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gcc converting to execution character set: Illegal byte sequence
[Error] conversion from GBA to UTF-8 not supported by iconv
1 hour later…
@wilx Yes Sir.
@wilx [Error] failure to convert cp932 to UTF-8
@wilx Sir, i try everything still no success.
@wilx i am using dev-c++, opengl, freetype and ftgl.
@wilx i try to display chinese 你好。
@wilx [Error] converting to execution character set: Illegal byte sequence
@AlexCerry How do you specify the source file encoding to the compiler?
I copy ftgl file in project.
and have only one main file.
ftgl both source and header. Because i do not want to build library.
Have you tried g++ -finput-charset=CP932 main.cpp?
5 28 C:\Users\VTurtle\Documents\DevC++\main.cpp [Error] failure to convert CP932 to UTF-8
@wilx ide pointing this line: (#include <GL\glut.h>)
@AlexCerry Well, I would suggest trying to convert your source to UTF-8 first and always use UTF-8 in our source. That should be compatible with any headers.
@wilx Sir, i open every single file with notepad++ and change to utf-8 still not working.
@wilx also this error. 223 1 c:\program files (x86)\dev-cpp\mingw32\include\gl\glu.h [Error] 'GLAPI' does not name a type
@wilx Sir, Any idea? What i doing wrong? Google does not have solution. :(
@AlexCerry That looks like entirely different error. You are probably missing some include before you include this one.
@wilx if i use english no error.
@wilx wchar_t str[128] = L"你好“; not work
@wilx wchar_t str[128] = L"Hello"; Work
@AlexCerry Look closely at the end of the string, the quote is not straight one.
@wilx no in ide its ok. When i copy in stack edit box its like this.
@wilx ide make this line red (#include "FTGL.h") and then show this error when i double click : (4 18 C:\Users\VTurtle\Documents\DevC++\main.cpp [Error] failure to convert CP932 to UTF-8)
main.cpp:4:18: error: failure to convert CP932 to UTF-8
#include "FTGL.h"
@wilx Sir, any help?
@wilx i can compile program with cp932. But when i include opengl its not work.
@wilx #include<GL\glut.h>
#include<GL\glut.h> failure to convert CP932 to UTF-8 dev-c++?
cc1plus.exe: error: no iconv implementation, cannot convert
cc1plus.exe: error: no iconv implementation, cannot convert
33 messages moved from Lounge<C++>
Hello, in a solution if I have a startup Project A that uses files from Project B that uses files from Project C, what should be the correct include directories?
like, I have to include what to where
@dtxd well, the compiler needs to be able to find any files you include
so if you have
#include "devices/mouse.hpp"
where mouse.hpp is in /opt/libs/BarLib/include/devices/mouse.hpp
then you need the include directory /opt/libs/BarLib/include
so it depends on what the contents of Project B & C are
the library should document what include files you need
Yes. If I include C to B and B to A, does it work? Or I have to include B and C to the startup project A?
ah, i forgot
if you include B, B will include what it needs
so if you just need stuff from B, as long as the include directories are set up correctly, you don't need to manually include anything from C
I mean the additional include directories in project properties
@dtxd you helping me?
@dtxd you'll have to add include directories for both B and C to As project
@AlexCerry: unfortunately no :)
@Ell: ok, so it leads to more conflicts. Thanks.
@dtxt oh shit :( @Ell Can you help?
@AlexCerry encode your sources in utf-8
and don't use chinese in source files, use hex inside string literals
@Ell i open each single file with notepad++ and change to utf-8 stil not work.
@Ell what is the hex of 你好?
No idea
@AlexCerry e4 bd a0 e5 a5 bd 0a
I think
use echo "mystringhere" | od -t x1
@Ell i am using wchar_t str[128] = L"你好";
@Ell you are amazing thank you very much.
@AlexCerry you fixed it then?
btw, this is platform dependent I think
I assumed utf-8, I think? :P
It's probably a hack so still look for a good solution
@Ell i using windows 10.
@Ell your solution work use hex.
2 hours later…
Hi guys
Is there a difference between
template<int L>
struct NumChunks {
   static const int value = (L + 31) / 32;

template<int L>
const int NumChunks<L>::value;
template<typename _Tp, _Tp __v>
struct my_integral_constant {
   static const _Tp value = __v;

template<int L>
class UIDegree;

template<typename T>
struct MyUIDegree {


struct MyUIDegree<ImgDoubleWord> {
   typedef my_integral_constant<int, 64> UI_Size;

template<int L>
struct MyUIDegree<UI<L>> {
   typedef my_integral_constant<int, L> UI_Size;

template<typename A>
struct NumBits {
   static const int value = MyUIDegree<A>::UI_Size::value;

template<typename A>
static const int typename NumBits<A>::value;
I'm specifically interested in the part
    template<int L>
    const int NumChunks<L>::value;


template<typename A>
static const int typename NumBits<A>::value;
Because I'm trying to compile, but it nags at me the fact that NumBits<A>::value is not defined
Sorry with the "typename" before "NumBits<A>" it says
error: expected unqualified-id before ';' token
but without the typename it complains the I need to put typename before NumBits<A>
@user8469759 coliru.stacked-crooked.com And share the code that doesn't work so that we can clearly see what you are running
I'm heading off to lunch I'll have a look when I get back :)
Anyone having experience in setting up c-c++/gcc/g++/gdb on VSCode on Windows 7?
Anyone having experience in setting up c-c++/gcc/g++/gdb on VSCode on Windows 7?
I need step through capability while debugging
I tried manually compiling with gcc and then running both directly from command prompt and VSCode, it works, but debugging does not seem to work
thru VSCode
anyways can anyone explain how can I use gdb from command prompt? I have a C file which crashes when compiled and executed,...
I tried running same file in eclipse...instead of letting me debug...eclipse too crashes
so want to give manual gdb a try and also thru VSCode
7 messages moved from Lounge<C++>
Say I have
template<typaneme T>
using MyType = SomeOtherType<T>;
is there any way to use the "typedef" for doing the same thing?
@user8469759 effectively using supercedes typedef that way
Neither doing something similar to
template<typename T>
struct MyType {
    typedef SomeOtherType<T> type;
(I've tried that specific syntax it doesn't work)
but maybe something similar would
that's not "the same thing"
what's the difference?
breaks template deduction and needs ::type
What do you mean?
the use of ::type is fine
why it breaks template deduction?
Q: What is a nondeduced context?

ShoeI've been exposed to this question recently and the answers can be summed up to "It's a nondeduced context". Specifically, the first one says it's such a thing and then redirects to the standard for "details", while the second one quotes the standard, which is cryptic to say the least. Can som...

@user8469759 oh and needs typename in templates
template<typename T>
struct MyType {
    typedef typename SomeOtherType<T> type;
no, when MyType<T>::type is used in a template
can you give me an instance?
like in a function call
it's in the linked question
(read the accepted answer)
I'm reading
Sorry, but say I define the type in the way I stated
(using the struct)
And I need to implement a function that returns the type
Is that supposed to be declared still as
template<typename T>
MyType<T>::value my_func(some_arg);
Because I'm not sure I understand the point of the answer
or should it be
template<typename T>
typename MyType<T>::value my_func(some_args);
@user8469759 Something in Whatever<TemplateParameter>::Something is a dependent name (it depends on a template parameter). You must use typename with dependent names which refer to types.
@user8469759 For the love of God or any other deity or human being, can you just write what you are trying to achieve in a minimal example on coliru.stacked-crooked.com
@Rerito "for the love of God", I can't
How so?
because I have some C++ code that has to be pasted to another program that has problem with the C++11 features
and I'm trying to work out what doesn't work there
so I prefer to understand concepts
and modyfing what I'm doing accordingly
When you try to understand these concepts, you have to produce actual code that works
So these mini-code samples can be made on coliru
and you don't have to be worried about, because when I have simple instance of the problem I'll write the code
there's no need to be upset
Yeah but an actual code snippet would be much clearer than:
Sorry, but say I define the type in the way I stated
(using the struct)
And I need to implement a function that returns the type
Is that supposed to be declared still as
Just gather all the things you use in your example and run it on an online compiler, that will be much clearer for us (including you)
how am I suppose to write down code about something I'm not understanding?
It does not have to be correct
You can still share the result even though the code does not compile
This way we have all the information in one place and you can explain what you are intenting to achieve in comments
Much easier to follow the topic
9 hours later…
1 message moved from Lounge<C++>

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