, but i know it's safe to ignore them because on failure the buffers are not touched
you are right, it's not relevant
6 hours later…
we have different compilers in c++ but other languages have only one compiler?
@Kuhan This is not specific to C++. C# has csc.exe and mono compiler. Java used to have gcj which targetted native code. Python has multiple interpreters: CPython, PyPy, Cython, jython, IronPython
the reason some languages have a single compiler which is more popular than the other is because the way they define how language is supposed to work by writing a compiler for one
C++ OTOH is defined by an ISO standard
3 hours later…
I create shared library (dll) in Eclipse and when I use it in Eclipse project it work fine.

When I try to add that shared library in QT creator , it give me https://pastebin.com/FGk4iUSX

Is there anything I need to do for my library to be used in QT?
@milleniumbug @nwp Final words and to be completely fair to Nuklear GUI, there is a specific macro for my problem actually, that takes the index of the loop as additional input. The lack of documentation makes it really painful to figure out by one's self though. For now, my main source of information are the examples.
Are there docs? I haven't found any.
Not even comments before function declaration
Oh wait even you had said it there aren't
there is a docs folder in the repo: github.com/vurtun/nuklear/tree/master/docs though it needs to be built first...
what does the --a part of git add --a?
@ratchetfreak right good catch! No mention in the readme though :/
I tried to read the docs, but nowhere this option is listed...still it works...and someone told me to use it
I actually opened an issue on Github thinking it was a problem with the lib itself and the dev told me about that function x).
@Felix.C Might be a shortcut for --all.
Although I wouldn't know why not to just use -a if that was the intent.
@nwp thought so too, to you know how to find that out? I only found git-scm.com together with the --help option as "official" information, but both are extremely poorly written imho
well it would be -A then or --all I think
1 hour later…
what is the difference between int (*)[10] and int *[10]?
When they say "as array 10" they mean "as array of size 10".
How could have I decoded the meaning using operator precedence?
Not sure it is possible. This is a declaration, not an expression. Different rules.
You could look up the C++ grammar for variable declarations.
Alternatively you could say "this is insane, nobody likes C arrays, I will just use std::array instead".
What about 2D arrays?
std::array<std::array<int, M>, N> doesn't look good
might do template<std::size_t M, std::size_t N> using array2D = std::array<std::array<int, M>, N>;
array2D arr;
still not as neat as int arr[N][M];
template <class T, int M, int N> using array2D = std::array<std::array<T, M>, N>;
You can make array2D<N, M> arr;. Or if you feel like messing with variadic templates you could make it array<N, M> arr;.
2 hours later…
@sehe So the situation is that I represent different possible tree nodes with an std::variant. Depending on the initial keyword (e.g. FUN, OBJ) I parse into a different type of the variant.
discount tagged union?
@Columbo ok. That's par for the course (bbl)
Yeah, it is a discriminated union. I have an enumeration for the different indices, so FUN is an enumerator with the value of the variant index
The input looks a bit like this:
> FN(v12:
STR([TYC(TCAP(PRIM(ETG), [{}]))]),
v8 = v12[0]
v4 =
FIX(v1: TYC(AR[rr]([PRIM(I31)], [PRIM(I31)])) :: FN(v5:
v9 =
TYC(PRIM(I31)), ....
It's ML-like syntax: [] are lists. The rest are datatype constructors. I have corresponding variants in C++ that I want to parse that into.
2 hours later…
@Columbo "a bit like" - does this mean "don't waste your time" or "it's a subset"
@sehe Well, just so you can get a feeling
What it looks like :-)
I can show you more
@sehe How do I write a grammar for a variant? Currently, based off the tutorial, I'm writing a grammar that creates some rules in the constructor, but how can I instruct it to construct certain things in a variant? I.e. how do I integrate semantic actions?
> template <typename Iterator>
qi::grammar<Iterator, LambdaVar::lvar, ascii::space_type> lvar_grammar = 'v' >> qi::uint_;

template <typename Iterator>
struct lty_parser : qi::grammar<Iterator, Lty::lty, ascii::space_type> {
lty_parser() : lty_parser::base_type(start)
using namespace qi;
start = "TYC" >> lit('(') >> >> lit(')')
| "STR" >> lit('(') >> >> lit(')')
| "FCT" >> lit('(') >> >> lit(')')
| "POL" >> lit('(') >> >> lit(')')
| "CONT" >> lit('(') >> >> lit(')')
| "IND" >> lit('(') >> >> lit(')')
What does into the >> >> bit? Roughly?
@Columbo Yay
@Columbo Don't do semantic actions:
Q: Boost Spirit: "Semantic actions are evil"?

KostyaReading and watching this presentation: http://boost-spirit.com/home/2011/06/12/ast-construction-with-the-universal-tree/ I've discovered this statement -- basically we are suggested not to use semantic actions. I must admit, that I've already felt something like that: grammars with semantic act...

@sehe If you can expound an alternative, sure
The many samples listed yeterday all show the way to synthesize/propagate variant attributes, but the docs say it here: boost.org/doc/libs/1_65_1/libs/spirit/doc/html/spirit/qi/…
@Columbo All the samples I make do. I use SA in <5% of the grammars, ballpark
@sehe Oh, so the or operator corresponds to a variant?
I think I'll just write the grammar for now, and worry about the semantics later
@Columbo yup.
@Columbo I usually write the AST first, while thinking of the productions, because that will help me write the most friction-less productions. I guess that's with experience though.
Again, that's a pattern you'll see in all my Spirit answers and the livestreams: start out with the "naive" AST (using just std::string, containers, variant and optional) and then whack some rules on each AST node, basically
@Columbo Beautiful. If you'd sketch what components you want to recognize (generalized S-expressions only? Is : significant? Do you want AST types corresponding to FUN or OBJ?) I'd be pretty much done with the grammar so to speak.
How about to limit the child nodes a parent node can hold in the scene graph ?
Its because i have for the several levels in my scene graph only a certain amount of ids.
what does it mean to have, inside a struckture, a function thats starts with ~
for example this:
@jeyejow it's the destructor, the code that runs when an object of that type is destroyed
and what do we usually put inside the destructor?
normally you wouldn't be using a destructor because classes exist to manage the common resources
but other wise for example when wrapping a library that give you a handle that needs to be freed you would create a struct containing that handle and put the free operation in the destructor
ohhh, so for example if i have a struct thats creates a handle to a file, in the destructor i can have a CloseHandle(); ?
ahh ok i get it now, thanks!
@jeyejow though if you do you also need to account for copies and moves
@ratchetfreak what do you mean?
rule of 0/3/5
if you have a destructor then you also need to implement the copy constructor and copy assignment operator, then optionally you need to implement the move constructor and move assignment
otherwise the compiler will create a default implementation of them that will not do the thing you want and will lead to double destruction of the handle
oh ok ill do some research on that so i can understand it, thanks!
with handles making them move only is a pretty simple option (though requires a null-like value for the moved-from object)
but the code i saw didnt have that
i mean, it only have a constructor and a destructor
ill post the link were i found it so u can see what im talking about
ah in that case the struct isn't meant to hold a handle but instead manage some state and reset it on destruction
so the rule only applies if my struct receives a handle from the outside?
in the case of a handle
because he creates the handle inside the struct
IMO that code is bad and should not be used to learn from
oh, so he should had use the 0/3/5 rule?
that and he basically used the destructor as a on-terminate handler
there are other ways of doing that and won't help if the program crashed
well i didnt knew that rule existed, ill be more carefull. thanks lots!
@sehe Well, I derived the "grammar" from the definition of those types in SML/NJ. Yeah, : denotes that something is of some type. I have the relevant C++ definitions in a repo. But I certainly wouldn't want you to do that, as this is part of my bachelor dissertation ;)
You've already helped a lot, thanks!
The definitions look like this:
Where for each name, an enumerator is generated, and each type is a type in the std::variant
The S-expressions will mostly be named accordingly
@sehe Sorry if I'm unresponsive until later: we have an inauguration recital for our new full-sized Bechstein by Colin Stone. :p
@Columbo np
@Columbo oh adapting spirit onto legacy AST is recipe for pain. My usual approach is to simply parse into intermediate AST (primitive/recursive variant/optional/adapted struct) and transform from there.
The alternative using attribute transformation traits is... rarely simple. boost.org/doc/libs/1_65_1/libs/spirit/doc/html/spirit/advanced/…
@sehe I've written that. What's the issue, why "legacy AST"?
@Columbo Anything pre-existing is legacy. It's not an AST specifically designed for the Spirit parser
2 hours later…
@sehe I can alter the macro if that helps?
how do iterator tags work?
you can access the iterator tag for a given iterator, and use it for tag dispatching
how does the compiler find out which function to call?
overload resolution
void alg(RAIter, RAIter, std::random_access_iterator_tag)
alg(v.begin(), v.end());
well, you don't call that directly
RAIter will be random access iterator
alg(begin, end) will call alg(begin, end, typename std::iterator_traits<IteratorType>::iterator_category());
ah nvm
yea I just saw that
and then overload resolution will do its job
you can then add an void alg(Bidir, Bidir, std::bidirectional_iterator_tag) overload
do you have any book recommendations, one for the standard library and one for boost?
can't personally recommend a book unfortunately
Nov 13 at 4:04, by milleniumbug
unfortunately I can't tell you which book you should read because I learned C++ from horrible and outdated books and very slowly unlearned the bad habits by reading SO questions, cppreference, and C++11 FAQ
Hello, I have bumped into this problem three times: I'm using Eclipse CDT and it is very handy with the functionalities it provides, but when I'm trying to do some more delicate stuff such as declaring an inline struct , it complains about syntax error etc etc When I compile the code everything is OK but Eclipse instead of getting feedback from the compiler, it still nags about it (thus, leaving me with a file that if I let it be , real warnings could get mixed with fake warnings).
Finally, I go back to old methods and it gets solved but I feel like Eclipse is holding me back to my old ways. Is there something better than this? (i;ve seen some eclipse "workarounds" and they seem like trouble waiting to explode)
> inline struct
what do you mean by that
Q: How to assign a C struct inline?

mindthieftypedef struct { int hour; int min; int sec; } counter_t; And in the code, I'd like to initialize instances of this struct without explicitly initializing each member variable. That is, I'd like to do something like: counter_t counter; counter = {10,30,47}; //doesn't work for 10:...

especially when I try to insert it into a map , oh boy it gets messy
(counter_t){10, 30, 48} is technically not legal C++
so I guess your Eclipse and your compiler are using different compile flags
the latter is more permissive and allows that as an extension
hmmm although eclipse is compiling it
the parser it uses and the compiler it runs are separate
42 secs ago, by milleniumbug
the latter is more permissive and allows that as an extension
yes, I mean it's led by Eclipse
Can't see why Eclipse would use different flags than the ones that it compiles with
that said, I don't like Eclipse much
than the compiler it uses to compile with* (to be exact :P )
last time I had used it had random small problems, for example on my linux distro it wasn't able to display text caret
(Don't throw rocks at me) --> Is there an editor that usually someone replaces Eclipse with?
that annotates if you have errors, can "travel" to the function you want by , let's say, ctrl+clicking on it
there are many IDEs, none of them are great, but some of them suck less than others
Currently on Windows I use Visual Studio with Resharper C++
on linux, well, dunno what I would use, juci++ or CLion?
Supposedly, you can get that behavior in any old editor using some of the clang tools. In my experience, the clang tools often don't do the best job, or take forever to run sometimes.
OTOH, when it actually works, it's bee's knees
@milleniumbug Clion is proprietary , I'll check out juci++ when I have some time.
Thank you for letting me know that the thing I was trying wasn't in the standard

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