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@EuriPinhollow Preliminary Draft Technical Specification
@user8469759 post your fixed point class please.
How do I enable_if a struct's struct?
@EuriPinhollow Can you be more specific?
Because as is, the answer is "the same way you enable_if a regular struct"
Then how do I enable regular struct? :D
You have to make it a class template
I suppose your sfinae condition is available from the outer struct?
Then you only need the Enable template parameter and type in your predicate in the enable_if_t first parameter
Thx, parsing it.
1 hour later…
@EuriPinhollow I sorted out, thanks
@Lalaland Ok, so basically, when I read from an atomic, I am always guaranteed the newest version of that atomic 'value', it is only the values that are not atomic that I need to synchronize?
Hi, I would like to decorate all my c++ code, adding a line at the start of every function. For profiling purposes. I'm using visual c++ compiler. I'm about to use python to do this... but thought it was worth asking around before parsing c++
Is there any c++ black magic that could do something like this?
@Lalaland So, if I don't need to sync with anything, then I could just do relaxed? I guess what I am really asking is, am I guaranteed this behavior even with relaxed atomic? hastebin.com/otudiqisec.rb
@SergioBasurco Visual studio has an instrumentation profiler, if that is what you are after.
The thing is I want a frame profiler
Specifically Brofiler github.com/bombomby/brofiler
There's Telemetry, which does not require decorating the code, but costs a few thousands and Brofiler's free and does what I need
@SergioBasurco I don't believe so, though finding function bodies isn't that hard if you don't mind a few false positives. The pattern is something like non_keyword_identifier(comma separated, identifiers possibly, with keywords){
Ooh thats cool, thanks for the link, been looking for different profilers. Yeah, I think the best solution would be what ratchet is suggesting.
Thanks, yep will do that.. may not be that hard
2 hours later…
nvm kek, reading is a good thing
@Pms You don't have any guarantees about the relative ordering of those add instructions in the different threads. x.load(mo_relaxed) is legally able to return any value from 1-3.
@Pms You are never sure if you are going to get the "newest" value of the atomic. The memory orders (other than seq_cst, that one is much more complicated) are mainly about synchronizing other memory locations relative to a particular load and store of an atomic.
@Lalaland Ok, then that is what that confuses me about the code snippet i sent earlier (hastebin.com/izawahagab.cpp), because then how can we be sure that no other threads sees a value of 0 after the compare exchange, because they have not yet seen "my" writing of the value 1 to indicate that the lock is taken?
Ok, I guess I mispoke. Within the atomic operation, you are guaranteed the newest value. It's just that that value can immediately change afterward due to changes on another thread.
that's why atomic operations often do test and conditional update together
Ah ok, and when you say, within the atomic operation, that also counts for the return value. So for a fetch_add(mo_relaxed) the value returned is the newest one, unless another thread has modified the atomic after I did my fetch_add?
@Pms Yes, but another thread could modify the atomic immediately after your fetch_add.
I think I actually see a bit more of the picture then, I have been reading about atomics for a while, including the preshing links etc, and I think I understand the synchronizes with (at least in terms of acquire and release), however the part of the atomic variable it self I found confusing :P
Thanks to both of you.
2 hours later…
Hey, I need a bit of help please. What does
(int *)1
it means whoever wrote this should be fired
3 messages moved from Lounge<C++>
1 message moved from Lounge<C++>
I have this DLL and I decompiled it into C/C++ and this is one of many nonsense code bits I found...
It's 4k lines of trash and I need to solve it for a puzzle
@Phantom it casts 1 into an int *
that only ever makes sense in embedded where there is some memory mapped stuff at fix positions. But even then a 1 doesn't make sense as a address
I can see someone doing that if they are playing evil tricks with pointers.
Which, depending on your platform may or may not be OK.
@Phantom Could you give the full piece of code? What does it do with that value?
If you are getting this from decompilation, it might just be due to compiler optimization somewhere.
Compilers can play all sorts of nasty tricks.
This is awesome. If only I knew about this during my undergrad
pastebin.com/K3UR8pvm There it is - the code from the Mossad. Look for function_10002a60 .
looks like a decompiler bug
the offending part is if (v4 != (int32_t *)1)
the value of v4 comes from this int32_t * v4 = function_10001050("%s");
function_10001050 returns (int32_t *)__stdio_common_vfscanf((int64_t)g235, (struct _IO_FILE *)v1, a1, 0, v3);
IOW it's pointlessly casting to pointer to do an integer comparison
although __stdio_common_vfscanf is declared in stdio.h, g++ refuses to acknowledge it.
it's an internal function to VC++
note your file is decompiled from a visual c++ executable
Yes, I noticed the XML
Tried it in VS 2015, didn't work
Can you aid me? How can I compile the whole thing?
if you can't get a better decompiler, then you need to fix up the code
look up each of the internal functions, and replace it with the equivalent code that would have called that function
for example __stdio_common_vfscanf is likely to be a helper for vfscanf
also you need to fix up the types
Yeah, I started going through it. Worth the job opportunity. I replaced all of the int32_t with just int .
not only that
int32_t v2;
int32_t v3 = &v2; // 0x10001062_0
^ this is pretty much uncompilable
but you can see the signature of the __stdio_common_vfscanf function
it's passing v3 as the last param, which is va_list
I can safely say decoding the entire file is beyond my skills
Then I should probably look for a better method of cracking this.
I wrapped the DLL of this code. It asks for a password, but I fear the password changes
each time you run the file based on the memory address of some vars.
1 hour later…
I'm getting weird problem, I've never faced with that.
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::system_error'
  what():  Operation not permitted
run.sh: line 1: 29496 Aborted                 ./Server 1700
is it related to threads?
Please notice: the program ran successfully. After a while it crashed.
I tried to run it with ASAN, but it didn't tell me anything.
run under gdb, set a breakpoint on an exception thrown with catch throw
I use CMake to compile it.
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.6)



add_executable(Server ${SOURCE_FILES})

target_link_libraries(Server ${CMAKE_THREAD_LIBS_INIT})
@milleniumbug How I do that?
cmake --build-type=Debug AFAIR
and you run gdb path/to/your/application
and then catch throw, followed by run
It'll catch the error automatically, right?
I don't have to set try {} catch () {} everywhere?
it will stop your program at the point where the exception was thrown
and what I do later?
will it show me what caused that?
afterwards you can examine the stack trace by running bt
I've never used gdb
it's a debugger, with a command line interface
@milleniumbug Ok. What's bt?
if you are more comfortable with using gdb from your IDE, then you can do that instead
@SzymonMarczak "backtrace"
@milleniumbug Sorry if I'm annoying a bit, but what's backtrace? Is it the output from GDB?
@milleniumbug Thanks, but how can I access GDB if it's running with nohup? I got these errors very rarely, so I don't want to spend 20 hours being connected to my VPS and looking what's happening. It's tiring.
sorry, dunno
you can try running gdb in a non-interactive mode
or doing remote debugging
I understand. I think this askubuntu.com/questions/57477/bring-nohup-job-to-foreground will solve my problem
yeah, you can run an application on a screen or tmux session, disconnect
...and then later you can connect to the server, and attach to the session
as long as your VPS won't shut down in the meantime, it will be fine
@milleniumbug I've just played with it for a while, it's really AMAZING!
3 hours later…
@user8469759 I've read [More] Effective C++ and became much enlightened. Back in the day there was "Guru Of The Week" (still online? herbsutter.com/2013/05/04/…) which have also been bundled in a very helpful book:
I consider these the "cookbooks" and each chapter gives you a specific topic to wrap your head around. It's really helpful
When I have wanted to do networking in c++ prior to this I have done silly stuff like system calls to wget. Now I need to communicate a text (7-bit) protocol over a socket. Is Boost.Asio my simplest choice here?
All of the stuff I used before, libcurl and others are not targeted towards sockets. Asio does seem to do the trick though.

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