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Can someone provide some feedback on this question: Range-based for loop, which one is faster??
I would assume that the prior expression costs less due to reference to const but apparently I am wrong. Why there is no difference in the speed of the above two examples?
because compilers are clever about stuff
const ref of a POD where there is guarantee that there isn't aliasing is the same as a copy of the POD
I see.
Is there a difference when writing the const auto & a: and the OP's case where it says auto const& a?
Since the const is on the left of the reference in either case.
Eeer, scratch that last question, my bad. Found it.
@ratchetfreak Thanks.
@RawN You can think of it like this: The code you write expresses what you want done and what counts as correct behavior, but it is terribly inefficient, so the compiler throws away your program and rewrites it in assembler, according to the specification you gave it.
Sometimes compilers screw up, but generally they understand that "copy" means "I don't intend to change the original", so the compiler uses the original and possibly overwrites it, but in a way you don't observe.
Whatever makes it fast in assembly.
@nwp I see. The doubts I had arise from the things I read about passing the function parameters.
Another one, since variable length arrays are not legal in C++, does declaring a const int n as a limit and then using it inint a[n] make a difference or is it still the same no-no?
@RawN if it is a compile time constant it will work fine, otherwise the compiler will tell you (assuming you didn't enable extensions that change the rules)
(or forgot to disable them)
I see.
Hi, how would I get the DC of only a specific part of the screen? Or better yet how would I look for a single pixel change?
@edsheeran GetDC(0) gives you the desktop HDC and then SetPixel might work, but you never know when someone overwrites it.
Alternatively it might make sense to make a toplevel window of 1 pixel size.
Haven't messed with WinAPI for a while.
Yeah that's what I did but getting the entire screen is too slow for me so I'm looking for something faster
1 hour later…
Hi friends, had a question regarding memory alignment for C++. If I have an array of 16bit integers (uint16_t) and wanted to sum them, is it best to just iterate over them as usual? Or to cast the pointer to a 32-bit (int) pointer and do shifting and so forth to work with two 16bits per memory retrieval? Assuming 32-bit (4byte) memory alignment.
@user17753 the second option would be a violation of strict aliasing, and that's undefined behaviour
which pretty much disqualifies it, even if it was faster
@milleniumbug ...and it probably won't be faster anyway.
depending on the optimizations that happen the compiler can interleave the adds where it keeps multiple accumulators and does acc1+=arr[i];acc2+=arr[i+1];acc3+=arr[i+2];acc4+=arr[i+3]; in the loop (and increments i by 4)
If you really care about speed for this, you'd probably want to go down the SIMD rabbit hole: stackoverflow.com/questions/10930595/…
though a reduce of integer additions is the posterchild of to vectorizable code
So by reintpret_casting the 16bit pointer to a 32bit pointer in the code it can mess up the optimizer?
that is invalid code, which (in theory) allows the compiler to instead create a call to format your harddrive
the code which does a completely different thing than what you intended and also behaving differently on different optimization levels is a common symptom of UB, since the compiler works on the assumption UB never happens
in particular, the "as-if rule" doesn't apply to you anymore, because of "behavior for which this International Standard imposes no requirements"
Ok so chunking alignment optimizations cannot be done in a valid way?
Or the optimizer would do that for me?
unaligned access isn't that big of an issue
actually it is
C++ assumes aligned access
especially when it's unt16_ts that are aligned to 2 bytes
(which I'm assuming is true)
that said, "sum all numbers in an array" seems to be the simplest function ever to autovectorize
no aliasing, no side effects
it's a reduce of integer additions (aka with commutativity and associativity)
so a partial unroll with interleaving which then lets it get autovectorized
yes, these aren't even floats
frankly just let the optimizer take care of it until profiling shows it's a problem
@user17753 20 years ago the optimizer could handle that for you. Now (at least on Intel hardware) they barely bother--the hardware already handles it (and has for years).
2 hours later…
Hello. Anyone here with Qt?
@aconcernedcitizen That is not your real question. Ask the real question instead.
I can't post actual code because it's gotten very large by now, and too involved, but I have several connect() for several widgets (combo boxes, spin boxes) and I tried to make it so when I make a change, the GUI updates.
I have a plot, and one combo has 3 slots: updates the GUI (refreshes other combos names list according to selection), toggles widgets (enables/disables needed/unneeded spin boxes), and plots.
So it's 3 slots. But it keeps crashing and it looks as if it plots before updating the widgets, which shouldn't be, since the order is as I said above.
Now, goven that some widgets are enabled/disabled, is it possible that, when some of them "come alive" they emit a signal?
@aconcernedcitizen Try to figure out where exactly it crashes with the debugger.
I crashes at the plot, for example:
Combo1 updates combo2 and spinbox1. Spinbox1=0, initially, and when combo1 changes index, spinbox1=5 (a default, non-zero value).
When it crashes, it shows spinbox1=0, even after the change, as if it skips updating the widgets before ploitting.
The 1st step is to update combo2 list, then updates the widgets (enable/disable, values, etc), and only then plot.
Will that tell me if a widget is updated or not before the actual last command of the slot?
Or, can I use that to force waiting until everything is ok and only then pot?
In my experience the signals don't always arrive in the order they were emitted, depending on the connection type.
That's a bad news... but I'm checkign QEvent now, to see where it leads. Thank you.
You can try passing Qt::DirectConnection to connect in order to call the slot immediately.
Doesn't work if you pass messages between threads though.
you can also log which signal is emitted and which slots are called to check if this is even an issue, maybe the problem is some unrelated dangling pointer.
Still, do you know if, somehow, after a spinbox (for example) is activated, it emits a signal or not?
How can I log those?
there is no signal for "became active", the above event filter appears to be the only way to catch that
@aconcernedcitizen some manual qDebug() << "emitting signal to spinbox 1";
Ah, ok, I'll see where it leads then. Thank you.
You can get all the events if you install the event filter on the QCoreApplication or QApplication object, instead of a QGraphicsView as shown here. — nos Oct 1 '15 at 8:54
There are some 20+ connect(), is it possible to have the flag Qt::QueuedConnection set globally, instead of passing it for each and every one?
seems like you can log everything by doing that, not sure how useful the output would be though
Did you want to show a link?
I did, that comment above has a link at the end
Oh, the date :)
are you using threads? apparently the default is already Qt::QueuedConnection for single threaded, so manually setting that wouldn't do anything.
I have not set anything, but maybe it counts for a dual core CPU?
I just manually set all the connect() and it doesn't crash anymore
It looks awful, though, but... it works.
weird, that is not what the documentation said
What can I say, I am baffled by any new discovery :-)
I just started with Qt
It seems that the widgets do emit a signal when they are re-enabled, after being disabled. As in, after setEnabled(true) (or setDisabled(false)), their respective connect() is executed. Is there a possibility to stop this?
Or to disable/enable a spinbox/combobox without a signal being emitted?
Or am I getting this wrong? Does the main event loop get executed (re-run) after a connect(), or a change in one of the combo/spin boxes?
Not sure. You can manually run it with QCoreApplication::processEvents.
Blocking messages is usually a really bad idea.
Currently, there are 34 connect(), and there may be more, but they may be reduced by a bit if I use a slot with ~2~3 functions inside. I might use some hacks to make the plotting run once and use some bool to check if it has been run, and not do a thing for the rest, but the connect() will still be run.
I suppose that's for tomorrow. Thank you for all the help.

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