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Hey @milleniumbug any ideas why its not output the results ?
@fsfh60 Useful, but in this case it still doesn't really show the way toward a good solution.
1 hour later…
Might I ask something?

"Input and output, whether to or from physical devices such as terminals and tape drives, or whether to or from files supported on structured storage devices, are mapped into logical data streams"

What does it means by logical data?
Where does the stream and buffer located in the memory?
Does it has a different location or a buffer is located inside the stream?
@Unknown123 The parsing here isn't: "(logical data) streams", it's: "logical (data streams)". That is, you have a stream of data at a logical (not necessarily physical) level.
At least as C++ defines things, a stream owns a buffer. The buffer, however, doesn't necessarily actually buffer up any data--it may just be a connection from the logical stream to some source to read from (or sink to write to).
Most streams, however, use buffers that actually do buffering. In this case, the storage for buffering the data is owned by the buffer class (but typically allocated from the free store using new, not allocated inside of the buffer object per se).
Just for a counter-example, however, you might want to consider a stringstream. This can use a string as the storage for both input and output, and might easily just read from/write directly to the string (in which case the buffer class is mostly just keeping track of a current read location and write location in the string).
Thank you very much for your response, I'm actually quoting it from C11 Latest Working Draft N1570 on page 298

So a stream can be understand like a logical thing which can imagine in our head
And it is not allocated anywhere in the memory such as RAM?

I'm really sorry but I forgot to say that I'm asking in C and not in C++, How about C language? is it different from C++? In C, does a stream owns a buffer? or a stream is a synonym of buffer?
3 hours later…
@Unknown123 The point isn't so much that it isn't allocated anywhere, as that you don't have to care all that much about where it's allocated. It might be in RAM or on disk, or reading data generated by some machine on the other side of the planet, or even in space. There's simply some source of data, and you can read from it (or write to it).
As far as differences between C and C++: C doesn't expose buffering as directly to the user, so you don't have nearly as much ability to manipulate buffers, fit your own buffering code into the existing framework, and so on as you do in C++. By default, they do buffering pretty similarly though.
1 hour later…
Wait a minute, "That is, you have a stream of data at a logical (not necessarily physical) level."
Do you mean a stream can be physical and logical?
What does exactly logical data mean? Does it exist in any storage or just an imagination?

So it is implementation-defined right where does the stream and buffer is allocated? We don't know whether it is on the stack or heap?
Does a stream is a synonym of a buffer?
stream include buffer?
buffer include stream?
buffer and stream is differently allocated based on implementation-defined?
no, no, no, no
a stream is a stream, and a buffer is a buffer
there's no "logical data"
@milleniumbug alright so a stream doesn't exist in any storage, it's just a concept of data flow which we want to process, am i right? and a buffer is initially allocated based on implementation-defined whether it is on the heap on in the stack?
@Unknown123 Wrt the first one, yes, hence "logical" stream.
The access to the buffer isn't provided, so the as-if rule follows
You can provide your own array as a buffer with setvbuf although it seems to be implementation-defined whether your request is satisfied
@Unknown123 Pedant note: I'm not sure if the terms "stack" and "heap" are used in the standard
They most likely aren't because the standard isn't concerned with the actual locations, but rather the properties (like "this variable dies at the end of the scope")
In fact, if I can store a variable in a register, I don't need to store it on the stack
IOW stack and heap are, too, implementation details, and the standard doesn't care
Aha Thank youuu, now i understand the concept of streammmmm niceee,

Haha you are right, there is no such stack and heap in the standard, altough I think the heap is implicitly indicated by "The lifetime of an allocated object extends from the allocation until the deallocation. " on the "7.22.3 Memory management functions" section in page 347 hahaha

Umm, the C11 N1570 standard is somewhat funny i think

On the "7.21.3 Files" section in page 301
"As initially opened, the standard error stream is not fully buffered; the standard input and standard output streams are fully buffered if and on
@Unknown123 it's also worth to mention that some stuff is reeeeaally underspecified, but "everyone" knows what do they mean
an implementation not only needs to be concerned with standard compliance, but also with user expectations
you can make a perfectly compliant implementation, but totally useless to the end user because it does something in a completely silly and unexpected way
and, while the standard doesn't dictate how stuff should be implemented, it should be concerned with the actual implementations, and it's often written with having actual implementations in mind
(not to mention, compiler writers are usually members of the committee too)
and here, the "are fully buffered if and only if the stream can be determined not to refer to an interactive device" statement "obviously" refers to the console applications which can potentially have their output piped to a different one, or redirected to the file
(i.e. POSIX shell concepts)
but, the standard doesn't define what does "piping" mean, nor "output redirection", because, that would mean defining things outside the standard scope, and again, dictating how a thing should be implemented
1 hour later…
"if and only if the stream can be determined not to refer to an interactive device"

Thank you for your response, sorry for the late reply, am I the only one person who does not understand the meaning of an interactive device based on that context?

Would you like to give me some example of interactive device and the one which is not interactive?

Does that mean that if i compile a C code into a CLI based program, then stdin and stdout are not initially fully buffered?

FILE * fp = fopen("example.dat", wb);
6 hours later…
Very quick question: Does std::deque invalidate iterators and/or references on push and pop?
99% sure it doesn't (well, except to the first/last element on popping), I'll check it
cppreference says it does invalidate iterators but not pointers
I'll check the standard
sbi deque modifiers
> An insert in the middle of the deque invalidates all the iterators and references to elements of the deque. An insert at either end of the deque invalidates all the iterators to the deque, but has no effect on the validity of references to elements of the deque.
That leaves open whether references are invalidated for pop_front().
IIUC, the standard is referring to sequences in general for push and pop. Which makes me wonder, because I suppose they are defined as invalidating references there.
"Iterators and references to the erased element are invalidated."
Oh well.
kinda odd
for the doubly linked list the refs can be maintained when pushing or poping at either end
perhaps it's to allow a chunked linked list
Yep, std:list is what I planned on using if std::deque wouldn't suffice.
@Unknown123 In many implementations, you run a program in a console, and the user is typing in input with a keyboard, and reads the on-screen instructions, i.e. he interacts with it. Hence you could say the standard output and input are "interactive devices" here
The spirit here is to allow for programs like:
printf("%s\n", "Tell me your name");
scanf("%99s ", name);
printf("%s\n", "Tell me your age");
scanf("%d", &age);
without having to make the programmer insert fflush(stdout); instructions before every read
(with fully buffered stdout, the program is waiting for the user input, but the user never actually sees the prompt because it's not written out)
1 message moved to Trash can
Now, in commonly used operating systems, like Windows and Unix derivatives, you can actually make the program actually read the input from another source, for example, from a file. Not only that, you can make it so the output is written to the file.
now, if you redirect it to the file, the user never interacts with it. and it can be made non-interactive
So it can be concluded that initially stdin and stdout is unbuffered on console program, am I right?

Alright, that is I was thinking of, if stdout is fully buffered, i will not see anything on the screen before i'm printing more than 512 character (if the BUFSIZ is 512), but the fact that's i'm seeing it just directly hahahaha

Okay I understand thank you

But what abut stdin?
As an example, there is many topic in the SO and in the fact that scanf leaves trailing newline in the stdin buffer right? Does that mean stdin is fully buffered while stdout is not?
2 messages moved to bin
@Unknown123 no
it's people mixing fgets with scanf
it's unrelated
@Unknown123 as you know, streams can be unbuffered, line buffered and fully buffered. Having the last option disqualified, two others remain
@Unknown123 /admin hat on: please don't write novels in a single message. That makes it really hard to respond to individual points
@sehe I'm sorry, it is my habit, I always think carefully before say anything and saying at once...
What do you mean?

scanf("%d", &test); getchar();

without getchar(); gets will not wait for input right?
@milleniumbug Do you mean that stdin is line buffered while stdout is unbuffered?
@Unknown123 you type in 42, followed by pressing enter key. %d consumes 42, stops after the blank character, gets reads the newline
it doesn't "not wait for input"
@fsfh60 stdinput is empty. ideone.com/HZuMs1
also: forget about gets, it doesn't exist in C11 (mainly because it's a horrible, horrible function)
@Unknown123 You can still post in separate items, right? That's what I do.
I'm quite routined in copy/pasting head/tail of my message until my buffer is depleted
@Unknown123 In the case of something like stdin there will typically be two completely separate buffers involved. The OS typically has a line editor of some sort, so it reads in characters until you press the return key. The library then reads data from there, and even if it's doing un-buffered reading, it's still reading from the OS buffer until it's empty.
With this given, the library will usually do line buffering, but it doesn't make much difference in behavior whether it's unbuffered or line buffered--it's just a matter of whether the characters remaining in the buffer are read from the OS buffer, or transferred in a block to the library's buffer, and read from there.
@sehe Thank you, as long as there is no such automatic spam detector, chat delay or something like that, I'm definitely fine with it.
In C11 N1570 Latest Working Draft standard on page 322 at " The fscanf function" description section said, "15 Trailing white space (including new-line characters) is left unread unless matched by a directive. The success of literal matches and suppressed assignments is not directly determinable other than via the %n directive."
If it is left unread, where does it stored than? how gets can reads the newline?
@sehe I also try it in C and the result is that it doesn't leave newline ideone.com/PMLt84
Wait what?
The standard defines that on page 296
file stream has "a pointer to its associated buffer (if any)"

"stderr stdin stdout which are expressions of type ‘‘pointer to FILE’’ that point to the FILE objects associated, respectively, with the standard error, input, and output streams."

It can be concluded that it is platform implementation defined whether stdin and stdout are unbuffered or line-buffered on interactive device.

But i can't understand how can separate buffer involved? Why just use one instead?
@Unknown123 Oh. Good point. Sometimes we do get throttling messages, but using stackapps.com/questions/2105/… it's a simple "ctrl-space" to retry. Never a problem
@Unknown123 because there's nothing that forbids using more than one buffer
@Unknown123 Wait. I'm pretty sure that's a mis-reply
@Unknown123 It's left unread as in it's not read at all
(also: ungetc)
@sehe Indeed. lol.
@sehe Even much better, thanks...
@milleniumbug Okay, so if it is unread where does it is temporarily stored instead of stdin buffer? Is it can be concluded again that it is platform implementation defined of where does the \n go when we read an integer? I'm confused...
@Unknown123 Let me be your scanf("%d", &number): I read one character. It's '4'. Good. Next one: '2'. Good. Next one: '\n'. Whoops, we got too far. I ungetc
(it doesn't have to be ungetc - but still, such functionality exists so scanf could potentially use it or its equivalent)
@Unknown123 There's a separate buffer because most OSes provide one. When you read from an interactive input, you call an OS function to read from that stream. By default, most OSes provide some sort of line editor, so you can do at least some minimal editing (e.g., backspace), and only return data to the program when you press the return key.
For example, try running this code:
#include <stdio.h>

int main() {
	char ch;

	// Turn off buffering in the library:
	setvbuf(stdin, NULL, _IONBF, 0);

	puts("calling `getchar()` *once*\n");
	ch = getchar();
	puts("getchar() returned\n\nHere's what's in the buffer:");

	while (ch != '\n') {
		ch = getchar();
At least in a typical case, when getchar is called the first time, you'll be allowed to enter some (more or less) arbitrary amount of data. The call to getchar won't return until you press the enter key. Then you'll be able to read all that data without it stopping and waiting for you to enter any more--all this despite the fact that we've explicitly turned off all buffering of stdin from the C library's perspective.
Now, as to why the library would bother doing buffering at all: simply for speed. Calling the OS will (or at least may) involve a switch from user mode to kernel mode. That imposes a lot of overhead for reading a single character. To avoid that, you typically want to do line-buffering, so you make one call to transfer the whole buffer of data from the OS to a buffer maintained by the library. Then you can read individual characters with minimal overhead (no switches to kernel mode involved).
Most OSes will also support an un-buffered read, but the C standard doesn't provide any access to it. Microsoft's compilers have included a getch() function that did it. UNIX-like systems mostly also provide a getch() as part of curses. If you want to, you can also (usually) turn off buffering so getchar and such do un-buffered reading as well.

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