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best case for any algorithm that depends on the input will always be big omega of (1) or NOT? views?
sup? ideone.com/PjZjNC - what's going on here? What's the point of introducing rvalue references to keep lvalue references not accept rvalues if it backfires in such a simple situation? Why did C++ not allow binding rvalues to reference being a function argument in the first place? It's perfectly understandable that rvalue cannot be bound to reference if it happens in local scope, but why in the hell not allow it for function arguments?
2 hours later…
@EuriPinhollow a is an lvalue
@SaubhagyaSrivastava Seems right. The only thing better than O(1) is O(0) which doesn't depend on input.
@nwp that's the god damn point, why would rvalue become lvalue just because it is bound to rvalue reference? Why not allow binding rvalues to references specifically for function calls?
@EuriPinhollow Because if you do g(a); g(a); inside f you expect it to work and not break because a is suddenly gone.
oh wait
I see.
Then the question is: why would we need rvalue references at all if it can be explicitly permitted to bind rvalues to references specifically in function calls?
Not sure if I already wrote that to you, but you may want to forget about lvalues and rvalues and look at temporaries instead. That makes a lot more sense.
Also it is not specific to function calls. std::string &&s = std::string("hello"); compiles just fine and again s is an lvalue.
I am not confusing anything. I know what temporary is. Two points:
- references are not safe so why bother
- temporaries are preserved until function call returns
Why not allow binding temporaries to references inside function arguments?
@nwp Just forget that part, you answered it already.
ideone.com/yikkA3 - wouldn't this code be perfectly valid if it compiled?
@EuriPinhollow You could allow that to compile, but the standard committee decided that b is an output parameter and changing it has no effect, so it doesn't make sense, so we don't allow it.
Either make it const to express that you don't intend to change it (because it has no effect anyways) or make it explicitly take an rvalue reference to express that it is aware that it is getting a temporary.
@nwp oh well, it is as bad as I thought. :D So, basically, commitee semantically loaded references.
@EuriPinhollow Go use MSVC. It will compile things for you. For the rest of us, we'd rather live with an entire class of bugs fewer than have some kind of syntactic convenience.
Why is that bad? It makes sense to me.
@EuriPinhollow On the contrary. The committee was aware of the semantics of references. And the inherent dangers of implicit references to temporaries.
Everything can make sense if learned early enough.
That's a fair point. This is why learning favours the open stance, not the combative stance.
Though, all devs know: the combative stance comes naturally/is fun. It must be because critical thinking is so important.
MSVC had allowed binding temporaries to non-const lvalue references for a long time and it was universally recognized as a mistake.
I do not loose anything if I treat the tools which I use with realism.
Realism is when you understand the choices made, more than when you denounce them.
Because a zillion people knowing better doesn't change reality.
C++ >>>questions<<< room is not a brilliant choice for denouncing C++.
That's what we have the lounge for.
Q: How come a non-const reference cannot bind to a temporary object?

Alexey MalistovWhy is it not allowed to get non-const reference to a temporary object, which function getx() returns? Clearly, this is prohibited by C++ Standard but I am interested in the purpose of such restriction, not a reference to the standard. struct X { X& ref() { return *this; } }; X getx() { ...

Realism is more or less understanding everything objectively and not making choices emotionaly. Yes I am realist.
I'm pretty sure we don't have any emotional attachment to reference binding rules.
> oh well, it is as bad as I thought. :D
Do not try to read my mind over internet, people typically cannot do it with eye contact.
> that's the god damn point
@nwp me neither.
Well damn, every thing which you feel is basically an emotion. Even the sense of proof being logically correct is emotion too.
Your desire to reply to me is emotion too, broadly speaking.
I recently found a list of obscure c++ features and my thought was "hey, those aren't obscure at all!". Guess C++ has ruined my sense of obscurity.
@nwp flock doesn't seem to be intraprocess:
            int fd = open("/home/yalishanda/Desktop/camera.jpg", O_RDWR |O_CREAT, 0666);
            int rc = flock(fd, LOCK_EX | LOCK_NB);

                qDebug()<<"OK obtained lock";
                cv::imwrite("/home/yalishanda/Desktop/camera.jpg", imgFrame);
            {qDebug()<<"didnt receive shit: "<<rc;}
note that I don't release the lock on purpose so that no other external process can have access to the image at all
if __name__ =='__main__':

    jpeg_file = open('/home/yalishanda/Desktop/camera.jpg', 'r+b')
        fcntl.lockf( jpeg_file.fileno() , fcntl.LOCK_EX)
        #fcntl.lockf(fd, fcntl.LOCK_EX)
        print('lock successfully acquired')
    except IOError, e:
        print('smth went wrong when acquiring the lock')
this python code allows me to obtain a lock while the cpp code is executed...
wow never mind!
apparently the python code should use flock and not lockf
both functions exist in python
@nwp Yeah. Meh to most of them. Things like "function-level try" do merit the "obscure" feature, even though it's rather well-known
@LandonZeKepitelOfGreytBritn I thought you intended to lock the file non-cooperatively? If I'm reading this right flock will not prevent other processes reading the file.
@nwp yes it does prevent
my python code waits to read the file as long as it has not received a lock using flock
it only receives the lock once the c++ code releases the lock
I mean it does because you went through the trouble of obtaining an flock in python, but if you open the file with, say, vim, it would still open.
@nwp yes that s correct
I am still able to open the image manually
but that s OK, because my software is unable to access the files, as long as that software checks for an flock before opening the image. which is what want
The reason why I am able to open the image with vim I think is simply because when opening it -let it be manually by typing vi myImage.jpg in the terminal- nothing checks for the flock.
In that case the original idea of using QLockFile would have worked just fine.
@nwp even if the other process isn t written in Qt? I mean QLockFile is something for Qt
QLockfile maps to something OS specific
Qt is available from python too. And probably some other languages.
if the other process uses the same thing (or something compatible with it) then it will work properly
ok not such a big deal, it works now :)
I l try to finish this damned GUI and I can always improve my code afterwards
first time that I write multithreaded and multiprocess code...
@LandonZeKepitelOfGreytBritn Play some deadlock empire first.
I didn't expect that I would encounter so many -unexpected- things during the development of a simple GUI
@nwp haha nice :)
if I master multithreaded and multiprocess stuff in Qt, I guess I should be able to make almost any type of GUI, right?
GUI and multi threading don't mix well.
(as long as I don't go 3d or try to implement my own widgets) Those are basic principles that I will always need , from now on.
@nwp why so? I mean you apparently have no other choice if your GUI is supposed to do some heavy computation in the background
Yeah, you can so some background calculations. But usually only 1 thread is allowed to do anything GUI-related.
@nwp this is how my code works
the main thread takes care of the GUI and I -will- have 3 worker threads for other stuff:
TCP/IP, starting scripts and obtain their results, camera interface,...
Make sure they are strictly separated.
@nwp what do you mean?
they have to communicate amongst each other
It tends to happen that you call some function from a worker thread that calls some other function that eventually accesses GUI elements. You need to have some convention that tells you which functions and objects are accessible from which thread.
like the camera interface gets an image frame and has to pass this image frame to another thread which is in charge with the scripting. The script takes an image as input. At the same time: 1) we keep our live camera feed on the GUI and 2) we send the results from the script via TCP/IP
Do junior cpp developers start with writing multithreaded and multiprocessing software at companies as well?
I still want to try out clangs analyzer, mostly because the annotations make sense outside the tool too.
team clang or team gcc?
@LandonZeKepitelOfGreytBritn Since the end-of-the-free-lunch everybody does. Why do you think FP is so popular? And why does every language have about 3 async programming frameworks?
@LandonZeKepitelOfGreytBritn Strictly separated implies they have to communicate. No shared properties means passing it along explicitly
@LandonZeKepitelOfGreytBritn Because no GUI framework is threading-aware. It doesn't make sense. Most GUI frameworks depend on event loops and they run in specific threads. Short of making everything threadsafe/active-object you need to do all GUI api calls on that thread.
How does Make decide whether to recompile or skip a file? Is it the file size?
@kim366 fstat
that returns the last modified timestamp
Okay. Then my makefile is broken
when a build system breaks do a clean and rebuild
75% of the time that will fix it
"fix" in the sense of having to deal with spurious compilation failures and randomly doing clean rebuilds indefinitely. I'd call that broken, not fixed.
@nwp problem, when the image doesn t exist on my hdd,
int fd = open("/home/yalishanda/Desktop/camera.jpg", O_RDWR |O_CREAT, 0666);
        int rc = flock(fd, LOCK_EX | LOCK_NB);
creates a txt file called camera.jpg while I want to make an image...
sometimes it seems to create an image sometimes a txt file
It should be creating an empty file.
sometimes indeed an empty file called camera.jpg is being created (overwriting the actual image) and sometimes it doesn t overwrite it
being the only software engineer at a company definitely has its pros and cons...
especially if that s your first job
2 hours later…
@LandonZeKepitelOfGreytBritn mostly cons, you don't have anyone to code review with
@Mgetz "any code to review with", what do you mean by that?
Read the sentence again.
Do you mean that engineers at large companies -roughly speaking- copy previously written code and slightly modify it to their needs?
or compare the code they wrote with already existing code as a comparison
Code review is systematic examination (sometimes referred to as peer review) of computer source code. It is intended to find mistakes overlooked in software development, improving the overall quality of software. Reviews are done in various forms such as pair programming, informal walkthroughs, and formal inspections. == Introduction == Code reviews can often find and remove common vulnerabilities such as format string exploits, race conditions, memory leaks and buffer overflows, thereby improving software security. Online software repositories based on Subversion (with Redmine or Trac), Mercurial...
@nwp okay clarifies
@Mgetz main issue imo is that when you are stuck you have no one to discuss the problem with. Very often just by explaining the issue to someone else, you think about new stuff and can eventually solve the issue yourself
or you also don t have another senior engineer who can give you advise
in order to avoid typical pitfalls
Personally I think I've fallen in almost every possible pitfall so far
fixed it every time, but still...
@LandonZeKepitelOfGreytBritn That is known as Rubber Duck Debugging.
@nwp hahahahahha! omg!
I am surrounded by only hardware engineers, they will think I am crazy if they ever see me doing that stuff
@LandonZeKepitelOfGreytBritn so what I've noticed is that engineers on their own tend to reinforce their worst habits because there is nobody to complain and get them back on track. I see this a lot with our juniors here if they don't have a senior tasked with mentorship.
@Mgetz can confirm. But what makes it worse is when your boss, who is unfamiliar with software dev, keeps exerting pressure on you to get quick results
@LandonZeKepitelOfGreytBritn yes that's usually the cause of a lot of the problems. Compound that with the lack of experience pushing back on unreasonable demands and you end up with crap code.
@Mgetz on the other hand, if you re goal is not to become the best software engineer but to get familiar with specific techniques that are being implemented (eg if you re writing software to do AI), I think that s a good boost
@LandonZeKepitelOfGreytBritn potentially but I think you're missing out on a lot of skills that will help you achieve your goals long term.
You can compensate a bit by hanging out on SO and Codereview, but it is clearly not the best option.
and even those people don't always have the best answer for your situation
Looking at conferences can also help.
@LandonZeKepitelOfGreytBritn try to find someone outside of work willing to mentor you and coach you. Make sure to meet with them on a weekly or even daily basis if possible.
@nwp that s what I do :)
@Mgetz who the hell would ever accept to do that?
@LandonZeKepitelOfGreytBritn any senior that's a friend and cares about you?
or someone you pay to do so
@LandonZeKepitelOfGreytBritn People who get paid or idiots who do it for free in a chat room.
@Mgetz I call that wishful thinking
@ratchetfreak more realistic
@nwp haha :) , issue with that is that you don't really know who is giving you advice. It may be a junior dev who just graduated
@LandonZeKepitelOfGreytBritn then I highly suggest looking for a new job
@Mgetz not an option in my case
@LandonZeKepitelOfGreytBritn why not?
@Mgetz too much knowledge inside that company which I need for personal usage later
knowledge which is not related to pure software design and stuff like that
I'm pretty sure a lot of that knowledge can be found elsewhere as well
maybe not as easily as within your company
@ratchetfreak maybe.. but there is also a difference between theoretical knowledge you get by just reading stuff online and knowledge you gain by being in an environment where seniors/experts in that domain work
Eg: you could learn online how to make an airplane. Or you could work inside a factory making airplanes (but during that time you ll be writing crap code)
From which one willl you benefit the most if your endgoal is to make airplanes or maybe just a part of an airplane by yourself later? The latter.
3 hours later…
QObject::connect: Cannot queue arguments of type 'driver'
(Make sure 'driver' is registered using qRegisterMetaType().)

    connect(recognitionClObj, &recognitionClass::recognitionResult, this, &webcamClass::emitRecognitionResults);
class recognitionClass : public QObject

    struct driver{
        QString driverName;
        double driverCertitude;


somebody an idea of what I am doing incorrectly?
You probably confused moc with the ::. Moc is not very smart. Try to move driver out of recognitionClass.
moc doesn't know about namespaces or nested classes? wow, that's... disappointing
no wonder nobody likes it
Alternatively you may get away with a pointer. You don't need to register those.
god sake...
I wrote in all those functions recognitionClass::driver
now I have to remove it everywhere
thanks moc
@nwp that worked! thx
stupid moc....
5 hours later…
/home/yalishanda/QT_to_Android1/recognitionclass.cpp:113: error: no matching function for call to ‘QProcess::write(QString&)’
     successFailWrite = p->write(pythonRecognitionFunction);
QString pythonRecognitionFunction= "print myClassObj.recognize('/home/yalishanda/Desktop/camera.jpg',"+ QString::number(imageCounter) +");\n";
    successFailWrite = p->write(pythonRecognitionFunction);
How should I correctly pass my command to the write function please?
You look up how QProcess::write works. Looks like the compiler is right and there is no such function that takes a QString.
The problem is that QString has an encoding, some utf-8 or something. QProcess::write doesn't understand encodings, it just writes bytes. You now have to turn your encoded string into bytes, ideally in the encoding that python assumes. Maybe pythonRecognitionFunction.toUtf8() or one of the other encodings.
@nwp ok looking into it, thx

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