should i be worried if i get a SIGTRAP during debugging? Compiled with minGW 4.9.2, debugged with GDB/CDB? I clicked on continue debugging after SIGTRAP and the program is able to run with no obvious signs of breaking down (CodeBlocks 16.0.1)
@LandonZeKepitelOfGreytBritn TCP is slower than UDP because it does more, things like error correction, ordering of packages, retransmissions in case of data loss and so on. It seems like you need all of those features. If you implement them in UDP it will be slower than just using TCP.
@nwp does this really matter in my case you think? I mean the enf goal is just some sort of surveillance system. I was thinking about just streaming via UDP and sending some commands via TCP.
your code should work... though there should be a while (udpSocket->hasPendingDatagrams()) around the body of the readPendingDatagrams slot, but that shouldn't affect whether it got called
sort of, for my own..i noticed copy pasted codes are around...was thinking of a solution of that and i've just solved the problem...but still as you said
not efficient
and my tools are limited to what gcc 4.9.2 can provide as my luck with boost (if boost has any tools to help) isn't helping
arg.erase(std::remove_if(arg.begin(), arg.end(), [](char x){ return x == '\t'; }), arg.end());
as for why your function is not removing, well, you're checking for the tab character, and it's there, but none of the inner branches are hit (counter is not equal to 0, and the character after that tab is 'h')
As chat is less stricly than main site, could I ask for an opinion? I had job interview and the person that interviewed me said rather controversial thing, IMO, that really bothers me.
Do you thing someone can be rather good in C++ (have a good grasp on STL, good practices like RAII, OOP, basic exceptions handling, experience with such important libraries like Boost; had a few projects), but at the same time be rather amateur in C (knows the basics, because that's how teaching C++ looks in Polish, by teaching C-style, but don't knows any good practices, done no projects in it, only tasks from tutorials, university, etc)?
@ADG Most of the time what universities call "C++", they actually mean "C, but with some addition of arbitrarily chosen features of C++ because we can't actually explain how C equivalents work. Also there's no way in hell we'll explain the features that don't exist in C, that would require significant changes in the course we didn't change in the last 10 years"
@Toreno96 sorry for that, I'm actually attending my last year of IT at my uni (PG ETI), so I wanted to respond with "I know, right"
@milleniumbug I had a really big luck to have teacher, that tried really hard to guide me (and other students) to learn more about good C++, not uni's "C++". Which motivated me to learn more by myself.
Never stop learning by yourself, even when you're attending uni
there are different styles of teaching, and most older books (symfonia C++, thinking in c++) tend to favour the bottom-up style where you focus on language features as if reading them from a feature list on wikipedia
I wouldn't be particularly surprised; I mean, you do know the C++ specific idioms, you've done some projects, but you haven't done much C language programming <- basically me
did you know that in C, if you declare a struct like this: struct A {};, you must declare a variable like this: struct A a; and not like this A a; // C++
^ if I haven't looked up "how C and C++ are different", and/or tried writing a C program, I wouldn't know that, and I would be basically a total amateur in C
most likely the company you've tried interviewing in is actually using "C with classes" style
That's why in my opinion I'm good at C++, but bad at C. Because different good practises, because beign used to OOP, RAII, STL and overall beauty of C++.
even if you know the basic idea of how to program doesn't mean you are expert in all languages, isn't that is how the view of anyone involved in programming/development?
Well, if they employ me eventually I will have chance to see for myself. After all, it's just one-month internship, and I really need work experience and money (they pay really good, for an internship).
I have good idea. I could look at open source projects of this company and see for myself even without employment.
@LandonZeKepitelOfGreytBritn If you Google for "send mms from computer" (or similar) you should get quite a few hits. AT&T (for one example) has an address where you can send email, and it comes out the other end as a text message.
@LandonZeKepitelOfGreytBritn They're not nearly as distinct as you might think. In fact, when you talk on a 4G/LTE phone, you're really using VOIP going over an IPv6 network, using most IP kinds of things (e.g., most cell networks use Diameter for authentication).