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I have column based representation
Now I want to form A[ ] [ ] from Ap,Ai,Ax
how can I do that ?
@IccheGuri Read the data into a 2D array, and read it row-wise instead of column-wise.
@IccheGuri I did. A couple of times now.
I am able to read Ap,Ai,Ax
How can I form A[ ][ ] from Ap[ ] ,Ai[ ] and Ax [ ] ?
A few days ago , you have provided answer to my question .
@IccheGuri Carefully.
This two files are identical
I cant understand how to get coefficient of constraint from first file ?
Please help me to understand .
Are you there mate ?
@IccheGuri I'm trying to relax and watch a movie.
A[ ] [ ] is the coefficient of constraint
Suppose we have the following problem :
Minimize w = 2x1 + 10x2 + 8x3
subject to 2x1 + 2x2 + 2x3 >= 6
2x2 + 2x3 >= 8
-2x1 + 2x2 + 2x3 >= 4
bound to x1>=0,x2>=0,x3>=0
For the above problem A[ ] [ ] will be simply as follow :
2 2 2
0 2 2
-2 2 2
I dont have any idea what will be Ap[ ] , Ai [ ] And Ax [ ] for the above problem ?
ok mate
2 hours later…
@Mikhail good afternoon
is there a way by which we can directly read and add a value to accumulator? Eg:
we have *elem*, *accum* as two integers. In a loop, we read new values of *elem* and add to the *accum*
Can we do this without the elem variable, i mean adding directly after reading to accum ?
1 hour later…
Hi guys,
out of curiosity, assuming you know the data structure "union-find"
it seems to me very easy to implement
like my reference shows like very few lines of pseudocode that should implement the data structure
(but the actual analysis seems really long)
(the question is... is it really that easy? or there's some subtle aspect I'm not considering?)
1 hour later…
@user8469759 maybe?
Lol, I would be surprised if it were so, because this is classified as "advanced data structure"
I guess the only way is to implement it
@user8469759 Does your solution provide O(1) union and O(1) find? It has to provide both, you know
@samjoe yes, write a function that does this
@milleniumbug I haven't implemented it yet, I came across it yesterday and I was trying to figure out how hard would it be to implement it.
4 hours later…
Has anybody ever worked with c api of LightGBM?
I could not find any, nor I could find any documentation.
1 message moved from Lounge<C++>
1 hour later…
@MeetTaraviya nope :(
Hi, I cannot find a reference for "not disjoint set data structure"
is there any specific data structure you could mention?
"not disjoint set" no such thing or nobody is calling it by this name
but is it clear what I'm asking?
like set {a,b,c} and {a,d,e} is there an efficient way to compute the union etc?
in the stl there's the "set" data container
@user8469759 maybe std::set_union
if you represent the set as a linked list, you can easily compute the union just by joining two lists, O(1) :P
Really? And how do you get rid of the duplicated element? If there''s any
Hi, how can I run the DoxygenConfig in visual studio or elsewhere? I don't see it in Visual Studio. I was told I should run the button for the DoxygenConfig but I don't know in which IDE or where!
This is what I am told "how can I run the DoxygenConfig in visual studio or elsewhere? I don't see it in Visual Studio. I was told I should run the button for the DoxygenConfig but I don't know in which IDE or where!"
There is nothing additional you have to do other than generating the updated documentation with Doxygen. There is a DoxygenConfig file you can load for all the settings, and then you can press 'run' and everything will be done for you.
So I wonder where is the run button for DoxygenConfig
@user8469759 duplicated elements aren't relevant if you never remove from the set
or test for membership
it's a matter of which operations you will use or you won't use
@MonaJalal where is this statement from
do you have the link to the page
A colleague! @milleniumbug I just joined this job
so I wonder how DoxygenConfig should be run if our project is based in Visual Studio (C++)
it's "doxygen"
yes, the tool which generates documentation like this is called "doxygen"
you can optionally have a "doxygen.config" file in your project directory
then you can run doxygen from a command line
how should I run doxygen from command line?
this is the file I have DoxygenConfig
by starting up cmd.exe (a.k.a. command prompt) and cding to your project directory and running doxygen
(assuming you already have it installed and in %PATH%)
it didn't work so I am installing doxygen now
doxygen DoxygenConfig should assumbly be the command
"doxygen DoxygenConfig"
you can read the docs as well as I can stack.nl/~dimitri/doxygen/manual/starting.html
@milleniumbug it gave an error doxyfile not found pastebin.com/ALLaPmHY
is C:\Users\mona6 your project directory?
because it doesn't look like it
I got it fixed thanks
for the pointer that it should be doxygen.config
@milleniumbug does the spacing between the methods in .cpp files matter for doxygen or is there any connvention for that? is it 1 line or 2 lines of spaces?
neither the compiler nor doxygen care about whitespace
personally I don't put more than one empty line consecutively in my code
6 hours later…
How should I fix this error? Where should I install zlib from for Visual Studio 2015 in Windows 10? Cannot open include file: 'zlib.h': No such file or directory

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