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Hello @milleniumbug Hope all is well with you !
Hey @milleniumbug would you be able to look at my code and tell me whats wrong with my save function please ? ideone.com/buUWu1
a.) where are you declaring void save(ofstream fout, vector<Person>& v); b.) you can't pass by value a file stream because it's non-copyable - you must use pass by reference
a) I am declaring it into the switch statement K b) I changed it to this : void save(ofstream& fout, vector<Person>&p) Is this correct ?
> I am declaring it into the switch statement
no you aren't
Sorry, ofstream fout; int main()
ok, my bad: where are you defining void save(ofstream fout, vector<Person>& v);
the very top.
Just below using namespace std;
no you aren't
Sorry, the very bottom.
void save(ofstream fout, vector<Person>& v); is a declaration
@fsfh60 which isn't a definition for void save(ofstream fout, vector<Person>& v);
void save(ofstream fout, vector<Person>&p)
//ofstream fout;
fout.open("addressbook.txt", ios::app);
if (!fout.fail()) {
cout << "Saving Records to the disc ";
int length = v.size();
for (int x = 0; x < length; x++) {
fout << p[x].firstName << " ";
fout << p[x].lastName << " ";
fout << p[x].birthday << " ";
fout << p[x].phone << " ";
fout << p[x].email << " ";
if (x<(length-1)
fout << endl;
<< endl
<< length << " records writen to the disc." << endl;
use the "fixed font" option next time
it's pain to read this
I am very sorry, i'll do that next time.
anyway, you need to pass the file stream by reference
void save(ofstream& fout, vector<Person>&p) right ?
by the way how do you use the fixed font ?
(fixed font help image - for future reference)
Okay I see it. Thank you.
@fsfh60 also: if you aren't modifying the vector's contents, it's good practice to use a const reference, like this: const vector<Person>& p
it allows you to pass vectors declared with consts, and also the temporary ones - like the ones returned from a function call
I see. btw it worked like a charm thank you.
furthermore prevents you from using operations that modify the vector, which prevents you from making accidental mistakes in a function that isn't supposed to modify anything
I got you.
@milleniumbug could you please tell me why phone number is always null I am doing something wrong but  Iam not sure what it is :

string str;
        stringstream ss(str);
        string firstName;
        cout << "Please enter your first name: (quit to stop)";
        getline(cin, firstName);
        if (firstName == "quit") {
        string surname;
        cout << "Please enter your last name: ";
        getline(cin, surname);
        string birthday;
        cout << "Please Enter your Date of Birth YYMMDD: ";
use a debugger
and follow each line, and try examining what content is stored in each variable
Every line works untill aPerson.phone;
let me see If I can use something different. maybe cin vs getline
2 hours later…
How to copy one Mat to another Mat using cudaMalloc?
cudaMalloc allocates memory
Also if by Mat you mean cv::Mat from OpenCV, there's this
IOW copy constructor or clone()
@milleniumbug I try this:
Mat gpuResult;

	cudaMalloc((void**)&gpuResult.clone(), sizeof(bgr[0]));
still not work.
bgr[0] is another Mat.
@Mike have you tried to dig in the opensource apps which use opencv./ to learn more about to use this cool thing?
@ProblemSlover I try to find the book or documentation about using cuda and opencv together but i cannot find.
@Mike May be it's because you have little experience at C++ programming?
@ProblemSlover Don't understand.
@Mike stop slapping shit together. cudaMalloc allocates memory. It does not copy memory. Period.
This code has no chance in hell of working
Not to mention: OpenCV already seems to have an API to transfer matrices from/to GPU
4 hours later…
Hi, question about boost-python. Do you know if it's possible de dynamic_cast a wrapped derived class created in python to its base? Dynamic_cast give me null!
1 message moved from Lounge<C++>
My Fault, i Wasnt Clear Enough. Sorry.
My Class pyderived under Python inherit from MywrappedBase And Foo Classes. In Cpp, I have the object as a pointer to base.
And I want to Dynamic_cast it to foo .
It works for object created in cpp but not in python
Hi guys, i am c# developer looking at c++ and i am interested what is good structure of project in c++, on a default it has header, and source files, like interface and implementations, in C# you can have one assembly with next folder structure
1. Application (implementation of services which use domain objects to change state and then infrastructure side to persist objects)
2. Domain (implementation of domain objects like Employee, Person with rich behavior and declaration of repository interfaces for those objects)
how do you organize structure of project for large projects or are you mostly writing small assemblies for each domain like HR, Sales, Purchasing or even smaller like OrderProcessing / Payment etc
@QuietNaN your division of responsibilities seems fairly language-agnostic so you may apply it there
it rather depends on your project than on the language
if it makes sense for your project, then by all means you can apply it here too
mainly in c# projects are using 3 layer architecture separating business logic from domain and from data access logic
it's also done in Java so this is a moot point
3 layer arch is not language specific
now, the language specific parts are header/source division, but this concerns actual source files
and if you're doing 3 layer arch this isn't really a concern
since this is at least two levels of abstraction higher than putting code in individual files
if we gonna look from a language specific view
how c++ developer are organizing structure of their project
so it can be understood among all level of developer
starting from juniors to experts
yes i can understand that lets say all patterns can be applied in all languages
but structure of a project i think is different in any language
and again i think yes i can have same structure in c++ project as i have in c# projects
but if expert c++ will look at my c++ project where i have applied knowledge based on c# experience
will not he look at it strange?
will he say "you are working in c++ like in c# only syntax is different"? :))
No answer to my boost python question?
@karim_g You may have a higher chance of someone answering if you post an SSCCE
@QuietNaN This is pretty much me guessing, but most of the enterprise apps have a similar structure, and this is done on purpose, precisely so the developers can get in the project quickly
You can wait for someone who has more experience than me though
since I may be wrong
@milleniumbug or so that the developers get get off the project quickly :P
Can you help me with this error line ?
Bild.cpp: In member function ‘virtual void Medium::druckeDaten()’:
Bild.cpp:20:126: error: cannot call member function ‘std::string Bild::get_ort()’ without object
std::cout << "ID = " << get_id() << " " << get_titel() << " aufgenommen im Jahr " << get_jahr() << " in " << Bild::get_ort() << std::endl;
@Traxstar you're calling your get_ort() function statically, when it expects to have an object to be called on (this)
1 message moved from Lounge<C++>
so how do i call it ?
I got a class Medium that got a virtual function that i need to implement in Bild. The get:ort function is specfic to my bild and not from Medium.
3 messages moved from Lounge<C++>
@Traxstar questions go to this room
@milleniumbug okay sorry i dont know that, can you may help then ?
not working...
"not working" is not a problem statement
if it's a compiler error, what is the error message
get_ort is an inline function if that matters...
Bild.cpp:20:116: error: expected primary-expression before ‘.’ token
you have to have an instance of an object to call a non-static member function on it, you know
yeah but i am not allowed to change the given paramaters... function needs to look like this:

void Medium::druckeDaten(){
So i dont got an given object at the moment
do you declare a Bild anywhere in your program
but there must be a way like using this in java or not ? that i can reference to the current class...
yeah this is in class Bild
well, no, you've just said it's in Medium
this is the class... http://pastebin.com/YmMUfDYY
It inherit from medium
no there's no class declaration there. there are function definitions
post Bild.h too
Medium.h too
@Traxstar you define a printing function for class Medium
obviously Medium doesn't have get_ort()
@milleniumbug yeah but how does this works then ? sorry im new to c... that was how i did in java but i cant figure out how to do here
@Traxstar you wouldn't expect class A { void print() { System.out.println(x); } } class B extends A { int x; } to work, would you
yeah you are right. the obvious difference of these classes are that i extend my medium in picture wit one new variable called ort. and how do i acces that now if i want to redefine my abstract funciton
you define an overriding function in the derived class
yeah i did that, or not ?
no you didn't
so how to then ?
void Medium::druckeDaten() {
         ^--------- base class
so void Bild::druckeDaten() { ??
that's the definition
and i need to put that function in header file as well then ?
@Traxstar now you need a matching declaration in Bild, yes
but is that how that abstract functions work in c++ ? doesnt make much sense for me :D
why do i need to define it in Medium then ?
you don't*
you just happened to do so by accident
yeah but what i want to do is that i got a that druckeDaten() function in every class that inherits from medium
with the declaration of an abstract (actually, "pure virtual", which is how C++ calls it) function now the compiler knows the class is abstract and has an overridable function
okay, so my medium is correct in anyway ?
the declaration is correct, yes
(* - with pure virtual destructors you have to provide a definition, but that's slightly beyond your skill level so don't worry about it for now)
one more question. how do i acces in Bild my Medium get_id() then ?
it's a base class member function
just get_id() ?
why is it telling me that then ? Medium.h:13:17: warning: inline function ‘int* Medium::get_id()’ used but never defined [enabled by default]
inline int* get_id(); //return id
because you've used inline
ahhhh okay
thanks dude :) that was very helpful for me
ähm... it says no there is an undefined reference to the functions that are inheritated by medium ?
Audio.cpp:(.text+0xba): Nicht definierter Verweis auf `Medium::get_titel()'
Audio.cpp:(.text+0xc9): Nicht definierter Verweis auf `Medium::get_id()'
Bild.o: In Funktion `Bild::druckeDaten()':
Bild.cpp:(.text+0xea): Nicht definierter Verweis auf `Medium::get_titel()'
Bild.cpp:(.text+0xf9): Nicht definierter Verweis auf `Medium::get_id()'
We don't speak german...
you need to remove the inline from definitions too
never forget changing the matching definition/declaration after modifying the declaration/definition
yeah but why i cant use that as inline functions ?
because inline implies "I'm not using traditional one definition-possibly multiple declarations model"
hm.. my professor told me to always write getters as inline
rule one of teachers: they're bad at code.
inline is fairly irrelevant nowadays if the goal is optimization
its working now but i dont understand why...
inline doesn't do what you think it does, probably
you need to read about what inline does
inline put the codes at the postion where the function got called right ?
so what ? my prof is just talking shit then
it used to be a hint for the compiler, you used inline to ask "please inline it", but compilers have foregone it for a long time now.
your teacher probably hasn't kept up with the past 10/20years of programming ;)
fuck my life. so using inline is just bad practice nowadays ?
it's not bad practice. It's used for a different reason: to change how the declaration rules are applied.
hm okay, maybe i understand that later...
C++ usually follows the "ODR" – One Definition Rule. That means a function can be declared (prototype) multiple times, but only defined (code body) once.
class C {}; /* this works */ class C {}; /* second time, this fails: more than one definition */
However, inline allows you to have more than one definition. That's why it's still useful today.
But your teacher's knowledge is outdated.
ah okay, but that absoloutly make no sense for getters then ^^
okay, thank you :)
If you want to learn more: wikipedia page about ODR
can i ask one more question ?
never ask to ask
i removed all the inlines from the getters and this is the last error i am getting:
Medium.o: In Funktion `Medium::get_id()':
Medium.cpp:(.text+0x7e): Nicht definierter Verweis auf `Medium::id'
collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status
could you translate that to english?
the only thing I know in german is Ich bin eine Kartoffel, which doesn't really help for C++.
you are right :D
Its like
Medium.cpp:(.text+0x7e):Undefined Reference to `Medium::id'
not sure if it is the exact translation
Medium::id is a static class data member
...do you define it anywhere
you need it defined in some .cpp file that you're compiling
ohhh. yeah you are right :D thats a dump error... so if i want to increase the id with every new object i create from it i put id = 0 in header and where should i increase it then ?
you could do that in the constructor. it has access to static members
in medium constructor ? or in the inherit once ?
depends when you want to increase it. every new medium object, or every new child object?
every new medium object. im not sure but my teacher told me that there is no way to make objects from abstract classes ? and a classes is then abstract when there is at least one abstract function
that's correct (minus some irrelevant C++ weirdness)
so, if i create a child object the constructor of the parent got called, too right ?
...this is also true in java
soooo i would make sense to increase it in parent
@milleniumbug see how helpful I am :P.
@Traxstar yup.
so why the fuck does my console tell me this:
Medium.h:5:21: error: ISO C++ forbids in-class initialization of non-const static member ‘Medium::id’
static int id = 0;

you're not allowed to put it in the .h ;)
5 mins ago, by Ven
you need it defined in some .cpp file that you're compiling
i want back to java or php :D
well, you want a more modern version of C++.
@Traxstar yes, the initialization happens at the point of definition
not sure if i want that :D
what is the right way to init this war then ?
6 mins ago, by Ven
you need it defined in some .cpp file that you're compiling
int Medium::id = 0;
...which is a very good thing because changes to the header file imply recompiling all the code that depends on them
yeah but it should increase every thime so if i put id = 0 in construct it always got resetet
I didn't say you should put that line on constructor.
no, don't put it in the constructor
I said you'd put it in the .cpp file.
no one said that
like so?
int Medium::id = 0;

pretty much
wow. i am nowable to compile without errors ;D
gz ;)
@milleniumbug is it a case where you'd use a factory to remove that global? :D
if a new Object Bild got createt. the constructor of Medium got called automaticlly ?
so what to put in construct of Bild to set id ?
The simplest way is probably Medium::Medium() : _myId(Medium::id++) {}
an in construct of medium then id = id++ ?
with class Medium { int _myId; static int id; };
what ? can u explain that for dummies ? ;D
the constructor for Medium will increment the counter and get a copy for its own id
which it then assigns to a field
i dont get that c shit :D
@Ven why am i not allowed to set a private var in audio with a setter i createt in medium ?
@Traxstar it's C++ not C
@Traxstar because that's what private does
Hi, is it possible in boost python, to have a polymorphic object created in python? In order to dynamic cast the point to one of its parent. ( multiple inheritance). Thanks
4 hours later…
@milleniumbug Hello, hope all is well. could you please tell me whats wrong with my code ?
int find(vector<Person>& v, string t )
int length = v.size();
for(int i=0; i < length; i++)
cout << "Enter a string to find:" << endl;
getline(cin, t);
if(v[i] == t)
cout << "The index is ";
return i;
return -1;
Yes sir?
[Error] no match for 'operator==' (operand types are 'Person' and 'std::string {aka std::basic_string<char>}')
woops sorry hit enter by mistake. You have a vector of Persons, but you're trying to compare the Person at index i with std::string t. That comparison won't work
@fsfh60 Is there some sort of toString or getName function for Person? Something that returns a similar string that you're looking for?
aPerson.lastName returns it.
@fsfh60 So you'd probably want if (v[i].lastName == t)
Works like a charm thank you good sir.
@fsfh60 No prob :)
Now all i have to do is add a remove function and i'll be done with my assignement :D
@fsfh60 do you understand why it works? It is not very useful otherwise
I do 100%
So, what stopped you from diagnosing the problem before?
The compiler said it, by telling you you can't compare a string to a Person
If I were a prof I'd fail that code even though you made it to compile.
At the very least separate the the output from the algorithm part. Do you know what a function is?
Wasn't sure I had to do that LOL
I do.
Make a function getIndexBySurname or so
Then print the result. No doubt there is a requirement on what index to return if there is no direct match
And with that, good luck, good night :)
Thank, you too.
Yes I answered after quickly looking it over. Another problem: you will prompt for the user to enter a string every iteration of your for loop. I don't think this is what you want - rather, you should prompt for the user input outside of the find function completely, then pass the input string in as a parameter.
Make sense?
Similar to what sehe was alluding to

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