If I might ask, what is the difference between mingw and gnu toolchain?
I've read that TDM-GCC combines GCC toolset, a few patches for Windows-friendliness, and the free and open-source MingW or MinGW-w64 http://tdm-gcc.tdragon.net/about
Does gnu toolchiain and gcc toolset in that context different?
Hi, so after a long peruse over boost::proto, I got a headache and wanted to stop reading the user docs(probably because I haven't taken the compiler class at my college yet). I was wondering if anyone has experience with this library and has a more gentle introduction.
i have been giving c++ library files. my app need to be build in c# , thus i am creating a wrapper so as to call the c++ functions then call the function from a class ,at the end i will be calling it from my from my form.
The function i am calling need to be passed with some parameters, when i am hardcoding the parameters, it works but if i am passing it through a form the application crashes with error messages : AccessViolationException was unhandled. Attempted to read or write protected memory.This is often an indication that other memory is corrupt.. Any idea
@MuhamedCicak Do you know Rule of Zero? Then it's clearly self-explanatory, and it's an special case of Single Responsibility Principle
Basically if you have a class with a member field that needs a special treatment by any of the Big Five, you refactor this responsibility into a separate class
- char* pointing to a null-terminated string in a dynamically allocated memory area that needs to be freed in a destructor? Replace with std::string.
though if it's non-copyable you could co-opt unique_ptr for that with a custom deleter, with the deleter::type::pointer being customizable to hold the resource handle. Perhaps more trouble than it's worth though
if you want the digits separately then just treat them as separate digits: printf("%d%d%d%d%d", numArray[0], numArray[1], numArray[2], numArray[3], numArray[4]);
@Blue c is in the tag list of this room, so you may ask. But if you are asking, explicitly tell you're asking a C question, so the people who answer won't waste time by giving you a C++ answer.
I'd love a solution that would just cast a datatype in the correct place, so that it "formats" it into a string rather than integer, and just makes the string longer instead of using actual "math"
@sehe While it is one of the more difficult ones, this IS a task given by our teacher, so it needs to be done, but i guess i have made somewhat progress afterall
Another task I've got that I'd love advice with if possible, is to get the average value of a int array, using only two variables , one for input and one for output
@milleniumbug Ew. I learned BASIC (BASICA, GWBASIC) and MSX Basic/Amiga Basic (because those were the books the library had and I didn't have a computer). Also learned Z80 assembly because of similar reasons, before buying my first-ever book on 8088/8086 assembly myself.
@BartekBanachewicz I guess they're trying to make you come up with a solution you wouldn't think of otherwise, but still, I don't think this is a good way to do this
By saying "most solutions", thats the thing @OneRaynyDay , they got a input variable and a output, but also the sum variable. The sum variable i'm not allowed to create.
Fair enough, but if you reckon the code in that image works, i think i'll leave it at that. Afterall, we've only had the programming course two days now in school, so i feel like its unnecessary to make it all too complicated
But pretty much I wanted to implement something with this interface:
matrix x; // perform init later
matrix y; // similarly
matrix z;
graph = exp(sum(x * y + z));
graph.forward(); // gives me the answer
graph.back(x); // gives me the partial w.r.t x
graph.back(y); // gives me the partial w.r.t y
This is obviously a DSL, but I'm not sure if boost::proto is the best way to go, or should I just implement my own wrappers over placeholders like matrix, etc over blas and overload the operators?
cameraCalibration.cpp:27:81: error: ‘cv::aruco::PREDEFINED_DICTIONARY_NAME’ is not a class or namespace
o::Dictionary>markerDictionary = aruco::getPredefinedDictionary(aruco::PREDEFINED_
One thing that I'm doing that some other autodiff places are not doing, is that during forward() and back() I would create a concurrent queue of operators to evaluate and concurrently take elements from that std::queue and execute it
This will eventually generalize to bigger expressions like convolve(x, y), which takes a long time, and can be taken as a single task inside of the concurrent polymorphic std::queue<op>
@sehe well, I guess one is using template meta to make everything work, and another is evaluating during runtime for a fixed set of classes to interact with
In my case, if I define what specific operators do on specific classes, like Foo& operator=(const Foo&);, I would be coding up what ::proto is generating, right
I believe it's ::proto::equals<...>, during the expression generation
I see, but I was just addressing the c++11 variant link, since there were 2 alternatives posed(either proto or not), and I was arguing for the case for without proto
So we're on the same page in terms of discussion :)
On the other hand of arguing for proto, I'd agree that it's much more expressive and allows me to pretty much forego writing a large portion of the function defs myself
and I don't have a whole body of code :P just the basic setup. I'm stuck in that awkward crossroad scenario and not really progressing much