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Anyone wanna help me with basic problem-solving skills here?
@sehe Do it
2 messages moved from Lounge<C++>
Say your problem.
Don't ask to ask, just ask.
@exitcode If it's giving you so much trouble you should reconsider the VM approach. Install VirtualBox, any Linux distro, and you will be up and running after typing sudo yum or rpm or whatever they're using now in Linux land.
9 hours later…
@exitcode yes
On one competitive programming website there is a number limit upto 10^(10^6) what data type should I use, I read long long is the largest we can so I tried unsigned long long int but I am still getting wrong answer?
so any data type capable of holding that big number?
@DenisKa That's like a million digits. You need some bignum library for that.
@nwp is there no library in c++ standard lib because external libraries are not allowed?
@DenisKa no, you would need to build your own based on vector<unsigned char> or something
depending on which operations must be supported and how efficient they must be that may be difficult
I need to do mod of that big number
you cannot cheat by doing mod in between to prevent the numbers from getting big? mod has some neat transformations you can abuse.
Modular exponentiation is a type of exponentiation performed over a modulus. It is useful in computer science, especially in the field of public-key cryptography. The operation of modular exponentiation calculates the remainder when an integer b (the base) raised to the eth power (the exponent), be, is divided by a positive integer m (the modulus). In symbols, given base b, exponent e, and modulus m, the modular exponentiation c is: c ≡ be (mod m). For example, given b = 5, e = 3 and m = 13, the solution c = 8 is the remainder of dividing 53 = 125 by 13. Given integers b and e, and a positive integer...
@nwp thanks :-)
Ok I'm setup and programming but I'm using sdl which I think is better anyway, thanks everyone for your help and -patience-!
Hi there! Anybody can think of any examples of useful template specializations? I can think of std::vector<bool> and std::swap only. However, the former is blamed for being inconsistent with general vector interface. I tried asking on softwareengineering.stackexchange, but they that it's off-topic/opinion-based, so I come here.
std::vector<bool> is not a useful specialization, it's a bug.
Specializations should only be used for making internals more efficient, but they should retain the interface exactly.
Agree. But I can't think of any other specializations of classes at all.
If you use specializations to change behavior you've got yourself an unmaintainable code base.
5 messages moved from Lounge<C++>
Still agree. Have you ever met good template class specialization in "real world"?
@yeputons type_traits
@yeputons std::hash
Oh, std::hash is nice.
is it bad to make otherwise void functions bools and then return whether they were successful or not? like

bool init() {return success; }
throw an exception
also lol init
what are constructors
im following lazyfoo sdl tutorials, I dont think he uses classes much
@exitcode Consider using SFML instead. It is basically a modern version of SDL.
@nwp they don't have files for VS 2017
and I installed VS 2017 rc instead of 2015
@exitcode it sounds as if you're trying to make an excuse
apparently sdl is better anyway
@milleniumbug do you think the visual studio 2015 version on sfml website will work with 2017
I know if you use mingw, the version has to match perfectly but not sure about vs
I think VS 2017 should have some conversion wizard for older projects
@milleniumbug there are far more games written with sdl than sfml to be honest, apparently there are issues with sfml
visual studio uses it's own compiler?
It does
@exitcode I'm not the one who made the SFML remark
@exitcode probably not, I think
I'll give it a go
although I think they changed a load of things with the compiler
Just use VS2013. It's good enough.
I could probably compile from source or something
codeblocks is best :P
@Brandin probably not
Back to template specializations: I've thought about another artificial example: suppose we have a Promise<T> which stores value returned by a computation. However, we cannot simply store it if T=void(as void fields are not allowed). Therefore, we use specialization to not store anything at all. get() function will return void, which is fine until we want to add some on_complete_callback which takes a result of computation as an argument. Oops.
As for optimization: vector<bool> looked like a good optimization, but turned out to be a set of kludges as well. Trying to invent some good example of class optimization.
@yeputons I went through that actually. Not fun. if constexpr will make that much easier in C++17, without using template specialization.
Chances are that a lot of template specializations will be replaced by if constexpr.
Wow. Haven't heard of if constexpr, thank you
@milleniumbug where does msys install libraries. I installed sfml - how do I link it etc when compiling with g++?
@exitcode It heavily depends on what do you mean by "installed sfml".
by passing -lname_of_the_library (search the /mingw64/lib dir for installed libraries)
@exitcode Assuming that you use Windows (as you've talked about VS before), there is no specific system-wide directory for libraries installation, each build of MinGW uses its own directories. So, you have understand what happened when you "installed" sfml. If they ask you to do make install, it's one thing, if they provide an adequate GUI installer, that's another.
@yeputons but MSYS2 has
@milleniumbug do I need to dump all the dlls in the project directory?
@milleniumbug I think it does not? I believe one may have several installations of MSYS2, each with its own set of directories.
I have two MinGW installations and msys2, all of them use different include paths at the least.
which is irrelevant because whatever pacman installs into, it installs to a specific directory
@exitcode only if you plan to distribute your game
and only specific DLLs
(IOW, no, don't dump the files to your project directory since you can launch your game from the command line)
When I ran it it said sfml-x.dll was missing
oh ok nvm, needed to run from msys
and when you want to distribute your game, you copy your assets, executable and libraries to a single directory, and pack them
Add the DLLs to a directory and then put that in your PATH. Then the Windows dynamic loader will find it. It is the Windows equivalent to LD_LIBRARY_PATH
@milleniumbug Well, SFML has libraries for VS2010, VS2013 and VS2015, so unless you want to recompile you should use one of those versions. VS2013 is most likely to be supported by everything at this point.
Is there a way to 'delete' a free-standing function? E.g. suppose I want to disallow multiplying Foo and Bar at compile time.
// doesn't work:
Foo operator*(const Foo& f, const Bar& b) = delete;
@Brandin don't write "doesn't work". Write "fails to compile with error message X"
yeah, "doesn't work" is pretty much the most unspecific problem statement
Indeed, it works now. I must have misread something.
So I need to remove duplicate lines across hundreds of files and merge them into one large file. What's the best approach to do this? I tried adding the lines to a set and printing them out, but at large amounts it simply crashes. (I think due to memory issues?) Is there a way to do it better?
well if your files are several gigabytes in size then it wouldn't be surprising
They are sometimes
given you've tried to use set this means you don't care about the order in these files
And it's not suprising, just need a way to overcome it
And yes, order doesn't matter
save hashes instead and hope they don't collide?
cat file1 file2 file3 | sort | uniq > your_file
@milleniumbug Not on a linux system
@nwp But I need to read the file later on
I mean you read a line, hash it, check if you already have the hash, if yes you skip, if no you write the line to the output file and store the hash
assuming that the hash size is much smaller than a line on average that could save you some memory
That's variable
Usually they are small lines
also you could use a sorted vector to save some memory
@Link Get-Content file1,file2,file3 | Sort-Object | Get-Unique > your_file
I guess in this case, Boost.Container flat_set is probably best idea
Do all of the files fit in memory?
3 hours later…
So I been doing a couple questions from my data structures book and one question that I'm not particularly sure of goes like this.

"Let H1 and H2 be two (binary) max-heaps with n1 and n2 elements respectively. If every element in H1 is larger than every element in H2, design an algorithm that merges these two heaps into one (binary) max-heap in O(n2) time (assume that both H1 and H2 are large enough to hold n1 + n2 elements)."

Normally I would say use a binomial heap for efficient merging of two heaps but the question says that it wants to merge two binary max heaps into one binary max he
@LuisAverhoff It is that simple.
2 messages moved from Lounge<C++>
Well I don't know if doing it that way would violate the max heap property because maybe there is some edge case that I'm not thinking of.
So i'm reading multiple files and scanning them for keywords from a keyword file. If they occur I move them to a filtered file
However when they don't match they should go in a unfiltered textfile
Right now for some reason it keeps putting all the possible words in the unfiltered file
and multiple times too, which I suspect is for each keyword once
not sure how I can "unfilter" stuff efficiently
@Link Give a minimal example which shows the problem.
@Link Maybe you want to go to the next string in teststring whenever you find a "filtered" case? Maybe like this
for (auto teststring : test) {
  for (auto key : keywords) {
    /* ... */
    if (boost:find_first(data,key)) {
      /* ... */
      goto next_string;
  /* ... */
Or use a flag and say whether the current data should be "filtered" or not. And then make sure you only output once to the appropriate location (filtered or unfiltered).
Does this avoid the double outputs in the unfiltered as well?
Right now your output size depends on how many keywords you have, which may not be what you want.
Well it should take one of each unfilitered case
and once for filtered
right now when it "filters" one word
it's unfilitering the rest and they end up in unfiltered
Another problem right now is the order matters. For example if your keywords are {"link", "zelda"} you may get a different result than for {"zelda","link"}. Is that what you want?
How would I make it order insenstive
Because it's just gonna read words from a file in order
@Brandin I'm tempted to flag that as abusive. Don't use goto where a break would suffice.
@nwp Probably break is ok here. But in the face of nested loops goto sometimes clarifies the intention.
Actually I wanted to say 'continue' but that it was not possible because of nested loops, goto is the alternative.
usually the better option is to refactor inner loops into separate functions
Refactoring just to avoid goto is nonsense. If your intention is goto, use a fucking goto.
it's not just to avoid goto
It sure sounds like it.
Anyway, it's not my job to refactor this.
it also gives names to things so you don't need to actually read the code if you want to know what it does
I've seen people in situations like this assign lots of convoluted stuff just to tap-dance around a goto. If the goto is there, spell it out plz.
sure, it's just I've yet to encounter a situation where 1.) goto clarified the intent and 2.) it wasn't refactorable to make the intent more clear by giving names to things
Hmm I'll give it a try
goto provides a name. That's why it's sometimes better than 'continue' or 'break', which are really just unnamed goto's.
inserting a break doesn't seem to work
@Link You might want to look up std::partition. It's specifically designed to partition data into two groups based on criteria you specify.
[Note that I rearranged the inputs a little to give partition a little more work to do.]
Oh, and in your case, you want to know if any of the keywords matches with the input data, so std::any_of is a natural fit for that part of the job.
Am I the only one that thinks that is.clear(ios_base::failbit) is a terribly unreadable bit of C++ code. Why couldn't it have been designed as is.set_fail() or something a little bit more intuitive?
<iostream> in general doesn't really make things intuitive
just look at the function names
imbue, getloc, xalloc, gcount
Maybe that's why people still use cstdio. And some implementations are slow. On one Linux system I was on I had to rewrite a file reading routine to use cstdio, and the cstdio version was about 10 times faster (needed for the amount of data I was reading). Maybe it's faster now in the latest glibc.
Made a trivial test with std::cin >> intVariable; and scanf("%d", &intVariable); yesterday
reading 10000000 ints
did you std::ios_base::sync_with_stdio(false);?
Fedora 24, gcc 6.3.1: std::cin 4s, std::cin with sync_with_stdio(false) 1.4s, std::cin with sync_with_stdio(false) and tie(nullptr): 1.3s, scanf 1.5s
My use case was for older GCC versions, say 4.4.
That's what was installed on the system; If I had had my say, I would have upgraded, but alas.
OTOH on MSVC std::cin is always slower, with or without sync_with_stdio
@milleniumbug That does't match my experience.
A: Accessing individual characters in a file inefficient? (C++)

Jerry CoffinA great deal here depends on exactly how critical performance really is for you/your application. That, in turn tends to depend upon how large of files you're dealing with -- if you're dealing with something like tens or hundreds of kilobytes, you should generally just write the simplest code tha...

ignore                          Count: 0        Time: 2.359
using getc                      Count: 0        Time: 2.337
using fread                     Count: 0        Time: 0.225
ignore                          Count: 0        Time: 1.101
using streambuf iterators       Count: 0        Time: 1.071
using stream iterators          Count: 0        Time: 6.283
@JerryCoffin MSVC2015 Update 3, Release mode x64
my input file was 73887936 bytes
@milleniumbug So your experience matches mine: istreambuf_iterators are ~twice as fast as getc. fread is faster than them, but really comparable to istream::read (which is about the same speed).
yeah, that's unformatted I/O
my test above was with operator>> vs scanf, maybe this changes things
I'll make a proper benchmark someday
@milleniumbug An istream_iterator uses operator>> (and as shown above, yes, that it quite slow).
I'm trying to just compile the starting code of an assignment and getting "clang: error: -Z-reserved-lib-stdc++: 'linker' input unused". Could anyone explain what's happening?
@milleniumbug gcc also has some dirty tricks (so to speak). For output, it recognizes printf("%s\n", ...); as being equivalent to puts, and actually replaces it, so your code calls put instead of calling printf at all. I haven't checked with scanf, but it wouldn't surprise me if it did roughly the same for things like scanf("%c", ...); and such as well.
Odd side effect of this is that printf("%s\n", foo); is substantially faster than printf(fmt, foo); even though fmt is a string (but not a literal) that contains exactly the same "%s\n".
@MattGoodrich clang is trying to tell you it doesn't understand the argument -Z-reserved-lib-stdc++ and wonders why you gave it that argument
@MattGoodrich googling reveals people had similar issues with Xcode or Core Plot. are you using any of those
That makes sense, thanks! I have Xcode installed, but I don't think the project uses either of those.. In the Makefile the argument is listed as "LIBS += -lstdc++" if that means anything
Another oddity (at least the last time I checked) since it does't match the behavior of puts, calling printf("%s", foo); is substantially slower than printf("%s\n", foo);
@JerryCoffin I'm familiar with printf("%s\n, s) -> puts(s); replacement, but nothing related to scanf("%d", &i), so it's probably there
@JerryCoffin also: used in this code golf answer
My professor is trying to make it cross-platform and all, so maybe it's just not required on mac? I removed the line completely and everything compiled without any errors. Could -lstdc++ be required on certain OSs? I'm really unfamiliar with c++
@milleniumbug Ah, I don't think I'd seen that.
Pretty cute though.
Hi Guys. Could you give me a direction to investigate. I have a multithreading mobile app, which use native C++ lib. And this lib used for analyzing data. So I'm looking for a way to sharing AlgExecutor object between threads (since this object is quite heavy and takes quite a long time to initiate), what will be right way for doing this?
if AlgExecutor is not thread safe, there is no right way for doing this
AlgExecutor only crunching data, at the time of execution internal state of AlgExecutor not changing.

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