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What does this mean?
unsigned short test = 0x1234;
if (*((unsigned char *)& test) == 0x12)
this part (*((unsigned char *)& test)
why two pointer?
@AlexCerry which part do you not understand? Do you know what &test does?
@nwp unsigned char *
@nwp i know.
why two pointer.
&test gives you the address of test, which is a unsigned short *
@nwp &test address of variable.
(unsigned char *) is a cast that casts that address to type unsigned char *
@nwp what mean?
then that address is dereferenced with * to give you an unsigned char
@nwp did not understand.
@nwp please more deep explain.
isn't there a c++ lounge for this?
@AlexCerry a cast. It means you take an expression of 1 type and pretend it was of a different type.
@nwp but why * after char?
@JayIsTooCommon the lounge is for sharing funny fox pictures, not for asking C++ questions
@AlexCerry because without the * you try to convert the address of test into a char. In this example you are not interested in the address however, you want the value.
@nwp so i just point to address of test correct?
@AlexCerry yes, except with a different type then test is.
@nwp what about first *?
Maybe get this for christmas or something.
@AlexCerry it dereferences the unsigned char * and gives you the unsigned char that it points to
@nwp what mean dereferences?
If i not use first * it will not give me point value?
imagine websites and urls
say you are interested in cat pictures
so I show you catpictures.com
but catpictures.com is boring, there are no cat pictures in "catpictures.com", just boring text
so to make that text useful you have to type it into a browser and then you get to see cat pictures
the text "catpictures.com" is like a pointer, it points to something useful, but it itself is not useful
the picture is the actual thing you care about, which is the value that is pointed at
&test essentially means you right-click on the cat picture and copy the address, giving you catpictures.com/cat1.png
then you for some reason want to see the actual site, so you convert the pointer to catpictures.com/cat1.html
but it is still useless, you have to type it into a browser to get it, and the word for "getting a value from a pointer" is called dereferencing
@AlexCerry did that help or confuse you?
@nwp its help. Thank you.
@nwp so its mean * left point deference right pointer. and assign point address to left variable correct?
@AlexCerry there is no assignment happening, assignment is something like i = 1
but it turns the pointer into the value it is pointing at
which is then compared with 0x12, not assigned
@nwp where you know this syntax of point and dereference?
@nwp which book you refer me i already have.
which page number?
@AlexCerry Basically if the first part is a type then it means pointer, other wise dereferencing.
@AlexCerry I don't know, I don't have that book, but I'm sure there is a whole chapter on pointers and addresses.
somewhere in chapter 3 probably
Is it good idea to get effective c++ instead of accelerated C++? I know quite good C++. yes I don't understand those lambdas and other recent stuff(and I am deciding of reading it on internet). I don't want to read the things again like functions, variables, operators, classes (but my sir said I should to be good at cpp) ?
1 hour later…
@DenisKa if you do make sure you get effective modern c++, effective c++ is outdated and useless
@nwp oh okay ::noted::
take a look at the publication data for sure
1 hour later…
Hello Guys. Is there any crossplatform binary serialization technology, which allow me serealize class on one platform (let's say mac desctop) and then deserialize this object on mobile device (android for example)?
*object, not class.
plenty but most require that you annotate the class so the lib can know what it's serializing
it's easy enough to do your own serialization after that
@silent_coder Haven't used any, but uscilab.github.io/cereal/index.html advertises itself as cross platform, C++11, with support for binary formats
1 hour later…
hey guys quick question!
suppose front and rear are pointers. And x is integer.
then why does
front = rear = x = 0 show error?
i get that they are of different type, but is that all?
why shouldn't it show error
i mean separately, when i do front = rear = 0, it is fine, isnt that an integer? i mean zero?
integer literals are treated separately
and integer variables are treated as integer?
and if i do front = 1?
it allows that 0 can convert to a nullptr because that's what NULL was #defined to in C
that means 0 can be said to be equal to a null pointer? or i mean we can assign a pointer only zero?
i mean zero is not null pointer, i mean pointer can be set to zero which make it null?
it's a special can and you should really prefer using nullptr to assign null to a pointer
how? write nullptr?
when assigning the 0 literal to a pointer the compiler will interpret that as assigning the nullptr
front = nullptr; // like this?
@samjoe yeah
oh is it working let me check!
@samjoe That is because front = rear = x = 0; is not evaluated as front = 0; rear = 0; x = 0; (which would make your syntax valid). It is instead evaluated as x = 0, which returns the value of x, which is then assigned to rear, and then the value of rear is assigned to front. However, you cannot assign an int (x) to an int * (rear), so compilation fails.
hmm nwp it first saw that x is integer rather than its value right? if it only cared to look whats in x, it will not complain!
yeah its working @ratchetfreak! How is it different from front = 0; ?
@samjoe Yes it will, because x is an integer. The literal 0 is different from an int which has the value 0. Blame K&R.
the type of (x=0) is an int&
that will not convert to a pointer
@nwp are the other literals 1, 2 etc same as int?
i mean their type?
@samjoe 0 is an int too, there is just the extra rule that a literal 0 can be assigned to any pointer
@ratchetfreak Sorry i didn't follow that! is nullptr a reference?
@nwp that rule is only for zero right? ratchet told me about something like that!
@samjoe nullptr is a literal of type std::nullptr_t which can be assigned to any pointer
Modern C++ tends to see the 0 to pointer conversion as a mistake. A correction was attempted to use nullptr instead of 0 for pointers, which is not an int. However, because of backwards compatibility you can still assign 0 to pointers.
@ratchetfreak where is this nullptr, it says nullptr was not declared in the scope.
are you compiling as C++ or C
@samjoe It is built into the language since C++11, you might need to pass -std=c++11 or 14 to your compiler.
its c++, and latest g++ compiler i think it compiles in c++05
@nwp yes it works now @ratchetfreak i think this feature is very new.
2011 is not considered very new in C++ land
oh but i think this is good feature isnt it? why should zero be different from other literals.
the features that make it into C++ tend to be good. Exceptions do exist
Hello,Why QIcon Class ,Does Not Have parent in constructor? How QIcon Memory released?
@AlirezaKhalesi it's a store by value class
it doesn't inherit from QObject
so,if i have a have a pointer on my class and create new QIcon on heap, Who Must Delete that QIcon? @ratchet freak
the destructor of your class, but you can instead store it by value in your class to do that automatically
aha,thas bad news, can you tell me why QIcon does not inherited from QObject? @ratchet freak
because it's supposed to be used as a value-type
@AlirezaKhalesi just don't allocate it with new and you will be fine
like QString
aha thanks dud, i am really confused about memory management and raii in Qt,can you introduce good book or article? @ratchet freak
I learned it by reading through the docs and various articles on their site
and most of it is really C++ knowledge with a few caveats
thanks, @ratchet freak
What's a good approach to removing duplicate lines across tons of files (some are rather large) without having a memory error?
know when to use the disk as external storage
@nwp Damn, why didn't I think of that?
also hashing will come in handy
I'm guessing hashing all the lines will use less memory compared to holding them in?
depending on the hash size, yeah, but more importantly it means you can do early detection check to see if it's definitely not a dupe
or split the deduplication process over multiple passes by skipping over lines that don't match the current hash
Wouldn't that read every file hundreds of times?
if stuff gets really big you can distribute the calculation over multiple computers using map-reduce
I don't think it gets as large to split over multiple computers
an 8 bit hash would mean that you only need to dedupe 12.5% of the data at a time
that means a lot less bookkeeping to hold onto
@Link Depends on the hash you use. If you use something like SHA-2, chances of encountering a hash collision become quite small.
no much less it's 1/256 that you can dedupe
@JerryCoffin but depending on the file the sha-2 could be larger than the average line
Can you explain the deduplication process over multiple process please? I can't visualize it exactly
@ratchetfreak That's true--it could be. That's where you get into making a decision balancing its size against the possibility of a collision. In most cases, you'd probably be better of with a somewhat smaller hash (e.g., 64 bits) and put up with a few collisions.
create 2^n processes;
give each process a n bit number;
each process reads all the files and hashes each line;
if n bit hash doesn't match process number ignore
otherwise check uniqueness and output if unique
number of processes doesn't have to be a power of 2 if you use mod instead of an n-bit hash
What do you mean by give each process a n bit number?
@Link a number between 0 and 2^n-1 (inclusive)
Like assign it an ID?
each process will go over a different subset of the data
But um doesn't the n bit hash always ignore?
since a hash will never be identical to the process id?
take n small (<10)
that way there are a lot of collisions but each process still only has a fraction of the total work
@Link use hash % number_of_processes so that each line is being dealt with by exactly one process
So I create say 2^8 processes; n = 8
Each process is given an n bit number
so one would be 00, then 01, 02, etc upto FF I believe
they all hash each line
but I don't get this part
if n bit hash doesn't match process number ignore
otherwise check uniqueness and output if unique
I assume you have an output dir where all the unique lines end up
when you read a line you hash it. Then you check processID == (hash & 0xFF)
if false just go to the next line
@Link I assume the Powershell approach I posted last time (because you're not on Linux) didn't work
if true then you check whether you have seen it before if not output to dir and add to internal data structure
And each process would have it's own unique hash table I'm assuming?
@milleniumbug Yes
"Yes, it didn't" or...
Yes it didn't work
memory errors?
@Link yeah it could use any further means to check uniqueness
Thank you
1 hour later…
What's a good resource for reading about making and managing processes? @ratchetfreak
3 hours later…
@ratchetfreak @milleniumbug thanks.
2 hours later…
is anyone here proficient in libgit2?
i'm fucking pulling my hair out
pulling from a remote branch used to be simple
with fucking libgit2 it's insane
@ChemiCalChems It's a fucking C library, not surprising it's insane, is it?
@Fanael i fucking know, but the qt binding is even worse
what do i do?
writing something better isn't an option
@ChemiCalChems remember, pull == fetch + (merge or rebase)
@sehe i know, but i don't even know if i'm even fetching stuff okay
i'm serious, it's that insane
i've been fetching and merging for 30 minutes
Yawn. We've heard that now.
and no fucking changes to my local repo have been seen by my eyes
11 messages moved from Lounge<C++>
3 messages moved from Lounge<C++>
So, care to state precisely what step fails how?
i don't know, that's the problem
Preferrably make it an Stack Overflow post
if i'm fetching stuff, merging doesn't seem to do anything
@ChemiCalChems Then may I suggest to stop yelling about all the irrelevant bits you don't know.
@ChemiCalChems Can you /see/ the fetched objects/refs?
lemme check
Just use command line git for the inspection of course
@ChemiCalChems (you didn't check before?! mind boggling)
@sehe i supposed it was all working
it's been a hard day
Well. You know how it goes. Problems exist and don't go away on their own.
@sehe granted
i know that the problem is
changes are being merged
the problem is libgit2 doesn't fastforward by default
@sehe I solved the problem by rebasing
sorry for the inconvinience
help is much appreciated
@ChemiCalChems Interesting.
@ChemiCalChems Grab a beer for yourself. You deserve it
@sehe i don't drink, but i'll indulge in some water

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